
Hello everyone, today I ’d like to tell you sth about Hollywood movie.There are three main aspects to this topic.

History.In this part,I will tell you sth about Hollywood and the development of hollywood movie.Now,Let’s start .

Hollywood ,in its original meaning is a geogarphical name, which located in the northwest of Downtown LA(Los Angeles),As the center of the United States ’film industy,Hollywood attracted all the young men and women to try their luck there. The famous Hollywood sign on the hills above the city is more than just nine white letters spelling out a city ’s name,it has become the enduring symbol of the movie industry and of Los Angeles itself – the 50ft-high (15m) white letters can be seen from miles away. As one of the world's most evocative(唤起)symbols – a universal metaphor(隐喻)for ambition, success, glamour and money …for this dazzling(耀眼的)place, we call HOLLYWOOD the Dream place.

Sleepless Hollywood

The historic heart of the movie industry is centered on Hollywood Boulevard(林荫大道) where millions of visitors flock to see landmark attractions .

Universal studios

Walk of Fame

Hollywood walk of fame is at boulevard and vie street.which was created in 1958 .Nearly 2300 superstars hava left hand imprint ,signature(签名)on it and the number is imcreasing with one ot two per month.Here every star expresses respect for artists who hava made great contribution to movies,radio,television,drama and recording industry.

Mann ’s Chinese Theater

Chinese Theatre was established in May, 1927.,which located in hollywood boulevard ,attracting travellers all over the world to see the footprint of the stars.

Here is the premiere (电影首映式)venue for many legendary films. Since 1980, a saying has been circulated among the movie people. It’s a pity that you don’t go to Chinese Theatre when you arrive in Los Angeles. It seems that you go to China but do not visit the Great Wall. Chinese Theatre has become the beginning of the awareness of the Hollywood movies.

Kodak Theater

Kodak Theatre is the venue of the presentation ceremony of Academy Award. It can accommodate 3400 spectators and has one of the largest stages in America. On February 26, 2012, Kodak Theatre was renamed Hollywood and Highland Center. Sunset Boulevard Sunset blvd is a commercial street,it is located in the west hollywood.you can see fishionable clothing stores,restaurants and cafes everywhere.

And in the evening,here’s another scene.various nightclub,discos attracted hordes of young people.

Hollywood Bowl

The brith of movie

When world first films were screened on December 28, 1895 in Paris, the Lumiere

brothers became the "father of the movie”.Their representative works are 工厂大门 and 火车到站。

The development of Hollywood movie

Hollywood movie has experienced four periods.The silent film era (1910—1927),is a slow process of development.

The second period is classical Hollywood cinema(1927—1967). In this period ,Hollywood movie experienced a rapid development stage and Hollywood’s fame and fortune reached its highest point in the 1930s to 1940s, when the best black and white movies were produced in abundance and became very popular. But,from the 1950s and 1960s, Hollywood movie has experienced a decline for commercial film and the impact of television on films.

The third period is New Hollywood(1967—1980).In that time, Hollywood movies gradually recovery, completed changed from old system and old ideas to a new Hollywood film system.

After 1980, Enters a period of contemporary Hollywood.

Ok,it ’s the turn to my partner Qiyu,welcome,thank you.

Hello everyone, today I ’d like to tell you sth about Hollywood movie.There are three main aspects to this topic.

History.In this part,I will tell you sth about Hollywood and the development of hollywood movie.Now,Let’s start .

Hollywood ,in its original meaning is a geogarphical name, which located in the northwest of Downtown LA(Los Angeles),As the center of the United States ’film industy,Hollywood attracted all the young men and women to try their luck there. The famous Hollywood sign on the hills above the city is more than just nine white letters spelling out a city ’s name,it has become the enduring symbol of the movie industry and of Los Angeles itself – the 50ft-high (15m) white letters can be seen from miles away. As one of the world's most evocative(唤起)symbols – a universal metaphor(隐喻)for ambition, success, glamour and money …for this dazzling(耀眼的)place, we call HOLLYWOOD the Dream place.

Sleepless Hollywood

The historic heart of the movie industry is centered on Hollywood Boulevard(林荫大道) where millions of visitors flock to see landmark attractions .

Universal studios

Walk of Fame

Hollywood walk of fame is at boulevard and vie street.which was created in 1958 .Nearly 2300 superstars hava left hand imprint ,signature(签名)on it and the number is imcreasing with one ot two per month.Here every star expresses respect for artists who hava made great contribution to movies,radio,television,drama and recording industry.

Mann ’s Chinese Theater

Chinese Theatre was established in May, 1927.,which located in hollywood boulevard ,attracting travellers all over the world to see the footprint of the stars.

Here is the premiere (电影首映式)venue for many legendary films. Since 1980, a saying has been circulated among the movie people. It’s a pity that you don’t go to Chinese Theatre when you arrive in Los Angeles. It seems that you go to China but do not visit the Great Wall. Chinese Theatre has become the beginning of the awareness of the Hollywood movies.

Kodak Theater

Kodak Theatre is the venue of the presentation ceremony of Academy Award. It can accommodate 3400 spectators and has one of the largest stages in America. On February 26, 2012, Kodak Theatre was renamed Hollywood and Highland Center. Sunset Boulevard Sunset blvd is a commercial street,it is located in the west hollywood.you can see fishionable clothing stores,restaurants and cafes everywhere.

And in the evening,here’s another scene.various nightclub,discos attracted hordes of young people.

Hollywood Bowl

The brith of movie

When world first films were screened on December 28, 1895 in Paris, the Lumiere

brothers became the "father of the movie”.Their representative works are 工厂大门 and 火车到站。

The development of Hollywood movie

Hollywood movie has experienced four periods.The silent film era (1910—1927),is a slow process of development.

The second period is classical Hollywood cinema(1927—1967). In this period ,Hollywood movie experienced a rapid development stage and Hollywood’s fame and fortune reached its highest point in the 1930s to 1940s, when the best black and white movies were produced in abundance and became very popular. But,from the 1950s and 1960s, Hollywood movie has experienced a decline for commercial film and the impact of television on films.

The third period is New Hollywood(1967—1980).In that time, Hollywood movies gradually recovery, completed changed from old system and old ideas to a new Hollywood film system.

After 1980, Enters a period of contemporary Hollywood.

Ok,it ’s the turn to my partner Qiyu,welcome,thank you.


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