女士们先生们,非常荣幸地向大家介绍太极拳。 太极拳是从中国的赤手搏击演变而来的古老武术之一,武术扎根中国哲学思想,倾注精神层面发展,是提升自我与专注意识的方式,在中国乃至全世界人民纷纷练习,它动作舒缓优美,可强健筋骨,使身姿灵活,对健康大有裨益。太极拳的起源众说纷纭,有人说是由宋朝的张三丰所创,有人说是由梁朝的韩拱月和程灵洗所创,但是都得不到历史载考证。太极拳即可治病健身,可御敌还击,它注重形神合而为一,强调专心致志的能力,不致分心或受扰。太极拳对老人的好处已成为西方医学关注的焦点,可以提高平衡能力,加强自我意识,降低老人摔倒的可能性。研究表明,参加太极的大多数是年逾古稀,走路从容不迫,步速快,对摔倒的恐惧性降低,有更强的自信,有更强的意识做自己想要做的事。
Ladies and gentlemen:
It’s my pleasure to introduce to you an ancient martial art evolves from Chinese unarmed combat: Shadow-boxing. Shadow-boxing takes root in Chinese philosophy and focus on the development of spiritual aspect. Therefore, it’s a way of improving self-concept and concentration. All over the world, people are doing shadow-boxing since its movements are slow and graceful to strengthen physique and develop the flexibility of the body.
With regard to the origin t Shadow-boxing, the opinions are widely divided. Some say that it was created by Zhang Sanfeng in Song dynasty while others think that it was created by the Hang gongyue and Cheng lingxi in Liang dynasty. However, these speculations were not proved by any historical investigation. Shadow-boxing can cure disease and improve health. Besides, it’s a good way of self-defense and attacking enemies. It emphasizes on the unity of body and mind as well as the ability of balance and self-consciousness.
Studies have shown that the people who do Shadow-boxing are mostly elderly over
70. After practicing Shadow-boxing, they can walk with deliberate and faster steps. Moreover, their risk and fear of falling was reduced. Besides, they appear to be more confident and have stronger will to do what they want to do.
女士们先生们,非常荣幸地向大家介绍太极拳。 太极拳是从中国的赤手搏击演变而来的古老武术之一,武术扎根中国哲学思想,倾注精神层面发展,是提升自我与专注意识的方式,在中国乃至全世界人民纷纷练习,它动作舒缓优美,可强健筋骨,使身姿灵活,对健康大有裨益。太极拳的起源众说纷纭,有人说是由宋朝的张三丰所创,有人说是由梁朝的韩拱月和程灵洗所创,但是都得不到历史载考证。太极拳即可治病健身,可御敌还击,它注重形神合而为一,强调专心致志的能力,不致分心或受扰。太极拳对老人的好处已成为西方医学关注的焦点,可以提高平衡能力,加强自我意识,降低老人摔倒的可能性。研究表明,参加太极的大多数是年逾古稀,走路从容不迫,步速快,对摔倒的恐惧性降低,有更强的自信,有更强的意识做自己想要做的事。
Ladies and gentlemen:
It’s my pleasure to introduce to you an ancient martial art evolves from Chinese unarmed combat: Shadow-boxing. Shadow-boxing takes root in Chinese philosophy and focus on the development of spiritual aspect. Therefore, it’s a way of improving self-concept and concentration. All over the world, people are doing shadow-boxing since its movements are slow and graceful to strengthen physique and develop the flexibility of the body.
With regard to the origin t Shadow-boxing, the opinions are widely divided. Some say that it was created by Zhang Sanfeng in Song dynasty while others think that it was created by the Hang gongyue and Cheng lingxi in Liang dynasty. However, these speculations were not proved by any historical investigation. Shadow-boxing can cure disease and improve health. Besides, it’s a good way of self-defense and attacking enemies. It emphasizes on the unity of body and mind as well as the ability of balance and self-consciousness.
Studies have shown that the people who do Shadow-boxing are mostly elderly over
70. After practicing Shadow-boxing, they can walk with deliberate and faster steps. Moreover, their risk and fear of falling was reduced. Besides, they appear to be more confident and have stronger will to do what they want to do.