

He wrote the letter.

The letter was written byhim.

(被动语态) 划分句子成分

They are building a housenow.

A house is being built (bythem) now.





I saw him takento the hospital.(此句不是被动语态句子,但含有被动关系)






eg: His bikehas been stolen.


eg: I was toldyou were late this morning.


eg: The finaldecision has been made.


一般现在时被动: I am (not) told…

一般过去时被动: I was (not)told…

一般将来时被动: I will(not) betold…

现在进行时被动: I am(not) beingtold...

过去进行时被动: I was(not) beingtold…

现在完成时被动: I have (not)beentold…

过去完成时被动: I had(not)been told…

一般现在时被动: am/is/are+done

一般过去时被动: was/were+ done

一般将来时被动: shall/will+ bedone


过去进行时被动:     was/were+being done

现在完成时被动: have/has+beentold

过去完成时被动: had +been done

l   情态动词+ be+done

They treat him well.

He is treated well (bythem.)

People make history.

History is made by thepeople.

They are building a new railwaynow.

A new railway being builtnow.

They were building a new railwayat this time last year.

A new railway was being built atthis time last year.

Tom gave Mary a penyesterday.

Mary was given a penyesterday.

My teacher asked me to do thejob.

I was asked to do the job (by myteacher).

The film made me cry.

He left the door open lastnight.

The door was left open lastnight.

I will not allow you to doso.

You will not be allowed to doso

The fact leaves Tomworried.


1. 被动语态与不同时态的结合


eg: The teacher was listenedto carefully.

The Premieris highly thought of by the people.

※We should make good use of ourtime.

Our time should be made good useof.

Good use should be made /of ourtime.

3. 复合宾语结构的主动变被动

make/see/hear …sb do

Sb is/was made/seen/heard todo.


The book sellswell.

This kind ofcloth washes very well.

The door openseasily.

※S +be +adj +to do

to do “S”

The problem is difficult to dealwith.

The music is nice to listento.

The book is worthreading.

The tree needswatering.

You are to blame.

5. 有些句子尽管也满足“be+及物动词过去分词(done)”,但被动动作的意味淡了,而状态的意味强了,此时的过去分词更像一个adj作表语,来描述主语的状态。

eg: The glass was broken by Tomyesterday.

That is why the glass is broken now.

The girl isdressed in red today.

Mike was seatedin the corner last night.

I am determinedto change myself.

I am faced withmany problems.

I am surprisedat the news.


1. You can seethe house ___ for years.

A. isn’tpaint   B. hasn’tpaint

C. hasn’tbeen painted

D. hadn’tbeen painted

2. ---Why does Mike look sounhappy?

--- He has___ by his classmate.

A.laughed      B. laughed at

C. beenlaughed   D. been laughedat

3. I ___ ten minutes to decidewhether I

should rejectthe offer.

A. gave    B.was given

C. to give   D.hadgiven

4. The police found that the house___

and lots ofthings ___ .

A. has brokeninto; has been stolen

B. had brokeninto; had been stolen

C. has beenbroken into; stolen

D. had beenbroken into; stolen

5. I need one more stamp before mycollection ____.

A. hadcompleted   B.completes

C. has beencompleted

D. iscompleted  E. will be completed

6. Paul doesn’t have to be made___. He

always workshard.

A.learn    B. to learn

C.learned   D. learning

7. --- ___ that the sports meetmight be put off.

--- Yes, it alldepends on the weather.

A. I’ve beentold   B. I’ve told

C. I’mtold       D. I told

8.  As we joinedthe big crowd I got ___

from myfriends.

A.separated   B. missed

C.lost      D. missing

9. He was surprised that his wife___ near their house.

A. hadrobbed   B. had beenrobbed

C. had robbedof

D. had been robbed of

10. The water will be furtherpolluted

unless somemeasures ____.

A. will betaken   B. are taken

C. weretaken    D. hadbeen taken

11.   Good caremust ____ babies particularly while they are ill.

A.take     B. take of

C. betaken   D. be taken of

12. By the end of last year,another new

gymnasium____ in Beijing.

A. would becompleted

B. was beingcompleted

C. has beencompleted

D. had beencompleted


1. The flowers were so lovely thatthey ______ in notime.   (2007  海南卷)

A.sold            B.had been sold

C. weresold      D. wouldsell

2. Professor James will give us alecture on the Western culture, but when and where _____yet.

(2007 浙江卷)

A. hasn’t beendecided

B. haven’t beendecided

C. isn’t beingdecided

D. aren’t decided

3. It is said that the earlyEuropean playing-cards ______ for entertainment and education.(2006辽宁卷)

A. were being designed

B. weredesigned

C. have been designed

D. have designed

4. Although thecauses of cancer ______, we do not yet have any practical way toprevent it.

(2006 山东卷)

A. are beinguncovered

B. have beenuncovering

C. areuncovering

D. have uncovered

5. Millions ofpounds’ worth of damage ______ by a storm which swept across thenorth of England lastnight.      (2005  重庆卷)

A. has beencaused

B. had beencaused

C. will becaused

D. will have beencaused

6. Months agowe sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which ______ thePacific, and we met nostorms.       (2005  辽宁卷)

A. wascalled         B. iscalled

C. had beencalled

D. has been called

7. The momentthe 28th Olympic Games ______ open, the whole worldcheered.  (2006  福建卷)

A.declared    B. have been declared

C. havedeclared   D. weredeclared

8. —Why did you leave thatposition?

—I ______ a better position atIBM.

(2005 北京卷)

A.offer          B.offered

C. amoffered      D. was offered

9. —George andLucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?

—No, I ______. Did they have a bigwedding?(2004  湖北卷)

A. was not invited

B. have not beeninvited

C. hadn’t beeninvited

D. didn’t invite

10. The hero’s story ______differently in the news-papers. (2005  全国Ⅰ)

A. wasreported    B.was reporting

C.reports           D. reported

11. I hear that the meeting ______till tomorrow.

A. was putoff      B. will putoff

C. has been putoff     D. is put off

12. —I saw David in thesupermarket this morning.

—Really? He _____ around here fora long time.

A. won’t beseen    B. wasn’tseen

C. hasn’t beenseen

D. hadn’t been seen

13. ----It is said that BeijingOlympic tickets can _____ online from April, 2007.

---Yes, and I am sure the110-meter hurdles tickets will _____ well.

A. be booked; be sold  B. book; besold

C. be booked;sell       D. book;sell

14. It is reported that the oldcoins _____ under the earth for about 500 years by the time theywere discovered.

A. had buried       B. had been buried

C.buried          D. were buried

15. People say that the repair ofthe old temple _____ by 2008.

A. hascompleted

B. has beencompleted

C. will have beencompleted

D. iscompleted


1-5 CABAA    6-10 BDDCA  11-15 CDCBC


He wrote the letter.

The letter was written byhim.

(被动语态) 划分句子成分

They are building a housenow.

A house is being built (bythem) now.





I saw him takento the hospital.(此句不是被动语态句子,但含有被动关系)






eg: His bikehas been stolen.


eg: I was toldyou were late this morning.


eg: The finaldecision has been made.


一般现在时被动: I am (not) told…

一般过去时被动: I was (not)told…

一般将来时被动: I will(not) betold…

现在进行时被动: I am(not) beingtold...

过去进行时被动: I was(not) beingtold…

现在完成时被动: I have (not)beentold…

过去完成时被动: I had(not)been told…

一般现在时被动: am/is/are+done

一般过去时被动: was/were+ done

一般将来时被动: shall/will+ bedone


过去进行时被动:     was/were+being done

现在完成时被动: have/has+beentold

过去完成时被动: had +been done

l   情态动词+ be+done

They treat him well.

He is treated well (bythem.)

People make history.

History is made by thepeople.

They are building a new railwaynow.

A new railway being builtnow.

They were building a new railwayat this time last year.

A new railway was being built atthis time last year.

Tom gave Mary a penyesterday.

Mary was given a penyesterday.

My teacher asked me to do thejob.

I was asked to do the job (by myteacher).

The film made me cry.

He left the door open lastnight.

The door was left open lastnight.

I will not allow you to doso.

You will not be allowed to doso

The fact leaves Tomworried.


1. 被动语态与不同时态的结合


eg: The teacher was listenedto carefully.

The Premieris highly thought of by the people.

※We should make good use of ourtime.

Our time should be made good useof.

Good use should be made /of ourtime.

3. 复合宾语结构的主动变被动

make/see/hear …sb do

Sb is/was made/seen/heard todo.


The book sellswell.

This kind ofcloth washes very well.

The door openseasily.

※S +be +adj +to do

to do “S”

The problem is difficult to dealwith.

The music is nice to listento.

The book is worthreading.

The tree needswatering.

You are to blame.

5. 有些句子尽管也满足“be+及物动词过去分词(done)”,但被动动作的意味淡了,而状态的意味强了,此时的过去分词更像一个adj作表语,来描述主语的状态。

eg: The glass was broken by Tomyesterday.

That is why the glass is broken now.

The girl isdressed in red today.

Mike was seatedin the corner last night.

I am determinedto change myself.

I am faced withmany problems.

I am surprisedat the news.


1. You can seethe house ___ for years.

A. isn’tpaint   B. hasn’tpaint

C. hasn’tbeen painted

D. hadn’tbeen painted

2. ---Why does Mike look sounhappy?

--- He has___ by his classmate.

A.laughed      B. laughed at

C. beenlaughed   D. been laughedat

3. I ___ ten minutes to decidewhether I

should rejectthe offer.

A. gave    B.was given

C. to give   D.hadgiven

4. The police found that the house___

and lots ofthings ___ .

A. has brokeninto; has been stolen

B. had brokeninto; had been stolen

C. has beenbroken into; stolen

D. had beenbroken into; stolen

5. I need one more stamp before mycollection ____.

A. hadcompleted   B.completes

C. has beencompleted

D. iscompleted  E. will be completed

6. Paul doesn’t have to be made___. He

always workshard.

A.learn    B. to learn

C.learned   D. learning

7. --- ___ that the sports meetmight be put off.

--- Yes, it alldepends on the weather.

A. I’ve beentold   B. I’ve told

C. I’mtold       D. I told

8.  As we joinedthe big crowd I got ___

from myfriends.

A.separated   B. missed

C.lost      D. missing

9. He was surprised that his wife___ near their house.

A. hadrobbed   B. had beenrobbed

C. had robbedof

D. had been robbed of

10. The water will be furtherpolluted

unless somemeasures ____.

A. will betaken   B. are taken

C. weretaken    D. hadbeen taken

11.   Good caremust ____ babies particularly while they are ill.

A.take     B. take of

C. betaken   D. be taken of

12. By the end of last year,another new

gymnasium____ in Beijing.

A. would becompleted

B. was beingcompleted

C. has beencompleted

D. had beencompleted


1. The flowers were so lovely thatthey ______ in notime.   (2007  海南卷)

A.sold            B.had been sold

C. weresold      D. wouldsell

2. Professor James will give us alecture on the Western culture, but when and where _____yet.

(2007 浙江卷)

A. hasn’t beendecided

B. haven’t beendecided

C. isn’t beingdecided

D. aren’t decided

3. It is said that the earlyEuropean playing-cards ______ for entertainment and education.(2006辽宁卷)

A. were being designed

B. weredesigned

C. have been designed

D. have designed

4. Although thecauses of cancer ______, we do not yet have any practical way toprevent it.

(2006 山东卷)

A. are beinguncovered

B. have beenuncovering

C. areuncovering

D. have uncovered

5. Millions ofpounds’ worth of damage ______ by a storm which swept across thenorth of England lastnight.      (2005  重庆卷)

A. has beencaused

B. had beencaused

C. will becaused

D. will have beencaused

6. Months agowe sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which ______ thePacific, and we met nostorms.       (2005  辽宁卷)

A. wascalled         B. iscalled

C. had beencalled

D. has been called

7. The momentthe 28th Olympic Games ______ open, the whole worldcheered.  (2006  福建卷)

A.declared    B. have been declared

C. havedeclared   D. weredeclared

8. —Why did you leave thatposition?

—I ______ a better position atIBM.

(2005 北京卷)

A.offer          B.offered

C. amoffered      D. was offered

9. —George andLucy got married last week. Did you go to their wedding?

—No, I ______. Did they have a bigwedding?(2004  湖北卷)

A. was not invited

B. have not beeninvited

C. hadn’t beeninvited

D. didn’t invite

10. The hero’s story ______differently in the news-papers. (2005  全国Ⅰ)

A. wasreported    B.was reporting

C.reports           D. reported

11. I hear that the meeting ______till tomorrow.

A. was putoff      B. will putoff

C. has been putoff     D. is put off

12. —I saw David in thesupermarket this morning.

—Really? He _____ around here fora long time.

A. won’t beseen    B. wasn’tseen

C. hasn’t beenseen

D. hadn’t been seen

13. ----It is said that BeijingOlympic tickets can _____ online from April, 2007.

---Yes, and I am sure the110-meter hurdles tickets will _____ well.

A. be booked; be sold  B. book; besold

C. be booked;sell       D. book;sell

14. It is reported that the oldcoins _____ under the earth for about 500 years by the time theywere discovered.

A. had buried       B. had been buried

C.buried          D. were buried

15. People say that the repair ofthe old temple _____ by 2008.

A. hascompleted

B. has beencompleted

C. will have beencompleted

D. iscompleted


1-5 CABAA    6-10 BDDCA  11-15 CDCBC


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