

同学们在初一已经学过“一般现在时”(the Simple Present Tense )和“现在进行时”(the Present Continuous Tense )两种时态,你们掌握得怎么样?下面的两则口诀将帮你们巩固它们。

口诀一: 一般现在时

一般现在时态中,动词一般用原形。 表述事实讲真理,习惯动作常发生。 动词词尾加-s(es), 只表单数三人称。 若变一般疑问句,得看句型是哪种。 系表结构和there be, be 放句首可完成; 若遇实义动词句,do 或does 莫忘用! 口诀二:现在进行时 Look, Listen 是标志,现在进行正发生; 有时now 在句现,“be+v -ing”时态成。 若问be 用何形式,须看主语数、人称。 He / She is, I am. We, you, they后are 紧跟。 v-ing 形式更好记,三种构成要分清。 一般问句be 提前,be 后加not 否定成!




e.g. I bought a new shirt yesterday. He was a worker two years ago.


e.g. When I was a child,I often played with fire.

Li Lei always walked to school last term.

3)谈到已故人的情况时多用过去时。e.g. Lu Xun was a great writer.

4)有些发生时间不是很清楚的情况,实际是过去发生的,也应用过去时态。e.g. What did you say?

另外,还可用过去时表示委婉的语气。e.g. Could you lend me your pen?

其结构是“主语+动词的过去式”。be 动词的过去式为 was, were;行为动词的过去式有规则变化和不规则变化两种,规则变化有以下几种情况:

1)直接在动词原形末尾加-ed. e.g. work--worked; ask--asked;

2)以 e 结尾的动词只加-d. e.g. arrive--arrived; like--liked.

3) 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed. e.g. shop--shopped;

4) 以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的动词,先把 y 变成 i ,再加-ed. e.g. carry--carried; study--studied. 有些动词变过去式是不规则的,e.g. fly--flew; break--broke; teach--taught.



1) 含有 be 动词的依然在 be 上做文章。

e.g. I was born in 1980. I was not born in 1980. Were you born in 1980?

2) 含有行为动词的变否定句要在行为动词前加助动词 didn't ,同时把动词变成原形;变一般疑问句, 在句首加助动词 did ,同时把动词变成原形。

e.g. I bought a gift for my mum yesterday.

I didn't buy a gift for my mum yesterday.

Did you buy a gift for your mum yesterday?

其时间状语为 yesterday 或由其构成的短语,e.g. yesterday morning;

由“last + 时间”构成的短语,e.g. last year;

由“时间段 + ago”构成的短语, e.g. three days ago;

另外, 还有 on the morning of Monday, just now 等,以及一些表示过去时态的从句。注意,在宾语从句中主句为过去,一般从句也为过去。



例: 1. They stoped (stop) talking just now.

2. They plaied (play) football yesterday.

答案: 1. stopped 2. played

解析: 我们可以记住下面的口诀:“动词变成过去式, 双写规律要牢记;y 前若是辅音字,y 变 i 加 -ed; y 前若是元音字,只须直接加 -ed. ”


例: I fly (fly) kites on the afternoon of Sunday.

答案: flew

解析: 我们可以记住下面的口诀:“一般过去时态里,过去形式莫忘记”。


例: 1. We didn't went (not go) out last Friday.

2. Did you had (have) a good time yesterday?

答案: 1. didn't go 2. Did have

解析: 请记住口诀“见助动, 用原形。”


例: He taughts (teach) me English last year.

答案: taught

解析: 行为动词的过去式无人称和数的变化。即使主语是单三人称,也和其它人称所用动词的形式一样。


例: 我看过这部电影

I saw(see) the film.

答案: I have seen (see) the film.

解析:“我看过这部电影”说明我了解这部电影的内容,强调现在的情况,应用现在完成时; 一般过去时态的句子只是说明我看了这场电影,与现在无关。




1. She lived there before he _____ to China.

A. came B. comes C. come D. coming

2. I _____ but _____ nothing.

A. was listened;was hearing B. listened;heard

C. have listened; heard D. listened; heard of

3. When did you _____ here?

A. got to B. reached C. arrive in D. reach

4. I _____ my homework at 7:00 yesterday evening.

A. finished B. would finish C. was finishing D. finish

5. --He didn't go shopping with you yesterday afternoon, did he?


A. No, he doesn't B. Yes, he didn't C. No, he did D. Yes, he did.

6. --I have had supper.

--When _____ you _____ it?

A. have; had B. do, have C. did,have D. will have

答案: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. C


1. They _____(be) on the farm a moment ago.

2. There _____(be)a shop not long ago.

3. Jenny _____(not go)to bed until 11:00 o'clock last night.

4. Danny _____(read )English five minutes ago.

5. I _____(see)Li Lei _____(go) out just now.

6. He _____(do)his homework every day. But he _____(not do)it yesterday.

7. When I was young, I _____(play)games with my friends.

8. When _____ you _____(write)this book?

I _____ it last year.

9. Did he _____(have) lunch at home?

10. I _____(eat) the bread, I'm full now.

答案:1. were 2. was 3. didn't go 4. read 5. saw go

6. does; didn't do 7. played 8. did write ; wrote 9. have 10. have eaten


英语句子万万千,五大句型把线牵。 句型种类为动词,后接什么是关键; 系词后面接表语;vi 独身无牵连; vt 又可分三类,单宾双宾最常见, 还有宾语补足语;各种搭配记心间。


1. 主语+系动词+表语 2. 主语+不及物动词 3. 主语+及物动词+宾语

4. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 5. 主语+及物动词+宾语1+宾语2


一代(用疑问词代替划线部分), 二移(把疑问词移至句首) 三倒(颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外) 四抄(照抄其它部分)


一从主 he said to tom,“i can help them.” he said to tom that he could help them.

二从宾 he said to her,“you can help them.” he told her that she could help them.

三不变 he said to tom,“they can help them.” he told tom that they could help them.


一改 (主句谓语动词) 二变 (呼语为间接宾语) 三加 (to ) 四去 (please ).

不带to 的不定式作宾补

不定式,不带to, 九个动词要记住, 一听(hear )二看(see,watch )三感觉(feel,notice,observe ),make,let 和have ; 作宾补,是秃头;当主补时要带to.

before 和ago 巧记

before 带在点之前,ago 总在段之后。 before 时态不确定,过去时中用ago 。


“是,情,助”,移向前, 主语其后把身安, 一般,现在,与过去, do,does,did 添在前,再改谓语为原形。 最后要把问号点。

be made of 和be made from 巧记 物质不变用of, 物质变化from, 如果物质不明白,可问君自何处来?


(1)“megafeps”(霉咖啡不吃),mind,miss,enjoy,give up,admit,avoid,finish,escape,practise.




a 要求,想要,希望(want,wish,hope,expect,intend,mean) b同意(agree,promise) c意愿(care,hate,refuse) d 决定,企图(determine,decide,offer,atlempt,try,mamage)

(a)fit speach”mind,avoid,keep,enjoy,suggest/finish,imagine,think about,spend,practise,excuse,euape,can't help


(1)劝教命请叫(advise,teach,order,command,ask,teld) (2)允许又警告(allow,perimt,warn)






不定式 动名词

a )某一具体行动 指一般的、经常的情况

b )表示主语和宾语的动作 可能表示任何人的动作

c )主动 被动

d )未发生的事 已发生的事

e )短暂的或可能进行的事 延续的或重复发生的事

she hated to talk about people's shortcomings.

she hate talkung about people's shortcomings.

she wants to repair the desk.

the desk wants repairing.


advise,forbid,understand,suppose,consider,allow,permit. 连接首字母即为a fu's cap(阿福的帽子) 阿福的帽子,代表七动词,宾补不定式,宾语动名词

ex. —what is it that they permit?

—some old magazines.

a.taking away b.being taken away

c.to take away d.to be taken away


1.I will tell him as soon as he _____ back

A. come B. comes C. will come D. came

2. Mary _____ on shoes when she ____ them.

A. tries…buys B. tries… buies C. trys… buys D. trys… buies

3. The girl often ______ cold when she ______.

A. cathcs…dances B. catches… dances C. catchs…dancees D. catches… dancee

4. _____ he ____ himself there? No, I don't think so.

A. Do…enjoy B. Does… enjoies C. Does… enjoys D. Does…enjoy

5. _____ your teacher ____ from them very often? Certainly.

A. Do…hear B. Does…hear C. Do… receive D. receive

6. _____ your mother _____ some cleaning on Sundays?

A. Does…does B. Do…does C. Does…do D. Do… do

7. _____ Tom _____to work hard to help his family ? Yes, he _____.

A. Has… x…does B. Has…x…does

C. Does…has…has D. Does… have…does

8. Which teacher _____ lessons to you every day ?

A. does …gives B. does… give C. do… give D. gives

9. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, ____? _____ , he does.

A. does he…No B. does he…Yes C. doesn't he…No D. doesn't he…Yes

10.Mr Black often _____ fishing on Sundays, _____ he ?

A. goes…doesn't B. goes…isn't

C. doesn't go…does D. doesn't go…is

11.He usually _____ TV on Sunday evening.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching

12. We'll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow.

A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed

13. Neither I nor he ______ French.

A. speak B. doesn't speak C. speaks D. doesn't speak

14. Nobody ______ how to run this machines.

A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing

15. The Young Pioneer _____ water for the old man every day.

A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries

16. Some are ______ in the river and some are ______ games.

A. swimming… playing B. swimming…plaiing

C. swimming… I playing D. swimming…plaing

17. Look ! The boy students are _____ football while the girls are _____ .

A. playing… dance B. playing… dancing

C. play… dancing D. play… dance

18. He _____ to do his lessons at eight every evening.

A. is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins

19. _____ he _____ on well with his friends this term ?

A. Does…gets B. Does…get C. Is…getting D. Is…geting

20. Mr Smith _____ short stories, but he ____ a TV play these days.

A. is writing…is writing B. is writing… writes

C. writes… is writing D. writes… writes

21. I _____ to the cinema. I ______ there every Sunday.

A. go…go B. am going… go C. go… am going D. am going…am going

22. Look, they______ a good time, ____ they ?

A. have…do B. have…don't

C. are having…are D. are having… aren't

23. You ______ about the future now, ______ you ?

A. don't think…don't B. aren't thinking… aren't

C. don't think… do D. aren't thinking… are

24. She always ______ something whenever she ______.

A .studied…played B. studied…plaied

C.. studied…plaied D. studied… played

25. He often _____ late in the forest. It _____ me very much.,

A. stayed…worried B. staied… worried

C. stayed…worryed D. staied… worried

26. I ______that the boy _____ with no tears in his eyes.

A. noticed… cryed B. noticed… cried

C. noticed…cried D. noticed… cryed

27. We _____the floor and _____ all the windows.

A. mopped… cleanned B. moped… cleaned

C. mopped…cleaned D. moped… cleaned

28. When I _____ the Children's Palace, the children _____ with joy.

A. visited… jumpped B. visited… jumped

C. visited… jumped D. visited… jumpped

29. ______ a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes , they ______.

A. Did they have… did B. Did they have… had

C. Had they… had D. Had they… did

30. ____ you _____out for a walk after supper ? Yes, I ______.

A. Did…went…went B. Did… go… went

C. Did… went… did D. Did… go… did

31. _____ Jack _____ on with his work or ______ to have a rest?

A. Did… went… stopped B. Did… go… stop

C. Did… went… stop D. Did… go… stopped

32. You gave them a talk two days ago, _____you ? Yes, I ______.

A. did… did B. did… gave C. didn't… did D. didn't… gave

33. ____ your brother _____ a letter to ? My father.

A. Who… wrote B. What…wrote

C. Who did…write D. What did… write

34. They _____ about the TV news then in the sitting-room. They often ____ such talks

A. talked…had B. talk…have

C. were talking…had D. are talking…have

35. He ______ some cooking at that time, so _____ me.

A. did… heard B. did… didn't hear

C. was doing… heard D. was doing… didn't hear

36. " _____ you angry then?" "They_ too much noise.”

A. Are…were making B. Were…were making

C. Are…made D. Were… made

37. This time yesterday Jack _____ his, bike. He _____ TV.

A. repaired… didn't watch B. was repairing… watched

C. repaired… watched D. was repairing… wasn't watching

38. We _____ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us ______.

A. were waiting… waiting B. were waiting… wait

C. waited… waiting D. waited… wait

39. When you _____ at the door, I _____ some washing.

A. knocked… did B. was knocking… did

C. knocked… was doing D. knock… am doing

40. The boy_____ English on the radio when I _____ his door.

A. learned… was opening B. was learning… opened

C. learned… opened D. is learning… open

41. When they______ through the forest, a bear _____ at them.

A. walked… was coming B. were walking… came

C. were talking… comes D. walk… is coming

42. A young man _____ her while she _____ her work .

A. watched… was finishing B. was watching… finished

C. watched… finished D. was watching… was finishing

43. While mother _____ some washing, I ______ a kite for Kack.

A. did… made B. was doing… made

C. was doing… was making D. did… was making

44. I _____ myself French from 7 to 9 yesterday morning. I _____ to work.

A. was teaching… didn't go B. taught… didn't go

C. was teaching… went D. taught… went

45. He _____ a model plane when I came to see him.

A. makes B. is making C. was making D. made

46. I ______ a letter at nine last night.

A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote D. is writing

47. The teacher_____ (give) us a history lesson when Tom walked into the classroom.

A. gave B. is giving C. was given D. was giving

48. There will be a football match in two days, that is _______.

A. last Sunday B. next Sunday

C. every Sunday D. this Sunday

49. We ______ class meeting this November.

A. had B. have C. will have D. are having

50. He ______ in his garden every morning next year.

A. will work B. works C. worked D. is working


1—5 BABDB 6—10 CDDBA 11—15 BBCCD 16—20 CBDCC

21-25 BDDDA 26—30 BCBAD 31—35 BCCCD 36—40 BDACB

41-45 BDCAC 46—50 BDDCA


同学们在初一已经学过“一般现在时”(the Simple Present Tense )和“现在进行时”(the Present Continuous Tense )两种时态,你们掌握得怎么样?下面的两则口诀将帮你们巩固它们。

口诀一: 一般现在时

一般现在时态中,动词一般用原形。 表述事实讲真理,习惯动作常发生。 动词词尾加-s(es), 只表单数三人称。 若变一般疑问句,得看句型是哪种。 系表结构和there be, be 放句首可完成; 若遇实义动词句,do 或does 莫忘用! 口诀二:现在进行时 Look, Listen 是标志,现在进行正发生; 有时now 在句现,“be+v -ing”时态成。 若问be 用何形式,须看主语数、人称。 He / She is, I am. We, you, they后are 紧跟。 v-ing 形式更好记,三种构成要分清。 一般问句be 提前,be 后加not 否定成!




e.g. I bought a new shirt yesterday. He was a worker two years ago.


e.g. When I was a child,I often played with fire.

Li Lei always walked to school last term.

3)谈到已故人的情况时多用过去时。e.g. Lu Xun was a great writer.

4)有些发生时间不是很清楚的情况,实际是过去发生的,也应用过去时态。e.g. What did you say?

另外,还可用过去时表示委婉的语气。e.g. Could you lend me your pen?

其结构是“主语+动词的过去式”。be 动词的过去式为 was, were;行为动词的过去式有规则变化和不规则变化两种,规则变化有以下几种情况:

1)直接在动词原形末尾加-ed. e.g. work--worked; ask--asked;

2)以 e 结尾的动词只加-d. e.g. arrive--arrived; like--liked.

3) 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed. e.g. shop--shopped;

4) 以“辅音字母 + y”结尾的动词,先把 y 变成 i ,再加-ed. e.g. carry--carried; study--studied. 有些动词变过去式是不规则的,e.g. fly--flew; break--broke; teach--taught.



1) 含有 be 动词的依然在 be 上做文章。

e.g. I was born in 1980. I was not born in 1980. Were you born in 1980?

2) 含有行为动词的变否定句要在行为动词前加助动词 didn't ,同时把动词变成原形;变一般疑问句, 在句首加助动词 did ,同时把动词变成原形。

e.g. I bought a gift for my mum yesterday.

I didn't buy a gift for my mum yesterday.

Did you buy a gift for your mum yesterday?

其时间状语为 yesterday 或由其构成的短语,e.g. yesterday morning;

由“last + 时间”构成的短语,e.g. last year;

由“时间段 + ago”构成的短语, e.g. three days ago;

另外, 还有 on the morning of Monday, just now 等,以及一些表示过去时态的从句。注意,在宾语从句中主句为过去,一般从句也为过去。



例: 1. They stoped (stop) talking just now.

2. They plaied (play) football yesterday.

答案: 1. stopped 2. played

解析: 我们可以记住下面的口诀:“动词变成过去式, 双写规律要牢记;y 前若是辅音字,y 变 i 加 -ed; y 前若是元音字,只须直接加 -ed. ”


例: I fly (fly) kites on the afternoon of Sunday.

答案: flew

解析: 我们可以记住下面的口诀:“一般过去时态里,过去形式莫忘记”。


例: 1. We didn't went (not go) out last Friday.

2. Did you had (have) a good time yesterday?

答案: 1. didn't go 2. Did have

解析: 请记住口诀“见助动, 用原形。”


例: He taughts (teach) me English last year.

答案: taught

解析: 行为动词的过去式无人称和数的变化。即使主语是单三人称,也和其它人称所用动词的形式一样。


例: 我看过这部电影

I saw(see) the film.

答案: I have seen (see) the film.

解析:“我看过这部电影”说明我了解这部电影的内容,强调现在的情况,应用现在完成时; 一般过去时态的句子只是说明我看了这场电影,与现在无关。




1. She lived there before he _____ to China.

A. came B. comes C. come D. coming

2. I _____ but _____ nothing.

A. was listened;was hearing B. listened;heard

C. have listened; heard D. listened; heard of

3. When did you _____ here?

A. got to B. reached C. arrive in D. reach

4. I _____ my homework at 7:00 yesterday evening.

A. finished B. would finish C. was finishing D. finish

5. --He didn't go shopping with you yesterday afternoon, did he?


A. No, he doesn't B. Yes, he didn't C. No, he did D. Yes, he did.

6. --I have had supper.

--When _____ you _____ it?

A. have; had B. do, have C. did,have D. will have

答案: 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. C


1. They _____(be) on the farm a moment ago.

2. There _____(be)a shop not long ago.

3. Jenny _____(not go)to bed until 11:00 o'clock last night.

4. Danny _____(read )English five minutes ago.

5. I _____(see)Li Lei _____(go) out just now.

6. He _____(do)his homework every day. But he _____(not do)it yesterday.

7. When I was young, I _____(play)games with my friends.

8. When _____ you _____(write)this book?

I _____ it last year.

9. Did he _____(have) lunch at home?

10. I _____(eat) the bread, I'm full now.

答案:1. were 2. was 3. didn't go 4. read 5. saw go

6. does; didn't do 7. played 8. did write ; wrote 9. have 10. have eaten


英语句子万万千,五大句型把线牵。 句型种类为动词,后接什么是关键; 系词后面接表语;vi 独身无牵连; vt 又可分三类,单宾双宾最常见, 还有宾语补足语;各种搭配记心间。


1. 主语+系动词+表语 2. 主语+不及物动词 3. 主语+及物动词+宾语

4. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 5. 主语+及物动词+宾语1+宾语2


一代(用疑问词代替划线部分), 二移(把疑问词移至句首) 三倒(颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外) 四抄(照抄其它部分)


一从主 he said to tom,“i can help them.” he said to tom that he could help them.

二从宾 he said to her,“you can help them.” he told her that she could help them.

三不变 he said to tom,“they can help them.” he told tom that they could help them.


一改 (主句谓语动词) 二变 (呼语为间接宾语) 三加 (to ) 四去 (please ).

不带to 的不定式作宾补

不定式,不带to, 九个动词要记住, 一听(hear )二看(see,watch )三感觉(feel,notice,observe ),make,let 和have ; 作宾补,是秃头;当主补时要带to.

before 和ago 巧记

before 带在点之前,ago 总在段之后。 before 时态不确定,过去时中用ago 。


“是,情,助”,移向前, 主语其后把身安, 一般,现在,与过去, do,does,did 添在前,再改谓语为原形。 最后要把问号点。

be made of 和be made from 巧记 物质不变用of, 物质变化from, 如果物质不明白,可问君自何处来?


(1)“megafeps”(霉咖啡不吃),mind,miss,enjoy,give up,admit,avoid,finish,escape,practise.




a 要求,想要,希望(want,wish,hope,expect,intend,mean) b同意(agree,promise) c意愿(care,hate,refuse) d 决定,企图(determine,decide,offer,atlempt,try,mamage)

(a)fit speach”mind,avoid,keep,enjoy,suggest/finish,imagine,think about,spend,practise,excuse,euape,can't help


(1)劝教命请叫(advise,teach,order,command,ask,teld) (2)允许又警告(allow,perimt,warn)






不定式 动名词

a )某一具体行动 指一般的、经常的情况

b )表示主语和宾语的动作 可能表示任何人的动作

c )主动 被动

d )未发生的事 已发生的事

e )短暂的或可能进行的事 延续的或重复发生的事

she hated to talk about people's shortcomings.

she hate talkung about people's shortcomings.

she wants to repair the desk.

the desk wants repairing.


advise,forbid,understand,suppose,consider,allow,permit. 连接首字母即为a fu's cap(阿福的帽子) 阿福的帽子,代表七动词,宾补不定式,宾语动名词

ex. —what is it that they permit?

—some old magazines.

a.taking away b.being taken away

c.to take away d.to be taken away


1.I will tell him as soon as he _____ back

A. come B. comes C. will come D. came

2. Mary _____ on shoes when she ____ them.

A. tries…buys B. tries… buies C. trys… buys D. trys… buies

3. The girl often ______ cold when she ______.

A. cathcs…dances B. catches… dances C. catchs…dancees D. catches… dancee

4. _____ he ____ himself there? No, I don't think so.

A. Do…enjoy B. Does… enjoies C. Does… enjoys D. Does…enjoy

5. _____ your teacher ____ from them very often? Certainly.

A. Do…hear B. Does…hear C. Do… receive D. receive

6. _____ your mother _____ some cleaning on Sundays?

A. Does…does B. Do…does C. Does…do D. Do… do

7. _____ Tom _____to work hard to help his family ? Yes, he _____.

A. Has… x…does B. Has…x…does

C. Does…has…has D. Does… have…does

8. Which teacher _____ lessons to you every day ?

A. does …gives B. does… give C. do… give D. gives

9. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, ____? _____ , he does.

A. does he…No B. does he…Yes C. doesn't he…No D. doesn't he…Yes

10.Mr Black often _____ fishing on Sundays, _____ he ?

A. goes…doesn't B. goes…isn't

C. doesn't go…does D. doesn't go…is

11.He usually _____ TV on Sunday evening.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching

12. We'll go to play with snow if it ______ tomorrow.

A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed

13. Neither I nor he ______ French.

A. speak B. doesn't speak C. speaks D. doesn't speak

14. Nobody ______ how to run this machines.

A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing

15. The Young Pioneer _____ water for the old man every day.

A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries

16. Some are ______ in the river and some are ______ games.

A. swimming… playing B. swimming…plaiing

C. swimming… I playing D. swimming…plaing

17. Look ! The boy students are _____ football while the girls are _____ .

A. playing… dance B. playing… dancing

C. play… dancing D. play… dance

18. He _____ to do his lessons at eight every evening.

A. is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins

19. _____ he _____ on well with his friends this term ?

A. Does…gets B. Does…get C. Is…getting D. Is…geting

20. Mr Smith _____ short stories, but he ____ a TV play these days.

A. is writing…is writing B. is writing… writes

C. writes… is writing D. writes… writes

21. I _____ to the cinema. I ______ there every Sunday.

A. go…go B. am going… go C. go… am going D. am going…am going

22. Look, they______ a good time, ____ they ?

A. have…do B. have…don't

C. are having…are D. are having… aren't

23. You ______ about the future now, ______ you ?

A. don't think…don't B. aren't thinking… aren't

C. don't think… do D. aren't thinking… are

24. She always ______ something whenever she ______.

A .studied…played B. studied…plaied

C.. studied…plaied D. studied… played

25. He often _____ late in the forest. It _____ me very much.,

A. stayed…worried B. staied… worried

C. stayed…worryed D. staied… worried

26. I ______that the boy _____ with no tears in his eyes.

A. noticed… cryed B. noticed… cried

C. noticed…cried D. noticed… cryed

27. We _____the floor and _____ all the windows.

A. mopped… cleanned B. moped… cleaned

C. mopped…cleaned D. moped… cleaned

28. When I _____ the Children's Palace, the children _____ with joy.

A. visited… jumpped B. visited… jumped

C. visited… jumped D. visited… jumpped

29. ______ a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes , they ______.

A. Did they have… did B. Did they have… had

C. Had they… had D. Had they… did

30. ____ you _____out for a walk after supper ? Yes, I ______.

A. Did…went…went B. Did… go… went

C. Did… went… did D. Did… go… did

31. _____ Jack _____ on with his work or ______ to have a rest?

A. Did… went… stopped B. Did… go… stop

C. Did… went… stop D. Did… go… stopped

32. You gave them a talk two days ago, _____you ? Yes, I ______.

A. did… did B. did… gave C. didn't… did D. didn't… gave

33. ____ your brother _____ a letter to ? My father.

A. Who… wrote B. What…wrote

C. Who did…write D. What did… write

34. They _____ about the TV news then in the sitting-room. They often ____ such talks

A. talked…had B. talk…have

C. were talking…had D. are talking…have

35. He ______ some cooking at that time, so _____ me.

A. did… heard B. did… didn't hear

C. was doing… heard D. was doing… didn't hear

36. " _____ you angry then?" "They_ too much noise.”

A. Are…were making B. Were…were making

C. Are…made D. Were… made

37. This time yesterday Jack _____ his, bike. He _____ TV.

A. repaired… didn't watch B. was repairing… watched

C. repaired… watched D. was repairing… wasn't watching

38. We _____ for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often kept us ______.

A. were waiting… waiting B. were waiting… wait

C. waited… waiting D. waited… wait

39. When you _____ at the door, I _____ some washing.

A. knocked… did B. was knocking… did

C. knocked… was doing D. knock… am doing

40. The boy_____ English on the radio when I _____ his door.

A. learned… was opening B. was learning… opened

C. learned… opened D. is learning… open

41. When they______ through the forest, a bear _____ at them.

A. walked… was coming B. were walking… came

C. were talking… comes D. walk… is coming

42. A young man _____ her while she _____ her work .

A. watched… was finishing B. was watching… finished

C. watched… finished D. was watching… was finishing

43. While mother _____ some washing, I ______ a kite for Kack.

A. did… made B. was doing… made

C. was doing… was making D. did… was making

44. I _____ myself French from 7 to 9 yesterday morning. I _____ to work.

A. was teaching… didn't go B. taught… didn't go

C. was teaching… went D. taught… went

45. He _____ a model plane when I came to see him.

A. makes B. is making C. was making D. made

46. I ______ a letter at nine last night.

A. is writing B. was writing C. wrote D. is writing

47. The teacher_____ (give) us a history lesson when Tom walked into the classroom.

A. gave B. is giving C. was given D. was giving

48. There will be a football match in two days, that is _______.

A. last Sunday B. next Sunday

C. every Sunday D. this Sunday

49. We ______ class meeting this November.

A. had B. have C. will have D. are having

50. He ______ in his garden every morning next year.

A. will work B. works C. worked D. is working


1—5 BABDB 6—10 CDDBA 11—15 BBCCD 16—20 CBDCC

21-25 BDDDA 26—30 BCBAD 31—35 BCCCD 36—40 BDACB

41-45 BDCAC 46—50 BDDCA


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