
我的教室英语作文一:My  Classroom

My  classroom  is  nice  and  big . There  are  forty  desks  and  chairs  in  the  classroom. There  are  two  black  boards  on  the  walls.  And  there  are  two  pictures,  too. My  classroom  has  eleven  lights  and  twelve  fans.  What colour  are  the  fans ? They  are  blue.  At  the  coner,  there  is  a shelf , many  books  are  in  the  shelf.  I  like  the  books  very  much.

This  is  my  classroom , it  is  very nice. I  like  my  classroom  very  much .  Do  you  have  a  nice  classroom, too ?

我的教室英语作文二:My  Classroom

My classroom is big and clean.There are twenty-five desks and twenty-five chairs.There is a blackboard on the wall.In front of the blackboard,there is teacher's desk.There are four windows and two doors in the wall.All the students like our classroom very much.

我的教室英语作文三:My  Classroom

Look,this is my classroom. It is nice clean.There are twelve desks and twelve chairs in the classroom.The board is green.The flag is on the board.There are seven girls and five boys in my class.Ihave a friend.Her name is Lily.I like my classroom.

我的教室英语作文四:My  Classroom

Hello!My name is ZhouXichuan.I’m ten.i study in RongTai primary school.I’m in class One,Grade Five.Welcome to our classroom.This is my classroom.There is a big sign on the door,It says:Welcome to our classroom!There are forty-six desks and chairs in my classroom.This is my desk.My name is on it.This is my teacher’s desk.There are many interesting things.There is a fish bowl on the cabinet.His name is Goldy.Her name is Swimmy.There is a big blackboard on the front wall.My teacher writes our homework on it.There is a round clock near the door.It tells us what time it is.There are our pictures on the side wall.This is my picture.This is Lily’s.There is a reading couch in the corner.This is my favourite place,what is your favoueite palce?

我的教室英语作文五:My  Classroom

look!this is my classroom.we have a nice classroom.there's fourty nine desks and chairs in my classroom.there is a big bookcase in it.my english teacher is miss hua.she is pretty.she have a pair of beautiful big eyes and black hair.she likes red and pink.me,too.i have two good friends.there're jessica and michelle.we often play games together.this is my classroom.i like it very much.how about you?

我的教室英语作文六:My  Classroom

look at the my classroom.My class room is big and beautiful.The fan is yellow,the floor is white,the tv is black,the window is green.I like my class room very much!

我的教室英语作文一:My  Classroom

My  classroom  is  nice  and  big . There  are  forty  desks  and  chairs  in  the  classroom. There  are  two  black  boards  on  the  walls.  And  there  are  two  pictures,  too. My  classroom  has  eleven  lights  and  twelve  fans.  What colour  are  the  fans ? They  are  blue.  At  the  coner,  there  is  a shelf , many  books  are  in  the  shelf.  I  like  the  books  very  much.

This  is  my  classroom , it  is  very nice. I  like  my  classroom  very  much .  Do  you  have  a  nice  classroom, too ?

我的教室英语作文二:My  Classroom

My classroom is big and clean.There are twenty-five desks and twenty-five chairs.There is a blackboard on the wall.In front of the blackboard,there is teacher's desk.There are four windows and two doors in the wall.All the students like our classroom very much.

我的教室英语作文三:My  Classroom

Look,this is my classroom. It is nice clean.There are twelve desks and twelve chairs in the classroom.The board is green.The flag is on the board.There are seven girls and five boys in my class.Ihave a friend.Her name is Lily.I like my classroom.

我的教室英语作文四:My  Classroom

Hello!My name is ZhouXichuan.I’m ten.i study in RongTai primary school.I’m in class One,Grade Five.Welcome to our classroom.This is my classroom.There is a big sign on the door,It says:Welcome to our classroom!There are forty-six desks and chairs in my classroom.This is my desk.My name is on it.This is my teacher’s desk.There are many interesting things.There is a fish bowl on the cabinet.His name is Goldy.Her name is Swimmy.There is a big blackboard on the front wall.My teacher writes our homework on it.There is a round clock near the door.It tells us what time it is.There are our pictures on the side wall.This is my picture.This is Lily’s.There is a reading couch in the corner.This is my favourite place,what is your favoueite palce?

我的教室英语作文五:My  Classroom

look!this is my classroom.we have a nice classroom.there's fourty nine desks and chairs in my classroom.there is a big bookcase in it.my english teacher is miss hua.she is pretty.she have a pair of beautiful big eyes and black hair.she likes red and pink.me,too.i have two good friends.there're jessica and michelle.we often play games together.this is my classroom.i like it very much.how about you?

我的教室英语作文六:My  Classroom

look at the my classroom.My class room is big and beautiful.The fan is yellow,the floor is white,the tv is black,the window is green.I like my class room very much!


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