
2012版新目标七年级上册分单元重点词13.好朋友 good friend(s) 组

Starter Unit 1---3

早上好 Good morning 2.下午好 Good afternoon 3.晚上好Good evening 4.用英语 in English 5.什么颜色?What color ? 6.一个橘子 an / one orange 7.一张地图 a map 9.一张中国地图 a map of China 10.它是 it is / it’s 11.我是 I am / I’ m 12.十把钥匙 ten keys 13.三串钥匙 three sets of keys Unit 1 My name is Gina.

见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you 2.她的电话号码

her telephone number 名字是 name is / name ’s 4.她是 she is / she ’s 5.他是 he is / he ’s

6.不是(单/复数形式)isn’t / aren’t 7.什么是…? What is ? 8. 你是… You are 9.他的名字 his name 10.你的姓氏 your family name 11.一名中学生a middle school student 12.在中国 in China

14.七部电话 seven telephones

Unit 2 This is my sister 1.我的双亲 my parents 2.在他的家庭 in his family

3.谁是(单/复数形式)..? Who is / are? 4.她的朋友 her friend 5过得愉快! Have a good day ! 6.他/她/它们是they’re/ they are 7.那是 that is / that’s 8.这是 this is

9.两张好看的我的全家福照片 two nice photos of my family

10.在第/下一张照片上 in the first/ next photo

11.这两女孩 these two girls 12.我狗的名字 the name fo my dog 13.一张我的全家福a photo of my family/ my family photo 14.这些是 these are 15.那些是 those are

Unit 3 Is this your pencil ? 1.谢谢你 thank you

2.谢谢你的帮助 Thank you / Thanks for your help

3.他的绿色的钢笔 his green pen 4.不用谢 You’re welcome/ That’s OK /That’sall right


笔 five blue pens 6.他哥哥的书 his brother’s book 7.七个电子游戏seven computer games 8.八块手表 eight watches 9.在(学校)图书馆 in the (school) library 10.向我叔叔要一张床ask my uncle for a bed

11.给某人打电话 Call sb

12.拨打电话号码给某人 Call sb at + … 13.在教室里 in the classroom 14.在7E教室 in classroom 7E 15.给某人发电子邮件E- mail sb at…

16.一个学生证 an ID card 17.失物招

领 lost and found 18.一些铅笔盒 some pencil boxes 19.劳驾,请原谅

Excuse me 20.去上学好吗?

What/How about going to school? 21.一个电子邮件 an e - mail

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag ? 1.铅笔盒 in the pencil box 2.在沙发上 on the sofa 3.在床下 under the bed 4.在桌子上 on the table 5.在你祖父母的房间里 in your grandparent’s room

6.我不知道 I don’t know 7.在哪里(单/复数形式)…? Where is/ Where’s …? Where are/ Where’re…? 8.在你的头上 on your head 9.一些录音机some tape players 10.六个飞机模型 six model planes 11.四本英语词典 four English dictionaries

12.在我们的房间里in our room 13.在书架里/上 in/on the bookcase 14.九台收音机 nine radios 15.在教师办公桌上 on the teacher’s desk

16.快点儿 come on 17.在我们的学校 in our school

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 1.三个足球 three soccer balls 2.五个乒乓球拍 five ping-pong bats

3.两个乒乓球 two ping-pong balls 4.三个棒球拍 three baseball bats

5.上学/课迟到 be late for school/class 6.让他们去上学 Let them go to school 7.八顶帽子 eight hats 8.让我们玩吧 Let ’s play 9.四个篮球 four basketballs 10.听起来好 sound good 11.玩排球/棒球/足球/乒乓

球 play volleyball/baseball/ soccer /ping-pong.

12..玩电子游戏play computer games 13.看电视 watch TV 14.在学校 at school 15.去同一所学校 go to the same school 16.在同一所学校 be in the same school 17.和我的同班同学玩乒乓

球 play ping-pong with my classmates

18.…对某人容易 …be easy for sb 19.下课/放学后 after class/school

20.在电视上看他们watch them on TV 21.进行体育运动 play sports

Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 1.冰淇淋 ice cream 2.运动明星 sports star 3.吃得好 eat well 4.问某人某事 ask sb about sth 4.生日晚宴birthday dinner 5.下周 next week 6.思考 think about 7.一位排球明星 a volleyball star

8.饮食习惯eating habits 9.吃早/午/晚餐 have

/eatbreakfast/ lunch / dinner 10.问一些问题ask some questions 11.早/午/晚餐后after

breakfast/lunch/ dinner

12健康的食物 healthy food 13早/午/晚餐喜

欢… like … forbreakfast/lunch/dinner

14.什么食物?What food ?

15喜欢做某事 like doing sth (用于经常性习惯性动作)

在夏天我喜欢吃冰激凌I like eating ice cream in summer

16喜欢做某事 like to do sth (用于具体性一次性动作) 今天他喜欢购物

He likes to go shopping today 17 想要做某事 want to do sth 18 想要变胖want to be fat 19想要某人做某事 wantsb to do sth 20想要他们帮助我们 want them to help us

Unit 7 How much are these socks ?

1七美元 seven dollars 2.这些袜子 these socks

3.需要一件上学的毛衣 need a sweater for school

4.看起来漂亮 look nice ( look, sound 为系动词常接形容词作表语) 5两双白鞋two pairs of white shoes (此短语作主语谓语动词用复数形式, 如果是 a pair of …作主语谓语动词用单数形


6多少钱(单数/复数)…?How much is/are…?

7给你 Here you are

8.那些黑色的裤子 those black trousers 7.他们的生日 their birthdays 8英语测验English test 9(举行一次)学校旅行(have a) schooltrip 10篮/球比赛 basket/ soccer ball 11校庆 School Day

9.9服装店 clothes store 10.大减价 a great sale 11.来买衣服come and buy the clothes 12.非常便宜的价格 at very good prices 13.给某人买某物 buy sb sth/ buy sth for sb

14 给我买一本书 buy me a book / buy a book for me

15把某物卖给某人sell sb sth/ sell sth to sb

16 把一台电视卖给我们 sell us a TV / sell a TV to us

17把一台电脑买给她sell him a computer /sell a computer to him 18来到… come to …

19二十八架飞机 twenty —eight planes

Unit 8 When is your birthday ? 1.在一月三日 on January 3rd/third 2.在五月 in May

3.生日快乐 Happy birthday 4.来参加我的生日聚会cometo my birthday party

5.今天上/下午/晚上 this morning /afternoon / evening 6.再见!See you !

12英语日English Day 13(举办一场)艺术节(have an )artfestival 14(进行一次)图书销售 have a book sale

15运动日Sports Day 16这学期 this term 17在上/下午/晚上in the morning/afternoon/evening

18举行一场篮球 have a basketball game 19举行两场球赛 have two ballgames 20下个月 next month 21来到我们的学校 come to our school 22举行一场英语聚会have an English party

23.真是忙碌的一个学期 a really busy term

24.祝你们玩得开心!Have a good time! 25什么活动? Whatactivities 26在儿童节on Children’s Day 27国庆节 National Day 28新年 Near year’s Day

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 1他最喜欢的科目 his favorite subject 2.在周一(上午)on Monday (morning) 3上体育课和历史课have P.E.and history

4.和某人做游戏 play games with sb 5.第二天 the next day 6.无疑,肯定 for sure 7音乐/科学/语文老师

music/science/geofraphy/ Chinese teacher 8.语文课 Chinese class 9.忙于做某事 be busy doing

新目标七年级上册词汇 Unit 1—3

10.从…到… from …to … 11.上美术课 have an art lesson /have art 12.在一点五十 at 1:50 13做完某事finish doing sh 14看完电视了finish watching TV

(1)you(代词) U u (同音字母) (2)hello( 感叹词) __hi____(同义词) (3)hi(感叹词) _high__(同音词) (4)his(代词) _ he’s ___(同音词) (5)first(形容词)_last_(反义词) (6)answer (动词) ___ask____(反义词) (7)I (主格) _ me__(宾格) (8)boy(名词) __girl____(反义词) (9)two(数词) _to/too (同音词) (10)four(数词) __for___ (同音词) (11)am (单数) __are__(复数 ) (12)telephone(名词)__phone__(同义词) (13)its (代词) it’s (同音词) (14)this (代词) __that___(反义词) (15)yes (副词) _no__(反义词) (16)OK( 感叹词) all right _(同义词组) (17)lost(动词) _found_(反义词) (18)sister (名词) _brother_(反义词) (19)mother(名词)mum/mom(同义词) _father/dad__(反义词) (20)father (名词) dad__(同义词) mum/mom _(反义词)

(21)grandmother(名词) _grandfather/ grandpa_(反义词) __grandma__ (同义词) (22)grandfather(名词) grandmother/ grandma _(反义词) __ grandpa__(同义词) (23)those(代词) _these__(反义词) (24)aunt (名词) _aren’t_(同音词)

(25)aunt (名词) __uncle__(反义词) (26)son(名词)daughter _(反义词)_sun_(同音词) (27)picture(名词) _photo__(同义词) (28)here (副词)there(反义词)_hear_(同音词) (29)my(形容词性物主代词)_mine__(名词性物主代词)

(30)black (形容词) _white__(反义词) (31)see (动词) __sea____(同音词) (32) teach (动词) _teacher_(名词) (33)find (动词) __lose___(反义词) (34)photo (单数) __photo__(复数 ) Unit 4—6

6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________


(1)table (名词)__desk___(同义词) (2)under (介词) __over__(反义词) (3)know (动词)__no____(同音词) (4)us (宾格) ___we__ (主格) (5)interesting (形容词)_fun_(同义词)_boring(反义词) (6)difficult (形容词)__hard__(同义词) _easy__(反义词) (7)relaxing(形容词) _relax_(动词)

(8)have (动词) __has___(三单形式 ) (9)do (动词) _does___(三单形式 ) (10)tomato (名词) _ tomatoes (复数)

(11)healthy (形容词)__fine_(同义词) __health__(名词) (12)really (副词) __ real__(形容词)

(13)desk (名词) __table__(同义词) (14)radio (名词 )_ radios_(复数形式) (15)their(形容词性物主代词) theirs(名词性物主代词)(16)player名词)_play_(动词) (17)our(形容词性物主代词) ___we___ (主格) (18)our(形性代词)__hour__(同音词) (19)come(动词) ___go___(反义词 ) (20)class(名词) _ classes (复数) (21)them (宾格) _they__(主格) (22)then (副词) ___now____(反义词) Unit 7—9

1.much (代词)little_(反义词 3.short(形容词)_long_(反义词) 5. woman(名词) women (复数形式) 7.take (动词) buy__(同义词) 9.buy (动词)by/bye_(同音词) 11.old(形容词)_new_(反义词)

2.big (形容词) __small__(反义词) 4.woman(名词) _man __(反义词) 6.look(动词) _see__ (同义词) 8.pair(名词)_pear (同音词) 10.sale(名词)_sell (动词) 12.first(序数词)_one (基数词) 14third(序数词)_three (基数词) 16eighth(序数词) eight_(基数词) 18twelfth(序数词)twelve(基数词) 20Chinese(形容词)China_(名词) 22morning(名词)_AM (同义词) 24.Mrs(名词)_Mr(反义词) 26useful(形容词) use (名词)

13second(序数词)_two (基数词) 15fifth(序数词)_two (基数词)

17ninth(序数词)_nine (基数词) 19twentieth(序数词)twenty (基数词) 21free(形容词) _busy_(反义词) 23.afternoon _PM (同义词) 25.Lesson(名词)_class_(同义词)

2012版新目标七年级上册分单元重点词13.好朋友 good friend(s) 组

Starter Unit 1---3

早上好 Good morning 2.下午好 Good afternoon 3.晚上好Good evening 4.用英语 in English 5.什么颜色?What color ? 6.一个橘子 an / one orange 7.一张地图 a map 9.一张中国地图 a map of China 10.它是 it is / it’s 11.我是 I am / I’ m 12.十把钥匙 ten keys 13.三串钥匙 three sets of keys Unit 1 My name is Gina.

见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you 2.她的电话号码

her telephone number 名字是 name is / name ’s 4.她是 she is / she ’s 5.他是 he is / he ’s

6.不是(单/复数形式)isn’t / aren’t 7.什么是…? What is ? 8. 你是… You are 9.他的名字 his name 10.你的姓氏 your family name 11.一名中学生a middle school student 12.在中国 in China

14.七部电话 seven telephones

Unit 2 This is my sister 1.我的双亲 my parents 2.在他的家庭 in his family

3.谁是(单/复数形式)..? Who is / are? 4.她的朋友 her friend 5过得愉快! Have a good day ! 6.他/她/它们是they’re/ they are 7.那是 that is / that’s 8.这是 this is

9.两张好看的我的全家福照片 two nice photos of my family

10.在第/下一张照片上 in the first/ next photo

11.这两女孩 these two girls 12.我狗的名字 the name fo my dog 13.一张我的全家福a photo of my family/ my family photo 14.这些是 these are 15.那些是 those are

Unit 3 Is this your pencil ? 1.谢谢你 thank you

2.谢谢你的帮助 Thank you / Thanks for your help

3.他的绿色的钢笔 his green pen 4.不用谢 You’re welcome/ That’s OK /That’sall right


笔 five blue pens 6.他哥哥的书 his brother’s book 7.七个电子游戏seven computer games 8.八块手表 eight watches 9.在(学校)图书馆 in the (school) library 10.向我叔叔要一张床ask my uncle for a bed

11.给某人打电话 Call sb

12.拨打电话号码给某人 Call sb at + … 13.在教室里 in the classroom 14.在7E教室 in classroom 7E 15.给某人发电子邮件E- mail sb at…

16.一个学生证 an ID card 17.失物招

领 lost and found 18.一些铅笔盒 some pencil boxes 19.劳驾,请原谅

Excuse me 20.去上学好吗?

What/How about going to school? 21.一个电子邮件 an e - mail

Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag ? 1.铅笔盒 in the pencil box 2.在沙发上 on the sofa 3.在床下 under the bed 4.在桌子上 on the table 5.在你祖父母的房间里 in your grandparent’s room

6.我不知道 I don’t know 7.在哪里(单/复数形式)…? Where is/ Where’s …? Where are/ Where’re…? 8.在你的头上 on your head 9.一些录音机some tape players 10.六个飞机模型 six model planes 11.四本英语词典 four English dictionaries

12.在我们的房间里in our room 13.在书架里/上 in/on the bookcase 14.九台收音机 nine radios 15.在教师办公桌上 on the teacher’s desk

16.快点儿 come on 17.在我们的学校 in our school

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 1.三个足球 three soccer balls 2.五个乒乓球拍 five ping-pong bats

3.两个乒乓球 two ping-pong balls 4.三个棒球拍 three baseball bats

5.上学/课迟到 be late for school/class 6.让他们去上学 Let them go to school 7.八顶帽子 eight hats 8.让我们玩吧 Let ’s play 9.四个篮球 four basketballs 10.听起来好 sound good 11.玩排球/棒球/足球/乒乓

球 play volleyball/baseball/ soccer /ping-pong.

12..玩电子游戏play computer games 13.看电视 watch TV 14.在学校 at school 15.去同一所学校 go to the same school 16.在同一所学校 be in the same school 17.和我的同班同学玩乒乓

球 play ping-pong with my classmates

18.…对某人容易 …be easy for sb 19.下课/放学后 after class/school

20.在电视上看他们watch them on TV 21.进行体育运动 play sports

Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 1.冰淇淋 ice cream 2.运动明星 sports star 3.吃得好 eat well 4.问某人某事 ask sb about sth 4.生日晚宴birthday dinner 5.下周 next week 6.思考 think about 7.一位排球明星 a volleyball star

8.饮食习惯eating habits 9.吃早/午/晚餐 have

/eatbreakfast/ lunch / dinner 10.问一些问题ask some questions 11.早/午/晚餐后after

breakfast/lunch/ dinner

12健康的食物 healthy food 13早/午/晚餐喜

欢… like … forbreakfast/lunch/dinner

14.什么食物?What food ?

15喜欢做某事 like doing sth (用于经常性习惯性动作)

在夏天我喜欢吃冰激凌I like eating ice cream in summer

16喜欢做某事 like to do sth (用于具体性一次性动作) 今天他喜欢购物

He likes to go shopping today 17 想要做某事 want to do sth 18 想要变胖want to be fat 19想要某人做某事 wantsb to do sth 20想要他们帮助我们 want them to help us

Unit 7 How much are these socks ?

1七美元 seven dollars 2.这些袜子 these socks

3.需要一件上学的毛衣 need a sweater for school

4.看起来漂亮 look nice ( look, sound 为系动词常接形容词作表语) 5两双白鞋two pairs of white shoes (此短语作主语谓语动词用复数形式, 如果是 a pair of …作主语谓语动词用单数形


6多少钱(单数/复数)…?How much is/are…?

7给你 Here you are

8.那些黑色的裤子 those black trousers 7.他们的生日 their birthdays 8英语测验English test 9(举行一次)学校旅行(have a) schooltrip 10篮/球比赛 basket/ soccer ball 11校庆 School Day

9.9服装店 clothes store 10.大减价 a great sale 11.来买衣服come and buy the clothes 12.非常便宜的价格 at very good prices 13.给某人买某物 buy sb sth/ buy sth for sb

14 给我买一本书 buy me a book / buy a book for me

15把某物卖给某人sell sb sth/ sell sth to sb

16 把一台电视卖给我们 sell us a TV / sell a TV to us

17把一台电脑买给她sell him a computer /sell a computer to him 18来到… come to …

19二十八架飞机 twenty —eight planes

Unit 8 When is your birthday ? 1.在一月三日 on January 3rd/third 2.在五月 in May

3.生日快乐 Happy birthday 4.来参加我的生日聚会cometo my birthday party

5.今天上/下午/晚上 this morning /afternoon / evening 6.再见!See you !

12英语日English Day 13(举办一场)艺术节(have an )artfestival 14(进行一次)图书销售 have a book sale

15运动日Sports Day 16这学期 this term 17在上/下午/晚上in the morning/afternoon/evening

18举行一场篮球 have a basketball game 19举行两场球赛 have two ballgames 20下个月 next month 21来到我们的学校 come to our school 22举行一场英语聚会have an English party

23.真是忙碌的一个学期 a really busy term

24.祝你们玩得开心!Have a good time! 25什么活动? Whatactivities 26在儿童节on Children’s Day 27国庆节 National Day 28新年 Near year’s Day

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 1他最喜欢的科目 his favorite subject 2.在周一(上午)on Monday (morning) 3上体育课和历史课have P.E.and history

4.和某人做游戏 play games with sb 5.第二天 the next day 6.无疑,肯定 for sure 7音乐/科学/语文老师

music/science/geofraphy/ Chinese teacher 8.语文课 Chinese class 9.忙于做某事 be busy doing

新目标七年级上册词汇 Unit 1—3

10.从…到… from …to … 11.上美术课 have an art lesson /have art 12.在一点五十 at 1:50 13做完某事finish doing sh 14看完电视了finish watching TV

(1)you(代词) U u (同音字母) (2)hello( 感叹词) __hi____(同义词) (3)hi(感叹词) _high__(同音词) (4)his(代词) _ he’s ___(同音词) (5)first(形容词)_last_(反义词) (6)answer (动词) ___ask____(反义词) (7)I (主格) _ me__(宾格) (8)boy(名词) __girl____(反义词) (9)two(数词) _to/too (同音词) (10)four(数词) __for___ (同音词) (11)am (单数) __are__(复数 ) (12)telephone(名词)__phone__(同义词) (13)its (代词) it’s (同音词) (14)this (代词) __that___(反义词) (15)yes (副词) _no__(反义词) (16)OK( 感叹词) all right _(同义词组) (17)lost(动词) _found_(反义词) (18)sister (名词) _brother_(反义词) (19)mother(名词)mum/mom(同义词) _father/dad__(反义词) (20)father (名词) dad__(同义词) mum/mom _(反义词)

(21)grandmother(名词) _grandfather/ grandpa_(反义词) __grandma__ (同义词) (22)grandfather(名词) grandmother/ grandma _(反义词) __ grandpa__(同义词) (23)those(代词) _these__(反义词) (24)aunt (名词) _aren’t_(同音词)

(25)aunt (名词) __uncle__(反义词) (26)son(名词)daughter _(反义词)_sun_(同音词) (27)picture(名词) _photo__(同义词) (28)here (副词)there(反义词)_hear_(同音词) (29)my(形容词性物主代词)_mine__(名词性物主代词)

(30)black (形容词) _white__(反义词) (31)see (动词) __sea____(同音词) (32) teach (动词) _teacher_(名词) (33)find (动词) __lose___(反义词) (34)photo (单数) __photo__(复数 ) Unit 4—6

6 ____________________________________________________________________________________________


(1)table (名词)__desk___(同义词) (2)under (介词) __over__(反义词) (3)know (动词)__no____(同音词) (4)us (宾格) ___we__ (主格) (5)interesting (形容词)_fun_(同义词)_boring(反义词) (6)difficult (形容词)__hard__(同义词) _easy__(反义词) (7)relaxing(形容词) _relax_(动词)

(8)have (动词) __has___(三单形式 ) (9)do (动词) _does___(三单形式 ) (10)tomato (名词) _ tomatoes (复数)

(11)healthy (形容词)__fine_(同义词) __health__(名词) (12)really (副词) __ real__(形容词)

(13)desk (名词) __table__(同义词) (14)radio (名词 )_ radios_(复数形式) (15)their(形容词性物主代词) theirs(名词性物主代词)(16)player名词)_play_(动词) (17)our(形容词性物主代词) ___we___ (主格) (18)our(形性代词)__hour__(同音词) (19)come(动词) ___go___(反义词 ) (20)class(名词) _ classes (复数) (21)them (宾格) _they__(主格) (22)then (副词) ___now____(反义词) Unit 7—9

1.much (代词)little_(反义词 3.short(形容词)_long_(反义词) 5. woman(名词) women (复数形式) 7.take (动词) buy__(同义词) 9.buy (动词)by/bye_(同音词) 11.old(形容词)_new_(反义词)

2.big (形容词) __small__(反义词) 4.woman(名词) _man __(反义词) 6.look(动词) _see__ (同义词) 8.pair(名词)_pear (同音词) 10.sale(名词)_sell (动词) 12.first(序数词)_one (基数词) 14third(序数词)_three (基数词) 16eighth(序数词) eight_(基数词) 18twelfth(序数词)twelve(基数词) 20Chinese(形容词)China_(名词) 22morning(名词)_AM (同义词) 24.Mrs(名词)_Mr(反义词) 26useful(形容词) use (名词)

13second(序数词)_two (基数词) 15fifth(序数词)_two (基数词)

17ninth(序数词)_nine (基数词) 19twentieth(序数词)twenty (基数词) 21free(形容词) _busy_(反义词) 23.afternoon _PM (同义词) 25.Lesson(名词)_class_(同义词)


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