

★ 形容词:

1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken

2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off

3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding

4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous

5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable

6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest

7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome

8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous

9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching

10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated

11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive

1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant

2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous

3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful

4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent

5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished

7.Serious 严重的Severe

8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident

9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive

★ 动词:

1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize

2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger

3. 解决:



单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),夏哥可以教你用高级替换简单词汇~~ severe 替换掉serious(严重的) a severe water shortage严重缺水 needy替换掉 ppor( 贫穷的) wealthy 替换掉 rich ( 富裕的) benificial 替换掉 good (有益的) undesirable 替换掉 bad (不好的,不受欢迎的) nevertheless 替换掉 however(然而,不过) fundamental / significant 替换掉 important( 重要的) relevant 替换掉 related (有关的) ....is highly relevant to....... extraodinary 替换掉 surprising (惊人的,非凡的) provided/providing (that)替换掉 if (如果.....) promote /strengthen 替换掉 improve (提高,加强) More should be done to strengthen industry's links with universities. 应该做更多的事情加强工业界和大学的联系. cope with 替换掉 solve( 解决) motivate 替换掉 encourage( 激励) We are looking for someone who will be able to motivate the staff to work hard.我们在寻找能激励职员们努力工作的人. jeopardize 替换掉 be bad to (损害,危及) Failing exams could jeopardize her future. 考试不及格危及她的前程. ease 替换掉 relieve (减轻,缓解) To ease the problem of ..... 为了缓解....的问题..... well-being 替换掉 happiness (幸福,安康) pros and cons 替换掉 advantages and disadvantages(好处和坏处) You must consider all the pros and cons of the matter before you make a decision.在你做决定之前,必须考虑这个问题的正反两个方面. approach / method 替换掉 way(方法,方案) adopt 替换掉 use (采用,采取) the aged 替换掉 old people(老人) adolescents 替换掉 the young (青少年) employment 替换掉 job(就业) affair 替换掉 thing (事情,东西) bent 替换掉 gift (天赋,爱好) catastrophe 替换掉( disaster 灾难) subscribe to 替换掉 agree with( 同意) tend 替换掉 want(趋向于..想要.....) I am tending to another customer at he moment. acquire 替换掉 gain (获得(尤指知识上的)) administration 替换掉 government (政府部门) contribute to 替换掉 cause (引起) extremely 替换掉 very (非常的) frown on sth 替换 disagree with sth ( 不同意) for instance 替换掉 for example (例如) advocate 倡导 compensate for 弥补..... Spare no efforts for努力 In contemporary society 在当今社会A vast amount of 大量的 be abundant in 富有... on ones own account 为了某人自己的利益 at ones own risk 自行负责 on account of 由于 On no account绝不要 arise from 由....引起 Are these any matters arising from the last meeting? 这些事情都是由上次的会议引起的吗? assess 评估,评价 Examinations are not the only means of assessing ones ability. 考试不是评价一个人能力的唯一方法. authentic 真实的,可信的 gradual 逐渐的 There has been a gradual improvment in ...over the last two years. 过去的两年中...逐渐改善. ....multiply rapidly ...迅速增加. ripe 时候成熟的The country is ripe for change. 国家已是时

候改变. trend 趋势,趋向,潮流 The trend at the moment is that .... 现在..是一个趋势..... emphrasize 强调,重视 I’d like to emphrasize how important it is to .... sustainable development 可持续发展


英语里面常用的句型也就那么几个,尽量往里套。能用到以下句型的千万别用一般陈述句,能用长句千万别用短句,最好一句话老长.每个句型我都弄个例句~~ 倒装: Not only di he speak correctly,but he spoke easily. Here comes a bus. Seldom have we felt as comfortable as here . 双否: The postman never fails to come on time . 被动:Many things can be done to solve this problem . 非限定: The man is from the UK,which we can tell from his accent. 定从: This is the reason why he came late. This is the reason for which he came late. The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous 让步: Child as he is ,he can speak many foreaign languages. 独立主格: (With)There being no bus, we had to go home on foot. The men moved slowly forward, neck deep in the water, with their officers guiding them.


起到一个首饰的作用,让文章更销魂~~~~ 这个有点头疼,多背一背吧~~~ Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 在过去的5年中这里发生的一些变化. A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications. 在世界的沟通与交流方面产生了巨大的变化. This is a phenomenon that ..... 有一个...的现象........ It has increased(decreased)from...to.....从...增加到了........... People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth. 人们对..有不同的态度. When it comes to ..., some think ... 当谈到...一些人认为.......... There is a public debate today that ... 当今有一个公共的争论关于........... Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 最近这个问题得到了关注. Now there is a growing awareness that... 现在....的意识增强了. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that…. 有许多人,不是特别多,怀有这样的想法..... it is universally acknowledged that..... ....是一个社会的共识..... Just imagine what would be like if... 设想一下如果...... It is of great benefit to us. ...对我们是有很大的好处的. It has more disadvantages than advantages. 它有很多的优点和缺点. It plays an important role in our life. 它在我们的人生中扮演了很重要的角色. ... this story is not rare. 这样的故事不少见. ..., such dilemma we often meet in daily life. 这样的事情我们在生活中经常遇到. ..., the story still has a realistic significance.这个故事很有现实意义. But some others have just the opposite opinion.一些人有相反的意见. But every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面.(即每件事情都有两面) As for me, I'm in favour of the latter opinion.我支持后者. promote the public awareness of 增强了...的公共认识 The government should take effective measures and immediate actions. 政府应该采取及时有

效的措施. To understand the truth of ..., it is also important to see... 为了理解...的真相......,认识到....也是重要的. A study of ... will make this point clear .一项研究使这个观点更清楚了. There is no point(use) in doing.....做...是没有意义的. Distinguished scientific accomplishment is a matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over long years. (很优美的句子,值得借鉴) from the …point of view 从…角度来看 最近, XXXXX现象引起了人们的广泛关注 Recently, the phenomenon of (that) …… has aroused wide public concern 随着社会(科技)的发展,人们开始注意到XXXX的重要性 Along with the advance of the society (science and technology), people are attaching much importance to …… Take ... for an example, it is a very obvious case .拿..来说,这是个很明显的案例. Some people argue that….., whereas others maintain that…. 一些人争论.....另一些人支持....观点. 就我个人而言(老实说), 我全力支持前者(后者) As for me, I am in high favor of the former (latter) Personally, I side with the former (latter) Frankly speaking/ To be frank/ To be honest/ Honestly speaking, it is the former (latter) that I approve of 我认为(在我看来,就我看来,我的观点是, 我想….) I am convinced that…. As far as I am concerned, ….. To my point of view, ….. From where I stand, …… We should take some effective measures. 我们应该采取有效的措施. We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties. 我们应该努力克服困难. Certainly, B has its own advantages, such as... 当然,B有自身的优势,比如........ As far as we know....正如我们所知道的... In a certain sense......在某种情况下...... There is no denying the fact that .....不可否认的事实是..... 结尾常用句: From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw .... the conclusion that ... In summary, it is wiser ... In short..... From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ...


1.occur 替换 think of

Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house. →

An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.

It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.


He spends all his spare time in reading. →

He devotes all his spare time to reading.

3.seek替换want / look for

They sought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees.

4.average 替换ordinary

I’m an average ( ordinary ) student.


The film we saw last night was very interesting. →

The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.

The film we saw last night was anything but boring.

6.seat 替换sit

On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried.

7.suppose 替换should

He is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly.

8.appreciate 替换thank

Thank you very much for you help. →

We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated.

9.the case替换 true

I don’t think it is the case ( true ).

10.on替换as soon as

As soon as he arrived, he began his research. →

On his arrival, he began his research..

11.due to替换because of

He arrived late due to ( because of ) the storm.


After covering (walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.

13.contribute to替换 be helpful/useful

Plenty of memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study. →

Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.

14.round the corner 替换 coming soon/ nearby

① The summer vacation is round the corner ( coming). Do you have any plans?

② Li Ming studies in a school round the corner (nearby).

15.come to light替换discover

The family were so pleased when they discovered the lost jewels. →

The family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to light.

16.have a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneself

After visiting the workshop, we went back to school. Every one of us had a ball ( had a good time ).

17.come up with替换think of

Jack is very clever. He often comes up with ( thinks of ) new ideas.

18.set aside替换save

Some students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for books.

19.be of + n. 替换adj.

The products are of high quality (very good ) and are sold everywhere in China.

20.refer to 替换talk about/of, mention

The professor you referred to (talked about ) is very famous.

21.can not but / can not help but替换have to do

I could not but (had to) go home.

22.more often than not替换usually

More often than not (Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed.

23.lest替换so that /in order that

I wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it. →

I wrote down his telephone number lest I (should) forget it.

24.be long for sth. / be long to do sth. 替换want to do sth./wish for

I want to see you very much. →

I am long to see you.

25.be caught up in/be crazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替换be interested in

He is caught up in ( very interested in ) collecting stamps.

26.more than替换very

① I’m very glad to learn that you are coming in September. →

I’m more than glad to learn that you are coming in September.

② If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.

27.perfect (ly) 替换good/ very well

He speaks perfect ( good ) English./ He speaks English perfectly ( very well ).

28.do sb a/the favor 替换help

Would you please do me the favor ( help me ) to turn down the radio?

29.the other day替换a few days ago

The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.

30.in the course of替换during

In the course of (During) the mountain-climbing, please help each other and pay special attention to your safety.

31.the majority of替换most

The majority of (Most of ) the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the cinema.

32.consist of替换be made up of

Our class consists of ( is made up of ) 50 students.

33.be worn out替换 be tired / broken

① After five hours’ non-stop work, we were all worn out (tired).

② My shoes are worn out (broken). Please buy me a new pair.

34.become of替换 happen

What do think has become of ( happened to ) him ?

35.attend to替换look after

36.on condition that替换as long as


38.express one’s satisfaction with替换be satisfied with

39.spare no efforts to do替换try one’s best to do

40.many a 替换many

41.be rushed off one’s feet 替换be busy in doing

42.a handful of替换a little / some

43.meanwhile替换at the same time

44.get to one’s feet替换stand up


46.occasionally替换sometimes /once in while

47.for instance替换for example

48.seldom替换not often

49.wealthy替换 rich


51.as a matter of fact 替换in fact


★ 形容词:

1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken

2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off

3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding

4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous

5. 消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable

6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest

7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome

8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous

9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching

10. 有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated

11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive

1.Everywhere 普遍的Widespread、Prevalent、Overflow、Rampant

2.Good 好的Beneficial、Advantageous

3.Harmful 有害的Inhumane、Detrimental、Baneful

4.Rich 富有的Wealthy、Affluent

5.Poor 贫穷的Impoverished

7.Serious 严重的Severe

8.Obvious 明显的Manifest、Apparent、Evident

9.cheap 便宜的Economical、Inexpensive

★ 动词:

1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize

2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger

3. 解决:



单词可以说一个人单词量的展现,如果总停留在使用very good等小学词汇,那老师把你当成发育不完全也正常.所以要使用一些高级词汇(就象是给文章穿上了成人内衣),我不建议大家用考纲以外的词汇(当然你能用更好),夏哥可以教你用高级替换简单词汇~~ severe 替换掉serious(严重的) a severe water shortage严重缺水 needy替换掉 ppor( 贫穷的) wealthy 替换掉 rich ( 富裕的) benificial 替换掉 good (有益的) undesirable 替换掉 bad (不好的,不受欢迎的) nevertheless 替换掉 however(然而,不过) fundamental / significant 替换掉 important( 重要的) relevant 替换掉 related (有关的) ....is highly relevant to....... extraodinary 替换掉 surprising (惊人的,非凡的) provided/providing (that)替换掉 if (如果.....) promote /strengthen 替换掉 improve (提高,加强) More should be done to strengthen industry's links with universities. 应该做更多的事情加强工业界和大学的联系. cope with 替换掉 solve( 解决) motivate 替换掉 encourage( 激励) We are looking for someone who will be able to motivate the staff to work hard.我们在寻找能激励职员们努力工作的人. jeopardize 替换掉 be bad to (损害,危及) Failing exams could jeopardize her future. 考试不及格危及她的前程. ease 替换掉 relieve (减轻,缓解) To ease the problem of ..... 为了缓解....的问题..... well-being 替换掉 happiness (幸福,安康) pros and cons 替换掉 advantages and disadvantages(好处和坏处) You must consider all the pros and cons of the matter before you make a decision.在你做决定之前,必须考虑这个问题的正反两个方面. approach / method 替换掉 way(方法,方案) adopt 替换掉 use (采用,采取) the aged 替换掉 old people(老人) adolescents 替换掉 the young (青少年) employment 替换掉 job(就业) affair 替换掉 thing (事情,东西) bent 替换掉 gift (天赋,爱好) catastrophe 替换掉( disaster 灾难) subscribe to 替换掉 agree with( 同意) tend 替换掉 want(趋向于..想要.....) I am tending to another customer at he moment. acquire 替换掉 gain (获得(尤指知识上的)) administration 替换掉 government (政府部门) contribute to 替换掉 cause (引起) extremely 替换掉 very (非常的) frown on sth 替换 disagree with sth ( 不同意) for instance 替换掉 for example (例如) advocate 倡导 compensate for 弥补..... Spare no efforts for努力 In contemporary society 在当今社会A vast amount of 大量的 be abundant in 富有... on ones own account 为了某人自己的利益 at ones own risk 自行负责 on account of 由于 On no account绝不要 arise from 由....引起 Are these any matters arising from the last meeting? 这些事情都是由上次的会议引起的吗? assess 评估,评价 Examinations are not the only means of assessing ones ability. 考试不是评价一个人能力的唯一方法. authentic 真实的,可信的 gradual 逐渐的 There has been a gradual improvment in ...over the last two years. 过去的两年中...逐渐改善. ....multiply rapidly ...迅速增加. ripe 时候成熟的The country is ripe for change. 国家已是时

候改变. trend 趋势,趋向,潮流 The trend at the moment is that .... 现在..是一个趋势..... emphrasize 强调,重视 I’d like to emphrasize how important it is to .... sustainable development 可持续发展


英语里面常用的句型也就那么几个,尽量往里套。能用到以下句型的千万别用一般陈述句,能用长句千万别用短句,最好一句话老长.每个句型我都弄个例句~~ 倒装: Not only di he speak correctly,but he spoke easily. Here comes a bus. Seldom have we felt as comfortable as here . 双否: The postman never fails to come on time . 被动:Many things can be done to solve this problem . 非限定: The man is from the UK,which we can tell from his accent. 定从: This is the reason why he came late. This is the reason for which he came late. The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous 让步: Child as he is ,he can speak many foreaign languages. 独立主格: (With)There being no bus, we had to go home on foot. The men moved slowly forward, neck deep in the water, with their officers guiding them.


起到一个首饰的作用,让文章更销魂~~~~ 这个有点头疼,多背一背吧~~~ Some changes have taken place in the past five years. 在过去的5年中这里发生的一些变化. A great change will certainly be produced in the world’s communications. 在世界的沟通与交流方面产生了巨大的变化. This is a phenomenon that ..... 有一个...的现象........ It has increased(decreased)from...to.....从...增加到了........... People have(take,adopt,assume)different attitudes towards sth. 人们对..有不同的态度. When it comes to ..., some think ... 当谈到...一些人认为.......... There is a public debate today that ... 当今有一个公共的争论关于........... Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 最近这个问题得到了关注. Now there is a growing awareness that... 现在....的意识增强了. Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea that…. 有许多人,不是特别多,怀有这样的想法..... it is universally acknowledged that..... ....是一个社会的共识..... Just imagine what would be like if... 设想一下如果...... It is of great benefit to us. ...对我们是有很大的好处的. It has more disadvantages than advantages. 它有很多的优点和缺点. It plays an important role in our life. 它在我们的人生中扮演了很重要的角色. ... this story is not rare. 这样的故事不少见. ..., such dilemma we often meet in daily life. 这样的事情我们在生活中经常遇到. ..., the story still has a realistic significance.这个故事很有现实意义. But some others have just the opposite opinion.一些人有相反的意见. But every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面.(即每件事情都有两面) As for me, I'm in favour of the latter opinion.我支持后者. promote the public awareness of 增强了...的公共认识 The government should take effective measures and immediate actions. 政府应该采取及时有

效的措施. To understand the truth of ..., it is also important to see... 为了理解...的真相......,认识到....也是重要的. A study of ... will make this point clear .一项研究使这个观点更清楚了. There is no point(use) in doing.....做...是没有意义的. Distinguished scientific accomplishment is a matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over long years. (很优美的句子,值得借鉴) from the …point of view 从…角度来看 最近, XXXXX现象引起了人们的广泛关注 Recently, the phenomenon of (that) …… has aroused wide public concern 随着社会(科技)的发展,人们开始注意到XXXX的重要性 Along with the advance of the society (science and technology), people are attaching much importance to …… Take ... for an example, it is a very obvious case .拿..来说,这是个很明显的案例. Some people argue that….., whereas others maintain that…. 一些人争论.....另一些人支持....观点. 就我个人而言(老实说), 我全力支持前者(后者) As for me, I am in high favor of the former (latter) Personally, I side with the former (latter) Frankly speaking/ To be frank/ To be honest/ Honestly speaking, it is the former (latter) that I approve of 我认为(在我看来,就我看来,我的观点是, 我想….) I am convinced that…. As far as I am concerned, ….. To my point of view, ….. From where I stand, …… We should take some effective measures. 我们应该采取有效的措施. We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties. 我们应该努力克服困难. Certainly, B has its own advantages, such as... 当然,B有自身的优势,比如........ As far as we know....正如我们所知道的... In a certain sense......在某种情况下...... There is no denying the fact that .....不可否认的事实是..... 结尾常用句: From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw .... the conclusion that ... In summary, it is wiser ... In short..... From what has been mentioned above,we can come to the conclusion that ...


1.occur 替换 think of

Suddenly I had an idea that someone had broken into my house. →

An idea occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.

It occurred to me that someone had broken into my house.


He spends all his spare time in reading. →

He devotes all his spare time to reading.

3.seek替换want / look for

They sought ( wanted ) to hide themselves behind the trees.

4.average 替换ordinary

I’m an average ( ordinary ) student.


The film we saw last night was very interesting. →

The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting.

The film we saw last night was anything but boring.

6.seat 替换sit

On his way to school, he found an old lady seated (sitting) by the road, looking worried.

7.suppose 替换should

He is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly.

8.appreciate 替换thank

Thank you very much for you help. →

We appreciate your help very much. / Your help is much appreciated.

9.the case替换 true

I don’t think it is the case ( true ).

10.on替换as soon as

As soon as he arrived, he began his research. →

On his arrival, he began his research..

11.due to替换because of

He arrived late due to ( because of ) the storm.


After covering (walking) 10 miles, we all felt tired.

13.contribute to替换 be helpful/useful

Plenty of memory work is undoubtedly helpful to English study. →

Plenty of memory work will undoubtedly contribute to English study.

14.round the corner 替换 coming soon/ nearby

① The summer vacation is round the corner ( coming). Do you have any plans?

② Li Ming studies in a school round the corner (nearby).

15.come to light替换discover

The family were so pleased when they discovered the lost jewels. →

The family were so pleased when the lost jewels came to light.

16.have a ball替换have a good time/ enjoy oneself

After visiting the workshop, we went back to school. Every one of us had a ball ( had a good time ).

17.come up with替换think of

Jack is very clever. He often comes up with ( thinks of ) new ideas.

18.set aside替换save

Some students think that they should set aside some of their pocket money for books.

19.be of + n. 替换adj.

The products are of high quality (very good ) and are sold everywhere in China.

20.refer to 替换talk about/of, mention

The professor you referred to (talked about ) is very famous.

21.can not but / can not help but替换have to do

I could not but (had to) go home.

22.more often than not替换usually

More often than not (Usually), the meaning of many words can be easily guessed.

23.lest替换so that /in order that

I wrote down his telephone number so that I would not forget it. →

I wrote down his telephone number lest I (should) forget it.

24.be long for sth. / be long to do sth. 替换want to do sth./wish for

I want to see you very much. →

I am long to see you.

25.be caught up in/be crazy about/be absorbed in/be addicted to替换be interested in

He is caught up in ( very interested in ) collecting stamps.

26.more than替换very

① I’m very glad to learn that you are coming in September. →

I’m more than glad to learn that you are coming in September.

② If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help.

27.perfect (ly) 替换good/ very well

He speaks perfect ( good ) English./ He speaks English perfectly ( very well ).

28.do sb a/the favor 替换help

Would you please do me the favor ( help me ) to turn down the radio?

29.the other day替换a few days ago

The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.

30.in the course of替换during

In the course of (During) the mountain-climbing, please help each other and pay special attention to your safety.

31.the majority of替换most

The majority of (Most of ) the interviewees prefer watching TV at home to going to the cinema.

32.consist of替换be made up of

Our class consists of ( is made up of ) 50 students.

33.be worn out替换 be tired / broken

① After five hours’ non-stop work, we were all worn out (tired).

② My shoes are worn out (broken). Please buy me a new pair.

34.become of替换 happen

What do think has become of ( happened to ) him ?

35.attend to替换look after

36.on condition that替换as long as


38.express one’s satisfaction with替换be satisfied with

39.spare no efforts to do替换try one’s best to do

40.many a 替换many

41.be rushed off one’s feet 替换be busy in doing

42.a handful of替换a little / some

43.meanwhile替换at the same time

44.get to one’s feet替换stand up


46.occasionally替换sometimes /once in while

47.for instance替换for example

48.seldom替换not often

49.wealthy替换 rich


51.as a matter of fact 替换in fact


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