

The countryside in the picture

宏村的选址规划,充分吸收中国古代哲学思想中关于天人和一的观念 。村落的建设注重“风水”讲究人与自然的和谐 统一,山水为血脉,草木为毛发,烟云为神彩。把自然村落建成“山为骨架,水为血脉”的有机生命体。

The site planning of Hongcun fully absorbed on the harmony between man and nature of the concept China ancient philosophy thought.Harmonious unity of village construction to

一切以人为本的思想理念,贯穿于建筑的规划 布局之中。在自然山水环境中,谋求最佳的居住空间,将中国古代风水理念发挥到极致。宏村的建筑追求人与自然的和谐统一讲究人际的协调,已达到人的自我完善。主要以风水的形式体现,通过择地 定位 布局,来探求人与自热的最佳联系村落枕山旁水,选址于学岗山下.这一带幽谷茂林,溪水穿村而过,房屋错落有致,马头墙高下参差。蓝天白云之下,青瓦白墙掩映在绿水青山,花红叶绿之间。如歌,如诗,如画,一派田园风光。郑孝燮先生题词曰 山水钟灵秀,民居雅气多。城村入画境,象外更情合。

All the idea of people-oriented idea,throughout the planning

layout of buildings.In a nature landscape environment seek the best living space in order to make the idea Chinese ancient Fengshui into full play.The architecture of Hongcun in pursuit of human and nature harmonious unification focuses on interpersonal coordination,in order to have reached one's self perfection.Mainly in the form of geomancy is reflected,through the choice of location, layout to explore the human and self heating pillow hill water best contact Village.Under the Xuegang mountain located , this area of valley stream Lam, village and had to wear, the houses well-proportioned, Ma Tau wall under stagger.Under the blue sky, grey walls set in between the green mountains and rivers,between red flower and greenery.As a song, poem, picturesque, one pastoral scenery.ZhengXiaoxie had a inscription that landscape clock witty, elegant residential multi. Cheng Cun paintings, like more feelings. 在村落的建设上,以“得水为上”为规则布局的宗旨。力求顺应自然,对不合适的地形进行积极地改造和利用,以求最理想的布局。在河中拦坝饮水 挖沟筑墙 植树造桥,形成优美的乡村风貌。在这里,水是改善生态环境的工具,也是积淀文化的垫金石。宏村的民居以水为装饰,通过大量使用庭院,漏窗,楼阁等建筑手段,来沟通内外空间,达到黄山向晚盈轩翠,黟水含村傍橄流。四壁云山开醉眼,一楼风月话诗心。的神妙意境。人与自然息息相通,可谓四水便是清凉国,一室可谓安乐窝。人上天然


In the village construction,”Get water on” is the purpose of the rules of layout.To comply with nature,to active do transformation and utilization of unsuitable terrain for the best layout.In the river dam water,trench wall,planting trees to build a bridge,in order to form a beautiful scene of the countryside,The consistency of houses and the surrounding environment,to make the consistency of houses and the surrounding environment.Water is to improve the ecological environment of the tool ,it is also pad stone cultural accumulation in there.Hongcun residential areas with water as the decoration,through the extensive use of the courtyard, windows, pavilions and other construction methods to communicate the internal and external space,to achieve Mount Huangshan evening Ying Xuan Yi Cui, water containing olive flow near the village. The walls opened a building Yunshan drunk, romantic words poem heart wonderful artistic conception.Close to the human and the nature,It may be said Four water is cool country, one room is a cosy nest. Natural habitat, even the sky people.


一幅构思精巧的水墨山水画。村民头戴斗笠,身挑箩筐,行走于村中的青石板小路上,更为此画点缀了生机。“水上园林”,“水口建筑”也是宏村建筑中的一项重要内容和特点。利用,山势,溪流,湖旁,配置牌楼,亭榭,桥梁,形成风水园林景观。从一定意义上说,“水口”是村落发达的象征,不仅具有入口的作用, 而且是村落的重要标志,这也是徽派建筑中尤其具魅力的部分。突出了变现宏村人积极顺应,改造,利用自然追求和创造美好生活的理想。走进宏村,村间毗邻的高楼叠园间铺就着一条条深邃的青石板小巷残垣断壁上流淌着百年雨水冲刷的斑驳。

Hongcun beauty, beauty in the spirituality of water,The village before the clear lake quiet,The white walls and black tiles reflection.Among them,in the morning the sunset clear and bright。The wild duck lake water play often pierced the silence。In the distance Qingshan bamboo,the whole village silent period in a vague mist rain black and white lines appear in the building between the hazy night,as a sophisticated concept of ink painting. The villagers wearing hats,pick the basket,walking in the village of bluestone alley ,it dots the picture more vigor.

developed.Not only has the entrance effect, and is an important symbol of the village.This is the Huizhou architecture is particularly attractive part.Outstanding people of Hongcun actively comply with cash, transformation, the use of natural pursuit and create a better life ideal.Walking into Hongcun,village between the adjacent high-rise pile garden paved the lines between the depth of bluestone alley debris flowing mottled the rains washed out in one hundred.


The ancient archway in the sunlight,dragged long shadows whirling around in the lane,clear the ditches of harmony pleasing drip water.A picture of the harmony of man and nature live in harmony, no wonder people call it


The countryside in the picture

宏村的选址规划,充分吸收中国古代哲学思想中关于天人和一的观念 。村落的建设注重“风水”讲究人与自然的和谐 统一,山水为血脉,草木为毛发,烟云为神彩。把自然村落建成“山为骨架,水为血脉”的有机生命体。

The site planning of Hongcun fully absorbed on the harmony between man and nature of the concept China ancient philosophy thought.Harmonious unity of village construction to

一切以人为本的思想理念,贯穿于建筑的规划 布局之中。在自然山水环境中,谋求最佳的居住空间,将中国古代风水理念发挥到极致。宏村的建筑追求人与自然的和谐统一讲究人际的协调,已达到人的自我完善。主要以风水的形式体现,通过择地 定位 布局,来探求人与自热的最佳联系村落枕山旁水,选址于学岗山下.这一带幽谷茂林,溪水穿村而过,房屋错落有致,马头墙高下参差。蓝天白云之下,青瓦白墙掩映在绿水青山,花红叶绿之间。如歌,如诗,如画,一派田园风光。郑孝燮先生题词曰 山水钟灵秀,民居雅气多。城村入画境,象外更情合。

All the idea of people-oriented idea,throughout the planning

layout of buildings.In a nature landscape environment seek the best living space in order to make the idea Chinese ancient Fengshui into full play.The architecture of Hongcun in pursuit of human and nature harmonious unification focuses on interpersonal coordination,in order to have reached one's self perfection.Mainly in the form of geomancy is reflected,through the choice of location, layout to explore the human and self heating pillow hill water best contact Village.Under the Xuegang mountain located , this area of valley stream Lam, village and had to wear, the houses well-proportioned, Ma Tau wall under stagger.Under the blue sky, grey walls set in between the green mountains and rivers,between red flower and greenery.As a song, poem, picturesque, one pastoral scenery.ZhengXiaoxie had a inscription that landscape clock witty, elegant residential multi. Cheng Cun paintings, like more feelings. 在村落的建设上,以“得水为上”为规则布局的宗旨。力求顺应自然,对不合适的地形进行积极地改造和利用,以求最理想的布局。在河中拦坝饮水 挖沟筑墙 植树造桥,形成优美的乡村风貌。在这里,水是改善生态环境的工具,也是积淀文化的垫金石。宏村的民居以水为装饰,通过大量使用庭院,漏窗,楼阁等建筑手段,来沟通内外空间,达到黄山向晚盈轩翠,黟水含村傍橄流。四壁云山开醉眼,一楼风月话诗心。的神妙意境。人与自然息息相通,可谓四水便是清凉国,一室可谓安乐窝。人上天然


In the village construction,”Get water on” is the purpose of the rules of layout.To comply with nature,to active do transformation and utilization of unsuitable terrain for the best layout.In the river dam water,trench wall,planting trees to build a bridge,in order to form a beautiful scene of the countryside,The consistency of houses and the surrounding environment,to make the consistency of houses and the surrounding environment.Water is to improve the ecological environment of the tool ,it is also pad stone cultural accumulation in there.Hongcun residential areas with water as the decoration,through the extensive use of the courtyard, windows, pavilions and other construction methods to communicate the internal and external space,to achieve Mount Huangshan evening Ying Xuan Yi Cui, water containing olive flow near the village. The walls opened a building Yunshan drunk, romantic words poem heart wonderful artistic conception.Close to the human and the nature,It may be said Four water is cool country, one room is a cosy nest. Natural habitat, even the sky people.


一幅构思精巧的水墨山水画。村民头戴斗笠,身挑箩筐,行走于村中的青石板小路上,更为此画点缀了生机。“水上园林”,“水口建筑”也是宏村建筑中的一项重要内容和特点。利用,山势,溪流,湖旁,配置牌楼,亭榭,桥梁,形成风水园林景观。从一定意义上说,“水口”是村落发达的象征,不仅具有入口的作用, 而且是村落的重要标志,这也是徽派建筑中尤其具魅力的部分。突出了变现宏村人积极顺应,改造,利用自然追求和创造美好生活的理想。走进宏村,村间毗邻的高楼叠园间铺就着一条条深邃的青石板小巷残垣断壁上流淌着百年雨水冲刷的斑驳。

Hongcun beauty, beauty in the spirituality of water,The village before the clear lake quiet,The white walls and black tiles reflection.Among them,in the morning the sunset clear and bright。The wild duck lake water play often pierced the silence。In the distance Qingshan bamboo,the whole village silent period in a vague mist rain black and white lines appear in the building between the hazy night,as a sophisticated concept of ink painting. The villagers wearing hats,pick the basket,walking in the village of bluestone alley ,it dots the picture more vigor.

developed.Not only has the entrance effect, and is an important symbol of the village.This is the Huizhou architecture is particularly attractive part.Outstanding people of Hongcun actively comply with cash, transformation, the use of natural pursuit and create a better life ideal.Walking into Hongcun,village between the adjacent high-rise pile garden paved the lines between the depth of bluestone alley debris flowing mottled the rains washed out in one hundred.


The ancient archway in the sunlight,dragged long shadows whirling around in the lane,clear the ditches of harmony pleasing drip water.A picture of the harmony of man and nature live in harmony, no wonder people call it


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