


1. write the phonetics of the underlined part of each word. (2’)

① photo _________ ② lamb _________

③exciting _________ ④ soap _________

2. Which word should be stressed in the following underlined sentence?

Write the word on the line. ____________ (1’)

--- Whose book is this?

II. Basic grammer. (12’)

Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word.

1. There ________(be) some milk in the glass.

2. How many little sheep _________ (be) there ?

3. ________ (play) basketball is my favorite.

4. I have a lot of problems __________ (solve).

5. Could you please ________ (do) me a favor?

6. Thank for ________ (help) me!

7. Tom and his friends _________ (like) swimming a lot.

8. ---Who ________ (break) the window? --- Mike did.

9. Listen! Someone __________ (sing) next door.

10. --- Do you mind my ______ (open) the door? --- Certainly not! Please do it.

11. My bike is different from Jim’s bike. My bike is green, but _____ (he) is silver.

12. ________ (a) university is place where you can learn a lot of knowledge. III. Do you get easily confused?

Read each sentence and do what you are asked to do. (5’)


0 If you think there are five letters in “apple’, please draw a circle on the line.

1. Now if the word “car” appears in scared, draw a cross on the line. 2. Write OCEAN on the line if the word starts with a vowel. If not, write the last four letters of the alphabet. 3. Write the second word after “the”

4. If G is the senventh letter of the alphabet, then don’t write the number 22

on the line but write the number 65 instead.

5. Write HELP on the line if a woman is sometimes taller than a man. _______

IV. Choose the best one to complete the sentences. (5’)

1. Ben doesn’t have any friends because he is 2.Since the 1980s, more people are becoming watching too much TV and eating too much junk food and fast food.

3. All the books she bought last year 4.The old man is very active in the community; he seems to .

5. The Smiths V. Reading.

Read the pictures above, and match the persons with their health problems below. Write the letters of the pictures on the line. (10’)

1. __________ He has a fever. His temperature is up. His fever is up.

2. __________ He has a bad cut. His arm is cut.

3. __________ He has a stomachache. His stomach hurts.

4. __________ He has a bad cold. His nose is stuffy. He has a runny nose.

5. __________ She hurt her toe.Her toe hurts.

6. __________ He hurt his finger. He has a hurt finger. His finger hurts.

7. __________ She has cramps.

8. __________ He has a sore throat. His throat hurts. He has a cough.

9. __________ She hurt her back. She has a backache. Her back is sore.

10. __________ He has a headache. His head hurts.


Use the map above to answer the questions below. (10’)

1. How many miles is it from Nekoheim to Ericville? ________________________

2. How far is it from Nekoheim to Ericville and back again? ____________________

3. How many miles is it from Ericville to Sebiton?


4. How far is it from Nekoheim to Sebiton? ________________________

5. What is the name of the town 41 miles away from Ericville?


6. Which town is closer to Kayetown?? ________________________

7. How far is it from Sebiton to Maggie? ________________________

8. Susan drove from Kayetown to Maggie, and then back home again. How many miles did Susan drive?


9. Which town is farther away from Ericville? ________________________

10. Juan drove from Sebiton to Ericville and then to Kayetown.How many

miles did he drive?

VI. A peom.

A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks (1)_________. Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of (2)_________. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is Forever Friendship. when you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you (3) _______ in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad(4)_______, and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.

Read the poem above and complete the following exercises:

1. Choose a title for this poem: ____________ (1’)

A. A Forever Friend B. I want a true friend. C. Friendship

2. What are the four missing words in the peom above: (2’)

(1)_________ (2)_________ (3)_________ (4)_________

3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese according to the contex: (2’)






1. write the phonetics of the underlined part of each word. (2’)

① photo _________ ② lamb _________

③exciting _________ ④ soap _________

2. Which word should be stressed in the following underlined sentence?

Write the word on the line. ____________ (1’)

--- Whose book is this?

II. Basic grammer. (12’)

Fill in the blank with the proper form of the given word.

1. There ________(be) some milk in the glass.

2. How many little sheep _________ (be) there ?

3. ________ (play) basketball is my favorite.

4. I have a lot of problems __________ (solve).

5. Could you please ________ (do) me a favor?

6. Thank for ________ (help) me!

7. Tom and his friends _________ (like) swimming a lot.

8. ---Who ________ (break) the window? --- Mike did.

9. Listen! Someone __________ (sing) next door.

10. --- Do you mind my ______ (open) the door? --- Certainly not! Please do it.

11. My bike is different from Jim’s bike. My bike is green, but _____ (he) is silver.

12. ________ (a) university is place where you can learn a lot of knowledge. III. Do you get easily confused?

Read each sentence and do what you are asked to do. (5’)


0 If you think there are five letters in “apple’, please draw a circle on the line.

1. Now if the word “car” appears in scared, draw a cross on the line. 2. Write OCEAN on the line if the word starts with a vowel. If not, write the last four letters of the alphabet. 3. Write the second word after “the”

4. If G is the senventh letter of the alphabet, then don’t write the number 22

on the line but write the number 65 instead.

5. Write HELP on the line if a woman is sometimes taller than a man. _______

IV. Choose the best one to complete the sentences. (5’)

1. Ben doesn’t have any friends because he is 2.Since the 1980s, more people are becoming watching too much TV and eating too much junk food and fast food.

3. All the books she bought last year 4.The old man is very active in the community; he seems to .

5. The Smiths V. Reading.

Read the pictures above, and match the persons with their health problems below. Write the letters of the pictures on the line. (10’)

1. __________ He has a fever. His temperature is up. His fever is up.

2. __________ He has a bad cut. His arm is cut.

3. __________ He has a stomachache. His stomach hurts.

4. __________ He has a bad cold. His nose is stuffy. He has a runny nose.

5. __________ She hurt her toe.Her toe hurts.

6. __________ He hurt his finger. He has a hurt finger. His finger hurts.

7. __________ She has cramps.

8. __________ He has a sore throat. His throat hurts. He has a cough.

9. __________ She hurt her back. She has a backache. Her back is sore.

10. __________ He has a headache. His head hurts.


Use the map above to answer the questions below. (10’)

1. How many miles is it from Nekoheim to Ericville? ________________________

2. How far is it from Nekoheim to Ericville and back again? ____________________

3. How many miles is it from Ericville to Sebiton?


4. How far is it from Nekoheim to Sebiton? ________________________

5. What is the name of the town 41 miles away from Ericville?


6. Which town is closer to Kayetown?? ________________________

7. How far is it from Sebiton to Maggie? ________________________

8. Susan drove from Kayetown to Maggie, and then back home again. How many miles did Susan drive?


9. Which town is farther away from Ericville? ________________________

10. Juan drove from Sebiton to Ericville and then to Kayetown.How many

miles did he drive?

VI. A peom.

A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks (1)_________. Sometimes in life, you find a special friend; Someone who changes your life just by being part of (2)_________. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is Forever Friendship. when you're down, and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you (3) _______ in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad(4)_______, and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows.

Read the poem above and complete the following exercises:

1. Choose a title for this poem: ____________ (1’)

A. A Forever Friend B. I want a true friend. C. Friendship

2. What are the four missing words in the peom above: (2’)

(1)_________ (2)_________ (3)_________ (4)_________

3. Translate the following sentences into Chinese according to the contex: (2’)





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