
Takeda R&D Strategy

Tadataka Yamada, M.D.

Chief Medical & Scientific Officer

Deborah Dunsire, M.D.

President and CEO, Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company

Nikko Hotel, , San Francisco January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Value

Takeda is a p pharmaceutical company p y committed to the discovery and development of innovative solutions addressing unmet medical needs of patients ti t through th h R&D i investment t t

1 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Mission

Meet the future promise of Takeda as a leader l d i in th the pharmaceutical h ti l industry by providing solutions to patients ti t with ith unmet t medical di l needs d Transform the R&D organization to be an engine of growth that is an industry leader in R&D productivity

2 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles



Focus on Patients



3 R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles


4 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles


New Frontier Science

Novel New Molecular Entity

 TAK-875 TAK-438 438  TAK  MLN0002  TAK-375SL AD-4833/TOMM40 4833/TOMM40  AD  Lupron 6M Depot

Novel Life Cycle Management

Drug Discovery Unit CMC Center

5 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles


POC&C C Concept t

Value Creation

POC&C: Proof of Concept & Competitiveness

6 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles

Why y POC&C?

Valid surrogate of value - 50% success to market More proximate measure of value creation Focus measurement on peak year sales Better tool to predict future corporate performance Set targets g for therapeutic p area units

7 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles


In license In-license

Di Discovery

(formerly Syrrx)

Takeda California

Mill Millennium i

N Nycomed d

Affymax, y Lundbeck, Orexigen, Novartis, Seattle Genetics, etc.

• REVESTIVE • ADCETRIS • OMONTYS • RIENSO • CONTRAVE • LOTRIGA • BRINTELLIX* • Lurasidone • ATL-962 • AMG 386 • AMG 706 • TAK-816 • TAK-361S • ITI-214

• Advinus • Envoy • LigoCyte • Intracellular Therapies

• NESINA • SYR-472

• MLN0002 • MLN9708 • MLN8237 • MLN0264

• DAXAS • REVESTIVE • Veltuzumab • Namilumab • Alvesco • Omnaris

*Proposed brand name of Lu AA21004


| R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

6 Therapeutic Areas

Pipeline Assets in Phase 2 or Beyond Metabolic / CV



• VELCADE • LUPRON • ADCETRIS • • • • • MLN9708 MLN8237 TAK-700 AMG 706 AMG 386


• BRINTELLIX* • Lurasidone TAK 375SL • TAK-375SL • SOVRIMA

Respiratory & Inflammatory f

• DAXAS • Veltuzumab • • • • • •

General Medicine



• TAK-816 • TAK-361S • Norovirus vaccine

*Proposed brand name of Lu AA21004


| R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

R&D Budget in FY2012-2014 (average)

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Oncology




4% 12% 14%


Respiratory & Immunology

General Medicine Central Nervous System


| R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

NESINA / SYR-322 (alogliptin)

First DPP-4 inhibitor with prospective CV outcome data

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status First DPP-4 inhibitor to have prospective CV outcome data in a high CV risk population (EXAMINE trial)  Treatment as monotherapy and in fixed-dose combination with pioglitazone or metformin  PDUFA dates of alogliptin and alogliptin/pioglitazone FDC in late January 2013

Mechanism of Action A1 1c change fro om baseline at Wk k 26

0 ‐0.1 ‐0.2 ‐0.3 ‐0.4 ‐0.5 ‐0.6 ‐0.7 ‐0.8 ‐0.9

Key Data – Phase 3

Incretin (GLP‐1 or GIP) deactivated

*** ***

momo  therapy ‐0.02 ‐0.56 ‐0.59




Met  add‐on ‐0.1 ‐0.61 ‐0.59


*** ***


Active site


SU  add‐on 0 ‐0.38 ‐0.52

TZD  add‐on ‐0.19 ‐0.66 ‐0.8

Ins  add‐on ‐0.13 ‐0.63 ‐0.71

DPP‐4 enzyme y

*** P

g Alo 12.5mg Alo 25mg

11 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013


First obesity agent with prospective CV outcome data

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status Fixed-dose, sustained-release combination of naltrexone-HCl and bupropion-HCl CV outcome “LIGHT STUDY” underway to meet FDA requirement. The first obesity agent to be supported by prospective cardiovascular outcome data  Due to fast enrollment into LIGHT STUDY, accrual of events needed for interim analysis could occur as early as second quarter of calendar 2013.  Partnership with Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.

 

Mechanism of Action

LS Mean % change fro om BL

Key Data – Phase 3


12 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013


First-in-class GPR40 agonist for type 2 diabetes

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status

    

Once-daily insulin-secretagogue with clear differentiation from competitors: In Phase 2 trials, all doses had a markedly lower incidence of hypoglycemia compared to glimepiride (TAK-875 2.0%, glimepiride 16.1%) Phase 3 studies (including CV outcome study) ongoing in the US, EU & Japan Head to head and concomitant trials with DPP4 inhibitor ongoing Projected launch in FY2015 Mechanism of Action

Gl Glucose TAK-875

Key Data – Phase 2

Change e in HbA1c (% %)

0 -0.2 02 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4

K+/ATP Channel GLUT2 GK Mitochondria

↑ ATP ↓K



Insulin Granule Exocytosis


Insulin Granules DAG PKC


GPR40 IP3 Free Fatty Acid

* *


-Cell C ll

↑Ca2+ Endoplasmic

R ti l Reticulum



Ca2+ Channel * p p

# p

13 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

DAXAS (roflumilast)

The first oral drug in new class of treatment for COPD

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status Once daily oral selective phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) enzyme inhibitor for COPD Approved in the EU for maintenance treatment of severe COPD and currently filed or approved in several emerging markets. Out-licensed to Forest in the US.  Clinical POM study ongoing for new combination with alogliptin for type 2 diabetes diabetes.

 

Mechanism of Action Intestine


Key Data - preclinical

Combination of PDE4 inhibitors and DPP4 inhibitors increases active plasma GLP-1 levels (db/db mice)

Vehicle PDE4 inhibitor (10 mg/kg) Januvia (100 mg/kg) PDE4 inhibitor + Januvia Mean+SE (n=10)



GLP‐1 ↑








PDE4 – PDE4i




Beta cells

Intestinal L cells

14 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

BRINTELLIX* / Lu AA21004 (vortioxetine)

Novel multimodal antidepressant for major depressive disorder

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status The US NDA includes data from 6 global Phase 3 trials (including a study in elderly patients) that demonstrated significant efficacy in dose range of 5 to 20mg/day  Potential for favorable short and long term safety and tolerability and improvement of cognitive dysfunction of depression p

 Lower incidence of treatment emergent sexual dysfunction  No impact on sleep and weight neutrality  Absence of discontinuation symptoms

US NDA filed by y Takeda in October 2012, ,& Japan NDA filing expected in mid-FY2013  Partnership with H. Lundbeck A/S

Key Data – Phase 3

0.7 06 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 ‐0.1 0.07 DSST RAVLT Acquisition RAVLT Delayed  Recall * 0.25 * * 0.33 0.27 * 0.24 ** 0.32

Standardized d Effect Size Ve ersus  Placebo P

Acute Major  Depression in Elderly Patients

Vortioxetine Duloxetine



*Proposed brand name of Lu AA21004

15 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013


Atypical antipsychotic for schizophrenia & bipolar depression

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status Demonstrated robust schizophrenia maintenance efficacy in a 52 week study against Seroquel XR (QXR: atypical antipsychotic)

 27% improved reduction in relapse compared to Seroquel XR p reduction in the risk of hospitalization p compared p to Seroquel q XR  57% improved

Lack of significant effects on metabolic parameters including body weight Met primary and key secondary Key Data - Phase 3 endpoints in two phase 3 trials in 52 week double-blind extended study y bipolar I depression  EU MAA filed by Takeda in September 2012 for schizophrenia  Partnership with D i i Dainippon S Sumitomo it Ph Pharma

 

Favorable F

16 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

MLN0002 (vedolizumab)

A precision-based strike on inflammatory bowel disease

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status A novel class of gut-selective monoclonal antibody targets α4β7 integrin on leukocytes involved in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD):  Phase III UC study GEMINI I met primary endpoints of response (induction) and remission (maintenance)  Phase III CD study GEMINI II met primary endpoints of remission (both induction and maintenance)  MLN0002 has demonstrated efficacy in patients who are TNF naïve and those with prior anti-TNF failure in both UC and CD

Key Data – Phase 2



17 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

TAK-438 (vonoprazan)

Longer, g faster, better acid suppression pp

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

     

Program Status First-in-class potassium competitive acid blocker (PCAB) More rapid onset of action as compared with a PPI (lansoprazole) High accumulation in parietal cells – potent/prolonged acid suppression No food effect effect, a limitation of PPIs No interaction with CYP2C19 Phase III ongoing in Japan Mechanism of Action Key Data – Phase 1

Intragastric pH from MRD Study (comparison with lansoprazole)

18 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Acquisition of LigoCyte

Gains First-in-Class Norovirus Vaccine Candidate & Virus-Like Particle Platform

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

A major step forward in the expansion of Takeda’s global Vaccine Business Unit Enhances Takeda’s R&D capacity with the acquisition of VLP* technology Expands Takeda s development Takeda’s pipeline with first-in-class norovirus vaccine (P-I/II) and pre-clinical assets , influenza and rotavirus for RS virus,

19 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

*Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) mimic the external protein structure of a virus without including the genetic material (DNA or RNA). The human immune system responds as if encountering e cou te g a live e virus, us, a allowing o g it t to bu build d immune defenses

LigoCyte’s norovirus VLP Credit: LigoCyte Ph Pharmaceuticals, ti l Inc. I


| R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Forward-Looking Statements

This presentation contains forward-looking statements regarding the Company's plans, outlook, strategies, and results for the future. All forward-looking statements are based on judgments derived from the information available to the Company at this time. Forward looking statements can sometimes be identified by the use of forwardlooking words such as "may," "believe," "will," "expect," "project," "estimate," "should," "anticipate," "plan," "continue," "seek," "pro forma," "potential," "target, " "forecast," or "intend" or other similar words or expressions of the negative thereof thereof. Certain risks and uncertainties could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from any forward looking statements contained in this presentation. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, (1) the economic circumstances surrounding the Company's business, including general economic conditions in the US and worldwide; (2) competitive pressures; (3) applicable laws and regulations; (4) the success or failure of product development programs; (5) decisions of regulatory authorities and the timing thereof; (6) changes in exchange rates; (7) claims or concerns regarding the safety or efficacy of marketed products or product candidates; and (8) integration activities with acquired companies companies. We assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements or other information contained in this presentation, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.


Takeda R&D Strategy

Tadataka Yamada, M.D.

Chief Medical & Scientific Officer

Deborah Dunsire, M.D.

President and CEO, Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company

Nikko Hotel, , San Francisco January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Value

Takeda is a p pharmaceutical company p y committed to the discovery and development of innovative solutions addressing unmet medical needs of patients ti t through th h R&D i investment t t

1 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Mission

Meet the future promise of Takeda as a leader l d i in th the pharmaceutical h ti l industry by providing solutions to patients ti t with ith unmet t medical di l needs d Transform the R&D organization to be an engine of growth that is an industry leader in R&D productivity

2 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles



Focus on Patients



3 R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles


4 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles


New Frontier Science

Novel New Molecular Entity

 TAK-875 TAK-438 438  TAK  MLN0002  TAK-375SL AD-4833/TOMM40 4833/TOMM40  AD  Lupron 6M Depot

Novel Life Cycle Management

Drug Discovery Unit CMC Center

5 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles


POC&C C Concept t

Value Creation

POC&C: Proof of Concept & Competitiveness

6 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles

Why y POC&C?

Valid surrogate of value - 50% success to market More proximate measure of value creation Focus measurement on peak year sales Better tool to predict future corporate performance Set targets g for therapeutic p area units

7 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Takeda R&D Principles


In license In-license

Di Discovery

(formerly Syrrx)

Takeda California

Mill Millennium i

N Nycomed d

Affymax, y Lundbeck, Orexigen, Novartis, Seattle Genetics, etc.

• REVESTIVE • ADCETRIS • OMONTYS • RIENSO • CONTRAVE • LOTRIGA • BRINTELLIX* • Lurasidone • ATL-962 • AMG 386 • AMG 706 • TAK-816 • TAK-361S • ITI-214

• Advinus • Envoy • LigoCyte • Intracellular Therapies

• NESINA • SYR-472

• MLN0002 • MLN9708 • MLN8237 • MLN0264

• DAXAS • REVESTIVE • Veltuzumab • Namilumab • Alvesco • Omnaris

*Proposed brand name of Lu AA21004


| R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

6 Therapeutic Areas

Pipeline Assets in Phase 2 or Beyond Metabolic / CV



• VELCADE • LUPRON • ADCETRIS • • • • • MLN9708 MLN8237 TAK-700 AMG 706 AMG 386


• BRINTELLIX* • Lurasidone TAK 375SL • TAK-375SL • SOVRIMA

Respiratory & Inflammatory f

• DAXAS • Veltuzumab • • • • • •

General Medicine



• TAK-816 • TAK-361S • Norovirus vaccine

*Proposed brand name of Lu AA21004


| R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

R&D Budget in FY2012-2014 (average)

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Oncology




4% 12% 14%


Respiratory & Immunology

General Medicine Central Nervous System


| R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

NESINA / SYR-322 (alogliptin)

First DPP-4 inhibitor with prospective CV outcome data

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status First DPP-4 inhibitor to have prospective CV outcome data in a high CV risk population (EXAMINE trial)  Treatment as monotherapy and in fixed-dose combination with pioglitazone or metformin  PDUFA dates of alogliptin and alogliptin/pioglitazone FDC in late January 2013

Mechanism of Action A1 1c change fro om baseline at Wk k 26

0 ‐0.1 ‐0.2 ‐0.3 ‐0.4 ‐0.5 ‐0.6 ‐0.7 ‐0.8 ‐0.9

Key Data – Phase 3

Incretin (GLP‐1 or GIP) deactivated

*** ***

momo  therapy ‐0.02 ‐0.56 ‐0.59




Met  add‐on ‐0.1 ‐0.61 ‐0.59


*** ***


Active site


SU  add‐on 0 ‐0.38 ‐0.52

TZD  add‐on ‐0.19 ‐0.66 ‐0.8

Ins  add‐on ‐0.13 ‐0.63 ‐0.71

DPP‐4 enzyme y

*** P

g Alo 12.5mg Alo 25mg

11 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013


First obesity agent with prospective CV outcome data

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status Fixed-dose, sustained-release combination of naltrexone-HCl and bupropion-HCl CV outcome “LIGHT STUDY” underway to meet FDA requirement. The first obesity agent to be supported by prospective cardiovascular outcome data  Due to fast enrollment into LIGHT STUDY, accrual of events needed for interim analysis could occur as early as second quarter of calendar 2013.  Partnership with Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.

 

Mechanism of Action

LS Mean % change fro om BL

Key Data – Phase 3


12 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013


First-in-class GPR40 agonist for type 2 diabetes

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status

    

Once-daily insulin-secretagogue with clear differentiation from competitors: In Phase 2 trials, all doses had a markedly lower incidence of hypoglycemia compared to glimepiride (TAK-875 2.0%, glimepiride 16.1%) Phase 3 studies (including CV outcome study) ongoing in the US, EU & Japan Head to head and concomitant trials with DPP4 inhibitor ongoing Projected launch in FY2015 Mechanism of Action

Gl Glucose TAK-875

Key Data – Phase 2

Change e in HbA1c (% %)

0 -0.2 02 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4

K+/ATP Channel GLUT2 GK Mitochondria

↑ ATP ↓K



Insulin Granule Exocytosis


Insulin Granules DAG PKC


GPR40 IP3 Free Fatty Acid

* *


-Cell C ll

↑Ca2+ Endoplasmic

R ti l Reticulum



Ca2+ Channel * p p

# p

13 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

DAXAS (roflumilast)

The first oral drug in new class of treatment for COPD

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status Once daily oral selective phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) enzyme inhibitor for COPD Approved in the EU for maintenance treatment of severe COPD and currently filed or approved in several emerging markets. Out-licensed to Forest in the US.  Clinical POM study ongoing for new combination with alogliptin for type 2 diabetes diabetes.

 

Mechanism of Action Intestine


Key Data - preclinical

Combination of PDE4 inhibitors and DPP4 inhibitors increases active plasma GLP-1 levels (db/db mice)

Vehicle PDE4 inhibitor (10 mg/kg) Januvia (100 mg/kg) PDE4 inhibitor + Januvia Mean+SE (n=10)



GLP‐1 ↑








PDE4 – PDE4i




Beta cells

Intestinal L cells

14 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

BRINTELLIX* / Lu AA21004 (vortioxetine)

Novel multimodal antidepressant for major depressive disorder

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status The US NDA includes data from 6 global Phase 3 trials (including a study in elderly patients) that demonstrated significant efficacy in dose range of 5 to 20mg/day  Potential for favorable short and long term safety and tolerability and improvement of cognitive dysfunction of depression p

 Lower incidence of treatment emergent sexual dysfunction  No impact on sleep and weight neutrality  Absence of discontinuation symptoms

US NDA filed by y Takeda in October 2012, ,& Japan NDA filing expected in mid-FY2013  Partnership with H. Lundbeck A/S

Key Data – Phase 3

0.7 06 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 ‐0.1 0.07 DSST RAVLT Acquisition RAVLT Delayed  Recall * 0.25 * * 0.33 0.27 * 0.24 ** 0.32

Standardized d Effect Size Ve ersus  Placebo P

Acute Major  Depression in Elderly Patients

Vortioxetine Duloxetine



*Proposed brand name of Lu AA21004

15 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013


Atypical antipsychotic for schizophrenia & bipolar depression

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status Demonstrated robust schizophrenia maintenance efficacy in a 52 week study against Seroquel XR (QXR: atypical antipsychotic)

 27% improved reduction in relapse compared to Seroquel XR p reduction in the risk of hospitalization p compared p to Seroquel q XR  57% improved

Lack of significant effects on metabolic parameters including body weight Met primary and key secondary Key Data - Phase 3 endpoints in two phase 3 trials in 52 week double-blind extended study y bipolar I depression  EU MAA filed by Takeda in September 2012 for schizophrenia  Partnership with D i i Dainippon S Sumitomo it Ph Pharma

 

Favorable F

16 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

MLN0002 (vedolizumab)

A precision-based strike on inflammatory bowel disease

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

Program Status A novel class of gut-selective monoclonal antibody targets α4β7 integrin on leukocytes involved in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD):  Phase III UC study GEMINI I met primary endpoints of response (induction) and remission (maintenance)  Phase III CD study GEMINI II met primary endpoints of remission (both induction and maintenance)  MLN0002 has demonstrated efficacy in patients who are TNF naïve and those with prior anti-TNF failure in both UC and CD

Key Data – Phase 2



17 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

TAK-438 (vonoprazan)

Longer, g faster, better acid suppression pp

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

     

Program Status First-in-class potassium competitive acid blocker (PCAB) More rapid onset of action as compared with a PPI (lansoprazole) High accumulation in parietal cells – potent/prolonged acid suppression No food effect effect, a limitation of PPIs No interaction with CYP2C19 Phase III ongoing in Japan Mechanism of Action Key Data – Phase 1

Intragastric pH from MRD Study (comparison with lansoprazole)

18 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Acquisition of LigoCyte

Gains First-in-Class Norovirus Vaccine Candidate & Virus-Like Particle Platform

Cardiovascular & Metabolic Respiratory & Inflammatory Central Nervous System General Medicine Vaccine Oncology

A major step forward in the expansion of Takeda’s global Vaccine Business Unit Enhances Takeda’s R&D capacity with the acquisition of VLP* technology Expands Takeda s development Takeda’s pipeline with first-in-class norovirus vaccine (P-I/II) and pre-clinical assets , influenza and rotavirus for RS virus,

19 | R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

*Virus-Like Particles (VLPs) mimic the external protein structure of a virus without including the genetic material (DNA or RNA). The human immune system responds as if encountering e cou te g a live e virus, us, a allowing o g it t to bu build d immune defenses

LigoCyte’s norovirus VLP Credit: LigoCyte Ph Pharmaceuticals, ti l Inc. I


| R&D Meeting | January 8, 2013

Forward-Looking Statements

This presentation contains forward-looking statements regarding the Company's plans, outlook, strategies, and results for the future. All forward-looking statements are based on judgments derived from the information available to the Company at this time. Forward looking statements can sometimes be identified by the use of forwardlooking words such as "may," "believe," "will," "expect," "project," "estimate," "should," "anticipate," "plan," "continue," "seek," "pro forma," "potential," "target, " "forecast," or "intend" or other similar words or expressions of the negative thereof thereof. Certain risks and uncertainties could cause the Company's actual results to differ materially from any forward looking statements contained in this presentation. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, (1) the economic circumstances surrounding the Company's business, including general economic conditions in the US and worldwide; (2) competitive pressures; (3) applicable laws and regulations; (4) the success or failure of product development programs; (5) decisions of regulatory authorities and the timing thereof; (6) changes in exchange rates; (7) claims or concerns regarding the safety or efficacy of marketed products or product candidates; and (8) integration activities with acquired companies companies. We assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements or other information contained in this presentation, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.



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  • 1.Pfizer辉瑞公司--是目前全球第一大医药企业,拥有150多年历史的以研发为基础的跨国制药公司.2000年6月,辉瑞和华纳*兰伯特公司合并,2003年4月,辉瑞公司对法玛西亚进行并购.新辉瑞是一家拥有空前规模.广泛的产品治疗领域和产品系列的全球药业巨头.公司的创新产品行销全球150多个国家和地 ...

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  • 外企医药公司排名
  • 1 葛兰素史克必成 Glaxo Smith Kline 英国 234.5 2 辉瑞 Pfizer 美国 225.7 3 默克 Merck 美国 202 4 阿斯特拉捷利康 Astra Zeneca 美国 157 5 安万特 Aventis 法国 150.5 6 百时美施贵宝 Bristol-Myer ...

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  • 世界生物技术作为参考系,观察日本生物技术,客观地评议日本技术.日本1868年1月3日成立明治维新政府开始引进欧美技术,经140年的发展,已成为世界上第二位的经济强国. 日本医疗药品售量占世界医疗药品市场的11%,日本高新企业风险企业的投资率为4%,不算低. 日本是一个呈弧状分布的岛国,位于亚洲大陆东 ...

  • 我国抗肿瘤药物总体市场状况
  • 我国抗肿瘤药物总体市场状况 第一节:抗肿瘤药物医院市场规模分析 抗肿瘤药物在我国医院用药市场销售规模自 2001 年以来一直稳步增长,尤其是 2003 年和 2004 年.2003 年的市场增长率为 15.58%,2004 年抗肿瘤药物医院市场增长率高达 19.00%.2005 年抗肿瘤药物销售额达 ...

  • 日本品牌及推荐代替产品
  • 日本品牌及推荐代替产品 (1) 数码照相机和数码摄像机 佳能CANON.索尼SONY.爱普生EPSON.松下Panasonic.东芝TOSHIBA.奥林巴斯Olympus.尼康Nikon.三洋SANYO.富士FUJIFILM.卡西欧Casio.日立旗下Maxell.富士通Fujitsu.柯尼卡Kon ...

  • 组织结构的基本类型
  • PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 PDF 文件使用 案例2邯郸钢铁股份有限公司组织机构图案例3 麦当劳门店组织机构店经理 第一副经理人事副经理订货副经理排班副经理训练副经理 ...

  • 专利药品保护期的延长策略
  • 除美国以外,多数已建立专利制度的国家均实行先申请制.为了及时保护创新成果,各国药品开发企业通常会在获得药品基本的药效学或药理学数据后即提出专利申请.然而,由于药品关系着国计民生和人类健康安全等重大问题,各国对其市场准入(生产和上市批准)的条件均非常苛刻,审批周期均很长(通常,原创药物的审批周期长达7 ...