

Unit One Differences between Cultures

The art of paper-cutting

1. freehand

2. scissors

3. exhibit

4. recognition

5. charge

6. culture

7. thesis

8. competition

9. butterflies

10. artistic

National Symbols

1. think of

2. dragon

3. aggressive

4. breathes

5. legends

6. spiritual

7. prosperity

8. harmony

9. architecture

10. ritual

Cultural Shock

1. cold, outgoing

2. overpowering, friendly

3. long time, for life

4. accent, loud behaviour

5. close,

6. distance

Unit Two lectures and Reports

A Speech by British Ambassor

1. points

2. ring

3. admiration

4. participated

5. province

6. armed forces

7. tragedy

8. relief

Unit Three Schools and Universities

The University of Oxford

1. oldest, lives, breathes, rigorously,intellectually, educating, draws together, finest

2. history, tradition, fellowship, student community, dinning hall

3. transportation connections,

Freshers ’ Week

1. social etiquette, wine glasses, snacks

2. hospitable, cups of tea, toast

3. sociable

4. doorstop, open

Unit Four Gatherings and Parties

Homecoming Scene

1. the gray suit

2. statue

3. boyfriend

4. graduates

5. tea and snacks

Sports Fans, US Businesses Await “Super Bowl Sunday”

1. $9 billion

2. commercials

3. payday

Unit Five Careers and Professions

Recession-proof Your Job

1. Find assignments on the company’s core projects

2. Build a relationship with the boss

3. Be prepared/ save some money

Job Interview

1. flying into the blue sky

2. working with people

3. quite fluent

4. make the passangers relaxed and happy

5. in top condition

6. any vision problems

7. speak in another language, use gestures and draw pictures

Job Hunting

1. space, store, run

2. techincal, computer related

3. health, paid vacation

4. training

5. startup

Google: The Best Company to Work For

1. a decade

2. Fortune ’s Best Companies to Work For List

3. flexibility, financial security, opportunity to get things done

4. make a positive impact on the environment

5. form a green strategy group

Unit Six Traveling and Sightseeing


1. starters

2. special

3. 17.95

4. Rare, medium rare, well-done

5. recommend

6. in just a moment

The Longest Suspension Brideg in the Word

1. little

2. depth

3. nearly

4. 26,108 lengths

Unit Seven Holidays and Vacations

Do You Celebrate Christmas?

1. religious issues

2. rarely

3. churchgoers, non-churchgoers, Christians, non- Christians

Mid-autumn Festival

1. getting together, calendar, the celebrations strech far beyond the borders of China

2. normal theatre production, prefessionals, volunteers, local community, landmards, backstreets,


3. special free, musical performances, guess-the-moocake-flavour, fan dance


1. family reunion, football

2. civil holiday, religious. Thanksgiving may be the only time of year when everyone gets

together, long-distance travel

3. turkey, side dishes, sweet potatoes, dessert, pumpkin

Unit Eight Family and Society

Jet Li: One Foundation Passes along Funds and Hope

1. sustainable, professional, trustworthy, social development, mass participation

2. consulting, accounting, marketing, publich relations, banking

3. 60 million, devastating

Healthcare Network to “Cover All”

1. expand, cover, upgrade

2. public health, rural areas, urban community services, basic medical insurance

3. 5000, 2000, 2400

Unit Nine

Barack Obama: Energy and Environment

1. last bestowal

2. global climate

3. Middle East

4. solar, biomass

5. significant changes

6. carbon neutral

Cemetery Is Solar Source

1. at a premium

2. 462, 700, 202

3. solar parks, largest

Cutting the Greenhouse Gases

1. global warming

2. reelection, unpopular

3. Hummer, gas-guzzler

4. research, incentives


Unit One Differences between Cultures

The art of paper-cutting

1. freehand

2. scissors

3. exhibit

4. recognition

5. charge

6. culture

7. thesis

8. competition

9. butterflies

10. artistic

National Symbols

1. think of

2. dragon

3. aggressive

4. breathes

5. legends

6. spiritual

7. prosperity

8. harmony

9. architecture

10. ritual

Cultural Shock

1. cold, outgoing

2. overpowering, friendly

3. long time, for life

4. accent, loud behaviour

5. close,

6. distance

Unit Two lectures and Reports

A Speech by British Ambassor

1. points

2. ring

3. admiration

4. participated

5. province

6. armed forces

7. tragedy

8. relief

Unit Three Schools and Universities

The University of Oxford

1. oldest, lives, breathes, rigorously,intellectually, educating, draws together, finest

2. history, tradition, fellowship, student community, dinning hall

3. transportation connections,

Freshers ’ Week

1. social etiquette, wine glasses, snacks

2. hospitable, cups of tea, toast

3. sociable

4. doorstop, open

Unit Four Gatherings and Parties

Homecoming Scene

1. the gray suit

2. statue

3. boyfriend

4. graduates

5. tea and snacks

Sports Fans, US Businesses Await “Super Bowl Sunday”

1. $9 billion

2. commercials

3. payday

Unit Five Careers and Professions

Recession-proof Your Job

1. Find assignments on the company’s core projects

2. Build a relationship with the boss

3. Be prepared/ save some money

Job Interview

1. flying into the blue sky

2. working with people

3. quite fluent

4. make the passangers relaxed and happy

5. in top condition

6. any vision problems

7. speak in another language, use gestures and draw pictures

Job Hunting

1. space, store, run

2. techincal, computer related

3. health, paid vacation

4. training

5. startup

Google: The Best Company to Work For

1. a decade

2. Fortune ’s Best Companies to Work For List

3. flexibility, financial security, opportunity to get things done

4. make a positive impact on the environment

5. form a green strategy group

Unit Six Traveling and Sightseeing


1. starters

2. special

3. 17.95

4. Rare, medium rare, well-done

5. recommend

6. in just a moment

The Longest Suspension Brideg in the Word

1. little

2. depth

3. nearly

4. 26,108 lengths

Unit Seven Holidays and Vacations

Do You Celebrate Christmas?

1. religious issues

2. rarely

3. churchgoers, non-churchgoers, Christians, non- Christians

Mid-autumn Festival

1. getting together, calendar, the celebrations strech far beyond the borders of China

2. normal theatre production, prefessionals, volunteers, local community, landmards, backstreets,


3. special free, musical performances, guess-the-moocake-flavour, fan dance


1. family reunion, football

2. civil holiday, religious. Thanksgiving may be the only time of year when everyone gets

together, long-distance travel

3. turkey, side dishes, sweet potatoes, dessert, pumpkin

Unit Eight Family and Society

Jet Li: One Foundation Passes along Funds and Hope

1. sustainable, professional, trustworthy, social development, mass participation

2. consulting, accounting, marketing, publich relations, banking

3. 60 million, devastating

Healthcare Network to “Cover All”

1. expand, cover, upgrade

2. public health, rural areas, urban community services, basic medical insurance

3. 5000, 2000, 2400

Unit Nine

Barack Obama: Energy and Environment

1. last bestowal

2. global climate

3. Middle East

4. solar, biomass

5. significant changes

6. carbon neutral

Cemetery Is Solar Source

1. at a premium

2. 462, 700, 202

3. solar parks, largest

Cutting the Greenhouse Gases

1. global warming

2. reelection, unpopular

3. Hummer, gas-guzzler

4. research, incentives


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