

Once a sea turtle, it can put the mountains on the back, swim in the sea of freedom.


A ants live far away heard the turtle legend, with a group of ants came to the seaside, want to see the turtle's ability.


They waited for a month at the beach, but still did not see the turtle, and some ants do not want to continue to wait, arguing to go home.


Suddenly the wind is whistling, and the whole earth is shaking. The ants shouted in unison "sea turtles, sea turtles!" The wind stopped, the waves flattened, the earth stopped.

突然海风呼啸,整个大地都在震动。蚂蚁们齐声喊道“海龟出海了,海龟出海了!” 风停了,浪平了,大地也停止了震动。

At this time, the sea has a very high mountain is slowly moving loaded with the mountain is the turtle, the ants to loud cheers. More than amazing.


It has been said: "turtle pie ant with mountains and rice with us what two? It laden with mountains, swam in the sea and we wore the rice in the land lost crawling, just not the same as the way to express, let's go back, nothing of the good-looking! "



Pride makes people fall behind, to be good at discovering the strengths of others, with an open mind to learn to make progress.


Once a sea turtle, it can put the mountains on the back, swim in the sea of freedom.


A ants live far away heard the turtle legend, with a group of ants came to the seaside, want to see the turtle's ability.


They waited for a month at the beach, but still did not see the turtle, and some ants do not want to continue to wait, arguing to go home.


Suddenly the wind is whistling, and the whole earth is shaking. The ants shouted in unison "sea turtles, sea turtles!" The wind stopped, the waves flattened, the earth stopped.

突然海风呼啸,整个大地都在震动。蚂蚁们齐声喊道“海龟出海了,海龟出海了!” 风停了,浪平了,大地也停止了震动。

At this time, the sea has a very high mountain is slowly moving loaded with the mountain is the turtle, the ants to loud cheers. More than amazing.


It has been said: "turtle pie ant with mountains and rice with us what two? It laden with mountains, swam in the sea and we wore the rice in the land lost crawling, just not the same as the way to express, let's go back, nothing of the good-looking! "



Pride makes people fall behind, to be good at discovering the strengths of others, with an open mind to learn to make progress.


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