人教新版 英语六年级上册 第一单元中文翻译


Unit One

You should obey the rules 你应该遵守规则。

Lesson 1

Gao Wei is a good student.

He knows everyone in school should obey the rules. He comes to school early.

He listens to his teacher carefully. He never makes noise in class. He’s a group leader.

His group is making a list of rules for the class.


Class Rules

Listen to the teacher carefully. Hand in your homework on time.

Don’t be late for class. Don’t make noise in class.

班级规则(class rules):


Lesson 2

Listen to the teacher carefully. Don’t be late for class/school. May I ask you a question? Ask question actively. Don’t make noise. Be quiet.

认真听老师讲课。 上课/上学不迟到。 我可以问您一个问题吗?

积极提问 不要弄出噪音 课上不要吃东西。


Don’t eat in class.

Peter is a good student at school. But sometimes he is not a good boy at home. He often makes a mess in his room. He doesn’t like to help to set the dinner table. He watches TV the whole evening. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late. Peter’s mother writes some home rules for him:

Home Rules You should:

1. Help to set the dinner table 2. Go to bed early.

3. Keep your room clean. You shouldn’t:

1. Read in bed.

2. Watch TV till late.

3. Make a mess in your room.

彼得在学校里是一个好学生。但他有时在家却不是一个好孩子。他经常把他的房间弄得一团糟。他不喜欢帮忙摆餐桌。他整晚看电视。他躺在床上看书,而且很晚才上床睡觉。彼得的妈妈给他写了一些家庭规则: “家庭规则”你应该: 1、帮忙摆餐桌。 2、早点儿上床睡觉。 3、保持房间整洁。 你不应该:


2、看电视直到很晚。 3、把房间弄得一团糟。

Lesson 4

1. You should go to bed early. 你应该早点儿上床睡觉。 2. 3. 4. 5.

You shouldn’t make a mess in your room. keep your desk clean 保持桌面整洁。 make a mess 乱扔乱放东西

help to set the dinner table 帮忙摆餐桌


6. go home to late 回家太晚

Look out! You mustn’t cross the road now. 当心!你现在一定不要过马路。 You must wait for the green light. 你必须要等绿灯。 You mustn’t spit on the ground. 你一定不要随地吐痰。 You must keep off the grass. 你一定不要践踏草坪。 You mustn’t pick the flowers.


You mustn’t litter. 你一定不要乱扔垃圾。

We must take good care of young children. 我们必须好好照顾小孩子。 No littering 禁止乱扔垃圾

Keep off the grass 禁止践踏草坪


Look out! You must wait. 当心!你必须等一等。

You mustn’t cross the road now. 你现在一定不要过马路。

respect old people and help them 尊敬老人并帮助他们 take good care of young children 好好照顾小孩子 keep off the grass 不要(禁止) 践踏草坪 play on the street 在马路上玩 spit on the ground 随地吐痰 litter 乱丢垃圾

Make a sign to tell people what they shouldn’t do. 制作一个标志牌告诉人们禁止做什么。Make a sign to tell people what they must do. 制作一个标志牌告诉人们必须做什么。

No littering 不要乱扔垃圾 No spitting 不要随地吐痰

Keep your desk clean 保持你的桌面整洁 Be Quiet 安静


Mimi, Micky and their classmates are going on a social studies field trip. 咪咪、米奇和他们的同学们正在进行一次社会研究野外旅行。

They come to a hospital.

The rabbit puts her sign in front of the hospital. She wants to tell people, “Be quiet.”


They come to a busy street.

The dog holds up his sign to tell people, “No crossing!” Mimi holds up a sign to tell people, “Look out!”

他们来到一条繁华的大街上。狗举起标志牌告诉人们:“不要横穿马路! ” 咪咪举起标志牌告诉人们:“当心! ”

They come to a beautiful park.

The panda holds up his sign to tell people, ”Keep off the grass.” Micky points to his sign to tell people, “No littering.”

他们来到一个美丽的花园。熊猫举起标志牌告诉人们:“不要践踏草坪! ” 米奇指着他们的标志牌告诉人们:“不要乱扔垃圾。”

Micky feels hungry. He eats a banana.

Then he throws the banana skin on the ground.


What is wrong with Micky? What are his classmates doing now? 米奇怎么了?他的同学们现在在做什么?


Listen to the teacher carefully. 认真听老师讲课。 You should go to bed early. 你应该早点儿上床睡觉。 Look out! 当心!

You must wait. 你必须等一等。

黑体 carefully 仔细地;认真地 ask 问;询问 make 做;制作 eat 吃 should 应该 go

去;走 early 早 home 家 go home 回家 look 看

look out 小心;当心 must 必须;应该 wait 等待




don’t = do not mustn’t = must not shouldn’t =should not

room and

now question actively noise mess make a mess

keep clean set too late

respect them

take care of take good care of

young children keep off grass cross spit

ground litter

房间 和;并且 现在 问题

积极地;活泼地 声音;噪音 脏乱;杂乱 乱扔乱放东西 保持 干净的 摆;放 也;又;过于 晚;迟到 尊敬

他(她、它)们 照顾 好好照顾 年轻的;幼小的 孩子们 不进入 草;草坪 横穿 吐痰

地(面);地上 乱丢杂物


仔细地;认真地 问;询问 做;制作 吃 应该 去;走 早 家 回家 看

小心;当心 必须;应该 等待


其它: 房间 和;并且 现在 问题

积极地;活泼地 声音;噪音 脏乱;杂乱 乱扔乱放东西 保持 干净的 摆;放 也;又;过于 晚;迟到 尊敬

他(她、它)们 照顾 好好照顾 年轻的;幼小的 孩子们 不进入 草;草坪 横穿 吐痰

地(面);地上 乱丢杂物


Unit One

You should obey the rules 你应该遵守规则。

Lesson 1

Gao Wei is a good student.

He knows everyone in school should obey the rules. He comes to school early.

He listens to his teacher carefully. He never makes noise in class. He’s a group leader.

His group is making a list of rules for the class.


Class Rules

Listen to the teacher carefully. Hand in your homework on time.

Don’t be late for class. Don’t make noise in class.

班级规则(class rules):


Lesson 2

Listen to the teacher carefully. Don’t be late for class/school. May I ask you a question? Ask question actively. Don’t make noise. Be quiet.

认真听老师讲课。 上课/上学不迟到。 我可以问您一个问题吗?

积极提问 不要弄出噪音 课上不要吃东西。


Don’t eat in class.

Peter is a good student at school. But sometimes he is not a good boy at home. He often makes a mess in his room. He doesn’t like to help to set the dinner table. He watches TV the whole evening. He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late. Peter’s mother writes some home rules for him:

Home Rules You should:

1. Help to set the dinner table 2. Go to bed early.

3. Keep your room clean. You shouldn’t:

1. Read in bed.

2. Watch TV till late.

3. Make a mess in your room.

彼得在学校里是一个好学生。但他有时在家却不是一个好孩子。他经常把他的房间弄得一团糟。他不喜欢帮忙摆餐桌。他整晚看电视。他躺在床上看书,而且很晚才上床睡觉。彼得的妈妈给他写了一些家庭规则: “家庭规则”你应该: 1、帮忙摆餐桌。 2、早点儿上床睡觉。 3、保持房间整洁。 你不应该:


2、看电视直到很晚。 3、把房间弄得一团糟。

Lesson 4

1. You should go to bed early. 你应该早点儿上床睡觉。 2. 3. 4. 5.

You shouldn’t make a mess in your room. keep your desk clean 保持桌面整洁。 make a mess 乱扔乱放东西

help to set the dinner table 帮忙摆餐桌


6. go home to late 回家太晚

Look out! You mustn’t cross the road now. 当心!你现在一定不要过马路。 You must wait for the green light. 你必须要等绿灯。 You mustn’t spit on the ground. 你一定不要随地吐痰。 You must keep off the grass. 你一定不要践踏草坪。 You mustn’t pick the flowers.


You mustn’t litter. 你一定不要乱扔垃圾。

We must take good care of young children. 我们必须好好照顾小孩子。 No littering 禁止乱扔垃圾

Keep off the grass 禁止践踏草坪


Look out! You must wait. 当心!你必须等一等。

You mustn’t cross the road now. 你现在一定不要过马路。

respect old people and help them 尊敬老人并帮助他们 take good care of young children 好好照顾小孩子 keep off the grass 不要(禁止) 践踏草坪 play on the street 在马路上玩 spit on the ground 随地吐痰 litter 乱丢垃圾

Make a sign to tell people what they shouldn’t do. 制作一个标志牌告诉人们禁止做什么。Make a sign to tell people what they must do. 制作一个标志牌告诉人们必须做什么。

No littering 不要乱扔垃圾 No spitting 不要随地吐痰

Keep your desk clean 保持你的桌面整洁 Be Quiet 安静


Mimi, Micky and their classmates are going on a social studies field trip. 咪咪、米奇和他们的同学们正在进行一次社会研究野外旅行。

They come to a hospital.

The rabbit puts her sign in front of the hospital. She wants to tell people, “Be quiet.”


They come to a busy street.

The dog holds up his sign to tell people, “No crossing!” Mimi holds up a sign to tell people, “Look out!”

他们来到一条繁华的大街上。狗举起标志牌告诉人们:“不要横穿马路! ” 咪咪举起标志牌告诉人们:“当心! ”

They come to a beautiful park.

The panda holds up his sign to tell people, ”Keep off the grass.” Micky points to his sign to tell people, “No littering.”

他们来到一个美丽的花园。熊猫举起标志牌告诉人们:“不要践踏草坪! ” 米奇指着他们的标志牌告诉人们:“不要乱扔垃圾。”

Micky feels hungry. He eats a banana.

Then he throws the banana skin on the ground.


What is wrong with Micky? What are his classmates doing now? 米奇怎么了?他的同学们现在在做什么?


Listen to the teacher carefully. 认真听老师讲课。 You should go to bed early. 你应该早点儿上床睡觉。 Look out! 当心!

You must wait. 你必须等一等。

黑体 carefully 仔细地;认真地 ask 问;询问 make 做;制作 eat 吃 should 应该 go

去;走 early 早 home 家 go home 回家 look 看

look out 小心;当心 must 必须;应该 wait 等待




don’t = do not mustn’t = must not shouldn’t =should not

room and

now question actively noise mess make a mess

keep clean set too late

respect them

take care of take good care of

young children keep off grass cross spit

ground litter

房间 和;并且 现在 问题

积极地;活泼地 声音;噪音 脏乱;杂乱 乱扔乱放东西 保持 干净的 摆;放 也;又;过于 晚;迟到 尊敬

他(她、它)们 照顾 好好照顾 年轻的;幼小的 孩子们 不进入 草;草坪 横穿 吐痰

地(面);地上 乱丢杂物


仔细地;认真地 问;询问 做;制作 吃 应该 去;走 早 家 回家 看

小心;当心 必须;应该 等待


其它: 房间 和;并且 现在 问题

积极地;活泼地 声音;噪音 脏乱;杂乱 乱扔乱放东西 保持 干净的 摆;放 也;又;过于 晚;迟到 尊敬

他(她、它)们 照顾 好好照顾 年轻的;幼小的 孩子们 不进入 草;草坪 横穿 吐痰

地(面);地上 乱丢杂物


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