

Three book six li

The book of job offers: betrothal, men and women both parties officially concluded engagement. Mr Najib (article). The book of rites book: GuoLi, namely the gift list, detailed list gift type and quantity. Na (gift).

Escort a book: the book of his bride. When answering wedding (pro) to meet the bride. Mining: the ancient wedding, is meant the woman, the postponement of the matchmaker for media, of mining, today called "spoken". Q: the man ask the woman's name and birthday time, to 1, the good omen, who asked, now called "horoscope". Najib: ask if it is a good omen, sent a little gift on the matchmaker, and of Mr Najib, today called "article" or "small".

Character: complimentary gift, cakes, gifts and sacrifices, namely formal send dowry, call sign, today called "gift".

Please issue: the family please tell fortune a Sir To date, please issue of, also known as "opening day", now called "day".

Close to meet: the groom take a limousine, go to the bride's side to meet the bride, is close to meet.

Ann bed: choose a good day, a few days before the wedding by the good guy will be moved to a new bed position. Then, before the wedding, the good life

Who is responsible for making the bed, the bed cotton-padded mattress, bed sheet and dragons and phoenixes are laying on the bed, and sprinkle with various XiGuo, such as red jujube, longan, litchi dry, red and green beans

And a red envelope. Ann bed after everyone must not enter the bridal chamber and touch new bed, until the evening couple into the room.

Second, the bridal gown

Color: the Chinese wedding leave the big red, accustomed to the bright color to foil atmosphere. Therefore, being lady's wedding dress has become the custom color for big red, as a festival, foil, predict the future life progresses day by day, the happiness.

Style: bridal gowns for wide sleeve double-breasted zhai, head Dai Zhu rockhopper. Worth mentioning is that zhai the above pattern is very exquisite. Front opening itself to have the complete symmetry, and in the Chinese culture itself on behalf of the meaning of es and beauty, and thick cloth on the left and right sides is symmetrical, in pairs of golden pheasant pattern, is a symbol of the Chinese traditional culture in the couple of life and beauty, and joy.

The beginning of the 20th century, the traditional Chinese style wedding dress or gown jacket and a chaplet and official robes. A chaplet and official robes originally belong to the

provisions of the qing dynasty imperial mandate lady dress, is the symbol of power and status, is waiting for the ordinary civilians. Because of its Was full of jewelry jinxiu, RongYong colorful and expressed admiration for dignitaries as their agents, folk and gradually evolved into a big leap show wedding dress. And ordinary people's daughter married, usually only dressed in a red coat skirt, plus red LIDS and embroidered shoes, and bright red door sedan carried into the husband's family. Cultured is a "red" word. Tire: generally the bride on the wedding day high holding buns, different from unmarried woman.

Red epicranium: bride on the wedding day epicranium masked with red, a symbol of virginity, younger and pure. After the wedding by the groom personally. Now

Now many different forms of wedding formally, match well of Chinese and western modern secular in the couple's wedding. Wedding wear white wedding dress in the west, in the evening drink in traditional Chinese. First. Set out: on the morning of the wedding ceremony, the man's ridiculous team must go to her home is ridiculous. Today, after the bride is a big tide of the whole wedding. The first level is the "starter". If you want to take a beauty to smoothly, must pass through a series of mental and physical tests, plus songs prattle when necessary, but the most important still is generous open "fortune", all the sisters satisfaction after open the door. The groom should be red with his bride (bride not homemade red).

Second. Look for red shoes: will the groom in the bride's room looking for the bride to wear red shoes, give her put on to take the bride away.

Third. Tea: the couple bow to parents serve tea again (if in accordance with the old common cases, the couple before the family visit chastity saw before, do not bow down to, namely the couple stood should serve tea to her parents. But now is not so pay attention to, want to went to kneel down on my hands and knees, to show his mind).

4. Hold umbrella, and meter: an umbrella red by the maid of honor with the bride and groom to go out, and will walk while rice to the chicken, avoid chicken peck the bride.

5. Around the road: must meet the bride's car around the city of auspicious walk road of the road. Such as auspicious, HuiFu road have a good luck in the name of a road.

6. The door: refers to the bride by the bride's side door to go out after officially stepped into the family, visit chastity saw other elders and family.

7. Wedding: at a ceremony to the hotel, MC will be presided over by ceremony.

8. Respect guest: splendidly until after the beginning of the fish, the bride change traditional longfeng existing tea to guests.

9. The wedding: after the booze couple will start with some friends to a new home to visit or entertainment.

10. Recalls: same recalls on the third day after marriage, the bride accompanied by husband and bring gifts to worship ancestors back and burn the pig.

1, gifts: according to the general customs, to attend the reception will prepare a little present, with red paper or specially printed double happy character packet, put in the appropriate handsel gold, gift number according to the guest's economic situation and the relationship between the bride and groom and personal relationship, but the best to take the number, including six is "lu", eight for "hair", for the meaning of "grow old together". 2, come to the table: the wedding will guide seated according to the host or the host, and if no one guide, can sit with familiar friends and relatives, but should be careful not to take the initiative to sit in the table "young" or "parent table". Dinner dishes, feeding manners 3, a toast: to the bride and groom to thank all the toast, everyone stood a toast, and the couple first gently clink ", then "congratulations". Don't get the bride and groom drunk, don't ramble, toast to the couple in each table of time control in 3 minutes, so that they ended the party, before the wedding. At the same time, he is in the banquet, also do not shout, want moderation, so as to avoid drunken rant faux pas.

4, and the paper scraps, wedding ceremony, people laughing to the sky, colorful confetti sprinkled on the bride and groom, and also congratulate the to the guests. This custom originated in Italy. Middle ages, Italy all who attend the wedding, to the couple and a colorful and tiny candy, bless the couple had a sweet life. In the 19th century, people changed and candy to color confetti.

5, eat dumplings: before the start of the bride at the wedding to brother with their parents and friends in your girlfriend to eat dumplings, said farewell, mother fed her daughter dumplings, the bride to cry.

6, lovable: the groom after meeting with her family, bride-to-be should hold the flower to the room, at this point, the bride and groom the girlfriend to deliberately stopped, but the conditions to the groom promise, usually with red envelopes the ritual clinch a deal.


一、三书六礼 聘书:订亲之书,男女双方正式缔结婚约。纳吉(过文定) 时用。 礼书:过礼之书,即礼物清单,详尽列明礼物种类及数量。纳征(过大礼) 时用。 迎亲书:迎娶新娘之书。结婚当日(亲迎) 接新娘过门时用。 纳采:古时婚礼之首,属意女方时,延请媒人作媒,谓之纳采,今称“提亲”。 问名:男方探问女方之姓名及生曰时辰,以1、吉兆,谓之问名,今称“合八字”。 纳吉:问名若属吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,谓之纳吉,今称“过文定”或“小定”。 纳征:奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等,即正式送聘礼,谓纳征,今称“过大礼”。 请期:由男家请算命先生择日,谓之请期,又称“乞日”,今称“择日”。 亲迎:新郎乘礼车,赴女家迎接新娘,谓之亲迎。 安床:择定良辰吉日,在婚礼前数天由好命佬将新床搬至适当位置。然后,在婚礼之前,再由好命 婆负责铺床,将床褥、床单及龙凤被等铺在床上,并撒上各式喜果,如红枣、桂圆、荔枝干、红绿豆 及红包。安床后任何人皆不得进入新房及触碰新床,直至结婚当晚新人进房为止。



样式:新娘礼服为广袖对襟翟衣,头戴珠凤冠。值得说明的是,翟衣上面的图案很有讲究。对襟本身就有完整的对称感,且在中国文化里本身就代表合称、合美的意思,而上面密 布的左右对称且成双成对的锦鸡图案,则象征着中国传统文化里夫妻生活的和美、和乐。 20世纪初,传统的中式婚礼服还是长袍马褂和凤冠霞帔。凤冠霞帔原属清代诰命夫人的规定着装,是权势和地位的象征,对普通平民百姓来说是可望而不可即的。因为其上 布满了珠宝锦绣,容雍华美至极,表达了民间对权贵的仰慕,因而逐渐演变成豪门闰秀的婚礼服。而普通人家之女成婚时,通常只能穿一身大红袄裙,外加大红盖头和绣花 鞋,并用大红花轿抬进婆家门。讲究的就是个“红”字。





第一. 迎亲:婚礼上午,男方的接亲队伍就要来女方家接亲了。现今,接新娘是整个婚礼的一大高潮。第一关便是“入门”。若要顺利接得美人归,必须经过一连串智力及体能测试,必要时还加上歌情话,但最重要的还是丰厚的“开门利市”,众姊妹满意后才开门。新郎应以花球迎娶新娘(新娘不可自制花球) 。

第二. 找红鞋:新郎会在接新娘的房间里找给新娘穿的红鞋子,给新娘穿上后才能把新娘带走。

第三. 敬茶:新人再向双亲奉茶跪拜(若依照旧式俗例,新人未到男家拜见翁姑之前,不可跪拜,即新人应站着奉茶给女方父母。不过现时已没有这么讲究,想跪便去跪,以示心意) 。 第四. 撑红伞、撒米:由伴娘撑红色伞伴新娘新郎出门,并且会边走边撒米给鸡吃,以免鸡啄到新娘。

第五. 绕吉祥路:迎接新娘的车必须绕着市区的吉祥路名的路走一圈。如吉祥路、惠福路等有好听吉祥之名的路。

第六. 过门:过门指新娘由女家出门后正式踏入男家,拜见翁姑及男家其他长辈。 第七. 婚礼:到酒店举行仪式,有司仪会主持仪式。

第八. 敬客:酒宴开始之后等到上鱼的时候,新娘换上传统的龙凤褂给客人敬茶。 第九. 入洞房:酒宴结束后新人会和一些朋友开始去新房参观或者娱乐。

第十. 回门:三朝回门指在婚后第三天,新妇由夫婿陪同,带备烧猪及礼品回娘家祭祖。



3、敬酒:新郎、 新娘到各席敬酒致谢时,大家起立举杯,和新人先轻轻碰杯,再道“恭喜”。不要把新郎、新娘灌醉,不要东拉西扯,要把新人在每桌敬酒的时间控制在3分钟内,以让他们圆满结束宴会,早入洞房。同时,自己在酒席中,也不要大喊大叫,要节制饮酒,以免


4、撒纸屑:结婚典礼上,人们欢笑着把五彩的纸屑撒向天空,撒向新郎、新娘,也撒向前来道贺的客人们。这种风俗起源于 意大利。中古时代,意大利凡参加婚礼的人,要向新人撒一把五彩缤纷而细小的糖果,祝福新人过着甜蜜的生活。到了19世纪,人们把撒糖果改为撒彩色纸屑。






10、敬扇:新娘上礼车前,由一名吉祥之小男孩持扇给新娘(置于茶盘上) 新娘则回赠红包答谢。(注:准备一把扎有两个小红包的扇子)











Three book six li

The book of job offers: betrothal, men and women both parties officially concluded engagement. Mr Najib (article). The book of rites book: GuoLi, namely the gift list, detailed list gift type and quantity. Na (gift).

Escort a book: the book of his bride. When answering wedding (pro) to meet the bride. Mining: the ancient wedding, is meant the woman, the postponement of the matchmaker for media, of mining, today called "spoken". Q: the man ask the woman's name and birthday time, to 1, the good omen, who asked, now called "horoscope". Najib: ask if it is a good omen, sent a little gift on the matchmaker, and of Mr Najib, today called "article" or "small".

Character: complimentary gift, cakes, gifts and sacrifices, namely formal send dowry, call sign, today called "gift".

Please issue: the family please tell fortune a Sir To date, please issue of, also known as "opening day", now called "day".

Close to meet: the groom take a limousine, go to the bride's side to meet the bride, is close to meet.

Ann bed: choose a good day, a few days before the wedding by the good guy will be moved to a new bed position. Then, before the wedding, the good life

Who is responsible for making the bed, the bed cotton-padded mattress, bed sheet and dragons and phoenixes are laying on the bed, and sprinkle with various XiGuo, such as red jujube, longan, litchi dry, red and green beans

And a red envelope. Ann bed after everyone must not enter the bridal chamber and touch new bed, until the evening couple into the room.

Second, the bridal gown

Color: the Chinese wedding leave the big red, accustomed to the bright color to foil atmosphere. Therefore, being lady's wedding dress has become the custom color for big red, as a festival, foil, predict the future life progresses day by day, the happiness.

Style: bridal gowns for wide sleeve double-breasted zhai, head Dai Zhu rockhopper. Worth mentioning is that zhai the above pattern is very exquisite. Front opening itself to have the complete symmetry, and in the Chinese culture itself on behalf of the meaning of es and beauty, and thick cloth on the left and right sides is symmetrical, in pairs of golden pheasant pattern, is a symbol of the Chinese traditional culture in the couple of life and beauty, and joy.

The beginning of the 20th century, the traditional Chinese style wedding dress or gown jacket and a chaplet and official robes. A chaplet and official robes originally belong to the

provisions of the qing dynasty imperial mandate lady dress, is the symbol of power and status, is waiting for the ordinary civilians. Because of its Was full of jewelry jinxiu, RongYong colorful and expressed admiration for dignitaries as their agents, folk and gradually evolved into a big leap show wedding dress. And ordinary people's daughter married, usually only dressed in a red coat skirt, plus red LIDS and embroidered shoes, and bright red door sedan carried into the husband's family. Cultured is a "red" word. Tire: generally the bride on the wedding day high holding buns, different from unmarried woman.

Red epicranium: bride on the wedding day epicranium masked with red, a symbol of virginity, younger and pure. After the wedding by the groom personally. Now

Now many different forms of wedding formally, match well of Chinese and western modern secular in the couple's wedding. Wedding wear white wedding dress in the west, in the evening drink in traditional Chinese. First. Set out: on the morning of the wedding ceremony, the man's ridiculous team must go to her home is ridiculous. Today, after the bride is a big tide of the whole wedding. The first level is the "starter". If you want to take a beauty to smoothly, must pass through a series of mental and physical tests, plus songs prattle when necessary, but the most important still is generous open "fortune", all the sisters satisfaction after open the door. The groom should be red with his bride (bride not homemade red).

Second. Look for red shoes: will the groom in the bride's room looking for the bride to wear red shoes, give her put on to take the bride away.

Third. Tea: the couple bow to parents serve tea again (if in accordance with the old common cases, the couple before the family visit chastity saw before, do not bow down to, namely the couple stood should serve tea to her parents. But now is not so pay attention to, want to went to kneel down on my hands and knees, to show his mind).

4. Hold umbrella, and meter: an umbrella red by the maid of honor with the bride and groom to go out, and will walk while rice to the chicken, avoid chicken peck the bride.

5. Around the road: must meet the bride's car around the city of auspicious walk road of the road. Such as auspicious, HuiFu road have a good luck in the name of a road.

6. The door: refers to the bride by the bride's side door to go out after officially stepped into the family, visit chastity saw other elders and family.

7. Wedding: at a ceremony to the hotel, MC will be presided over by ceremony.

8. Respect guest: splendidly until after the beginning of the fish, the bride change traditional longfeng existing tea to guests.

9. The wedding: after the booze couple will start with some friends to a new home to visit or entertainment.

10. Recalls: same recalls on the third day after marriage, the bride accompanied by husband and bring gifts to worship ancestors back and burn the pig.

1, gifts: according to the general customs, to attend the reception will prepare a little present, with red paper or specially printed double happy character packet, put in the appropriate handsel gold, gift number according to the guest's economic situation and the relationship between the bride and groom and personal relationship, but the best to take the number, including six is "lu", eight for "hair", for the meaning of "grow old together". 2, come to the table: the wedding will guide seated according to the host or the host, and if no one guide, can sit with familiar friends and relatives, but should be careful not to take the initiative to sit in the table "young" or "parent table". Dinner dishes, feeding manners 3, a toast: to the bride and groom to thank all the toast, everyone stood a toast, and the couple first gently clink ", then "congratulations". Don't get the bride and groom drunk, don't ramble, toast to the couple in each table of time control in 3 minutes, so that they ended the party, before the wedding. At the same time, he is in the banquet, also do not shout, want moderation, so as to avoid drunken rant faux pas.

4, and the paper scraps, wedding ceremony, people laughing to the sky, colorful confetti sprinkled on the bride and groom, and also congratulate the to the guests. This custom originated in Italy. Middle ages, Italy all who attend the wedding, to the couple and a colorful and tiny candy, bless the couple had a sweet life. In the 19th century, people changed and candy to color confetti.

5, eat dumplings: before the start of the bride at the wedding to brother with their parents and friends in your girlfriend to eat dumplings, said farewell, mother fed her daughter dumplings, the bride to cry.

6, lovable: the groom after meeting with her family, bride-to-be should hold the flower to the room, at this point, the bride and groom the girlfriend to deliberately stopped, but the conditions to the groom promise, usually with red envelopes the ritual clinch a deal.


一、三书六礼 聘书:订亲之书,男女双方正式缔结婚约。纳吉(过文定) 时用。 礼书:过礼之书,即礼物清单,详尽列明礼物种类及数量。纳征(过大礼) 时用。 迎亲书:迎娶新娘之书。结婚当日(亲迎) 接新娘过门时用。 纳采:古时婚礼之首,属意女方时,延请媒人作媒,谓之纳采,今称“提亲”。 问名:男方探问女方之姓名及生曰时辰,以1、吉兆,谓之问名,今称“合八字”。 纳吉:问名若属吉兆,遣媒人致赠薄礼,谓之纳吉,今称“过文定”或“小定”。 纳征:奉送礼金、礼饼、礼物及祭品等,即正式送聘礼,谓纳征,今称“过大礼”。 请期:由男家请算命先生择日,谓之请期,又称“乞日”,今称“择日”。 亲迎:新郎乘礼车,赴女家迎接新娘,谓之亲迎。 安床:择定良辰吉日,在婚礼前数天由好命佬将新床搬至适当位置。然后,在婚礼之前,再由好命 婆负责铺床,将床褥、床单及龙凤被等铺在床上,并撒上各式喜果,如红枣、桂圆、荔枝干、红绿豆 及红包。安床后任何人皆不得进入新房及触碰新床,直至结婚当晚新人进房为止。



样式:新娘礼服为广袖对襟翟衣,头戴珠凤冠。值得说明的是,翟衣上面的图案很有讲究。对襟本身就有完整的对称感,且在中国文化里本身就代表合称、合美的意思,而上面密 布的左右对称且成双成对的锦鸡图案,则象征着中国传统文化里夫妻生活的和美、和乐。 20世纪初,传统的中式婚礼服还是长袍马褂和凤冠霞帔。凤冠霞帔原属清代诰命夫人的规定着装,是权势和地位的象征,对普通平民百姓来说是可望而不可即的。因为其上 布满了珠宝锦绣,容雍华美至极,表达了民间对权贵的仰慕,因而逐渐演变成豪门闰秀的婚礼服。而普通人家之女成婚时,通常只能穿一身大红袄裙,外加大红盖头和绣花 鞋,并用大红花轿抬进婆家门。讲究的就是个“红”字。





第一. 迎亲:婚礼上午,男方的接亲队伍就要来女方家接亲了。现今,接新娘是整个婚礼的一大高潮。第一关便是“入门”。若要顺利接得美人归,必须经过一连串智力及体能测试,必要时还加上歌情话,但最重要的还是丰厚的“开门利市”,众姊妹满意后才开门。新郎应以花球迎娶新娘(新娘不可自制花球) 。

第二. 找红鞋:新郎会在接新娘的房间里找给新娘穿的红鞋子,给新娘穿上后才能把新娘带走。

第三. 敬茶:新人再向双亲奉茶跪拜(若依照旧式俗例,新人未到男家拜见翁姑之前,不可跪拜,即新人应站着奉茶给女方父母。不过现时已没有这么讲究,想跪便去跪,以示心意) 。 第四. 撑红伞、撒米:由伴娘撑红色伞伴新娘新郎出门,并且会边走边撒米给鸡吃,以免鸡啄到新娘。

第五. 绕吉祥路:迎接新娘的车必须绕着市区的吉祥路名的路走一圈。如吉祥路、惠福路等有好听吉祥之名的路。

第六. 过门:过门指新娘由女家出门后正式踏入男家,拜见翁姑及男家其他长辈。 第七. 婚礼:到酒店举行仪式,有司仪会主持仪式。

第八. 敬客:酒宴开始之后等到上鱼的时候,新娘换上传统的龙凤褂给客人敬茶。 第九. 入洞房:酒宴结束后新人会和一些朋友开始去新房参观或者娱乐。

第十. 回门:三朝回门指在婚后第三天,新妇由夫婿陪同,带备烧猪及礼品回娘家祭祖。



3、敬酒:新郎、 新娘到各席敬酒致谢时,大家起立举杯,和新人先轻轻碰杯,再道“恭喜”。不要把新郎、新娘灌醉,不要东拉西扯,要把新人在每桌敬酒的时间控制在3分钟内,以让他们圆满结束宴会,早入洞房。同时,自己在酒席中,也不要大喊大叫,要节制饮酒,以免


4、撒纸屑:结婚典礼上,人们欢笑着把五彩的纸屑撒向天空,撒向新郎、新娘,也撒向前来道贺的客人们。这种风俗起源于 意大利。中古时代,意大利凡参加婚礼的人,要向新人撒一把五彩缤纷而细小的糖果,祝福新人过着甜蜜的生活。到了19世纪,人们把撒糖果改为撒彩色纸屑。






10、敬扇:新娘上礼车前,由一名吉祥之小男孩持扇给新娘(置于茶盘上) 新娘则回赠红包答谢。(注:准备一把扎有两个小红包的扇子)











  • 怎么样做婚礼主持人
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