

Chinese-English translation of the map of Zhengzhou University (new campus)

A. 河园西路 the west Heyuan Road

B. 仁和大道 the Renhe Boulevard

C. 秋实路 the Qiushi Road

D. 亭云路 the Tingyun Road

E. 泊月路 the Boyue Road

F. 春华路 the Chunhua Road

G. 河园东路 the east Heyuan Road

H. 河园路 the Heyuan Road

I. 厚德大道the Houde Boulevard

J. 天健大道the Tianjian Boulevard

K. 湖滨路 the Hubin Road

L. 毓秀路 the Yuxiu Road

M. 钟灵路 the Zhongling Road

a. 北体育场 the north sports complex

b. 中心体育馆 the central gymnasium

c. 篮球场 basketball court

d. 风雨操场 Fengyu field

N. 松园 the pine garden

O. 菊园 the chrysanthemums garden

P. 荷园 the lotus garden

Q. 柳园 the willow garden

R. 校医院 the university hospital (6778 3120)

j. 食堂 the canteens(a dining hall)

k. 商店 the stores

l. 建设银行 the ICBC Bank

S. 北核心教学区 the north central teaching complex

T. 核心教学区中区the middle central teaching complex

Foreign Language School

Information Engineering School

U. 南核心教学区 the south central teaching complex

V. 医科园 the medical education complex

1. nursing school护理学院

2. Medical lab building解剖楼

3. teaching and experimental building教学实验楼

4. Basic Medical Science School基础医学院

Stomatology School口腔医学院

5. Comprehensive Building综合大楼

6. the A section of Public Sanitation School公共卫生学院A区

7. the B section of Public Sanitation School公共卫生学院B区

8. the building of medicine药学楼

W. 文科园 the liberal arts complex

1. Art Department美术系

2. History School历史学院

3. Journalism and Mass Communication School新闻与传播学院

Literature School文学院

4. Commerce School商学院

5. Education School教育学院

6. Law School法学院

7. Public Management School公共管理学院

8. Tourism School旅游学院

9. Information Management School信息管理学院

X. 理科园 the science complex

1. Bioengineering Department生物工程学院

2. Mathematics Department数学系

3. Physics and Engineering School物理工程学院

4. Materials Science and Engineering. School材料与工程学院

5. Chemistry Department化学系

6. Control Engineering Department控制工程学院

7. Water Conservancy and Environment Engineering School水利与环境学院

7. Experimental Building of Materials Science and Engineering School材料与工程学院实验楼

9. Experimental Building of Physics and Engineering School物工实验楼

10. Experimental Building of Chemistry化学系实验楼

11. Experimental Building of Chemistry and Engineering School化工实验楼

12. Experimental Building of Earth and Environment地球与环境学院实验楼

Y. 工科园 the engineering complex

1.2.3. Science Research (Building) House科研楼

4. Experimental Room of Electrical Engineering and Electronic电气工程实验室

5. Storage house模型室

6. Physics Experiment Platform物理实验平台

Chemistry Experiment Platform化学实验平台

7. Engineering Mechanics Department材料工程力学系

8. Electrical Engineering School电气工程学院

9.10. Chemical Engineering化学工程学院

11. Architecture School建筑学院

12.13. Civil Engineering School土木工程学院

14.15. Mechanical Engineering School机械工程学院

V. 其它Others

Z. 行政管理中心 the comprehensive administration center e. 大学生活动中心 University students’ activity center f. 图书馆 the library

g. 启明广场 the Qiming Square

h. 元和广场 the Yuanhe Square

i. 五星广场 the Five-star (Wuxing) Square

m. 邮局 the post-office

n. 国际学术交流中心

o. 东门 the east gate

p. 南门 the south gate


Chinese-English translation of the map of Zhengzhou University (new campus)

A. 河园西路 the west Heyuan Road

B. 仁和大道 the Renhe Boulevard

C. 秋实路 the Qiushi Road

D. 亭云路 the Tingyun Road

E. 泊月路 the Boyue Road

F. 春华路 the Chunhua Road

G. 河园东路 the east Heyuan Road

H. 河园路 the Heyuan Road

I. 厚德大道the Houde Boulevard

J. 天健大道the Tianjian Boulevard

K. 湖滨路 the Hubin Road

L. 毓秀路 the Yuxiu Road

M. 钟灵路 the Zhongling Road

a. 北体育场 the north sports complex

b. 中心体育馆 the central gymnasium

c. 篮球场 basketball court

d. 风雨操场 Fengyu field

N. 松园 the pine garden

O. 菊园 the chrysanthemums garden

P. 荷园 the lotus garden

Q. 柳园 the willow garden

R. 校医院 the university hospital (6778 3120)

j. 食堂 the canteens(a dining hall)

k. 商店 the stores

l. 建设银行 the ICBC Bank

S. 北核心教学区 the north central teaching complex

T. 核心教学区中区the middle central teaching complex

Foreign Language School

Information Engineering School

U. 南核心教学区 the south central teaching complex

V. 医科园 the medical education complex

1. nursing school护理学院

2. Medical lab building解剖楼

3. teaching and experimental building教学实验楼

4. Basic Medical Science School基础医学院

Stomatology School口腔医学院

5. Comprehensive Building综合大楼

6. the A section of Public Sanitation School公共卫生学院A区

7. the B section of Public Sanitation School公共卫生学院B区

8. the building of medicine药学楼

W. 文科园 the liberal arts complex

1. Art Department美术系

2. History School历史学院

3. Journalism and Mass Communication School新闻与传播学院

Literature School文学院

4. Commerce School商学院

5. Education School教育学院

6. Law School法学院

7. Public Management School公共管理学院

8. Tourism School旅游学院

9. Information Management School信息管理学院

X. 理科园 the science complex

1. Bioengineering Department生物工程学院

2. Mathematics Department数学系

3. Physics and Engineering School物理工程学院

4. Materials Science and Engineering. School材料与工程学院

5. Chemistry Department化学系

6. Control Engineering Department控制工程学院

7. Water Conservancy and Environment Engineering School水利与环境学院

7. Experimental Building of Materials Science and Engineering School材料与工程学院实验楼

9. Experimental Building of Physics and Engineering School物工实验楼

10. Experimental Building of Chemistry化学系实验楼

11. Experimental Building of Chemistry and Engineering School化工实验楼

12. Experimental Building of Earth and Environment地球与环境学院实验楼

Y. 工科园 the engineering complex

1.2.3. Science Research (Building) House科研楼

4. Experimental Room of Electrical Engineering and Electronic电气工程实验室

5. Storage house模型室

6. Physics Experiment Platform物理实验平台

Chemistry Experiment Platform化学实验平台

7. Engineering Mechanics Department材料工程力学系

8. Electrical Engineering School电气工程学院

9.10. Chemical Engineering化学工程学院

11. Architecture School建筑学院

12.13. Civil Engineering School土木工程学院

14.15. Mechanical Engineering School机械工程学院

V. 其它Others

Z. 行政管理中心 the comprehensive administration center e. 大学生活动中心 University students’ activity center f. 图书馆 the library

g. 启明广场 the Qiming Square

h. 元和广场 the Yuanhe Square

i. 五星广场 the Five-star (Wuxing) Square

m. 邮局 the post-office

n. 国际学术交流中心

o. 东门 the east gate

p. 南门 the south gate


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