

公开课 宾语从句

Name: Mark:

1、概念:在复合句中起宾语作用的从句称为宾语从句,简单来说就是宾语由一个句子充当的从句。 e.g. I know you. You are right.

I know that you are right.

有宾语从句的复合句结构:________________________ 2、宾语从句三要素:连接词,语序,时态 3、宾语从句的连接词分类及用法:

(1)that, if, whether

①that 连接陈述句的宾语从句,无词义,不充当句子成分 e.g. I believe_______you can do it well. ②if, whether 表示“是否”

e.g. I don't know_____________he still lives here after so many years (2)连接代词


(1)He said ________he could finish his work before supper. (2)Do you know ____________child he is?

(3)Do you remember _________you should do next?

(4)I want to know _____________ medicine he has taken. (5)Please tell me _______________ called me just now. (6)I don’t know _______________ they are speaking to. 初中英语公开课 宾语从句 第1页


(1) I don’t know ___________or not.

A. whether he is at home B. if he is at home C. that he is at home D. whether is he at home (2) This depends on _________ the weather is fine. A. which B. Whether C. if D. that (3) He hasn't decided ________to visit the old man.

A. which B. where C. if D. whether (4) _________ this is true or not,I can't say. A. why B. whether C. how D. if (5) Please let me know ________you like the book. A. what B. whether C. why D. if

初中英语公开课宾语从句 第2页


公开课 宾语从句

Name: Mark:

1、概念:在复合句中起宾语作用的从句称为宾语从句,简单来说就是宾语由一个句子充当的从句。 e.g. I know you. You are right.

I know that you are right.

有宾语从句的复合句结构:________________________ 2、宾语从句三要素:连接词,语序,时态 3、宾语从句的连接词分类及用法:

(1)that, if, whether

①that 连接陈述句的宾语从句,无词义,不充当句子成分 e.g. I believe_______you can do it well. ②if, whether 表示“是否”

e.g. I don't know_____________he still lives here after so many years (2)连接代词


(1)He said ________he could finish his work before supper. (2)Do you know ____________child he is?

(3)Do you remember _________you should do next?

(4)I want to know _____________ medicine he has taken. (5)Please tell me _______________ called me just now. (6)I don’t know _______________ they are speaking to. 初中英语公开课 宾语从句 第1页


(1) I don’t know ___________or not.

A. whether he is at home B. if he is at home C. that he is at home D. whether is he at home (2) This depends on _________ the weather is fine. A. which B. Whether C. if D. that (3) He hasn't decided ________to visit the old man.

A. which B. where C. if D. whether (4) _________ this is true or not,I can't say. A. why B. whether C. how D. if (5) Please let me know ________you like the book. A. what B. whether C. why D. if

初中英语公开课宾语从句 第2页


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