
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

第一课时 section A 1a —2d




3、在结对练习、角色扮演等活动中,能初步运用目标语言谈论有关节日的话题。 二、教学内容

1、学习使用感叹句来谈论对节日的喜好。 2、学习使用宾语从句来表述对节日的看法。 三、重点难点

本课时的重点是学习使用宾语从句和感叹句描述相关的节日。难点就是联系实际,运用所学目标语言表达自己对节日的看法和观点。 四、教学过程

Step 1 Lead in

The teacher shows some pictures about different festivals on PPT and helps the students talk about and learn the names of these festivals: the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival,the Chinese Spring Festival, the Lantern festival,the Mid-Autumn Festivai, the Christmas,Halloween,Easter,etc.

Step 2 Practice 1a, 1b ,1c.

1a.Ask the students to complete 1a,individually first,then check the answer and read the decriptions in 1a with their partners.

Ask the students to read the conversation in 1a,and try to describe pictures a-d in pairs present their conversations to the class.

1b Ask the students to read the sentences in 1b,then play the recording for the the students to listen and circle T for true or F for false.

1c The teacher asks two students or read the conversation in 1c to the class.Then ask the students to make other conversations to talk about the festivals in 1a.After that, some pairs should be asked to present their conversations to the class.

Step 3 Listening 2a 2b

1. Ask the students to look though the sentences in 2a. Make sure they can understand the meaning of each sentence. Then ask the students to listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the sentences.

2. Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but these also have domn sides. Then ask the students to listen and fill in the chart individually. Check the answers. Step 4 2c

Ask two or three pairs to read the model conversation to the class. Then let the students do the pair work to make up their own conversations, using the information in 2a and 2b. Then let some pairs present their conversations to the class.

Step 5 Role-play 2d

The students read the conversation and then check their answers together.

1. Play the recording for the students to listen and repeat. Ask them to play more attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2. Let the students read the conversation in pairs and find out some useful expressions and language points in their groups.

Step 6 Homework

Please choose one of them as your homework.

1. listen to the tapes and read after the tapes of 1b,2a 2b,2d for three times and try to remember the new words and expressions.

2. Try to wrete a short passage about Wu Ming’s vacation, according to the information in 2a and 2b.

第二课时 Section A3a—4c




3、能使用略读、查读的阅读策略获取3a 的信息,并完成相应的阅读任务。 二、教学内容

1、进一步熟悉与节日话题相关的词汇和句型,并学会表述对各种节日的看法。 2、能理解宾语从句、感叹句两种语言结构的功能意义,并能初步使用这两种语言结构完成所要求的任务。 三、重点难点

本课时的重点是完成相关的阅读任务,学习使用宾语从句、感叹句。难点是能联系实际,运用这两种结构描述对节日的观点和看法。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Review

Check the students’ homework.

1. Have a dictation about the new words and the expressions.

2. Let the students present and correct their short passages in groups. Then ask some of them to present them to the class.

Step 2 Reading 3a 3b

3a Make the students understand the meaning of the questions, then let them read the passage in 3a to find the answers to the questions.

3b Ask the students to read the sentences in 3b firstly. Read the passage again. Put the events in the correct order individually according to the passage in 3a. Check the answers togther. Then ask the students to read the passage again and find some key words and sentences. Discuss the language points in pairs or in groups firstly. After that the teacher should emphasize something important and difficult.

Step 3 Grammar Focus

1. Ask the students to read the sentences in the left coiumn of the grammar box. Show these sentences and circle words that,if and whether. Underline the Water Festival is really fun in the first sentence . Ask a question: Which part of speech are these words? Then ask some students to make sentences using that,if and whether.

2. Ask the students to read the sentences in the right column of the grammar box. Then write the four sentences on the board and circle the words what and how. Ask a question: What do they express?

Let some students try to make their own exclamatory sentences using how and what.

Step 4 Practice 4a 4b 4c

4a Ask the students to read the first sentence in 4a. Make sure they can understand the meaning.

4b Ask the students to read the passage in 4b and underline the objective clauses. And check the answers in pairs or groups. Then ask the students to write their own sentences about Mother ’s Day and Father’s Day using objective clauses

4c Ask the students to interview their group members about their favorite festivals and write a short report.

Step 5 Homework

请分别列出section A 部分所学过的宾语从句和感叹句,然后再用这两种语言结构各写出五个句子。

第三课时 SectionB 1a---2b


1、学习使用与festivals 话题相关的词汇,如:scary, dress up, haunted house, ghost, trick or treat, spider等。

2、能针对所听内容的重要信息进行记录和处理;并能就所听内容进行会话交流。 3、能运用scanning and skimming的阅读策略,完成2a,2b 的阅读任务,搜集和处理相关信息。 二、教学内容

1、学习用“What have you learn about …? ” “What do you like most about …? ” “I think it ’s …” 等句子表述对节日的喜好。

2、初步理解文章“The spirit of Chrismas”的意义。 三、重点难点

在听的过程中准确获取和处理信息,能就所听内容进行会话交流是本课时的学习重点,难点是与同伴谈论自己对Halloween 的看法。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Lead in Check the homework

1. Make a list of the objective clauses and exclamatory statements on blackboard. Then let the students raed the sentences and check their lists by themselves.

2. Ask the students to correct their sentences in groups and present to the class.

Step 2 Practice 1a

Read the instructions of 1a to the class. Make sure the students understand the instructions. Then ask the students to look at the words and pictures. Read the words together and ask the students the meaning of each word.

Step 3 Listening 1b 1c

1b Ask the students to read the questions 1---3 fristly. Make sure they can understand the meaning. Then play the recording for the students to listen and answer the questions.

1c Ask the students to read sentences 1---4 in 1c and ask them to guess the answers. Then let the students listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Check the answers in pairs or groups. Step 4 Discussion 1d

Ask students to discuss about the Halloween. Then let the students make up their own conversations in pairs.

Step 5 Reading 2a 2b 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Ask some questions.

3. Make sue the students understand the meanings of the questions, and ask the students to read the passage as quickly as they can find the answers. Step 6 Homework

Do a survey about your family’s favorite festivals and then write a passage about it, using the target language you have learned in this unit.

第四课时 Section B 2c---Self Check


1. 学习使用与节日这一话题相关的词汇及句型。

2. 能运用推断等阅读策略获取文本中的重要信息,完成阅读任务。

3. 能围绕“The Spririt of Christmas”文章内容展开合理的想象,与同伴进行讨论和交流。 4. 能运用所学话题语言给笔友写信,描述自己最喜欢的中国节日,表达自己的观点。 5. 能运用适当的学习策略,复习、巩固和运用本单元重点目标语言。 二、教学内容

1. 仔细阅读题为“The Spirit of Christas”的文段,能准确填写2c 中的表格,回答所提的三个问题。

2. 学习使用推断策略,完成2d 的任务要求,回答所提的六个问题。 3. 根据所给提示及前期的语言积累,完成3b 的写作任务。 4. 熟练运用本单元目标语言,完成Self —check 部分的训练任务。 三、重点难点


难点:能灵活运用恰当的语言围绕“The Spirit of Christmas”文章内容展开合理想象,与同伴进行讨论交流,自主完成写作任务。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Review

1. Ask the students to check their homework in groups. 2.The students should correct their mistakes individaully.

Step 2 Reading 2c—2e

1. The students read the passage and complete the chart. Then discuss their answers in pairs and correct the answers together.

2. Ask the students to go through the questions in 2d, and make sure the students understand the meanings of the questions.

3. Ask the students to read the passage again and find some key words and sentences. In pairs

or in groups they discuss firstly. After that the teacher should emphasize something important and difficult.

4. Ask the students a question: What do you think the three ghosts say to Scrooge when they visit him?

Step 3 Writing ( 3a, 3b)

1. The students complete the chart in 3a and talk about their notes in pairs. Then ask some pairs to present their ideas to the class.

2. Ask the students to complete the letter in 3b individually. Before the writing let the students read the expressions.

Step 4 Self check

1. Ask the students to complete the passage in Part 1, then check the answers together. 2. Let the students rewrite the students in Part 2 and check the answers togther. Then ask the students to read the exclamations.

3. Let the students make sentences about a festival they liake using the words +that/whether/if. Then check the answers.

Step 5 Homework

Write a short passage about your favorite Western festival, using the target language you have learned in Unit 2.

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

第一课时 section A 1a —2d




3、在结对练习、角色扮演等活动中,能初步运用目标语言谈论有关节日的话题。 二、教学内容

1、学习使用感叹句来谈论对节日的喜好。 2、学习使用宾语从句来表述对节日的看法。 三、重点难点

本课时的重点是学习使用宾语从句和感叹句描述相关的节日。难点就是联系实际,运用所学目标语言表达自己对节日的看法和观点。 四、教学过程

Step 1 Lead in

The teacher shows some pictures about different festivals on PPT and helps the students talk about and learn the names of these festivals: the Water Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival,the Chinese Spring Festival, the Lantern festival,the Mid-Autumn Festivai, the Christmas,Halloween,Easter,etc.

Step 2 Practice 1a, 1b ,1c.

1a.Ask the students to complete 1a,individually first,then check the answer and read the decriptions in 1a with their partners.

Ask the students to read the conversation in 1a,and try to describe pictures a-d in pairs present their conversations to the class.

1b Ask the students to read the sentences in 1b,then play the recording for the the students to listen and circle T for true or F for false.

1c The teacher asks two students or read the conversation in 1c to the class.Then ask the students to make other conversations to talk about the festivals in 1a.After that, some pairs should be asked to present their conversations to the class.

Step 3 Listening 2a 2b

1. Ask the students to look though the sentences in 2a. Make sure they can understand the meaning of each sentence. Then ask the students to listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the sentences.

2. Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but these also have domn sides. Then ask the students to listen and fill in the chart individually. Check the answers. Step 4 2c

Ask two or three pairs to read the model conversation to the class. Then let the students do the pair work to make up their own conversations, using the information in 2a and 2b. Then let some pairs present their conversations to the class.

Step 5 Role-play 2d

The students read the conversation and then check their answers together.

1. Play the recording for the students to listen and repeat. Ask them to play more attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

2. Let the students read the conversation in pairs and find out some useful expressions and language points in their groups.

Step 6 Homework

Please choose one of them as your homework.

1. listen to the tapes and read after the tapes of 1b,2a 2b,2d for three times and try to remember the new words and expressions.

2. Try to wrete a short passage about Wu Ming’s vacation, according to the information in 2a and 2b.

第二课时 Section A3a—4c




3、能使用略读、查读的阅读策略获取3a 的信息,并完成相应的阅读任务。 二、教学内容

1、进一步熟悉与节日话题相关的词汇和句型,并学会表述对各种节日的看法。 2、能理解宾语从句、感叹句两种语言结构的功能意义,并能初步使用这两种语言结构完成所要求的任务。 三、重点难点

本课时的重点是完成相关的阅读任务,学习使用宾语从句、感叹句。难点是能联系实际,运用这两种结构描述对节日的观点和看法。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Review

Check the students’ homework.

1. Have a dictation about the new words and the expressions.

2. Let the students present and correct their short passages in groups. Then ask some of them to present them to the class.

Step 2 Reading 3a 3b

3a Make the students understand the meaning of the questions, then let them read the passage in 3a to find the answers to the questions.

3b Ask the students to read the sentences in 3b firstly. Read the passage again. Put the events in the correct order individually according to the passage in 3a. Check the answers togther. Then ask the students to read the passage again and find some key words and sentences. Discuss the language points in pairs or in groups firstly. After that the teacher should emphasize something important and difficult.

Step 3 Grammar Focus

1. Ask the students to read the sentences in the left coiumn of the grammar box. Show these sentences and circle words that,if and whether. Underline the Water Festival is really fun in the first sentence . Ask a question: Which part of speech are these words? Then ask some students to make sentences using that,if and whether.

2. Ask the students to read the sentences in the right column of the grammar box. Then write the four sentences on the board and circle the words what and how. Ask a question: What do they express?

Let some students try to make their own exclamatory sentences using how and what.

Step 4 Practice 4a 4b 4c

4a Ask the students to read the first sentence in 4a. Make sure they can understand the meaning.

4b Ask the students to read the passage in 4b and underline the objective clauses. And check the answers in pairs or groups. Then ask the students to write their own sentences about Mother ’s Day and Father’s Day using objective clauses

4c Ask the students to interview their group members about their favorite festivals and write a short report.

Step 5 Homework

请分别列出section A 部分所学过的宾语从句和感叹句,然后再用这两种语言结构各写出五个句子。

第三课时 SectionB 1a---2b


1、学习使用与festivals 话题相关的词汇,如:scary, dress up, haunted house, ghost, trick or treat, spider等。

2、能针对所听内容的重要信息进行记录和处理;并能就所听内容进行会话交流。 3、能运用scanning and skimming的阅读策略,完成2a,2b 的阅读任务,搜集和处理相关信息。 二、教学内容

1、学习用“What have you learn about …? ” “What do you like most about …? ” “I think it ’s …” 等句子表述对节日的喜好。

2、初步理解文章“The spirit of Chrismas”的意义。 三、重点难点

在听的过程中准确获取和处理信息,能就所听内容进行会话交流是本课时的学习重点,难点是与同伴谈论自己对Halloween 的看法。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Lead in Check the homework

1. Make a list of the objective clauses and exclamatory statements on blackboard. Then let the students raed the sentences and check their lists by themselves.

2. Ask the students to correct their sentences in groups and present to the class.

Step 2 Practice 1a

Read the instructions of 1a to the class. Make sure the students understand the instructions. Then ask the students to look at the words and pictures. Read the words together and ask the students the meaning of each word.

Step 3 Listening 1b 1c

1b Ask the students to read the questions 1---3 fristly. Make sure they can understand the meaning. Then play the recording for the students to listen and answer the questions.

1c Ask the students to read sentences 1---4 in 1c and ask them to guess the answers. Then let the students listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. Check the answers in pairs or groups. Step 4 Discussion 1d

Ask students to discuss about the Halloween. Then let the students make up their own conversations in pairs.

Step 5 Reading 2a 2b 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Ask some questions.

3. Make sue the students understand the meanings of the questions, and ask the students to read the passage as quickly as they can find the answers. Step 6 Homework

Do a survey about your family’s favorite festivals and then write a passage about it, using the target language you have learned in this unit.

第四课时 Section B 2c---Self Check


1. 学习使用与节日这一话题相关的词汇及句型。

2. 能运用推断等阅读策略获取文本中的重要信息,完成阅读任务。

3. 能围绕“The Spririt of Christmas”文章内容展开合理的想象,与同伴进行讨论和交流。 4. 能运用所学话题语言给笔友写信,描述自己最喜欢的中国节日,表达自己的观点。 5. 能运用适当的学习策略,复习、巩固和运用本单元重点目标语言。 二、教学内容

1. 仔细阅读题为“The Spirit of Christas”的文段,能准确填写2c 中的表格,回答所提的三个问题。

2. 学习使用推断策略,完成2d 的任务要求,回答所提的六个问题。 3. 根据所给提示及前期的语言积累,完成3b 的写作任务。 4. 熟练运用本单元目标语言,完成Self —check 部分的训练任务。 三、重点难点


难点:能灵活运用恰当的语言围绕“The Spirit of Christmas”文章内容展开合理想象,与同伴进行讨论交流,自主完成写作任务。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Review

1. Ask the students to check their homework in groups. 2.The students should correct their mistakes individaully.

Step 2 Reading 2c—2e

1. The students read the passage and complete the chart. Then discuss their answers in pairs and correct the answers together.

2. Ask the students to go through the questions in 2d, and make sure the students understand the meanings of the questions.

3. Ask the students to read the passage again and find some key words and sentences. In pairs

or in groups they discuss firstly. After that the teacher should emphasize something important and difficult.

4. Ask the students a question: What do you think the three ghosts say to Scrooge when they visit him?

Step 3 Writing ( 3a, 3b)

1. The students complete the chart in 3a and talk about their notes in pairs. Then ask some pairs to present their ideas to the class.

2. Ask the students to complete the letter in 3b individually. Before the writing let the students read the expressions.

Step 4 Self check

1. Ask the students to complete the passage in Part 1, then check the answers together. 2. Let the students rewrite the students in Part 2 and check the answers togther. Then ask the students to read the exclamations.

3. Let the students make sentences about a festival they liake using the words +that/whether/if. Then check the answers.

Step 5 Homework

Write a short passage about your favorite Western festival, using the target language you have learned in Unit 2.


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