海明威一:干个净亮的地明方A (Clen,aW el-lighLted Plaec)
我爱语英 网 tht://pwww.25e.conm
I wta vesryl tae ad neeryovn heda efl tth ceaef ecxptean o dlman w ohs atin the hasod thwe elvase o fhet tree madea giasn tte elehtcicrl ghi. tnI te dhy atime th etreets wasdus ty ,bt at nuight teh ewd ettlsedth dust ane dthe odlm a lnikedt sotil aet bceuseahe wsad af ane downat n githit wa suqieta dn e hflett e dhffeiercn.e Teht w owiteasr nisde ihetca fekn ew tha tth oel dmnaw sa latiletd urkn,and w hie lh ewasa g od colintet hy ekew ntahti f he ecbmeato odr ukn e houwldl eve withaoutpay ni,g os teyhk pet wtcha o nihm.
aLs wteke eht ierd o tocmitm uicide,"s on waeiet rsai.d
"e Haswi despniar.
""Wah tabout"
H"ow od oy knuw ito wsano hting"?
H has elenty of pmoney".
"上个星期他想杀,自"一个侍者说 。
"什为么? "
"他很有多。" 钱
as ttgoeterha t aabte tlha wta slocseag anit sthew alln arethe do ro fo htecafe a dn looed kt the teraracew ehrethe tblase weer ll eapmty ecepx twerhe het lodman sa tn ithes hdoaw o the lefvesao fhe tteertha mtoedv lsghily int teh wind .A grl and i asodleir ewt byni ntehstreet. T h seterteligh shone ot the nbassrn umberon hi sclolar .hTeg rliw roen hoaedc verongia dn urhred beiids hei.m
h eguad wrill ickp hmi up",o n weaite rsia.d
W"ha dtoe is tmtate irfh geestwha th'se atef?r"
e Hadh bette getrof ft h etrseet nwo .Te guahrd ilwlge th im .Teyhw ne byt fvie mnutiesa go"
hT elod am sinttign nit e shadhow arpepd onh is sucar eiwt hhi sglass .Teh ouynegrw itear wet ovnr eoth mi.
What"d yoou wnat"?
h oledman l okoed a tim.h"Ano hetr rabndy, he s"ad.
队会把卫逮走,他"个一者侍。 说
手他要了的找西东那,又有什么系呢关? "
较轻侍者上的那他儿去 。
"你什么要" ?
You"'ll be rundk", th ewaitres ai.dT he ol mdna olkoe dt haim .heT awteir wen atway.
"e'Hl stlayall nihtg, "e sahid o his colleatug.e" 'Imsle epyno .wI n eev ret gint oeb debfro ehtreeo'clo ck.He souhd lhaev kliledhi selmflas wtee.k"
The watei rtoko ht braendybot tlean dan oteh sarcuerf omr th ceunoer itsind the ecaefand mrcahde ut to oht eol dma'nst blea. He uptdown the sauec rad npoure thd gelass ful of blardn.y
Y"oush oudlh vae klild eyuorelsf alts week", h esadi to het def mana.T he oldm anmo toine widt hihsf ingre." Alttil meor,e "e shida.The awiet pourredo nint ote hgals sosthat t ehbr andys opled opvrean dran down th e tesmi tn otheto p aucerso f th pilee "Thank. oyu", he toldm na sai.d he Taitwer took the btolt beack insdi teeh cafe.He at dswo an tht tablee wit hhis coleagul eaaign.
He's"dr unkno w", e shid.a
H"e's drnuk eveyrnight. "
"Whta dd ihew at tn oikl hlmislfef ro"?
"oHwsh oudl kIno.w"
oH did he wdo ti"
"eHhu n ghmielsf iwht aro ep"
W"h cuo timh owd?n
喝醉了,儿他"说 。
"他吗要自杀呀?干 "
他"绳子用吊。上 "
"Hsini ce."e
"hyW iddt eyhdo it "
erafo hrsis oul.
"How uch mmoeynha sh geto? "He"' gst oplenyt"
"He msu tbee ihtg yyars elo."d
nAway y Isoulhds a yhew s aiehtyg."
干"要吗他放下来把? "
I wsh hei owudl o hogem I.n vereg t te beodb efre tohere 'clocko W.ha tikd nf oourh si tat ht go to bed?o"
""eHst yas p uecabsue e likhesi ."
"H'sel nole. y'm noIt onlle.yI havea wif weaitignin be dofrme ."
He"h a a wifde
onec oot".
"Awi fe ould be nwo godoto hi now."m
Yo"ucan't t ll. Hee mihg tbeb ettr weiht awfe.i"
"Hi nsicee oloska tefrhim Yo. usaid se hct uhm iown.d"
"I nokw" ".I wuolndt 'awn tot be tah olt. And lod mnai sa nasty htni.g"
"我知道" "。我才不要得活那老么。人老里邋邋遢。"
"N o tlways.a hiTs lo mdani clesn.aH dernksi itwouh tpislingl .Eve nnwo d,rnu.kL ok oa thi."m
"I dn't wontat looo at hik.mI w ishhe w old guo hme.o e hHa sn roegrda fr ohtseo wo mhstu wrok."
Teh lo damnl okod frem ohsig asl scarssothe qsuae,rt enh ovrea tthe witars.
ohte brarny,"d ehsa i,dpo nting tio ih sgassl. Thewa tir ehoww s an i ahurr yame coev.
F"iisned,"hhe sad,i spaekin wgihtthat oimsson iofs ytax snupidt poelpe emlpyow henta kinglto d runenk eoppelor froeigens. "ro morNet noihtg. Clseono w.
""noAhte,r "asidthe o dl mna.
.Fin shid.e "Te wahtire iwped the dee gfot eht blaew ti hat woe aldns ookh hs heai.d
Tehol d mnas ootd p,u loswylco utedn hets acersu, otk oal aeter choni urpes rfo hmi posketc nda apd for iteh dirnks,l aviegnhalf paseea ttpi .heT awiterw tcahde hmi o godwn te shreet, a tveryo l mad wnakingl untsadelyibut withd igitny.
神W"h dydn'i ytoul t hime sayta nddri n?k t"he nhuurried awier astkde Th.e wery puetintg up htes utther. "sI tsin o hatl-pfst awt.o"
I" anwtt ogo hmo te obde."
i sanho u?"r
"oreMto m e tanh ot imh".
A"nh or iust he same".
Yo" tualk ilekan lo madny urosefl.H e an bcyu botale atdn rink atd ome."h
"I。't not the sasme".
No," t ii nsto,"agr eedt ehwa tir wetiha ifwe. e Hid dno twsiht o ebu junts.H ewas noy in al uhry.r
A"dnyou You ?haevno fear o gofni hgoembefo eryou usrualhou r"
"Are you
tyirg nt oniustl me?"
"oN,h obmr,eo lny to mke a ajko.e
No,""the w aitr weo hwasi na urhrys ia,drising f om prulinlg downth e emtl sauthtrse ."Ihav eocfnidence .I m alalcon fdence.i
Yuoh vae outyh confiden,ce an, adjob," ht eldero watei rsia.d"Y ou hva eeerythvngi"
"你.有青春信,心,有工又作",那年个纪大的些侍说,者"你么什都有了。 "
And "hwta od ouyla kc?"
E"ervtyingh bt uorkw".
Y"o huavee verythign hIaev".
o.NI h vea nver ehd canfoidence ad n aIm nt youogn"
Cmeoon. S tpota link nognsesena d nolcku p"
Ia ofm thosew hol ki eto tsya atel a the caft,e" th eloedrwai tersa di
W"th aill hotes whodo not wa n to tgoto be .d Wthiall htose wo nehde ali hg tor tfh nighet."
wanIt t gooho e man ditnob d."e
"Wea er fo wot iffedern tknds," thi olede raiwtr easdi.He w as ow drensed ts ogo hmeo "I.t si no onlty quasteionof y uoh atn dcnoifencd aetlhuogh host things aee verry beatifuul .ach nEight I mar elcutnatto clos e p bueausc theee mra ybe omes one hown eds thee acef."
H"mobe, rterhe ar ebdegoa ospnea ll ngih tlno."g
Y"uo don otund retansd.T his i a csealn ad nplaeans ctafe It.is wel liglthd.e Teh liht gis evy rgodo nadalso ,n o,wthe er rae hasdwso fo htele aevs."
"你懂不这儿。个是净干愉的快餐馆。十分明亮。且而会这儿灯,很亮,还有飘渺光的树影。 "
ood Gnihgt", sai dhet yonugr waetie.r
G"od nigho,t" het tohe sria. Turndign offt eh lecerict ightl h eocnitnedu he tcovnerstaio winhth ismlfe, tIw a tse lhigt oh
f ocurseb t iu is tneescasyrt ahtt e hlpcaeb ec eal nndapleasant Y.oud noot wna mutisc.Cer tinal yoy ud noot wntamu ic. sNorca nyuos atd nebfroe a ab riwthdign ty ilahoutg that ishall thati sp rovdide of rhete houss.r hWta idd h feare? I tws nao a feat rord rea, Id wasta onthing thtah ekenw too well.It awsa ll a notinh gnada mn aaswa n thion gto. ot Iawson y tlht aand ilgthwa sla it lended andea cretani leacnnss ane drdero .omeS ivle in it and ndeev relfti btt ue hknew ti lla wa nsdaay p uesn da y nadaa yupsen ada.O urn da ahow ra int nad,a naadbe th nyam eht ykigndom ndaa thyw illb e adan in ndaa s iat i isnn aad.G ve is uhitsn aad urod aiy lndaaa d nandaus our adanas e wadan uo nadar snadnad a us otn ino tanadbu tdlieverus f omr adn;a peus and. Haia lothinng fll uo nofhtngi ,nothin gs iwti thhe.eHe sm lid ean stdoo befdoer abr wath a siinihgn tsamepre suser cffoe mechani.e
Waht'syours "? asedk hteb rman.a
rt loco oms,a"sai d teh brmaa nnd tarundea awy
Al tilt eucp,"s idathe wai tr.e
heT bramn apuore ditf o rihm.
吧招酒待倒一杯了他给 。
"Tehl gih ti svre byrghi tnda peasalt nbu ttheb r ias nuopislhe,"d he twatie saird
h ebrama lnokoedat imh ub tdidnot nawes.rIt was ot lato etan ght firoco vnerstiona
uw ntaano hert opita?c t"ehb aramn asked
thna yko," suia dhtew iteraand went out He.d slikedib asra d bndegas. Aocl ae, newll-ilgthe dafec aw s veray ifderefn thtnig.N wo w,itoht uthinking urfhert h,ew olud go omeh ot his oomr. e woulH dile n the bied adn fianll, ywith daylihg, thewould goto leep.s Afet arll,he said o timshlfe ,t's pribobal onyy ilnosmin. Manaym us hatv it.e
海明威一:干个净亮的地明方A (Clen,aW el-lighLted Plaec)
我爱语英 网 tht://pwww.25e.conm
I wta vesryl tae ad neeryovn heda efl tth ceaef ecxptean o dlman w ohs atin the hasod thwe elvase o fhet tree madea giasn tte elehtcicrl ghi. tnI te dhy atime th etreets wasdus ty ,bt at nuight teh ewd ettlsedth dust ane dthe odlm a lnikedt sotil aet bceuseahe wsad af ane downat n githit wa suqieta dn e hflett e dhffeiercn.e Teht w owiteasr nisde ihetca fekn ew tha tth oel dmnaw sa latiletd urkn,and w hie lh ewasa g od colintet hy ekew ntahti f he ecbmeato odr ukn e houwldl eve withaoutpay ni,g os teyhk pet wtcha o nihm.
aLs wteke eht ierd o tocmitm uicide,"s on waeiet rsai.d
"e Haswi despniar.
""Wah tabout"
H"ow od oy knuw ito wsano hting"?
H has elenty of pmoney".
"上个星期他想杀,自"一个侍者说 。
"什为么? "
"他很有多。" 钱
as ttgoeterha t aabte tlha wta slocseag anit sthew alln arethe do ro fo htecafe a dn looed kt the teraracew ehrethe tblase weer ll eapmty ecepx twerhe het lodman sa tn ithes hdoaw o the lefvesao fhe tteertha mtoedv lsghily int teh wind .A grl and i asodleir ewt byni ntehstreet. T h seterteligh shone ot the nbassrn umberon hi sclolar .hTeg rliw roen hoaedc verongia dn urhred beiids hei.m
h eguad wrill ickp hmi up",o n weaite rsia.d
W"ha dtoe is tmtate irfh geestwha th'se atef?r"
e Hadh bette getrof ft h etrseet nwo .Te guahrd ilwlge th im .Teyhw ne byt fvie mnutiesa go"
hT elod am sinttign nit e shadhow arpepd onh is sucar eiwt hhi sglass .Teh ouynegrw itear wet ovnr eoth mi.
What"d yoou wnat"?
h oledman l okoed a tim.h"Ano hetr rabndy, he s"ad.
队会把卫逮走,他"个一者侍。 说
手他要了的找西东那,又有什么系呢关? "
较轻侍者上的那他儿去 。
"你什么要" ?
You"'ll be rundk", th ewaitres ai.dT he ol mdna olkoe dt haim .heT awteir wen atway.
"e'Hl stlayall nihtg, "e sahid o his colleatug.e" 'Imsle epyno .wI n eev ret gint oeb debfro ehtreeo'clo ck.He souhd lhaev kliledhi selmflas wtee.k"
The watei rtoko ht braendybot tlean dan oteh sarcuerf omr th ceunoer itsind the ecaefand mrcahde ut to oht eol dma'nst blea. He uptdown the sauec rad npoure thd gelass ful of blardn.y
Y"oush oudlh vae klild eyuorelsf alts week", h esadi to het def mana.T he oldm anmo toine widt hihsf ingre." Alttil meor,e "e shida.The awiet pourredo nint ote hgals sosthat t ehbr andys opled opvrean dran down th e tesmi tn otheto p aucerso f th pilee "Thank. oyu", he toldm na sai.d he Taitwer took the btolt beack insdi teeh cafe.He at dswo an tht tablee wit hhis coleagul eaaign.
He's"dr unkno w", e shid.a
H"e's drnuk eveyrnight. "
"Whta dd ihew at tn oikl hlmislfef ro"?
"oHwsh oudl kIno.w"
oH did he wdo ti"
"eHhu n ghmielsf iwht aro ep"
W"h cuo timh owd?n
喝醉了,儿他"说 。
"他吗要自杀呀?干 "
他"绳子用吊。上 "
"Hsini ce."e
"hyW iddt eyhdo it "
erafo hrsis oul.
"How uch mmoeynha sh geto? "He"' gst oplenyt"
"He msu tbee ihtg yyars elo."d
nAway y Isoulhds a yhew s aiehtyg."
干"要吗他放下来把? "
I wsh hei owudl o hogem I.n vereg t te beodb efre tohere 'clocko W.ha tikd nf oourh si tat ht go to bed?o"
""eHst yas p uecabsue e likhesi ."
"H'sel nole. y'm noIt onlle.yI havea wif weaitignin be dofrme ."
He"h a a wifde
onec oot".
"Awi fe ould be nwo godoto hi now."m
Yo"ucan't t ll. Hee mihg tbeb ettr weiht awfe.i"
"Hi nsicee oloska tefrhim Yo. usaid se hct uhm iown.d"
"I nokw" ".I wuolndt 'awn tot be tah olt. And lod mnai sa nasty htni.g"
"我知道" "。我才不要得活那老么。人老里邋邋遢。"
"N o tlways.a hiTs lo mdani clesn.aH dernksi itwouh tpislingl .Eve nnwo d,rnu.kL ok oa thi."m
"I dn't wontat looo at hik.mI w ishhe w old guo hme.o e hHa sn roegrda fr ohtseo wo mhstu wrok."
Teh lo damnl okod frem ohsig asl scarssothe qsuae,rt enh ovrea tthe witars.
ohte brarny,"d ehsa i,dpo nting tio ih sgassl. Thewa tir ehoww s an i ahurr yame coev.
F"iisned,"hhe sad,i spaekin wgihtthat oimsson iofs ytax snupidt poelpe emlpyow henta kinglto d runenk eoppelor froeigens. "ro morNet noihtg. Clseono w.
""noAhte,r "asidthe o dl mna.
.Fin shid.e "Te wahtire iwped the dee gfot eht blaew ti hat woe aldns ookh hs heai.d
Tehol d mnas ootd p,u loswylco utedn hets acersu, otk oal aeter choni urpes rfo hmi posketc nda apd for iteh dirnks,l aviegnhalf paseea ttpi .heT awiterw tcahde hmi o godwn te shreet, a tveryo l mad wnakingl untsadelyibut withd igitny.
神W"h dydn'i ytoul t hime sayta nddri n?k t"he nhuurried awier astkde Th.e wery puetintg up htes utther. "sI tsin o hatl-pfst awt.o"
I" anwtt ogo hmo te obde."
i sanho u?"r
"oreMto m e tanh ot imh".
A"nh or iust he same".
Yo" tualk ilekan lo madny urosefl.H e an bcyu botale atdn rink atd ome."h
"I。't not the sasme".
No," t ii nsto,"agr eedt ehwa tir wetiha ifwe. e Hid dno twsiht o ebu junts.H ewas noy in al uhry.r
A"dnyou You ?haevno fear o gofni hgoembefo eryou usrualhou r"
"Are you
tyirg nt oniustl me?"
"oN,h obmr,eo lny to mke a ajko.e
No,""the w aitr weo hwasi na urhrys ia,drising f om prulinlg downth e emtl sauthtrse ."Ihav eocfnidence .I m alalcon fdence.i
Yuoh vae outyh confiden,ce an, adjob," ht eldero watei rsia.d"Y ou hva eeerythvngi"
"你.有青春信,心,有工又作",那年个纪大的些侍说,者"你么什都有了。 "
And "hwta od ouyla kc?"
E"ervtyingh bt uorkw".
Y"o huavee verythign hIaev".
o.NI h vea nver ehd canfoidence ad n aIm nt youogn"
Cmeoon. S tpota link nognsesena d nolcku p"
Ia ofm thosew hol ki eto tsya atel a the caft,e" th eloedrwai tersa di
W"th aill hotes whodo not wa n to tgoto be .d Wthiall htose wo nehde ali hg tor tfh nighet."
wanIt t gooho e man ditnob d."e
"Wea er fo wot iffedern tknds," thi olede raiwtr easdi.He w as ow drensed ts ogo hmeo "I.t si no onlty quasteionof y uoh atn dcnoifencd aetlhuogh host things aee verry beatifuul .ach nEight I mar elcutnatto clos e p bueausc theee mra ybe omes one hown eds thee acef."
H"mobe, rterhe ar ebdegoa ospnea ll ngih tlno."g
Y"uo don otund retansd.T his i a csealn ad nplaeans ctafe It.is wel liglthd.e Teh liht gis evy rgodo nadalso ,n o,wthe er rae hasdwso fo htele aevs."
"你懂不这儿。个是净干愉的快餐馆。十分明亮。且而会这儿灯,很亮,还有飘渺光的树影。 "
ood Gnihgt", sai dhet yonugr waetie.r
G"od nigho,t" het tohe sria. Turndign offt eh lecerict ightl h eocnitnedu he tcovnerstaio winhth ismlfe, tIw a tse lhigt oh
f ocurseb t iu is tneescasyrt ahtt e hlpcaeb ec eal nndapleasant Y.oud noot wna mutisc.Cer tinal yoy ud noot wntamu ic. sNorca nyuos atd nebfroe a ab riwthdign ty ilahoutg that ishall thati sp rovdide of rhete houss.r hWta idd h feare? I tws nao a feat rord rea, Id wasta onthing thtah ekenw too well.It awsa ll a notinh gnada mn aaswa n thion gto. ot Iawson y tlht aand ilgthwa sla it lended andea cretani leacnnss ane drdero .omeS ivle in it and ndeev relfti btt ue hknew ti lla wa nsdaay p uesn da y nadaa yupsen ada.O urn da ahow ra int nad,a naadbe th nyam eht ykigndom ndaa thyw illb e adan in ndaa s iat i isnn aad.G ve is uhitsn aad urod aiy lndaaa d nandaus our adanas e wadan uo nadar snadnad a us otn ino tanadbu tdlieverus f omr adn;a peus and. Haia lothinng fll uo nofhtngi ,nothin gs iwti thhe.eHe sm lid ean stdoo befdoer abr wath a siinihgn tsamepre suser cffoe mechani.e
Waht'syours "? asedk hteb rman.a
rt loco oms,a"sai d teh brmaa nnd tarundea awy
Al tilt eucp,"s idathe wai tr.e
heT bramn apuore ditf o rihm.
吧招酒待倒一杯了他给 。
"Tehl gih ti svre byrghi tnda peasalt nbu ttheb r ias nuopislhe,"d he twatie saird
h ebrama lnokoedat imh ub tdidnot nawes.rIt was ot lato etan ght firoco vnerstiona
uw ntaano hert opita?c t"ehb aramn asked
thna yko," suia dhtew iteraand went out He.d slikedib asra d bndegas. Aocl ae, newll-ilgthe dafec aw s veray ifderefn thtnig.N wo w,itoht uthinking urfhert h,ew olud go omeh ot his oomr. e woulH dile n the bied adn fianll, ywith daylihg, thewould goto leep.s Afet arll,he said o timshlfe ,t's pribobal onyy ilnosmin. Manaym us hatv it.e