摘要:经过17年市场经济的发展,罗马尼亚的公司面临着一个新的挑战:来自欧盟的激烈竞争和抢夺消费者的大战。看来罗马尼亚众企业不仅得学会如何吸引顾客,还得想法子如何留住顾客。现在的行销策略已包含了关于客户定位,客户关系管理,客户的忠诚度以及客户质量的方面。在这份报告中,我们关注它的主要方面:即客户关系管理学中的特性,范围及进程,并且我们还将分析本土公司可能面临的挑战。 在金融服务那一块的例子我们将会围绕客户管理关系学规则实施的实际情况和罗马尼亚的原则来展开讨论。 关键词:市场行销,客户关系管理,商业资产,客户来源,客户资源
一个好的公司在获取和留住客户的生产,扩大其客户群这方面更具成效的。这样的公司提高了对叛逃率降低了客户的价值,增加了客户关系管理及市场寿命,使低利润客户更有利可图或终止他们的实际或潜在的市场信息收集等,不仅使本组织监测趋势和问题有关的现有客户,而且也有助于确定潜在的客户,轮廓和新的市场,以保持其竞争的轨道,其战略,战术和的未来计划。为了收集和整理的各种信息高质量,企业开始建立营销信息系统。目前,主要是一个程序,受它相关,及时和准确的信息不断收集,整理,分析,评估,储存和营销的决策者使用分布式的方法集。营销信息系统包括来自外部和内部来源(销售记录,客户记录,营销传播数据,信息和销售力)。对客户的重点和营销功能整合帮助公司建立与有关个别客户或潜在客户的客户的综合信息数据库。 3、客户关系管理
——对象的客户关系管理该公司三个选项:在一个品牌或分销商对公司本身的重点; ——目标市场该公司通常会设置不同的客户群体的优先事项,它定义了组合分析为基础的战略客户收入因素,长度的关系,收入,与客户的合作。这是它的分析标准;
——强度和客户关系管理的决策时机何时以及如何显示该公司介绍,不同的乐器方案可以从一天的最后一个星期,或由3个月至两年; 在CRM项目合作公司有时必须进行合作,由其他合作伙伴的分销渠道,主要是生产者和批发商之间和零售。
该通信政策中起着重要作用的工具组合。它如下两个目标:第一,建立与客户长期对话,以稳定或改变其预期,第二,抵消后消费的影响。通信政策内的主要客户关系管理工具包括:直接邮件是通过邮政服务,收件人的家庭或企业的物质分配的地址,以促进产品或服务。在CRM的邮寄问题而定,由简单的信件到目录,它总是发生在发送一个特定的在客户的生活(生日,为活动邀请的时刻)。它必须包括粘性的小工具,以增加他们的机会被打开和阅读;通讯,免费分发给客户,并载有关于新产品的信息,特别活动及其他优惠;富达卡(存储卡)是在收集信息的重要工具客户行为。通过积累的忠诚点,客户可以受益于不同的特殊优惠;客户俱乐部指定一个已与富达卡并行增长的概念。其主要形式是贵宾俱乐部,歌迷俱乐部,产品利息的俱乐部,以及与生活方式俱乐部。该俱乐部是一个机会,使该公司在根据社会地位,接受,威望和提供其客户的期望; 电话营销允许企业进行市场研究和高度可衡量的和负责任的,正面和负面的反应数很容易记录和监测。它提供的互动,是灵活的,允许即时反馈。网上营销包括很多形式,如网上广告,网上促销,网上直销,网上公共关系,一线人员销售。该培养基是采用互联网和主要工具是电子邮件。虚拟促销比硬拷贝版本的便宜,但面临的挑战是吸引流量到您公司的网站。事件营销需要在三个主要领域:产品(在这里举行,它在增加销售的重点),为开发法人公司和社区(能在当地社区生活的差额)。 价格政策时,可以被认为在建立客户关系管理方案的各个方面有关:为特殊客户的折扣,贱卖或匹配的竞争对手,忠诚退款,项目捆绑在一起,提供整体的价格。虽然价格不是有内在的价值尺度收到的,它经常被用来作为基准客户,忽视或任何其他功能的差异。
金融服务不同于其他许多行业。这可以看出,特别是在罗马尼亚,在商业银行为40 21万公民人口的斗争。他们包括来自个人客户的伙伴关系的整个范围,机构,公司和政府。因此,它可以是非常困难的重点放在单一市场。客户经常在两个位置:他们可能有存款和储蓄
在罗马尼亚的金融服务行业具有很高的潜力和寄存器每年的高增长率。至今,在全国主要城市,人口约30万人的位置是一个企业的优势和成功因素。现在战场搬到小城镇。比赛变得艰难,银行开始开发和引进新产品。一些专家指出,银行界的一个弱点是市场分割。有大量的有关客户的信息,但银行似乎更愿意对客户的注重与大储蓄账户。在罗马尼亚的主要银行,BRD的时,BCR,荷兰,和HVB -蒂里亚克公布了2005年在私人银行客户数量增加。这些主要是50.000和100.000之间欧元帐户的客户,他们受益的私人顾问,特殊利益,佣金,及特殊保险。客户也有一个词来谈论他们的银行。 A股市场研究Deadalus咨询作出透露,银行服务的客户个人资料是:年龄介乎45-55岁的人具有较高或中等教育。最常使用的服务是为支付工资(32.6%)银行卡。其次,储蓄帐户(10,2%),个人需要(11.1%),购买电子产品(9.2%)和汽车租赁学分。 最佳成绩是共收到赖夫艾森银行(8,83)时,BCR(8,58)和BRD的法国兴业银行(8,57)。一个客户的标准时,选择银行是在银行的信任,环境的分支机构,员工的素质,建议他们接受,最好的利率,他们可接收,关于信用费用的信息,和条件获得信贷。一个成功的服务由银行提供的网上银行多数。它允许客户节省时间和金钱,而无须从内部或国外的银行,访问是非常便宜的收费或免费,并包括由资金转移,支付令各种活动,货币交换,目前的条例草案,对外支付等支付的普及率仍然很低,10%和30%排名该客户在一个中等银行。
Abstract. After 17 years of economical and market development, Romanian companies face a new challenge: the tough competition from the European Union and the battle for the customers. The Romanian enterprises will have to learn not only how to attract customers, but also how to keep them. Marketing programs include now aspects regarding customer orientation, relationship management, loyalty and quality. In this paper, we will follow the main aspects, characteristics, dimensions and processes of Customer Relationship Management, and we will analyze the challenges that the local companies will have to face. Examples from the financial service sector will round the actual situation of the implementation of the CRM rules and principles in Romania.
Keywords: marketing information system; customer relationship management; business asset, customer acquisition; customer retention.
1. Introduction
In the last decade, the majority of the companies were preoccupied with production, recession, mergers, new technologies and business regulation. Romania’s accession in the European Union will bring many advantages for further development, together with membership in a Common Market with common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement for all the four factors of production (goods, services, capital and labor). This means that Romanian companies will compete with other companies from the EU directly in their home market. European companies are more flexible and mobile and will put a high pressure on the local companies in order to produce better products, launch better offers and services and orientate more towards their customers. High revenue equals important customer is a classic rule when the company organises its customer policy. “An important customer brings a gross amount of money for our enterprise” has become a reflex for many companies abroad and perhaps in Romania, too. But is this always true, or do we need more information than a simple figure reported at the end of the year? 2. Marketing information system
A winning company is more productive in acquiring and retaining customers, to
expand its clientele (Kotler, 2003). This company improves the value of the customers by reducing the rate of defection, increasing the longevity of customer Management & marketing relationship, making low-profit customers more profitable or terminating them etc. Gathering information on the actual or potential marketplace not only allows the organisation to monitor trends and issues concerning its current customers, but also helps it identify and profile potential customers and new markets, to keep track of its competition, their strategies, tactics and future plans (Brassington and Pettitt,2003). To collect and organize a high quantity of diverseinformation, the enterprises started to build marketing information systems. There are, mainly, a set of procedures and methods by which pertinent, timely and accurate information is continually gathered, sorted, analysed, evaluated, stored and distributed for the use of marketing decision makers (Zikmund and D´Amico,1993). The marketing information system includes data from external and internal sources (sales records, customer records, marketing communications, and sales force information). The focus on the customer and the integration of the marketing function helps the company to create customer databases with comprehensive information about individual customers or prospects. 3. Customer relationship management
Customer Relationship Management has been around for the last 30 years, but it became very im
portant when companies changed their attitude towards marketing function. Nowadays, the cross-functional approach to marketing requires an organizational culture and climate that encourages collaboration and cooperation between departments. People within the business must understand their role in serving customers, internal or external one. CRM builds on the principles of relationship marketing and recognizes that customers are a business asset and not simply a commercial audience, implies the structuring of the company from functions to processes, information are used proactively rather than reactively and develops the ne-to-one marketing approaches (Payne, 2006).
When defining CRM, we must first explain the difference between customer acquisition and customer retention. The two concepts have different drivers. Attracting customers has become very difficult these days, when people are harder to please. They are smarter, price conscious and sensitive, more demanding, less forgiving, and they are approached by many more competitors with equally good or better offers (Kotler,2003). Companies focus more on sales analysis, customer segmentation, advertising, merchandising and campaign management. The more difficult part is keeping the customers. According to Bruhn, a customer is satisfied when the comparison between offer and consumption fulfils his/her expectations, after he/she accepts the company, trusts it and exhibits a positive attitude towards it, becomes loyal to that company. In this situation, the customer talks favourably about the company and about its products, pays less attention to competing brands and is less sensitive to price, which turns transactions into routine (Bruhn, 1999). With customer retention, the company must pay attention to service satisfaction and trust in Customer relationship management the organization and its staff. Some companies believe that if a customer complaints the problem will be solved, but 96% of unsatisfied customers don’t complain and go to another company. Therefore, Customer Relationship Management is the mechanism for retaining customers (Russell-Jones, 2003). Mainly CRM allows the company to understand who their customer is, isolate the best customer (those with whom you desire to have long-standing relationships), create relationships stretching over time and involving multi-interactions, manage the relationship to mutual advantage, seek to acquire more of those “best” customers. Inputs like marketing strategy, customer base, products, and regulation, competitors and staff skills are synthesized in a CRM programme which creates outputs as customer service, customer retention, higher share of wallet, customer referral, more predictable revenues streams, improved profitability, lower costs and better compliance (Russell-Jones, 2003).
4. Developing a strategy in customer relationship management
Because CRM is a cross-functional activity and large companies have thousands and millions of customers, the need for a strategic framework is very high. The dimensions of a CRM strategy are mainly focused on defining the following topics:
---- object of the customer relationship management the company has three options: focusing on the company itself, on a brand or on the distributor;
---- target segment,the company usually sets priorities between different customer segments, it defines strategic customers based on the portfolio analyses, factors as revenue, length of the relationship, income, collaboration with the customer. These are its analysis criteria;
-----ways of retaining the customers customers’ satisfaction is in the centre of all the decisions, but customers retention can also become a central issue through contractual clauses, such as service, leasing and warranty;
----choosing the instruments of CRM the company combines the instruments of the 4P´s with focus on the customer;
----- intensity and timing of the CRM decisions show when and how should the company introduce different instruments; programmes can last from one day to one week, or from three month to two years;
----- cooperation within the CRM programme sometimes the company must cooperate with other partners from the distribution channel, mainly between producer and wholesaler and retail.
5. Instuments of customer relationship management
The communication policy plays an important role in the instruments mix. It follows two objectives: first, to build a permanent dialogue with the customer in order to stabilize or change its expectations, and second, to counteract influences after consumption. The main CRM instruments within the communication policy are: Direct-Mail is material distributed through the postal service to the recipients’ home or business address to promote a product or service. In CRM the mailed issue can vary from a simple letter to a catalogue, and its sending will always occur at a particular moment in customers life (birthday, invitation for an event). It must incorporate sticky gadgets to increase their chances of being opened and read; Newsletters are distributed to customers for free and contain information about new products, offers for special events and others; Fidelity cards (store cards) are an important tool in gathering information about customer behaviour. By accumulating points of fidelity, the customer can benefit from different special offers; Clients club designates a concept which has grown in parallel with the fidelity cards. Its main forms are VIP-Club, Fan-Club, Product-Interest-Club, and Lifestyle-Club. The club represents an opportunity for the company to make offers in accordance with the social status, acceptance, prestige and expectations of its customers; Telemarketing allows companies to undertake marketing research and is highly measurable and accountable; the number of positive and negative responses are easily recorded and monitored. It provides for interaction, is flexible and permits immediate feed-back. Online-marketing includes many forms such as
on-line advertising, on-line sales promotions, on-line direct marketing, on-line public relations, one-line personal selling. The medium used is the internet and the main instrument is the email. Virtual promotions are cheaper than hard copy versions, but the challenge is to drive traffic to your company’s Web site. Event-marketing takes place in three main areas: the product (here, it focuses on increasing sales), the corporation (for developing a corporate body) and the community (to make a difference in the life of the local community) (Bruhn, 1999& Fill, 2002). The price policy can be thought about in various ways when building a CRM programme: discounts for special customers, underselling or matching competitors, loyalty refunds, bundling items together and offering overall prices. Although price is not a measure of inherent value received, it is often used by customers as a benchmark, ignoring any other features or differences.
Key factors in the product policy are the product itself, with quality, design, technical features, packaging and service management which includes lifelong warranty, price warranty or a customer telephone line. An active management in the distribution policy can focus on the customer or on the distribution channel. The producer evaluates the activity of the distribution partner and Customer relationship management intervenes when needed. The focus on the customers is realised through a Key Account Management which develops programmes for special customers.
6. Customer relationship management in financial services
Financial services differ from many other industries. This can be seen particularly in Romania, where 40 commercial banks fight for a population of 21 million citizens. They cover the whole spectrum of customers from individuals to partnerships, institutions, corporations and governments. As a result, it can be very difficult to focus on single markets. Customers are often in two positions: they may have a deposit and savings accounts, but also loans and overdrafts. They are very service focused, they sell only intangibles. Financial services require processing billions of transactions worldwide and they are one of the heaviest regulated industries in the world (Rusell-Jones, 2003).The customers in the financial services are better informed, are switching channels, and seem to be more demanding of service, and used to change. The market is also highly competitive and new entrants are coming with diverse products and approaches.
The industry of financial services in Romania has a very high potential and registers every year high growth rates. Till now, the location in a major city of the country with a population around 300.000 people was an advantage of the business and a success factor. Now the battlefield has moved in the small towns. The competition became tougher; banks began to develop and to introduce new products. Some experts say that a weakness of the banking sector is market segmentation. There is lots of information about customers, but it seems that banks prefer to focus on clients with large savings accounts. The main banks in Romania, as BRD, BCR, ING, and HVB-Tiriac announced for the year 2005 an increase in the number of the private banking clients. These are mainly customers with accounts between 50.000 and 100.000 Euros, they benefit of private consultancy, special interest rates, commissions, and special insurances. Customers have also a word to say about their bank. A market study made by Deadalus Consulting revealed that the customer profile for banking services is: person aged between 45-55 years, with higher or middle education. The most utilized service is the bank card for salaries payment (32,6%). Next, savings accounts (10,2%), credits for personal needs (11,1%), credits for buying electronics (9,2%) and auto leasing. The best grades were received by Raiffeisen Bank (8,83), BCR (8,58) and BRD Societe Generale (8,57). A customers criteria when choosing a bank are the trust in the bank, the environment in the branch, the quality of the staff, the advice they receive, the best interest rate they can receive, the information about the credit costs, and the conditions for obtaining a credit. A successful service provided by the majority of the banks is internet banking. It allows clients to save time and money, without going to the bank, 24 of 24 from inside or abroad. The access is free of charge or very cheap, and includes all kinds of activities from money transfer, payment orders, currency exchange, payment of current bills, external payments etc. The rate of penetration is still low, ranking between 10% and 30% of the customers in one middle bank.
7. Conclusions
Romanian companies must focus in the future on the Customer Relationship Management and try to turn a “susceptible” client into a “partner”, to transform people who once needed their product/service, or occasional business partners into supporters and advocates and, eventually, into loyal partners that “sell” on the behalf of the company. Companies must create a permanent dialogue with their customers, and fight for them, because the clientele is not given for free. Customers that were price sensitive show now a higher interest in quality, service and behaviour of staff, and a company which concentrated on a price strategy should check how prepared its rivals are for a competition in the aforementioned fields. Customer Relationship Management increases its flexibility and adaptability to the market, in a world of capricious clients.
摘要:经过17年市场经济的发展,罗马尼亚的公司面临着一个新的挑战:来自欧盟的激烈竞争和抢夺消费者的大战。看来罗马尼亚众企业不仅得学会如何吸引顾客,还得想法子如何留住顾客。现在的行销策略已包含了关于客户定位,客户关系管理,客户的忠诚度以及客户质量的方面。在这份报告中,我们关注它的主要方面:即客户关系管理学中的特性,范围及进程,并且我们还将分析本土公司可能面临的挑战。 在金融服务那一块的例子我们将会围绕客户管理关系学规则实施的实际情况和罗马尼亚的原则来展开讨论。 关键词:市场行销,客户关系管理,商业资产,客户来源,客户资源
一个好的公司在获取和留住客户的生产,扩大其客户群这方面更具成效的。这样的公司提高了对叛逃率降低了客户的价值,增加了客户关系管理及市场寿命,使低利润客户更有利可图或终止他们的实际或潜在的市场信息收集等,不仅使本组织监测趋势和问题有关的现有客户,而且也有助于确定潜在的客户,轮廓和新的市场,以保持其竞争的轨道,其战略,战术和的未来计划。为了收集和整理的各种信息高质量,企业开始建立营销信息系统。目前,主要是一个程序,受它相关,及时和准确的信息不断收集,整理,分析,评估,储存和营销的决策者使用分布式的方法集。营销信息系统包括来自外部和内部来源(销售记录,客户记录,营销传播数据,信息和销售力)。对客户的重点和营销功能整合帮助公司建立与有关个别客户或潜在客户的客户的综合信息数据库。 3、客户关系管理
——对象的客户关系管理该公司三个选项:在一个品牌或分销商对公司本身的重点; ——目标市场该公司通常会设置不同的客户群体的优先事项,它定义了组合分析为基础的战略客户收入因素,长度的关系,收入,与客户的合作。这是它的分析标准;
——强度和客户关系管理的决策时机何时以及如何显示该公司介绍,不同的乐器方案可以从一天的最后一个星期,或由3个月至两年; 在CRM项目合作公司有时必须进行合作,由其他合作伙伴的分销渠道,主要是生产者和批发商之间和零售。
该通信政策中起着重要作用的工具组合。它如下两个目标:第一,建立与客户长期对话,以稳定或改变其预期,第二,抵消后消费的影响。通信政策内的主要客户关系管理工具包括:直接邮件是通过邮政服务,收件人的家庭或企业的物质分配的地址,以促进产品或服务。在CRM的邮寄问题而定,由简单的信件到目录,它总是发生在发送一个特定的在客户的生活(生日,为活动邀请的时刻)。它必须包括粘性的小工具,以增加他们的机会被打开和阅读;通讯,免费分发给客户,并载有关于新产品的信息,特别活动及其他优惠;富达卡(存储卡)是在收集信息的重要工具客户行为。通过积累的忠诚点,客户可以受益于不同的特殊优惠;客户俱乐部指定一个已与富达卡并行增长的概念。其主要形式是贵宾俱乐部,歌迷俱乐部,产品利息的俱乐部,以及与生活方式俱乐部。该俱乐部是一个机会,使该公司在根据社会地位,接受,威望和提供其客户的期望; 电话营销允许企业进行市场研究和高度可衡量的和负责任的,正面和负面的反应数很容易记录和监测。它提供的互动,是灵活的,允许即时反馈。网上营销包括很多形式,如网上广告,网上促销,网上直销,网上公共关系,一线人员销售。该培养基是采用互联网和主要工具是电子邮件。虚拟促销比硬拷贝版本的便宜,但面临的挑战是吸引流量到您公司的网站。事件营销需要在三个主要领域:产品(在这里举行,它在增加销售的重点),为开发法人公司和社区(能在当地社区生活的差额)。 价格政策时,可以被认为在建立客户关系管理方案的各个方面有关:为特殊客户的折扣,贱卖或匹配的竞争对手,忠诚退款,项目捆绑在一起,提供整体的价格。虽然价格不是有内在的价值尺度收到的,它经常被用来作为基准客户,忽视或任何其他功能的差异。
金融服务不同于其他许多行业。这可以看出,特别是在罗马尼亚,在商业银行为40 21万公民人口的斗争。他们包括来自个人客户的伙伴关系的整个范围,机构,公司和政府。因此,它可以是非常困难的重点放在单一市场。客户经常在两个位置:他们可能有存款和储蓄
在罗马尼亚的金融服务行业具有很高的潜力和寄存器每年的高增长率。至今,在全国主要城市,人口约30万人的位置是一个企业的优势和成功因素。现在战场搬到小城镇。比赛变得艰难,银行开始开发和引进新产品。一些专家指出,银行界的一个弱点是市场分割。有大量的有关客户的信息,但银行似乎更愿意对客户的注重与大储蓄账户。在罗马尼亚的主要银行,BRD的时,BCR,荷兰,和HVB -蒂里亚克公布了2005年在私人银行客户数量增加。这些主要是50.000和100.000之间欧元帐户的客户,他们受益的私人顾问,特殊利益,佣金,及特殊保险。客户也有一个词来谈论他们的银行。 A股市场研究Deadalus咨询作出透露,银行服务的客户个人资料是:年龄介乎45-55岁的人具有较高或中等教育。最常使用的服务是为支付工资(32.6%)银行卡。其次,储蓄帐户(10,2%),个人需要(11.1%),购买电子产品(9.2%)和汽车租赁学分。 最佳成绩是共收到赖夫艾森银行(8,83)时,BCR(8,58)和BRD的法国兴业银行(8,57)。一个客户的标准时,选择银行是在银行的信任,环境的分支机构,员工的素质,建议他们接受,最好的利率,他们可接收,关于信用费用的信息,和条件获得信贷。一个成功的服务由银行提供的网上银行多数。它允许客户节省时间和金钱,而无须从内部或国外的银行,访问是非常便宜的收费或免费,并包括由资金转移,支付令各种活动,货币交换,目前的条例草案,对外支付等支付的普及率仍然很低,10%和30%排名该客户在一个中等银行。
Abstract. After 17 years of economical and market development, Romanian companies face a new challenge: the tough competition from the European Union and the battle for the customers. The Romanian enterprises will have to learn not only how to attract customers, but also how to keep them. Marketing programs include now aspects regarding customer orientation, relationship management, loyalty and quality. In this paper, we will follow the main aspects, characteristics, dimensions and processes of Customer Relationship Management, and we will analyze the challenges that the local companies will have to face. Examples from the financial service sector will round the actual situation of the implementation of the CRM rules and principles in Romania.
Keywords: marketing information system; customer relationship management; business asset, customer acquisition; customer retention.
1. Introduction
In the last decade, the majority of the companies were preoccupied with production, recession, mergers, new technologies and business regulation. Romania’s accession in the European Union will bring many advantages for further development, together with membership in a Common Market with common policies on product regulation, and freedom of movement for all the four factors of production (goods, services, capital and labor). This means that Romanian companies will compete with other companies from the EU directly in their home market. European companies are more flexible and mobile and will put a high pressure on the local companies in order to produce better products, launch better offers and services and orientate more towards their customers. High revenue equals important customer is a classic rule when the company organises its customer policy. “An important customer brings a gross amount of money for our enterprise” has become a reflex for many companies abroad and perhaps in Romania, too. But is this always true, or do we need more information than a simple figure reported at the end of the year? 2. Marketing information system
A winning company is more productive in acquiring and retaining customers, to
expand its clientele (Kotler, 2003). This company improves the value of the customers by reducing the rate of defection, increasing the longevity of customer Management & marketing relationship, making low-profit customers more profitable or terminating them etc. Gathering information on the actual or potential marketplace not only allows the organisation to monitor trends and issues concerning its current customers, but also helps it identify and profile potential customers and new markets, to keep track of its competition, their strategies, tactics and future plans (Brassington and Pettitt,2003). To collect and organize a high quantity of diverseinformation, the enterprises started to build marketing information systems. There are, mainly, a set of procedures and methods by which pertinent, timely and accurate information is continually gathered, sorted, analysed, evaluated, stored and distributed for the use of marketing decision makers (Zikmund and D´Amico,1993). The marketing information system includes data from external and internal sources (sales records, customer records, marketing communications, and sales force information). The focus on the customer and the integration of the marketing function helps the company to create customer databases with comprehensive information about individual customers or prospects. 3. Customer relationship management
Customer Relationship Management has been around for the last 30 years, but it became very im
portant when companies changed their attitude towards marketing function. Nowadays, the cross-functional approach to marketing requires an organizational culture and climate that encourages collaboration and cooperation between departments. People within the business must understand their role in serving customers, internal or external one. CRM builds on the principles of relationship marketing and recognizes that customers are a business asset and not simply a commercial audience, implies the structuring of the company from functions to processes, information are used proactively rather than reactively and develops the ne-to-one marketing approaches (Payne, 2006).
When defining CRM, we must first explain the difference between customer acquisition and customer retention. The two concepts have different drivers. Attracting customers has become very difficult these days, when people are harder to please. They are smarter, price conscious and sensitive, more demanding, less forgiving, and they are approached by many more competitors with equally good or better offers (Kotler,2003). Companies focus more on sales analysis, customer segmentation, advertising, merchandising and campaign management. The more difficult part is keeping the customers. According to Bruhn, a customer is satisfied when the comparison between offer and consumption fulfils his/her expectations, after he/she accepts the company, trusts it and exhibits a positive attitude towards it, becomes loyal to that company. In this situation, the customer talks favourably about the company and about its products, pays less attention to competing brands and is less sensitive to price, which turns transactions into routine (Bruhn, 1999). With customer retention, the company must pay attention to service satisfaction and trust in Customer relationship management the organization and its staff. Some companies believe that if a customer complaints the problem will be solved, but 96% of unsatisfied customers don’t complain and go to another company. Therefore, Customer Relationship Management is the mechanism for retaining customers (Russell-Jones, 2003). Mainly CRM allows the company to understand who their customer is, isolate the best customer (those with whom you desire to have long-standing relationships), create relationships stretching over time and involving multi-interactions, manage the relationship to mutual advantage, seek to acquire more of those “best” customers. Inputs like marketing strategy, customer base, products, and regulation, competitors and staff skills are synthesized in a CRM programme which creates outputs as customer service, customer retention, higher share of wallet, customer referral, more predictable revenues streams, improved profitability, lower costs and better compliance (Russell-Jones, 2003).
4. Developing a strategy in customer relationship management
Because CRM is a cross-functional activity and large companies have thousands and millions of customers, the need for a strategic framework is very high. The dimensions of a CRM strategy are mainly focused on defining the following topics:
---- object of the customer relationship management the company has three options: focusing on the company itself, on a brand or on the distributor;
---- target segment,the company usually sets priorities between different customer segments, it defines strategic customers based on the portfolio analyses, factors as revenue, length of the relationship, income, collaboration with the customer. These are its analysis criteria;
-----ways of retaining the customers customers’ satisfaction is in the centre of all the decisions, but customers retention can also become a central issue through contractual clauses, such as service, leasing and warranty;
----choosing the instruments of CRM the company combines the instruments of the 4P´s with focus on the customer;
----- intensity and timing of the CRM decisions show when and how should the company introduce different instruments; programmes can last from one day to one week, or from three month to two years;
----- cooperation within the CRM programme sometimes the company must cooperate with other partners from the distribution channel, mainly between producer and wholesaler and retail.
5. Instuments of customer relationship management
The communication policy plays an important role in the instruments mix. It follows two objectives: first, to build a permanent dialogue with the customer in order to stabilize or change its expectations, and second, to counteract influences after consumption. The main CRM instruments within the communication policy are: Direct-Mail is material distributed through the postal service to the recipients’ home or business address to promote a product or service. In CRM the mailed issue can vary from a simple letter to a catalogue, and its sending will always occur at a particular moment in customers life (birthday, invitation for an event). It must incorporate sticky gadgets to increase their chances of being opened and read; Newsletters are distributed to customers for free and contain information about new products, offers for special events and others; Fidelity cards (store cards) are an important tool in gathering information about customer behaviour. By accumulating points of fidelity, the customer can benefit from different special offers; Clients club designates a concept which has grown in parallel with the fidelity cards. Its main forms are VIP-Club, Fan-Club, Product-Interest-Club, and Lifestyle-Club. The club represents an opportunity for the company to make offers in accordance with the social status, acceptance, prestige and expectations of its customers; Telemarketing allows companies to undertake marketing research and is highly measurable and accountable; the number of positive and negative responses are easily recorded and monitored. It provides for interaction, is flexible and permits immediate feed-back. Online-marketing includes many forms such as
on-line advertising, on-line sales promotions, on-line direct marketing, on-line public relations, one-line personal selling. The medium used is the internet and the main instrument is the email. Virtual promotions are cheaper than hard copy versions, but the challenge is to drive traffic to your company’s Web site. Event-marketing takes place in three main areas: the product (here, it focuses on increasing sales), the corporation (for developing a corporate body) and the community (to make a difference in the life of the local community) (Bruhn, 1999& Fill, 2002). The price policy can be thought about in various ways when building a CRM programme: discounts for special customers, underselling or matching competitors, loyalty refunds, bundling items together and offering overall prices. Although price is not a measure of inherent value received, it is often used by customers as a benchmark, ignoring any other features or differences.
Key factors in the product policy are the product itself, with quality, design, technical features, packaging and service management which includes lifelong warranty, price warranty or a customer telephone line. An active management in the distribution policy can focus on the customer or on the distribution channel. The producer evaluates the activity of the distribution partner and Customer relationship management intervenes when needed. The focus on the customers is realised through a Key Account Management which develops programmes for special customers.
6. Customer relationship management in financial services
Financial services differ from many other industries. This can be seen particularly in Romania, where 40 commercial banks fight for a population of 21 million citizens. They cover the whole spectrum of customers from individuals to partnerships, institutions, corporations and governments. As a result, it can be very difficult to focus on single markets. Customers are often in two positions: they may have a deposit and savings accounts, but also loans and overdrafts. They are very service focused, they sell only intangibles. Financial services require processing billions of transactions worldwide and they are one of the heaviest regulated industries in the world (Rusell-Jones, 2003).The customers in the financial services are better informed, are switching channels, and seem to be more demanding of service, and used to change. The market is also highly competitive and new entrants are coming with diverse products and approaches.
The industry of financial services in Romania has a very high potential and registers every year high growth rates. Till now, the location in a major city of the country with a population around 300.000 people was an advantage of the business and a success factor. Now the battlefield has moved in the small towns. The competition became tougher; banks began to develop and to introduce new products. Some experts say that a weakness of the banking sector is market segmentation. There is lots of information about customers, but it seems that banks prefer to focus on clients with large savings accounts. The main banks in Romania, as BRD, BCR, ING, and HVB-Tiriac announced for the year 2005 an increase in the number of the private banking clients. These are mainly customers with accounts between 50.000 and 100.000 Euros, they benefit of private consultancy, special interest rates, commissions, and special insurances. Customers have also a word to say about their bank. A market study made by Deadalus Consulting revealed that the customer profile for banking services is: person aged between 45-55 years, with higher or middle education. The most utilized service is the bank card for salaries payment (32,6%). Next, savings accounts (10,2%), credits for personal needs (11,1%), credits for buying electronics (9,2%) and auto leasing. The best grades were received by Raiffeisen Bank (8,83), BCR (8,58) and BRD Societe Generale (8,57). A customers criteria when choosing a bank are the trust in the bank, the environment in the branch, the quality of the staff, the advice they receive, the best interest rate they can receive, the information about the credit costs, and the conditions for obtaining a credit. A successful service provided by the majority of the banks is internet banking. It allows clients to save time and money, without going to the bank, 24 of 24 from inside or abroad. The access is free of charge or very cheap, and includes all kinds of activities from money transfer, payment orders, currency exchange, payment of current bills, external payments etc. The rate of penetration is still low, ranking between 10% and 30% of the customers in one middle bank.
7. Conclusions
Romanian companies must focus in the future on the Customer Relationship Management and try to turn a “susceptible” client into a “partner”, to transform people who once needed their product/service, or occasional business partners into supporters and advocates and, eventually, into loyal partners that “sell” on the behalf of the company. Companies must create a permanent dialogue with their customers, and fight for them, because the clientele is not given for free. Customers that were price sensitive show now a higher interest in quality, service and behaviour of staff, and a company which concentrated on a price strategy should check how prepared its rivals are for a competition in the aforementioned fields. Customer Relationship Management increases its flexibility and adaptability to the market, in a world of capricious clients.