
  A sportswriter thinks he's met another crank. Instead, he finds a true winner.

  一位体育专栏作家以为他碰上了一个怪人。 结果他却发现了一个真正的赢家。

  A Fan's Notes Bill Plaschke

  一位球迷的评论 比尔·普拉施基

  The e-mail was in some respects similar to other nasty letters I receive. It took me to task for my comments on the Los Angeles Dodgers and argued that I had got everything wrong. However, the note was different from the others in at least two ways.


  This note contained more details than the usual ars to complete my associate's degree. ... During the season I average 55 hours a week writing game reports, editorials, researching and listening and / or watching games.


  Sarah called her website Dodger Place. I searched, and found nothing. Then I reread her e-mail and discovered an address buried at the bottom: http://members.tripod.com/spunky/dodgers.

  萨拉称她的网站为“道奇地”。我搜索了一下,什么也没有找着。后来我重读她的电子邮件, 发现在她的电子邮件最底下挂了一个地址:http://members.tripod.com/spunky/dodgers。

  I clicked there. It wasn't fancy. But she covered the team with the seriousness of a writer. Still, I wondered, is anybody reading?


  Nobody ever signs my guestbook. I get one letter a month.


close13RT So here was a physically handicapped woman, covering the Dodgers as extensively as any reporter in the country, yet writing for an obscure website with an impossible address, with a readership of about two.

  所以,这里是一个身体残疾的妇女,她对道奇队的报道之广泛不亚于美国任何一个记者, 可她却在为一个几乎不为人知的网站写作,网站的名字很怪很难记,读者大概有两个人。

  That 拉·莫里斯给我打电话。

  I have a speech disability making it impossible to use the phone.


  That proved it. This was obviously an elaborate hoax. This writer was probably a 45-year-old male plumber.


  I decided to end the correspondence. But then I received another e-mail.


  My disability is cerebral palsy. ... It affects motor control. ... When my brain tells my hands to hit a key, I would move my legs, hit the table, and six other keys in the process.

  我的残疾是脑瘫。……它影响肌肉神经的控制。……当我的脑子告诉我的手去敲击字键时, 我会挪动我的腿,碰击桌子,并在这一过程中同时碰击六个其他的字键。

  When my mom explained my handicap, she told me I could accomplish anything I wanted to if I worked three times as hard as other people.


  She wrote that she had become a Dodger fan while growing up in Pasadena. In her sophomore year at Blair High, a junior varsity baseball coach asked her to be the team statistician. She did it, with a typewriter and a head pointer.


  Her involvement in baseball had kept her in school, she said--despite her poor grades and hours of neck-straining homework.


  Baseball gave me something to work for. ... I could do something that other kids couldn't. ... I wanted to do something for the sport that has done so much for me.

  棒球给了我努力的目标 ……我可以做别的孩子做不了的事情 ……我想为给了我这么多的棒球做一点事情。

  Okay, so I believed her. Sort of. Who, in her supposed condition, could cover a baseball team without the best equipment and help? I was curious, so I asked if I could drive over to see her. She agreed, giving me detailed directions involving farm roads and streets with no names.

  不错,我就这么相信了她。有几分信吧。在像她所称的那种情况下,有谁能没有最好的设备和帮助而报道一个棒球队呢?我很好奇,所以我问她我能不能开车过去看她。 她同意了,并详细告诉我路怎么走,其


  I drove east across the stark Texas landscape. On a winding dirt road dotted with potholes the size of small animals, I spotted what looked like an old tool shed.


  But it wasn't a shed. It was a house, a decaying shanty surrounded by tall grass and junk.


  Could this be right?


  A woman in an old T-shirt and skirt emerged.



  Sarah leaned over the computer and used her pointer to call up a story on the Dodger Place website. Peck by peck, she began adding to that story.


  She looked up and giggled. I looked down in wonder – and shame.


  This was indeed Sarah Morris. The great Sarah Morris.

  这真的就是萨拉·莫里斯。 这个伟大的萨拉·莫里斯。

  I had contacted Sarah Morris months earlier looking for a fight. I realized now, watching her strain in this dark room to type words that perhaps no other soul will read, that I had found that fight.


  Only, it wasn't with Sarah. It was with myself. It is the same fight the sports world experiences daily in these times of cynicism. The fight to trust that athletes can still be heroes.


  In a place far from such doubt, with a mind filled with wonder, Sarah Morris had brought me back.


  编辑:Sky诗昂0228 QQ:85035268

  A sportswriter thinks he's met another crank. Instead, he finds a true winner.

  一位体育专栏作家以为他碰上了一个怪人。 结果他却发现了一个真正的赢家。

  A Fan's Notes Bill Plaschke

  一位球迷的评论 比尔·普拉施基

  The e-mail was in some respects similar to other nasty letters I receive. It took me to task for my comments on the Los Angeles Dodgers and argued that I had got everything wrong. However, the note was different from the others in at least two ways.


  This note contained more details than the usual ars to complete my associate's degree. ... During the season I average 55 hours a week writing game reports, editorials, researching and listening and / or watching games.


  Sarah called her website Dodger Place. I searched, and found nothing. Then I reread her e-mail and discovered an address buried at the bottom: http://members.tripod.com/spunky/dodgers.

  萨拉称她的网站为“道奇地”。我搜索了一下,什么也没有找着。后来我重读她的电子邮件, 发现在她的电子邮件最底下挂了一个地址:http://members.tripod.com/spunky/dodgers。

  I clicked there. It wasn't fancy. But she covered the team with the seriousness of a writer. Still, I wondered, is anybody reading?


  Nobody ever signs my guestbook. I get one letter a month.


close13RT So here was a physically handicapped woman, covering the Dodgers as extensively as any reporter in the country, yet writing for an obscure website with an impossible address, with a readership of about two.

  所以,这里是一个身体残疾的妇女,她对道奇队的报道之广泛不亚于美国任何一个记者, 可她却在为一个几乎不为人知的网站写作,网站的名字很怪很难记,读者大概有两个人。

  That 拉·莫里斯给我打电话。

  I have a speech disability making it impossible to use the phone.


  That proved it. This was obviously an elaborate hoax. This writer was probably a 45-year-old male plumber.


  I decided to end the correspondence. But then I received another e-mail.


  My disability is cerebral palsy. ... It affects motor control. ... When my brain tells my hands to hit a key, I would move my legs, hit the table, and six other keys in the process.

  我的残疾是脑瘫。……它影响肌肉神经的控制。……当我的脑子告诉我的手去敲击字键时, 我会挪动我的腿,碰击桌子,并在这一过程中同时碰击六个其他的字键。

  When my mom explained my handicap, she told me I could accomplish anything I wanted to if I worked three times as hard as other people.


  She wrote that she had become a Dodger fan while growing up in Pasadena. In her sophomore year at Blair High, a junior varsity baseball coach asked her to be the team statistician. She did it, with a typewriter and a head pointer.


  Her involvement in baseball had kept her in school, she said--despite her poor grades and hours of neck-straining homework.


  Baseball gave me something to work for. ... I could do something that other kids couldn't. ... I wanted to do something for the sport that has done so much for me.

  棒球给了我努力的目标 ……我可以做别的孩子做不了的事情 ……我想为给了我这么多的棒球做一点事情。

  Okay, so I believed her. Sort of. Who, in her supposed condition, could cover a baseball team without the best equipment and help? I was curious, so I asked if I could drive over to see her. She agreed, giving me detailed directions involving farm roads and streets with no names.

  不错,我就这么相信了她。有几分信吧。在像她所称的那种情况下,有谁能没有最好的设备和帮助而报道一个棒球队呢?我很好奇,所以我问她我能不能开车过去看她。 她同意了,并详细告诉我路怎么走,其


  I drove east across the stark Texas landscape. On a winding dirt road dotted with potholes the size of small animals, I spotted what looked like an old tool shed.


  But it wasn't a shed. It was a house, a decaying shanty surrounded by tall grass and junk.


  Could this be right?


  A woman in an old T-shirt and skirt emerged.



  Sarah leaned over the computer and used her pointer to call up a story on the Dodger Place website. Peck by peck, she began adding to that story.


  She looked up and giggled. I looked down in wonder – and shame.


  This was indeed Sarah Morris. The great Sarah Morris.

  这真的就是萨拉·莫里斯。 这个伟大的萨拉·莫里斯。

  I had contacted Sarah Morris months earlier looking for a fight. I realized now, watching her strain in this dark room to type words that perhaps no other soul will read, that I had found that fight.


  Only, it wasn't with Sarah. It was with myself. It is the same fight the sports world experiences daily in these times of cynicism. The fight to trust that athletes can still be heroes.


  In a place far from such doubt, with a mind filled with wonder, Sarah Morris had brought me back.


  编辑:Sky诗昂0228 QQ:85035268


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