

(考试时间: 60分钟 满分:100分)

一. 听力部分(50分)

I. 听录音,将含有所听音素的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。(4分) 【 】1、A、lose 【 】2、A、small 【 】3、A、push 【 】4、A、bicycle

B、long B、fall B、subway B、child

C、drop C、half C、put C、bridge

II. 听录音,将录音句子中包含的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。(10分) 【 】1、A、subway 【 】2、A、harbour 【 】3、A、build

B、highway B、hard B、bridge

C、away C、labour C、building C、cinema C、temple C、temple C、library C、store

【 】4、A、museum B、supermarket 【 】5、A、post office B、factory 【 】6、A、airport 【 】7、A、bridge 【 】8、A、school

B、ferry pier B、building B、bank

III.听录音,判断内容的对错,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。念两遍(6分) 【 】1、.The children often play basketball in front of the man's house. 【 】2、Sometimes the children break the windows of their classroom. 【 】3、.Last Sunday the man stayed at home. 【 】4、The man did some reading last Saturday. 【 】5、The boy was the man's son.

【 】6、The little boy came into the man's room to get his ball back. IV. 听录音,根据录音内容完成下面的信件。 念两遍(14分)

Hi Dad,

This is a nice city. There are five ⑴___________here. We drove through ⑵ _________’ We saw the ⑶___________and lots of tall ⑷ ___________ There were some ⑸ ___________ at the ⑹___________. I wanted to go on one but Mum said ‘No’. Grandma was happy and she gave me some⑺ ___________,That was nice. Then we went to the park. We walked ⑻___________. Grandma ⑼___________ walk ⑽________. Then, we went to the museum. We listened ⑾___________. Next, we went to the shopping mall. I ⑿___________ Grandma’s bags. Then we came back to Grandma’s house. We had a big ⒀___________ and we’re going to ⒁___________ for an hour. See you soon Chuck

V. 听录音的句子,在方框内勾“√”出正确图画。念两遍(6分)




VI. 听录音,把人物和相关的地方连线。念两遍(10分)


二. 笔试部分 (50分)

I. 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“×”(4分) 【 】1、corner comfortable 【 】2、exciting inside 【 】3、phone across 【 】4、ferry terrible

II. 选择填空。(10分)

【 】1、When a light turns red, we _______ cross the road.




D、not must

【 】2、Room No.3 is _____________________

A、Tom’s and Jim’s

B、Tom’s and Jim

C、Tom and Jim’s

D、Tom and Jim

【 】3、Who can help me _________ the bag?





【 】4、There ______ no highway 50 years ago.





【 】5、I was unhappy because I ______ my wallet.





【 】6、Are there any boys in your class? ______________

A、Yes, there is. C、Yes, there was.

B、Yes, there are. D、No, there weren’t any.

【 】7、Were there any bridges 50 years ago?


C、Yes, there was.

D、No, there weren’t any.

【 】8、If we find fire, we must call__________.





【 】9、 Children _________ play with fire. It’s dangerous.





【 】10、 The Green’s family ________ at the table now.

A、is sitting

B、was sitting

C、are sitting

D、were sitting

III. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。(12分)

What a day! Yesterday, Ben_______________(run) to the bus stop. He______________(drop) his schoolbag. He ____________(pick)it up quickly but he didn’t___________ (pick up) his homework. He missed the bus so he ran to school.

Tony _______________(find) Ben’s homework and _______________(shout) but Ben didn’t _______________(hear) him. He _______________(carry)Ben’s homework to school. There were lots of students at school.

‘I must _______________(find)Ben!’ said Tony. ‘BEN!’ ‘Tony, you mustn’t _______________(shout)in here.’ ‘Sorry, Miss Jiang. Can you see Tony?’ ‘Yes, he’s over there.’ ’Thanks.,

Tony _______________(find) Ben and_______________ (give)him his homework. ‘Thanks a lot, Tony.’ ‘No problem, Ben.’

IV. 根据所给情景选择正确答案。(4分)

【 】1、如果你想告诉对方你今天下午要去图书馆,应该说:

A、What are you going to do this afternoon? B、I’m going to the library this afternoon. C、I going to the library this afternoon.

【 】2、 你想告诉别人不可以在博物馆高声喧哗,应该说:

A、You needn’t talk quietly at the museum. B、You can’t play at the museum. C、You mustn’t talk loudly at the museum.

【 】3、如果你看见别人捡到一个钱包但又找不到失主,你应该对他说:

A、You must give it to me.

C、You should give it to the police.

【 】4、你想告诉别人学习英语是很容易的,你应该说:

A、Learn to English is easy. B、It’s easy to learn English. C、I like learn to English easily.

V. 完形填空。(10分)

It was time __1__home. I _2_ a bus on a rainy day. A woman with a dog got on the bus ,too. It was a big dog _3_ its feet were not clean.

I didn’t want the dog to sit near me. But the woman said to the assistant(售票员), “Oh, I pay for my dog . Can he sit here like other _4_?”

The assistant looked at the dog and said ,“Yes ,madam , but he must not put his _5_ on the chair.”

【 】1、A、to go 【 】2、A、get on 【 】3、A、but 【 】4、A、dogs 【 】5、A、hands

B、going B、get off B、because B、women B、feet

C、go C、got on C、and C、people C、head

VI. 阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。(10分)

At school, the fire alarm rings. What do you do? You must stop and line up at the door. You must leave your books and bags in the classroom. Always listen carefully to your teacher. Follow your teacher and go outside. You must walk quickly. Then line up again outside. The teacher will call 119. Then you must wait for the firemen. They will come soon. Listen carefully to your teachers. You mustn’t talk loudly. Be careful and stand with your class. 【 】1、Students mustn’t line up at the door.

【 】2、Students mustn’t take their books and bags with them. 【 】3、Students must walk slowly. 【 】4、The teacher will cal1 999. 【 】5、Wait for the firemen.



I. 听录音,将含有所听音素的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。 (共4分,每小题1分)

听力材料:1. [U:] 2. [a:] 3. [Q] 4. [i] Keys: 1—4 A C B C

II. 听录音,找出每句话中你听到的单词,将编号填在括号内。念两遍 (共10分。每小题1分) 听力材料:

1. There are many highways. 2. There is a harbour, too. 3. There are lots of tall buildings. 4. There is a history museum. 5. There are also many factories.

6. There is a big airport now. But 10 years ago, there was no airport. 7. There are bridges everywhere. 8. There are more and more banks now. Keys: 1—4 A B B C 6—8 A B A C

III. 听录音,判断内容的对错,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”念两遍 (共6分,每小题1分) 录音材料:

Some children often play football in front of my house and sometimes break my window. Last Saturday afternoon I stayed at home and read a book. After an hour I closed my eyes and had a short rest. Suddenly a little boy opened the door and came in. ‘You broke my window again, boy?’

‘Oh, no’ answered the boy. ‘Your windows were open this time and my ball is in your bedroom. May I get it back, please?’ Keys: 1—6 F F F T F T

IV. 听录音,根据录音内容完成下面的信件。 念两遍(共14分,每词1分) 录音材料: Hi Dad,

This is a nice city. There are five ⑴ here. We drove through ⑵.We saw the ⑶ and lots of tall ⑷. There were some ⑸ at the⑹ . I wanted to go on one but Mum said “No”.

Grandma was happy and she gave me some ⑺. That was nice. Then we went to the park. We walked ⑻. Grandma⑼ walk ⑽. Then. We went to the museum. We listened ⑾. Next, we went to the shopping mall. I ⑿Grandma’s bags. Then we came back to Grandma’s house. We had a big ⒀ and we’re going to ⒁ for an hour. See you soon. Chuck

V. 听录音的句子,在方框内勾“√”出正确图画。念两遍(共6分,每题1分) 录音材料:

1. Now, children, this is the biggest library in our city. There’re a lot of people everyday. So, please remember the rule: Keep quiet in the library. Ok?

2. This morning, I found your glasses in the bathroom. Now, I’m giving them to you. Be careful next time.

3. Sam saw many apples on the ground. He picked them up and gave them to the woman with lots of bags.

4. Look at the rules, we must talk softly and walk slowly. 5. Girl: Grandma, tell me something about our city 20 years ago.

Grandma: Ok. 20 years ago, our city was not so big. There was no highway. There were only a few bridges.

6. Our city is changing a lot. There was no airport before. But now there is a big one. And there are more and more shopping malls and hotels. Keys:1—6 B A A A B A

VI. 听录音,把人物和相关的地方连线。念两遍(共10分,每小题2分) 录音材料:

1. Where are you going, Pat? I’m going to the park. 2. How about you, Tim? I want to go to the museum.

3. Bob, where are you going? I want to see my grandma. She’s in the hospital. 4 ) And you, Ken? Oh, I want to see a film. So I want to go to the cinema.

5. Where are you going, Betty? I’m going to the computer room. I want to play games. Keys: Pat—E, Tim—D, Bob—B, Ken—C, Betty—A

二.笔试部分 (50分)

I. 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“×” (共4分,每小题1分) Keys: 1—4 ×, √,×,√,

II. 选择填空。(共10分,每小题1分) Keys:1—5 : B C B D D 6—10 : B D B B C

III. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。(共12分,每词1分) Keys: ran, dropped, picked, pick up,

found, shouted, hear, carried, find, shout, found, gave

IV. 根据所给情景选择正确答案。(共4分,每小题1分) Keys: 1—4 B C C B

V. 完形填空。(共10分,每小题2分) Keys: 1—5 A C D C B

VI. 阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。 (共10分,每小题2分) Keys: 1—5 F T F F T


(考试时间: 60分钟 满分:100分)

一. 听力部分(50分)

I. 听录音,将含有所听音素的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。(4分) 【 】1、A、lose 【 】2、A、small 【 】3、A、push 【 】4、A、bicycle

B、long B、fall B、subway B、child

C、drop C、half C、put C、bridge

II. 听录音,将录音句子中包含的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。(10分) 【 】1、A、subway 【 】2、A、harbour 【 】3、A、build

B、highway B、hard B、bridge

C、away C、labour C、building C、cinema C、temple C、temple C、library C、store

【 】4、A、museum B、supermarket 【 】5、A、post office B、factory 【 】6、A、airport 【 】7、A、bridge 【 】8、A、school

B、ferry pier B、building B、bank

III.听录音,判断内容的对错,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”。念两遍(6分) 【 】1、.The children often play basketball in front of the man's house. 【 】2、Sometimes the children break the windows of their classroom. 【 】3、.Last Sunday the man stayed at home. 【 】4、The man did some reading last Saturday. 【 】5、The boy was the man's son.

【 】6、The little boy came into the man's room to get his ball back. IV. 听录音,根据录音内容完成下面的信件。 念两遍(14分)

Hi Dad,

This is a nice city. There are five ⑴___________here. We drove through ⑵ _________’ We saw the ⑶___________and lots of tall ⑷ ___________ There were some ⑸ ___________ at the ⑹___________. I wanted to go on one but Mum said ‘No’. Grandma was happy and she gave me some⑺ ___________,That was nice. Then we went to the park. We walked ⑻___________. Grandma ⑼___________ walk ⑽________. Then, we went to the museum. We listened ⑾___________. Next, we went to the shopping mall. I ⑿___________ Grandma’s bags. Then we came back to Grandma’s house. We had a big ⒀___________ and we’re going to ⒁___________ for an hour. See you soon Chuck

V. 听录音的句子,在方框内勾“√”出正确图画。念两遍(6分)




VI. 听录音,把人物和相关的地方连线。念两遍(10分)


二. 笔试部分 (50分)

I. 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“×”(4分) 【 】1、corner comfortable 【 】2、exciting inside 【 】3、phone across 【 】4、ferry terrible

II. 选择填空。(10分)

【 】1、When a light turns red, we _______ cross the road.




D、not must

【 】2、Room No.3 is _____________________

A、Tom’s and Jim’s

B、Tom’s and Jim

C、Tom and Jim’s

D、Tom and Jim

【 】3、Who can help me _________ the bag?





【 】4、There ______ no highway 50 years ago.





【 】5、I was unhappy because I ______ my wallet.





【 】6、Are there any boys in your class? ______________

A、Yes, there is. C、Yes, there was.

B、Yes, there are. D、No, there weren’t any.

【 】7、Were there any bridges 50 years ago?


C、Yes, there was.

D、No, there weren’t any.

【 】8、If we find fire, we must call__________.





【 】9、 Children _________ play with fire. It’s dangerous.





【 】10、 The Green’s family ________ at the table now.

A、is sitting

B、was sitting

C、are sitting

D、were sitting

III. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。(12分)

What a day! Yesterday, Ben_______________(run) to the bus stop. He______________(drop) his schoolbag. He ____________(pick)it up quickly but he didn’t___________ (pick up) his homework. He missed the bus so he ran to school.

Tony _______________(find) Ben’s homework and _______________(shout) but Ben didn’t _______________(hear) him. He _______________(carry)Ben’s homework to school. There were lots of students at school.

‘I must _______________(find)Ben!’ said Tony. ‘BEN!’ ‘Tony, you mustn’t _______________(shout)in here.’ ‘Sorry, Miss Jiang. Can you see Tony?’ ‘Yes, he’s over there.’ ’Thanks.,

Tony _______________(find) Ben and_______________ (give)him his homework. ‘Thanks a lot, Tony.’ ‘No problem, Ben.’

IV. 根据所给情景选择正确答案。(4分)

【 】1、如果你想告诉对方你今天下午要去图书馆,应该说:

A、What are you going to do this afternoon? B、I’m going to the library this afternoon. C、I going to the library this afternoon.

【 】2、 你想告诉别人不可以在博物馆高声喧哗,应该说:

A、You needn’t talk quietly at the museum. B、You can’t play at the museum. C、You mustn’t talk loudly at the museum.

【 】3、如果你看见别人捡到一个钱包但又找不到失主,你应该对他说:

A、You must give it to me.

C、You should give it to the police.

【 】4、你想告诉别人学习英语是很容易的,你应该说:

A、Learn to English is easy. B、It’s easy to learn English. C、I like learn to English easily.

V. 完形填空。(10分)

It was time __1__home. I _2_ a bus on a rainy day. A woman with a dog got on the bus ,too. It was a big dog _3_ its feet were not clean.

I didn’t want the dog to sit near me. But the woman said to the assistant(售票员), “Oh, I pay for my dog . Can he sit here like other _4_?”

The assistant looked at the dog and said ,“Yes ,madam , but he must not put his _5_ on the chair.”

【 】1、A、to go 【 】2、A、get on 【 】3、A、but 【 】4、A、dogs 【 】5、A、hands

B、going B、get off B、because B、women B、feet

C、go C、got on C、and C、people C、head

VI. 阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。(10分)

At school, the fire alarm rings. What do you do? You must stop and line up at the door. You must leave your books and bags in the classroom. Always listen carefully to your teacher. Follow your teacher and go outside. You must walk quickly. Then line up again outside. The teacher will call 119. Then you must wait for the firemen. They will come soon. Listen carefully to your teachers. You mustn’t talk loudly. Be careful and stand with your class. 【 】1、Students mustn’t line up at the door.

【 】2、Students mustn’t take their books and bags with them. 【 】3、Students must walk slowly. 【 】4、The teacher will cal1 999. 【 】5、Wait for the firemen.



I. 听录音,将含有所听音素的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。 (共4分,每小题1分)

听力材料:1. [U:] 2. [a:] 3. [Q] 4. [i] Keys: 1—4 A C B C

II. 听录音,找出每句话中你听到的单词,将编号填在括号内。念两遍 (共10分。每小题1分) 听力材料:

1. There are many highways. 2. There is a harbour, too. 3. There are lots of tall buildings. 4. There is a history museum. 5. There are also many factories.

6. There is a big airport now. But 10 years ago, there was no airport. 7. There are bridges everywhere. 8. There are more and more banks now. Keys: 1—4 A B B C 6—8 A B A C

III. 听录音,判断内容的对错,正确的打“T”,错误的打“F”念两遍 (共6分,每小题1分) 录音材料:

Some children often play football in front of my house and sometimes break my window. Last Saturday afternoon I stayed at home and read a book. After an hour I closed my eyes and had a short rest. Suddenly a little boy opened the door and came in. ‘You broke my window again, boy?’

‘Oh, no’ answered the boy. ‘Your windows were open this time and my ball is in your bedroom. May I get it back, please?’ Keys: 1—6 F F F T F T

IV. 听录音,根据录音内容完成下面的信件。 念两遍(共14分,每词1分) 录音材料: Hi Dad,

This is a nice city. There are five ⑴ here. We drove through ⑵.We saw the ⑶ and lots of tall ⑷. There were some ⑸ at the⑹ . I wanted to go on one but Mum said “No”.

Grandma was happy and she gave me some ⑺. That was nice. Then we went to the park. We walked ⑻. Grandma⑼ walk ⑽. Then. We went to the museum. We listened ⑾. Next, we went to the shopping mall. I ⑿Grandma’s bags. Then we came back to Grandma’s house. We had a big ⒀ and we’re going to ⒁ for an hour. See you soon. Chuck

V. 听录音的句子,在方框内勾“√”出正确图画。念两遍(共6分,每题1分) 录音材料:

1. Now, children, this is the biggest library in our city. There’re a lot of people everyday. So, please remember the rule: Keep quiet in the library. Ok?

2. This morning, I found your glasses in the bathroom. Now, I’m giving them to you. Be careful next time.

3. Sam saw many apples on the ground. He picked them up and gave them to the woman with lots of bags.

4. Look at the rules, we must talk softly and walk slowly. 5. Girl: Grandma, tell me something about our city 20 years ago.

Grandma: Ok. 20 years ago, our city was not so big. There was no highway. There were only a few bridges.

6. Our city is changing a lot. There was no airport before. But now there is a big one. And there are more and more shopping malls and hotels. Keys:1—6 B A A A B A

VI. 听录音,把人物和相关的地方连线。念两遍(共10分,每小题2分) 录音材料:

1. Where are you going, Pat? I’m going to the park. 2. How about you, Tim? I want to go to the museum.

3. Bob, where are you going? I want to see my grandma. She’s in the hospital. 4 ) And you, Ken? Oh, I want to see a film. So I want to go to the cinema.

5. Where are you going, Betty? I’m going to the computer room. I want to play games. Keys: Pat—E, Tim—D, Bob—B, Ken—C, Betty—A

二.笔试部分 (50分)

I. 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“√”不同的打“×” (共4分,每小题1分) Keys: 1—4 ×, √,×,√,

II. 选择填空。(共10分,每小题1分) Keys:1—5 : B C B D D 6—10 : B D B B C

III. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。(共12分,每词1分) Keys: ran, dropped, picked, pick up,

found, shouted, hear, carried, find, shout, found, gave

IV. 根据所给情景选择正确答案。(共4分,每小题1分) Keys: 1—4 B C C B

V. 完形填空。(共10分,每小题2分) Keys: 1—5 A C D C B

VI. 阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示。 (共10分,每小题2分) Keys: 1—5 F T F F T


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  • 潮安县2011-2012学年度第一学期期末质量检测卷 六年级英语试卷听力材料及参考答案 听力材料 一.听录音,根据录音内容,把下列对话补充完整.(10分) 1. –How can I get to the nature park? --Y ou can go by bus. 2. –Do you k ...

  • 八年级英语听力材料及答案
  • 八年级英语听力材料及答案 听力材料 A. 根据所听到的句子选择相应的图片.(5分) 1. Beckham plays soccer very well. 2. Now many people are learning how to drive. 3. My sister's hairstyle is ...

  • 八年级生物下册期中试卷(附答案)[1]
  • 八年级生物下册期中试卷 一.选择题(下列每题的各个选项中,只有一项最符合题意,每小题2分,共40分) 1."种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆",植物在传粉时,依靠( )来识别是同种花粉. A.花药 B.花丝 C.柱头 D.花柱 2.在花的基本结构中,( )是植物进行有性生殖的主要部分. ①花萼 ...

  • [工程材料及成形技术基础]试卷答案
  • < 工程材料及成形技术基础 >试卷答案 一.名词解释:(每小题2分,共30分) 1. 屈服强度--试样产生0.2%的残余伸长变形时所对应的应力为条件屈服强度,即屈服强度. 2. 断后伸长率--试样拉断后标距的伸长量与原标准长度的百分比. 3. 疲劳强度--材料在循环的应力作用下承受无数次 ...

  • 三年级英语下册第三单元测试卷
  • 宁夏回族自治区银川市永宁县三年级英语下册第三单元测试卷 Unit 3 How many? 姓名 班级 分数 听力部分(60分) 一 .听录音,选出正确的数字,每题读两遍.(5分) ( ) 1. A. 11 B. 12 ( ) 2. A. 13 B. 3 ( ) 3. A. 10 B. 14 ( ) ...

  • 专升本[工程材料及热处理]_试卷_答案
  • 专升本<工程材料及热处理> 一. (共75题, 共150分) 1. 金属键的一个基本待征是( ). (2分) A. 没有方向性 B.具有饱和性 C. 具有择优取向性 D.无传导性 标准答案:A 2. 体心立方晶格中原子的配位数是( ). (2分) A.16 B.12 C.8 D.4 标准 ...

  • 英语听力材料及答案
  • 2012-2013学年度九年级(上)段考 英语听力材料 关键词选择 1. It's too dark to play outside. 2. Her dress in similar to her sister's! 3. Neither she nor I knew the answer to t ...