1、Romanticism浪漫主义a movement of the 18th and 19th century that affected the whole of Europe and America.
It is the predominance of imagination over reason and formal rules and over the sense of fact or the actual, a psychological desire to escape from unpleasant realities.
Romanticism was a movement in literature, philosophy, music and art which developed in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
It emphasized individual values and aspirations above those of society as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution.
It looked to the Middle Ages and to direct contact with nature for inspiration 的特点:frequently shared certain general characteristics, moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that he natural world was a source of corruption.浪漫主义之间大多是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。
2、Transcendentalism 超验主义
1)as a moral philosophy, transcendentalism was neither logical nor systematized. It exalted feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom.不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人表达。
2)they spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society.呼吁文化复兴,反对美国社会的拜金主义。
3)they believe in the transcendence of "over soul", an all-pervading power for goodness from which all things come and of which all things are a part. 相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。
4)it could exercise a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind. “Go back to nature, sink yourself back into its influence and you’ll become spiritually whole again.” The natural implication of all this was, of course, that things in nature tended to become symbolic, and the physical world was a symbol of the spiritual. This in turn added to the tradition of literary symbolism in American literature.
3、Realism:(现实主义)appeared in the United States in the literature of local color, an amalgam of romantic plots and realistic descriptions of things was immediately observable. the dialects, customs, sights.现实主义有浓厚的美国本土特色,是浪漫主义故事情节和现实主义描写相结合的产物:美国风味的方言、风俗、各种观点
4、Naturalism:自然主义 a new and harsher realism, 新型的更为冷峻的现实主义,产生悲观的流派 ,产生于the end of the century 十九世纪末,因为Perception of society’s disorders 对社会无序的感知。Presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were dominated by their environment and heredity. 设法尽力客观真实地展现出受环境与出身局限的下层人民和各种经济阶层人物的真正生活。
The naturalists emphasized that the world was amoral, that men and women had no free will, that their lives were controlled by heredity and the environment, the religious “truths” were illusory, that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and oblivion in death. 强调世界的非道德性,人们没有意志的自由,宗教上的真理是虚幻的,现实生活是痛苦的。
5、Imagism 意象派:is a poetic movement of England and the United States, flourished from 1909-1917. Its credo, expressed in Some Imagist Poets, included the use of the language of common speech, project matter, the evocation of images in hard, clear poetry, and concentration.
6、Modernism现代主义:is loosely a synonym of anything contemporary. Strictly,
thespecially in literary criticism, which began in the late 19 century and the theory
of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. They pay more attention to the psychic time than the chronological one.
7、individualism个人主义:it is a moral political and social philosophy which emphasizes individual liberty the primary importance of the individual and the unities of self_reliance
8、symbolism 象征主义:means using symbols in literary works the symbol means something represents or stands for abstract deep meaning
1、Romanticism浪漫主义a movement of the 18th and 19th century that affected the whole of Europe and America.
It is the predominance of imagination over reason and formal rules and over the sense of fact or the actual, a psychological desire to escape from unpleasant realities.
Romanticism was a movement in literature, philosophy, music and art which developed in Europe in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
It emphasized individual values and aspirations above those of society as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution.
It looked to the Middle Ages and to direct contact with nature for inspiration 的特点:frequently shared certain general characteristics, moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that he natural world was a source of corruption.浪漫主义之间大多是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。
2、Transcendentalism 超验主义
1)as a moral philosophy, transcendentalism was neither logical nor systematized. It exalted feeling over reason, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom.不讲逻辑,不讲系统,只强调超越理性的感受,超越法律和世俗束缚的个人表达。
2)they spoke for cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society.呼吁文化复兴,反对美国社会的拜金主义。
3)they believe in the transcendence of "over soul", an all-pervading power for goodness from which all things come and of which all things are a part. 相信精神上的超越,相信无所不能的善的力量,强调善为万物之源。
4)it could exercise a healthy and restorative influence on the human mind. “Go back to nature, sink yourself back into its influence and you’ll become spiritually whole again.” The natural implication of all this was, of course, that things in nature tended to become symbolic, and the physical world was a symbol of the spiritual. This in turn added to the tradition of literary symbolism in American literature.
3、Realism:(现实主义)appeared in the United States in the literature of local color, an amalgam of romantic plots and realistic descriptions of things was immediately observable. the dialects, customs, sights.现实主义有浓厚的美国本土特色,是浪漫主义故事情节和现实主义描写相结合的产物:美国风味的方言、风俗、各种观点
4、Naturalism:自然主义 a new and harsher realism, 新型的更为冷峻的现实主义,产生悲观的流派 ,产生于the end of the century 十九世纪末,因为Perception of society’s disorders 对社会无序的感知。Presenting characters of low social and economic classes who were dominated by their environment and heredity. 设法尽力客观真实地展现出受环境与出身局限的下层人民和各种经济阶层人物的真正生活。
The naturalists emphasized that the world was amoral, that men and women had no free will, that their lives were controlled by heredity and the environment, the religious “truths” were illusory, that the destiny of humanity was misery in life and oblivion in death. 强调世界的非道德性,人们没有意志的自由,宗教上的真理是虚幻的,现实生活是痛苦的。
5、Imagism 意象派:is a poetic movement of England and the United States, flourished from 1909-1917. Its credo, expressed in Some Imagist Poets, included the use of the language of common speech, project matter, the evocation of images in hard, clear poetry, and concentration.
6、Modernism现代主义:is loosely a synonym of anything contemporary. Strictly,
thespecially in literary criticism, which began in the late 19 century and the theory
of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. They pay more attention to the psychic time than the chronological one.
7、individualism个人主义:it is a moral political and social philosophy which emphasizes individual liberty the primary importance of the individual and the unities of self_reliance
8、symbolism 象征主义:means using symbols in literary works the symbol means something represents or stands for abstract deep meaning