
The Difference Between My High School Life and

My College Life




The Difference Between My High School Life and My College Life I have been a college student for three months. It’s hard to express my feelings about my collegial life. All I want to say are some words like wonderful colorful and comfortable.

Before I came to my college I often dreamed about the life in there. First I hope I will have some lovely roommates so that I can have a peaceful life in my dorm. Then I hope my school will be as beautiful as what I expected. Last I hope I will have a good environment to study.

On the day term begins, all these have come true.

● School

My school is beautiful and huge. It takes more than an hour to visit the whole school. It’s almost ten times as big as my high school. There are many rivers, small forests, two playgrounds and a mini zoo in my school and you can see trees and flowers everywhere.

How beautiful it is!

● Life

Before I came to my college, I have never lived without my family. So they were very worried about whether I could live myself. But the truth was that I have done a good job. I can live myself very well. What’s more, I could manage my money very well, too.

When I was a high school student, I always thought I was a child and I

could do everything I like. So I bought everything I like even it was useless. I wasted a lot of money which were given by my parents. But now, the money belongs to me. If I save it, I can use it later on when I need it.

● Friends

I have five roommates. Every one of them is kind and friendly. After so many days living together, we have known each other a little. I like them very much. In my High School, my classmates always talked about the TV show or the TV star in Korea. I didn’t like these, so most time we had nothing to talk. But with my roommates, we can talk what happened recently days or even we can talk about how to wash shoes.

● Study

I love my fantastic school’s library. I can almost find every book I want there. I can study or have a nap on the sofa there. Another difference is that now what I learn is what I like. I learn it to my own desires. So I feel happy to study everything in my classes.

Besides these, there are still something same between my high school and my college. First of all, wherever I am, I still a student and the most important thing for me is to study. Second, I do everything for my dream and the dream is the same as before.

Where there is a will, there is a way. I believe if I do everything as

perfect as I can. Sooner or Later I will let my dream come true. So the college is just a place where can let me fly high. Whatever it likes, I love here.

The Difference Between My High School Life and

My College Life




The Difference Between My High School Life and My College Life I have been a college student for three months. It’s hard to express my feelings about my collegial life. All I want to say are some words like wonderful colorful and comfortable.

Before I came to my college I often dreamed about the life in there. First I hope I will have some lovely roommates so that I can have a peaceful life in my dorm. Then I hope my school will be as beautiful as what I expected. Last I hope I will have a good environment to study.

On the day term begins, all these have come true.

● School

My school is beautiful and huge. It takes more than an hour to visit the whole school. It’s almost ten times as big as my high school. There are many rivers, small forests, two playgrounds and a mini zoo in my school and you can see trees and flowers everywhere.

How beautiful it is!

● Life

Before I came to my college, I have never lived without my family. So they were very worried about whether I could live myself. But the truth was that I have done a good job. I can live myself very well. What’s more, I could manage my money very well, too.

When I was a high school student, I always thought I was a child and I

could do everything I like. So I bought everything I like even it was useless. I wasted a lot of money which were given by my parents. But now, the money belongs to me. If I save it, I can use it later on when I need it.

● Friends

I have five roommates. Every one of them is kind and friendly. After so many days living together, we have known each other a little. I like them very much. In my High School, my classmates always talked about the TV show or the TV star in Korea. I didn’t like these, so most time we had nothing to talk. But with my roommates, we can talk what happened recently days or even we can talk about how to wash shoes.

● Study

I love my fantastic school’s library. I can almost find every book I want there. I can study or have a nap on the sofa there. Another difference is that now what I learn is what I like. I learn it to my own desires. So I feel happy to study everything in my classes.

Besides these, there are still something same between my high school and my college. First of all, wherever I am, I still a student and the most important thing for me is to study. Second, I do everything for my dream and the dream is the same as before.

Where there is a will, there is a way. I believe if I do everything as

perfect as I can. Sooner or Later I will let my dream come true. So the college is just a place where can let me fly high. Whatever it likes, I love here.


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