



I want to say 'Thanks' to my mother.

Mom, I want to say 'Thanks' to you. When I came into this world, I feel everywhere is your love. You give me life, and you still take care of me. I think you are the greatest person in this world.

On this special day, I want to say 'Thanks' to you. These years, you have been tired but you never say anything to me. You always give me help, but you never need any of my results. Now, my improvement is more than what I did yesterday. I see your smile is always more than before, but maybe you do not know, some white hair has come up quietly.

Mom, you give me everything. Nothing in the world can express my love for you.




I want to say 'Thanks' to my mother.

Mom, I want to say 'Thanks' to you. When I came into this world, I feel everywhere is your love. You give me life, and you still take care of me. I think you are the greatest person in this world.

On this special day, I want to say 'Thanks' to you. These years, you have been tired but you never say anything to me. You always give me help, but you never need any of my results. Now, my improvement is more than what I did yesterday. I see your smile is always more than before, but maybe you do not know, some white hair has come up quietly.

Mom, you give me everything. Nothing in the world can express my love for you.


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