龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘 要 当前我国中小学实行的是校长负责制,校长作为学校的第一负责人,在权力、责任、利益上的“一把手”地位被不断强化。在这种制度下,同样作为学校领导班子的副校长,其领导力的有效性也对学校的发展产生极大影响。基于现阶段我国中小学副校长的工作现状,本文通过对我国中小学副校长存在的角色误区进行分析并试图提出促进其角色实现的可行性建议。
关键词 副校长 角色定位 工作误区 角色实现
中图分类号:G451 文献标识码:A ; ; DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2015.04.027 The Role Positioning and Effective Implementation of Primary
and Secondary School Vice-president
LIU Xiaoyan
(College of education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007)
Abstract The current primary and secondary schools in China is implement the president's responsibility system,the principal as the first responsible person of the school, in the power, responsibility, interests of the "head" status has been continuously strengthened.Under this system,the same as the vice president of the school leadership, the effectiveness of the leadership also has great effect on the development of the school. Based on the present work stage of primary and secondary school vice-president,this article through the analysis the role positioning and
misunderstanding of our country primary and secondary school vice-president,and then try to put forward feasible suggestions to promote the role implementation.
Key words vice-president, role positioning, role misunderstanding, effective
1 中小学副校长的角色误区
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘 要 当前我国中小学实行的是校长负责制,校长作为学校的第一负责人,在权力、责任、利益上的“一把手”地位被不断强化。在这种制度下,同样作为学校领导班子的副校长,其领导力的有效性也对学校的发展产生极大影响。基于现阶段我国中小学副校长的工作现状,本文通过对我国中小学副校长存在的角色误区进行分析并试图提出促进其角色实现的可行性建议。
关键词 副校长 角色定位 工作误区 角色实现
中图分类号:G451 文献标识码:A ; ; DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdks.2015.04.027 The Role Positioning and Effective Implementation of Primary
and Secondary School Vice-president
LIU Xiaoyan
(College of education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007)
Abstract The current primary and secondary schools in China is implement the president's responsibility system,the principal as the first responsible person of the school, in the power, responsibility, interests of the "head" status has been continuously strengthened.Under this system,the same as the vice president of the school leadership, the effectiveness of the leadership also has great effect on the development of the school. Based on the present work stage of primary and secondary school vice-president,this article through the analysis the role positioning and
misunderstanding of our country primary and secondary school vice-president,and then try to put forward feasible suggestions to promote the role implementation.
Key words vice-president, role positioning, role misunderstanding, effective
1 中小学副校长的角色误区