

2014考研英语作文模板 欢迎信





请写100个字左右,请不要在信的末尾写你的名字,用笔名代替,不要写地址。 范文:Dear students,

First of all, allow me, on behalf of the leaders of our school teachers and students are warmly welcome to come to you, welcome to our school and life.

Campus life is different in different countries, in order to make your life more comfortable, the following I will describe some of the proposals in my school life.

First of all, cannot call the teacher's name in China, because China is a ritual of ceremony, Chinese used to call the expression of respect for teachers.

Secondly, I hope you cherish the time studying in China, take the initiative to increase opportunities for interaction with Chinese people, so that both can improve your Chinese language level, can understand Chinese culture.

Finally, if you encounter difficulty in living and learning, to communicate with us in a timely manner.Wishes you to study abroad in China live in interesting times!


2014考研英语作文模板 欢迎信





请写100个字左右,请不要在信的末尾写你的名字,用笔名代替,不要写地址。 范文:Dear students,

First of all, allow me, on behalf of the leaders of our school teachers and students are warmly welcome to come to you, welcome to our school and life.

Campus life is different in different countries, in order to make your life more comfortable, the following I will describe some of the proposals in my school life.

First of all, cannot call the teacher's name in China, because China is a ritual of ceremony, Chinese used to call the expression of respect for teachers.

Secondly, I hope you cherish the time studying in China, take the initiative to increase opportunities for interaction with Chinese people, so that both can improve your Chinese language level, can understand Chinese culture.

Finally, if you encounter difficulty in living and learning, to communicate with us in a timely manner.Wishes you to study abroad in China live in interesting times!


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