
此剧本描述学生会面试场景,角色为一个interviewer (A),三个interviewees


A:Zhangyang? Just as your name goes, you must be really outgoing. What are you good at?

B: sing……唱首歌

A: Um, excellent. Are there any other hobbies?

B: Of course, I am talented in many aspects. The basketball can make myself take pride in sports and I love it from the bottom of my heart. In my spare time, I have made a numberof close friends by playing this game. Due to my good performance, I have been aborbed into the school team and I’m getting along well with my partners.

C: You are very confident, you can work in the sports department.

C: Sorry, I am a bit nervious.

A: Take it easy.

C: I want to join the independent club and I think I am qualified for the job. A: Enheng?

C: In my opinion. College student is required to stand on their own legs and have an independent living. To some extent, it is more important than acquiring knowledge.

A: So, do you have some related activities in your life?

C: Yeah. During my summer vocation, I choosed to leave home to do some works of production promotion and I also earned some money. It is meaningful for me! A: You give me a lesson, I think you can make it.

A: You look very smart, so what is your personal strength?

D: I have many intrrests such as playing various balls, reading, music and English.

A: Good boy. I think you have plenty of art cells.

D: Thank you, it is just my goal. I want to be a member of art club.

A: Even though I appreciate you, you should show our ability.

D: He you are, this is my own work.

A: This is owesome.

B: I have accepted some good trainings in relaton to handwriting from my father since I was very young. In addition, I also do well in pen writing, I will show you some other day.

A: Good, you have survived.

此剧本描述学生会面试场景,角色为一个interviewer (A),三个interviewees


A:Zhangyang? Just as your name goes, you must be really outgoing. What are you good at?

B: sing……唱首歌

A: Um, excellent. Are there any other hobbies?

B: Of course, I am talented in many aspects. The basketball can make myself take pride in sports and I love it from the bottom of my heart. In my spare time, I have made a numberof close friends by playing this game. Due to my good performance, I have been aborbed into the school team and I’m getting along well with my partners.

C: You are very confident, you can work in the sports department.

C: Sorry, I am a bit nervious.

A: Take it easy.

C: I want to join the independent club and I think I am qualified for the job. A: Enheng?

C: In my opinion. College student is required to stand on their own legs and have an independent living. To some extent, it is more important than acquiring knowledge.

A: So, do you have some related activities in your life?

C: Yeah. During my summer vocation, I choosed to leave home to do some works of production promotion and I also earned some money. It is meaningful for me! A: You give me a lesson, I think you can make it.

A: You look very smart, so what is your personal strength?

D: I have many intrrests such as playing various balls, reading, music and English.

A: Good boy. I think you have plenty of art cells.

D: Thank you, it is just my goal. I want to be a member of art club.

A: Even though I appreciate you, you should show our ability.

D: He you are, this is my own work.

A: This is owesome.

B: I have accepted some good trainings in relaton to handwriting from my father since I was very young. In addition, I also do well in pen writing, I will show you some other day.

A: Good, you have survived.


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