



Group topic:Chinese character and calligraphy

When it comes to Chinese culture, as one of Chinese, I have many to say. However, before I learn An Introduction to Chinese Culture, I can only use Chinese language to introduce our Chinese culture, but now I can use English to introduce it. From the classes and the book of Chinese culture, I have learned many words and phases about ancient Chinese culture. For example, the famous saying by Confucius “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” As we all known, ancient Chinese prose is very difficult to translate into English, even if we can do it, many expressions are not proper to convey the artistic conception of ancient Chinese prose, especially Chinese poem. Even so, we should try to translate as better as possible.

China has a history of 5,000 years. It is the only continuous ancient civilization in the world, while others have changed, discontinued, withered or perished. Chinese culture is a complete system, including its own philosophy, literature, arts, medicine, technology and science as well as language and festivals. From the learning of Chinese culture, I have reviewed history I learned before: How the Chinese dynasties develop, what ’s the Chinese philosophy and religion and so on ----the list is endless .As a English major, learning the Chinese culture is necessary because we always contact the culture of English-speaking countries and have more chance to communicate with foreigners. If a foreigner ask me something about Chinese culture and I cannot answer him, that ’s really embarrassing. The main task of learning Chinese culture is that, I think, we can introduce it to foreigners and spread our Chinese culture all over the world. The second task is that we should contrast the English version with the original Chinese version to find the difference between them, from which we can learn some translation skills.

If we say the book and classes are more about theory, then PPT is the combination which combines theory and practice. Our group ’s PPT left a deep impression on me. From the collection of information, the design of PPT to the presentation, I spend much time on it. From the preparation of that PPT, I have learned much knowledge about Chinese character and calligraphy. The process of the development of Chinese character: oracle bone inscription, large seal script, small seal script, clerical script, regular script, cursive script, cursive handwriting. Before I made this PPT, I did not know how to say these kinds of character in English. In the PPT, I also introduced the six categories of Chinese characters that is pictograph, simple ideograph, compound ideographs, determinative phonetics, abstract extended meanings and loan characters respectively. The six categories of Chinese character is the methods about how Chinese character are made, so after introduction of it, we know how our Chinese characters are created. I also listed some interesting words, for example, “赢”---a typical word which use the method of compound ideographs. Every

time we mention Chinese character, we cannot leave calligraphy alone. The creation of good calligraphy works is connected with four good scholar ’s treasures(Chinese brush, ink ,paper, ink stone).

When I was preparing the PPT, I worried that this topic could not attract classmates for this topic had a little boring. So my partners and I paid more attention to how to make this presentation more interesting. After discussion, we decided to add some difficult words to let classmates guess. As a result, that ’s really valid. As the spokeswoman, I thought I must show the presentation well. The day before presentation, I tried to introduce it to myself and calculated the time. Our PPT was a little short, so I added a video about a calligraphy performance by Lei Qingyao who has no arms. After several practice, my preparation was over. This presentation has improved my skills of information collection and selection, organization, PPT design, and presentation. Thus, I really benefit much from this subject.




Group topic:Chinese character and calligraphy

When it comes to Chinese culture, as one of Chinese, I have many to say. However, before I learn An Introduction to Chinese Culture, I can only use Chinese language to introduce our Chinese culture, but now I can use English to introduce it. From the classes and the book of Chinese culture, I have learned many words and phases about ancient Chinese culture. For example, the famous saying by Confucius “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” As we all known, ancient Chinese prose is very difficult to translate into English, even if we can do it, many expressions are not proper to convey the artistic conception of ancient Chinese prose, especially Chinese poem. Even so, we should try to translate as better as possible.

China has a history of 5,000 years. It is the only continuous ancient civilization in the world, while others have changed, discontinued, withered or perished. Chinese culture is a complete system, including its own philosophy, literature, arts, medicine, technology and science as well as language and festivals. From the learning of Chinese culture, I have reviewed history I learned before: How the Chinese dynasties develop, what ’s the Chinese philosophy and religion and so on ----the list is endless .As a English major, learning the Chinese culture is necessary because we always contact the culture of English-speaking countries and have more chance to communicate with foreigners. If a foreigner ask me something about Chinese culture and I cannot answer him, that ’s really embarrassing. The main task of learning Chinese culture is that, I think, we can introduce it to foreigners and spread our Chinese culture all over the world. The second task is that we should contrast the English version with the original Chinese version to find the difference between them, from which we can learn some translation skills.

If we say the book and classes are more about theory, then PPT is the combination which combines theory and practice. Our group ’s PPT left a deep impression on me. From the collection of information, the design of PPT to the presentation, I spend much time on it. From the preparation of that PPT, I have learned much knowledge about Chinese character and calligraphy. The process of the development of Chinese character: oracle bone inscription, large seal script, small seal script, clerical script, regular script, cursive script, cursive handwriting. Before I made this PPT, I did not know how to say these kinds of character in English. In the PPT, I also introduced the six categories of Chinese characters that is pictograph, simple ideograph, compound ideographs, determinative phonetics, abstract extended meanings and loan characters respectively. The six categories of Chinese character is the methods about how Chinese character are made, so after introduction of it, we know how our Chinese characters are created. I also listed some interesting words, for example, “赢”---a typical word which use the method of compound ideographs. Every

time we mention Chinese character, we cannot leave calligraphy alone. The creation of good calligraphy works is connected with four good scholar ’s treasures(Chinese brush, ink ,paper, ink stone).

When I was preparing the PPT, I worried that this topic could not attract classmates for this topic had a little boring. So my partners and I paid more attention to how to make this presentation more interesting. After discussion, we decided to add some difficult words to let classmates guess. As a result, that ’s really valid. As the spokeswoman, I thought I must show the presentation well. The day before presentation, I tried to introduce it to myself and calculated the time. Our PPT was a little short, so I added a video about a calligraphy performance by Lei Qingyao who has no arms. After several practice, my preparation was over. This presentation has improved my skills of information collection and selection, organization, PPT design, and presentation. Thus, I really benefit much from this subject.


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