IPhone 手机的18个功能
If you're glued to your iPhone as much as I am, it's tough to imagine you've missed much. But it's easy to get caught up in back-to-back Instagram refreshes and gripping recipe videos and never discover some of the phone's most convenient features.
如果你我一样,和自己的I-phone 形影不离,那还有不少功能你没有用过,是不是不可思议。不过从Instagram 的连续刷新,掌握视频播放的窍门,其实你的手机还有不少非常方便的功能你都没有发现,不过这些都很容易学。
See a map of everywhere you've been
Guess what? Your phone is tracking everywhere you go in the background, and there ’s a hidden map of your whereabouts lurking in your settings. To check it out, Go to Settings > Privacy > Locations Services > System Services > Frequent Locations and click on any of the listed locations. It even shows you dates and approximate timestamps.
Respond to texts without unlocking your phone
Rather than go through the trouble to unlock your phone just to respond with an “OK, ” just swipe left and hit "Reply" to type your response.
Turn the keyboard into a trackpad
Pressing down and holding anywhere on the keyboard while you’re typing on a 6s activates a trackpad, where the letters disappear and you can move freely around your text, which makes editing or modifying whatever you’re writing a whole lot easier.
当你在6s 上面键盘界面键入的时候,在键盘界面的任何位置按下并保持就能变成手写板,当字母消失,你就可以随意移动你的文本,这样修改和编辑文本都会相当的容易。 Slyly ditch never-ending group text conversations
Group texting is great... until it’s not. To rid yourself of the the ongoing deluge of messages, you can see yourself out by tapping "Details" and scrolling down to where it says "Leave This Conversation.” You ’re welcome.
群聊是挺好…到你不想聊了。让自己退出群聊,你可以选择“Details ”然后移到最下面,选择“离开群聊”,然后你就成功啦。
Drop the apps down so they're easier to scroll
If your short fingers make it difficult to comfortably access the upper rows of apps on the home screen, here a handy tip: double touch (read: do not press) the Home button. It’ll bump the top rows down about halfway.
Set your audio and video messages to self-destruct
You can set any video or audio messages that you text someone to disappear two minutes after they're watched or listened to. To set it up, go to Settings > Messages and scroll to the bottom.
Automatically respond to calls you can't take with a text
Whether you’re in a meeting, out to dinner, or simply ain’t got time for that, you can decline the call and shoot the caller a text by hitting the "Message" button above the "Slide to Answer" notification. Choose from a drop-down of default
options including "Sorry, I can’t talk right now,""I’m on my way," and "I’ll call you later?" You can also add custom message options under Settings > Phone.
Use Spotlight search to get quick answers
If you’re too lazy to open the calculator app, you can get answers to any math equation (or get a quick unit or currency conversion) by typing it in plain English in the Spotlight search field (at the top of the screen when you swipe right from the home screen).
Delete numbers in the calculator
If you use the calculator app with any regularity you’ve probably noticed there's no backspace to fix a number you may have typed by mistake. But rather than start over when you mess up, you can swipe left or right in the display to delete your last-typed entry.
在使用计算器程序的输错数字的时候你可能会发现没有后退按键。发生输错情况的时候你不必从头再输,在数字显示的区域你向左或者向右滑动,就可以删除你最后输入的数字。 Make sure your framed art looks great on any wall
You don’t need a full toolbox to hang your pictures -- your iPhone comes with its own built-in level. To access it open the Compass app and swipe left.
你不用大费周章把工具拿出来,就为了把你的照片挂在墙上挂正,你的Iphone 自带工具。打开指南针功能然后向左滑动。
Switch the orientation when shooting panoramas
When you want to shoot a panoramic shot but would prefer to capture the scene from left to right, rather than the default right to left, just tap the arrow that tracks your stability and it’ll switch sides.
Set up a digital medical bracelet
If you think you might die without your iPhone, well, you might be on to something. See, you can set things up so that certain critical medical info can be accessed from the emergency section of your lock screen -- should anyone, EMT or otherwise, find you unresponsive with your phone nearby. To do it, go to the Health app and fill out your Medical ID.
也许要是你没有你的Iphone 会死,好吧,你可能要看具体是什么东西。你锁定的手机屏幕中有你之前设置的重要的医疗信息,如果有人,紧急医疗救护员或者其他人,就近人员,发现你的手机没有你的及时反馈信息。也许他们就会到健康程序,然后找到你的个人医疗信息。(你就得救啦)
Speed things up by clearing individual app caches
Occasionally, certain Apple apps can be the root cause of all your phone’s
wonkiness. If you notice one is being particularly janky, try clearing its cache. In the Podcasts, Music, Game Center, Phone, and App Store apps, tap any single tab at the bottom of its launch screen 10 times in a row.
Take a photo while simultaneously shooting video
When you don’t want to interrupt whatever action you're shooting, but also want to capture a killer still, just tap the small white shutter button beside the one you pressed to record and the camera will shoot and save a photo without skipping a beat.
Relaunch recently closed tabs
Did you just accidentally ax a tab you were reading? No problem, you can access any you’ve recently closed by holding down the "+" at the bottom of the “New Window ” view in Safari.
你有没有过失手关闭你正在阅读的界面?没有关系,你可以通过Safari 底部选择“+”来打开一个新窗口,就能看到你最后关闭的页面了。
Search for specific words in an article
To find any and all mentions of a specific word or name in Safari, go up to the URL field and type it in. At the bottom of the drop-down of suggested Google searches or recently visited pages that shows up, click “On this page,” and it will highlight any matches in yellow.
在Safari 中搜索提及的关键字或者名字。到URL 区域然后键入搜索内容。在谷歌搜索或者最近浏览的网页的屏幕底部的下拉菜单中选择“本页”,然后所有符合的信息都会标黄。 Jump back to the top of a page
If you’ve gone down the rabbit hole on a Wikipedia page (or any article in Safari) and don’t feel like scrolling all the way back to the top, a simple tap of the clock at the top jumps back up. The same trick also applies to text messages.
如果在看维基百科或是其他网页的时候,你不想在通过移动回到首页的时候,你可以敲击显示屏幕上显示时间的地方,就会自动回到首页,这个方法同样适用于信息的查看。 Revisit your email inbox without leaving the current message
Want to check something in your inbox or in another email without leaving
whatever email you’re currently responding to? Tap and slide the email subject downwards until it locks to the bottom of the screen, freeing you up to go back and read other messages. When you’re ready to resume what you were working on, tap the subject once and the message will pop back open.
IPhone 手机的18个功能
If you're glued to your iPhone as much as I am, it's tough to imagine you've missed much. But it's easy to get caught up in back-to-back Instagram refreshes and gripping recipe videos and never discover some of the phone's most convenient features.
如果你我一样,和自己的I-phone 形影不离,那还有不少功能你没有用过,是不是不可思议。不过从Instagram 的连续刷新,掌握视频播放的窍门,其实你的手机还有不少非常方便的功能你都没有发现,不过这些都很容易学。
See a map of everywhere you've been
Guess what? Your phone is tracking everywhere you go in the background, and there ’s a hidden map of your whereabouts lurking in your settings. To check it out, Go to Settings > Privacy > Locations Services > System Services > Frequent Locations and click on any of the listed locations. It even shows you dates and approximate timestamps.
Respond to texts without unlocking your phone
Rather than go through the trouble to unlock your phone just to respond with an “OK, ” just swipe left and hit "Reply" to type your response.
Turn the keyboard into a trackpad
Pressing down and holding anywhere on the keyboard while you’re typing on a 6s activates a trackpad, where the letters disappear and you can move freely around your text, which makes editing or modifying whatever you’re writing a whole lot easier.
当你在6s 上面键盘界面键入的时候,在键盘界面的任何位置按下并保持就能变成手写板,当字母消失,你就可以随意移动你的文本,这样修改和编辑文本都会相当的容易。 Slyly ditch never-ending group text conversations
Group texting is great... until it’s not. To rid yourself of the the ongoing deluge of messages, you can see yourself out by tapping "Details" and scrolling down to where it says "Leave This Conversation.” You ’re welcome.
群聊是挺好…到你不想聊了。让自己退出群聊,你可以选择“Details ”然后移到最下面,选择“离开群聊”,然后你就成功啦。
Drop the apps down so they're easier to scroll
If your short fingers make it difficult to comfortably access the upper rows of apps on the home screen, here a handy tip: double touch (read: do not press) the Home button. It’ll bump the top rows down about halfway.
Set your audio and video messages to self-destruct
You can set any video or audio messages that you text someone to disappear two minutes after they're watched or listened to. To set it up, go to Settings > Messages and scroll to the bottom.
Automatically respond to calls you can't take with a text
Whether you’re in a meeting, out to dinner, or simply ain’t got time for that, you can decline the call and shoot the caller a text by hitting the "Message" button above the "Slide to Answer" notification. Choose from a drop-down of default
options including "Sorry, I can’t talk right now,""I’m on my way," and "I’ll call you later?" You can also add custom message options under Settings > Phone.
Use Spotlight search to get quick answers
If you’re too lazy to open the calculator app, you can get answers to any math equation (or get a quick unit or currency conversion) by typing it in plain English in the Spotlight search field (at the top of the screen when you swipe right from the home screen).
Delete numbers in the calculator
If you use the calculator app with any regularity you’ve probably noticed there's no backspace to fix a number you may have typed by mistake. But rather than start over when you mess up, you can swipe left or right in the display to delete your last-typed entry.
在使用计算器程序的输错数字的时候你可能会发现没有后退按键。发生输错情况的时候你不必从头再输,在数字显示的区域你向左或者向右滑动,就可以删除你最后输入的数字。 Make sure your framed art looks great on any wall
You don’t need a full toolbox to hang your pictures -- your iPhone comes with its own built-in level. To access it open the Compass app and swipe left.
你不用大费周章把工具拿出来,就为了把你的照片挂在墙上挂正,你的Iphone 自带工具。打开指南针功能然后向左滑动。
Switch the orientation when shooting panoramas
When you want to shoot a panoramic shot but would prefer to capture the scene from left to right, rather than the default right to left, just tap the arrow that tracks your stability and it’ll switch sides.
Set up a digital medical bracelet
If you think you might die without your iPhone, well, you might be on to something. See, you can set things up so that certain critical medical info can be accessed from the emergency section of your lock screen -- should anyone, EMT or otherwise, find you unresponsive with your phone nearby. To do it, go to the Health app and fill out your Medical ID.
也许要是你没有你的Iphone 会死,好吧,你可能要看具体是什么东西。你锁定的手机屏幕中有你之前设置的重要的医疗信息,如果有人,紧急医疗救护员或者其他人,就近人员,发现你的手机没有你的及时反馈信息。也许他们就会到健康程序,然后找到你的个人医疗信息。(你就得救啦)
Speed things up by clearing individual app caches
Occasionally, certain Apple apps can be the root cause of all your phone’s
wonkiness. If you notice one is being particularly janky, try clearing its cache. In the Podcasts, Music, Game Center, Phone, and App Store apps, tap any single tab at the bottom of its launch screen 10 times in a row.
Take a photo while simultaneously shooting video
When you don’t want to interrupt whatever action you're shooting, but also want to capture a killer still, just tap the small white shutter button beside the one you pressed to record and the camera will shoot and save a photo without skipping a beat.
Relaunch recently closed tabs
Did you just accidentally ax a tab you were reading? No problem, you can access any you’ve recently closed by holding down the "+" at the bottom of the “New Window ” view in Safari.
你有没有过失手关闭你正在阅读的界面?没有关系,你可以通过Safari 底部选择“+”来打开一个新窗口,就能看到你最后关闭的页面了。
Search for specific words in an article
To find any and all mentions of a specific word or name in Safari, go up to the URL field and type it in. At the bottom of the drop-down of suggested Google searches or recently visited pages that shows up, click “On this page,” and it will highlight any matches in yellow.
在Safari 中搜索提及的关键字或者名字。到URL 区域然后键入搜索内容。在谷歌搜索或者最近浏览的网页的屏幕底部的下拉菜单中选择“本页”,然后所有符合的信息都会标黄。 Jump back to the top of a page
If you’ve gone down the rabbit hole on a Wikipedia page (or any article in Safari) and don’t feel like scrolling all the way back to the top, a simple tap of the clock at the top jumps back up. The same trick also applies to text messages.
如果在看维基百科或是其他网页的时候,你不想在通过移动回到首页的时候,你可以敲击显示屏幕上显示时间的地方,就会自动回到首页,这个方法同样适用于信息的查看。 Revisit your email inbox without leaving the current message
Want to check something in your inbox or in another email without leaving
whatever email you’re currently responding to? Tap and slide the email subject downwards until it locks to the bottom of the screen, freeing you up to go back and read other messages. When you’re ready to resume what you were working on, tap the subject once and the message will pop back open.