
  i have to learn english in cambridge english school four years. our school is very beautiful, the environment is very good. we have bright classroom learning, as well as first-class teacher.

  since i learned to cambridge after my english has greatly improved performance, all should be grateful to our ms. liu.cambridge teacher liu is our teacher, taught us four years, she is very beautiful, with big eyes, white skin, like aquiline nose, liu rich teacher in the class fun, often play games with us, along with jokes, playing at the same time so that the knowledge we learned.

  in addition to learning english, i also was referred to the many friends, such as rui zhang, li shu-ting, and so on and so forth, they gave me all help.now is the winter soon to open christmas party, and we are very looking forward to christmas every year, every time we will open party, eat together, along with performances, too. . four years, my parents gave me a lot of support, they sent me to learn all weather, hot weather for them to take me home. . .

  so i am thankful that i have great and responsible teachers. i will remember my great teachers forever. thanks.

  i have to learn english in cambridge english school four years. our school is very beautiful, the environment is very good. we have bright classroom learning, as well as first-class teacher.

  since i learned to cambridge after my english has greatly improved performance, all should be grateful to our ms. liu.cambridge teacher liu is our teacher, taught us four years, she is very beautiful, with big eyes, white skin, like aquiline nose, liu rich teacher in the class fun, often play games with us, along with jokes, playing at the same time so that the knowledge we learned.

  in addition to learning english, i also was referred to the many friends, such as rui zhang, li shu-ting, and so on and so forth, they gave me all help.now is the winter soon to open christmas party, and we are very looking forward to christmas every year, every time we will open party, eat together, along with performances, too. . four years, my parents gave me a lot of support, they sent me to learn all weather, hot weather for them to take me home. . .

  so i am thankful that i have great and responsible teachers. i will remember my great teachers forever. thanks.


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