
Introduction to Microsoft Office

Nowadays,with the development of information technology, a part of people in favor of the idea that they can not live without computer.Maybeyou are not agree with this point of view.However,we have to admit that,without computer,our life will be less colorful.

Looking back university,computer has importment impact on mystudy and daily life,such as Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Office is one of the world’s most used information -worker applications. This level of exposure and recognition has made these tools an enticing area for customization as developers wish to extend a tool that users are already comfortable with. Developing with Microsoft Office has traditionally meant developing in a COM-based world. This began to change with Office 2003 when Microsoft shipped primary interop assemblies (PIAs) as part of the advanced installation. These PIAs opened Office to the .NET developer community and their managed code projects. A primary interop assembly enabled a Visual Studio developer to write code against the Office applications by adding a reference in the project. This assembly took on the responsibility of translating between the COM and managed code

environments. Even with the PIAs, this development was not for the faint of heart. .NET developers often struggled. Their code had to deal with the way Office maintained object lifetimes and they had to contend with lots of COM plumbing. In addition, the managed code solution was limited to running outside the process of the Office application. What was missing was a layer between the PIAs and the developer’s custom application. Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) fills that gap. Visual Studio Tools for Office extends the Visual Studio environment to support the development of managed code solutions for Microsoft Office. With VSTO, the developer can create solutions that leverage Microsoft Office applications, including the construction of add-ins, custom task panes, ribbon customizations, and smart documents.

Microsoft Office2003 contains Microsoft Office Outlook 2003、Microsoft Office Word 2003、Microsoft Office Excel 2003、Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003、Microsoft Office Access 2003、Microsoft Office OneNote 2003、Microsoft Office Visio 、Microsoft Office Project and so on„„

(一) Microsoft Office Word 2003

1 、Function: Microsoft Office Word 2003 is a word processing program, it makes the creation of a document、sharing and reading easier.The improved examine and mark function to provide you with a variety of change tracking and management of endorsement.Word 2003 also supports "extensible markup language" (XML) file format, and can be used as a

full-featured XML editor.In addition, user can save and open the XML file to integrated units within the key business data。

2、Method of use: (1)How to create a file:click the right of mouse,choose “new create ”->” Microsoft Office Word”.

(2)How to manage the words: the word manage tool is located at the left conner.The typeface 、word size、the color of word and so on are around of the word manage.

(3)How to search words: click ctrl+F directly or click “search ”which is on left conner.

(4) How to replace words: click ctrl+H directly or click “replace ”which is on left conner.

(二)Microsoft Office Excel 2003

1 、Function: Office Excel 2003 is a spreadsheet program which is developed by the Microsoft Corp.It is one of the core components of Microsoft Office series,which provides the XML support and makes analysis and sharse information more conveniently.User can use electronic forms part that is defined as a list and export them to the website of Microsoft Windows® SharePoint Services .Excel 2003 Microsoft Office XP smart tag relative to more flexible, and the statistical functions allow user to analyze information more effectively.

2、Method of use:(1)How to create a form: click the right of mouse,choose “new create ”->” Microsoft Office Excel”.

(2)How to close the selected workbook window: click ctrl+F or Alt+F4 directly

(3)How to Resumes the selected workbook window size: click Ctrl+F5 directly.

(4) How to close the selected workbook window: Switch to be split ("window" menu "split" command) the work table in the next pane.

(三) Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

1 、Function: Power Point2003 is produced by Microsoft Corp Power Point , Power Point is one of the important components which is produced by Microsoft Corp office office in series (Excel, Word).It can make video, audio, PPT, webpage, picture,and so on.

2、Method of use:(1) How to create a PPT: click the right of mouse,choose “new create ”->” Microsoft Office PowerPoint”.

(2) when Click the "common view" button, user can press the Shift key to switch to "slide master view, and then click the" a "in plain view" button (press Shift key) which can switch back.

(3) Click "Slide Sorter view" button, press the Shift key to switch to "handout master view".

In a short, Microsoft Office makes me learn basic knowledge furtherly. I believe that the panorama of Microsoft Office will be a bright prospect., more and more people will be benifited from it.

Introduction to Microsoft Office

Nowadays,with the development of information technology, a part of people in favor of the idea that they can not live without computer.Maybeyou are not agree with this point of view.However,we have to admit that,without computer,our life will be less colorful.

Looking back university,computer has importment impact on mystudy and daily life,such as Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Office is one of the world’s most used information -worker applications. This level of exposure and recognition has made these tools an enticing area for customization as developers wish to extend a tool that users are already comfortable with. Developing with Microsoft Office has traditionally meant developing in a COM-based world. This began to change with Office 2003 when Microsoft shipped primary interop assemblies (PIAs) as part of the advanced installation. These PIAs opened Office to the .NET developer community and their managed code projects. A primary interop assembly enabled a Visual Studio developer to write code against the Office applications by adding a reference in the project. This assembly took on the responsibility of translating between the COM and managed code

environments. Even with the PIAs, this development was not for the faint of heart. .NET developers often struggled. Their code had to deal with the way Office maintained object lifetimes and they had to contend with lots of COM plumbing. In addition, the managed code solution was limited to running outside the process of the Office application. What was missing was a layer between the PIAs and the developer’s custom application. Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO) fills that gap. Visual Studio Tools for Office extends the Visual Studio environment to support the development of managed code solutions for Microsoft Office. With VSTO, the developer can create solutions that leverage Microsoft Office applications, including the construction of add-ins, custom task panes, ribbon customizations, and smart documents.

Microsoft Office2003 contains Microsoft Office Outlook 2003、Microsoft Office Word 2003、Microsoft Office Excel 2003、Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003、Microsoft Office Access 2003、Microsoft Office OneNote 2003、Microsoft Office Visio 、Microsoft Office Project and so on„„

(一) Microsoft Office Word 2003

1 、Function: Microsoft Office Word 2003 is a word processing program, it makes the creation of a document、sharing and reading easier.The improved examine and mark function to provide you with a variety of change tracking and management of endorsement.Word 2003 also supports "extensible markup language" (XML) file format, and can be used as a

full-featured XML editor.In addition, user can save and open the XML file to integrated units within the key business data。

2、Method of use: (1)How to create a file:click the right of mouse,choose “new create ”->” Microsoft Office Word”.

(2)How to manage the words: the word manage tool is located at the left conner.The typeface 、word size、the color of word and so on are around of the word manage.

(3)How to search words: click ctrl+F directly or click “search ”which is on left conner.

(4) How to replace words: click ctrl+H directly or click “replace ”which is on left conner.

(二)Microsoft Office Excel 2003

1 、Function: Office Excel 2003 is a spreadsheet program which is developed by the Microsoft Corp.It is one of the core components of Microsoft Office series,which provides the XML support and makes analysis and sharse information more conveniently.User can use electronic forms part that is defined as a list and export them to the website of Microsoft Windows® SharePoint Services .Excel 2003 Microsoft Office XP smart tag relative to more flexible, and the statistical functions allow user to analyze information more effectively.

2、Method of use:(1)How to create a form: click the right of mouse,choose “new create ”->” Microsoft Office Excel”.

(2)How to close the selected workbook window: click ctrl+F or Alt+F4 directly

(3)How to Resumes the selected workbook window size: click Ctrl+F5 directly.

(4) How to close the selected workbook window: Switch to be split ("window" menu "split" command) the work table in the next pane.

(三) Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003

1 、Function: Power Point2003 is produced by Microsoft Corp Power Point , Power Point is one of the important components which is produced by Microsoft Corp office office in series (Excel, Word).It can make video, audio, PPT, webpage, picture,and so on.

2、Method of use:(1) How to create a PPT: click the right of mouse,choose “new create ”->” Microsoft Office PowerPoint”.

(2) when Click the "common view" button, user can press the Shift key to switch to "slide master view, and then click the" a "in plain view" button (press Shift key) which can switch back.

(3) Click "Slide Sorter view" button, press the Shift key to switch to "handout master view".

In a short, Microsoft Office makes me learn basic knowledge furtherly. I believe that the panorama of Microsoft Office will be a bright prospect., more and more people will be benifited from it.


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