
附 1 :

英语辩论题目:Education is more important than work experience 正方观点:Education is more important than work experience 反 方 观 点 : Work experience is more important than education

小组成员: 反方成员: 辩论简单内容及过程: 我的辩词(一辩):

At the very beginning, I want to repeat our reasons to emphasis. First, education gives people more advantages in job-hunting. If a person receives school education while he or she can do have work experience and combine the theory which they obtained with their practical work, I think they'll succeed. If we just only receive experience but not put it over education, I think it will be hard for us to adapt ourselves and survive in this rapid changing world. Second, education promotes personal quality especially for morality. Third, education promotes the development of society. Francis Bacon once said that knowledge is the primary productive force. Forth, the government spends a lot on supporting the education system for us to get better education. Then, I want to introduce the procedures of the education to show our right point in 3 inspects. The first inspect is the purpose of education. The second inspect is the process of education. Meanwhile, we also take the debate competition and get the experience. At last, we can't deny the importance of experience but you can't deny that education is more important than experience! First step: The first debater of pre side states the opinion: 1. Education is the basis of doing every job without education, you will have no chance to get a job. 2. Education can give us more than work experience. We can get the ability to learn things quickly. We also can learn some other meaningful things. 3. Through books we can attain knowledge with a wide area, by an effective way, and as a system


4. Studying from books is a more effective way compared with that from experience. The first debater of con side states the opinion: 1. People can understand the real meaning of those from books and justify them if they have enough work experience. 2. The university courses only teach us simple cases, more knowledge is obtained from various and complicated cases in our career. 3. The truth comes from practice and experience. 4. There are many people who go to the society since their early years. Second step: the free debate: The members of the two sides ask and answer questions. The pro side’s opinions; 1. Why didn’t you go to work or the vocational-technical school? Why did you go to college? 2. How do you explain that more and more students go to foreign countries to get a higher level of education? 3. We have the practical week, it lasts one week or several weeks, but we have the courses of learning books for almost the whole term. How do you explain it? The con side’s opinions: 1. Priority belongs to the people with some work experience because a standard of selecting employees

. 2. Take Bill Gates’ career for example to support our idea. 3. From the practical angel, compare education and work experience. Third step: The fourth debater of the con side gives the conclusion. The fourth debater of the pre side gives the conclusion.


附 1 :

英语辩论题目:Education is more important than work experience 正方观点:Education is more important than work experience 反 方 观 点 : Work experience is more important than education

小组成员: 反方成员: 辩论简单内容及过程: 我的辩词(一辩):

At the very beginning, I want to repeat our reasons to emphasis. First, education gives people more advantages in job-hunting. If a person receives school education while he or she can do have work experience and combine the theory which they obtained with their practical work, I think they'll succeed. If we just only receive experience but not put it over education, I think it will be hard for us to adapt ourselves and survive in this rapid changing world. Second, education promotes personal quality especially for morality. Third, education promotes the development of society. Francis Bacon once said that knowledge is the primary productive force. Forth, the government spends a lot on supporting the education system for us to get better education. Then, I want to introduce the procedures of the education to show our right point in 3 inspects. The first inspect is the purpose of education. The second inspect is the process of education. Meanwhile, we also take the debate competition and get the experience. At last, we can't deny the importance of experience but you can't deny that education is more important than experience! First step: The first debater of pre side states the opinion: 1. Education is the basis of doing every job without education, you will have no chance to get a job. 2. Education can give us more than work experience. We can get the ability to learn things quickly. We also can learn some other meaningful things. 3. Through books we can attain knowledge with a wide area, by an effective way, and as a system


4. Studying from books is a more effective way compared with that from experience. The first debater of con side states the opinion: 1. People can understand the real meaning of those from books and justify them if they have enough work experience. 2. The university courses only teach us simple cases, more knowledge is obtained from various and complicated cases in our career. 3. The truth comes from practice and experience. 4. There are many people who go to the society since their early years. Second step: the free debate: The members of the two sides ask and answer questions. The pro side’s opinions; 1. Why didn’t you go to work or the vocational-technical school? Why did you go to college? 2. How do you explain that more and more students go to foreign countries to get a higher level of education? 3. We have the practical week, it lasts one week or several weeks, but we have the courses of learning books for almost the whole term. How do you explain it? The con side’s opinions: 1. Priority belongs to the people with some work experience because a standard of selecting employees

. 2. Take Bill Gates’ career for example to support our idea. 3. From the practical angel, compare education and work experience. Third step: The fourth debater of the con side gives the conclusion. The fourth debater of the pre side gives the conclusion.



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