

中共会理县委副书记 会理县人民政府县长 李宁一


尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们:上午好! Distinguished leaders, guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends, good morning!

金秋九月,硕果满枝。今天,我们欢聚一堂,隆重举行中国会理首届国际石榴节开幕仪式。It ’s a golden September with a bumper harvest. Today we gather together here to observe the grand opening of the First Huili International Pomegranate Festival of China. 首先,我非常荣幸地向大家介绍出席今天开幕式的各位领导和嘉宾。Firstly, it ’s my honor to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests at this opening ceremony.


The leaders attending this ceremony are,


Director of the Department of National Ministry of Agriculture, Mr.Ma; Director of the Technology Department of General Administration of Quality Supervision,

Inspection and Quarantine of PRC, Mr.Wu Jinsheng; the Deputy Director of Division of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the Executive Vice-president of China Fruit Circulation Association, Mr.Fu Xiuquan ; the Vice President and Secretary-general of China Fruit Circulation Association,Mr.Lu Fangxiao,


Director of Agriculture Department of Sichuan Province, Mr.Ren Yongchang; Executive Deputy Director of Agriculture Department of Sichuan Province, Mr.Fu Yongkang; Deputy Director of Education Department of Sichuan Province, Mr.He Shaoyong; Deputy Director of Public Health Department of Sichuan Province, Mr.Wang Zhengrong; Vice President of Sichuan Provincial Women's Federation, Ms Ma Xiaoling ; Deputy Inspector of Water Resource Department of Sichuan Province,Mr.Hu Juehua,


As well as other leaders from National Ministry of Agriculture, National Ministry of Environmental Protection, National Ministry of Construction, General Administration of Quality

Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and China Fruit Circulation Association and so on.


And other leaders from the Propaganda Department of CPC Sichuan Committee, Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Provincial Finance Bureau, Agriculture Department, Education Department, Public Health Department, Civil Affairs Department, Science and Technology Department, Water Resource Department, Communications Department, Construction Department, Land and Resources Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Tourism Bureau, Electric Power Corporation and the like. 云南省禄劝县、永仁县以及攀枝花市、仁和区、东区、西区、米易县、盐边县的市(县)领导。

Leaders of the neighboring regions and cities are also here.They are from Luquan County and Yongren County of Yunnan Province, as well as Panzhihua City and other regions of Panzhihua City go as follows Renhe District,

East District, West District, Miyi County and Yanbian County.

出席开幕式的领导还有:中共凉山州委……常委、纪委书记张强,州级 个部门领导,16个凉山州兄弟县(市)党政领导。 Among leaders attending here, there are still …the standing committee member of CPC Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Committee, Mr.Zhang Qiang and other leaders of prefectural department, as well as leaders of fraternal counties and cities of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture.出席开幕式的企业家有:云南铜业总经理杨超,川威集团董事长王劲,浙江温州商会会长余坚等 个企业老总。

The enterprisers at the ceremony are: General Manager of Yunnan Copper Company Limited, Mr.Yang Chao; President of Chuan Wei Group, Mr.Wang Jing; Chamber of Commerce Mr.Yu Jian Wenzhou, and others.

出席开幕式的外国使节和国际友人有:科威特驻华使馆大使费萨尔. 拉希德. 盖斯先生及夫人,莱索托驻华使馆大使蒂贝利先生及夫人,斐济驻华使馆大使何志美爵士及夫人,巴哈马驻华使馆大使艾尔玛. 坎贝尔女士,克罗地亚驻华使馆大使司马安先生,

Diplomatic envoys and international friends attending here are

Ambassador of Kuwait,Mr.Faisal Rashed J.Al-ghais and his wife; Ambassador of Lesotho,Mr.Anthony Rachobokoane Thibeli and his

wife; Ambassador of Fiji,Sir James Michael Ah Koy and his wife; Ambassador of Bahamas,Ms Elma Campbell; Ambassador of Croatia,Mr.Ante Simonic;


Along with The embassy staff of Russia, Canada, Brazil, Turkey, Uruguay, Bulgaria, Peru, Poland, Guinea-Bissau and international friends from the United States ,Macedonian and other countries.


The serving and retied leaders of Huili county’s party, government and military are present at the ceremony, as well as Presidents of the corporations in Huili and friends who care for the development of Huill.


On behalf of CPC Huili county committee, Huili county People ’s Government and Huili people, I ’d like to extend our warm-hearted welcome to you.


The first item: let’s welcome the standing committee member of CPC Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Committee, the Secretary of CPC Huili County Committee, the Director of Standing Committee of Huili People's Congress Mr.Hu Kun to make an opening address.


The second item: Now,let’s invite …to make a speech. 大会进行第三项:请驻华使节团团长XXX 向会理县授予《最值得驻华大使馆向世界推荐的中国石榴第一县》匾牌。请中共凉山州委常委、中共会理县委书记、会理县人大常委会主任胡坤接牌。

The third item: on behalf of the diplomatic envoys group,Mr.Al-ghais will awards Huili with the plaque of The Most Valuable County with B est Pomegranate for Ambassadors to Introduce to the World. The standing committee member of CPC Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Committee, the Secretary of CPC Huili County Committee, the Director of Standing Committee of Huili People's Congress, Mr.Hu Kun will accept it.


The fourth item: let ’s invite …to declare the opening of the ceremony.






下面,有请加拿大籍著名双语主持人大山先生,四川电视台著名主持人刘倩小姐出场,主持《榴花红》大型文艺演出。 Now,let ’s enjoy the large-scale performance Red Pomegranate Flower hosted by Mr. Da Shan, the famous bilingual host form Canada, and Miss Liu Qian,the famous hostess of Sichuan TV


中共会理县委副书记 会理县人民政府县长 李宁一


尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们:上午好! Distinguished leaders, guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends, good morning!

金秋九月,硕果满枝。今天,我们欢聚一堂,隆重举行中国会理首届国际石榴节开幕仪式。It ’s a golden September with a bumper harvest. Today we gather together here to observe the grand opening of the First Huili International Pomegranate Festival of China. 首先,我非常荣幸地向大家介绍出席今天开幕式的各位领导和嘉宾。Firstly, it ’s my honor to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests at this opening ceremony.


The leaders attending this ceremony are,


Director of the Department of National Ministry of Agriculture, Mr.Ma; Director of the Technology Department of General Administration of Quality Supervision,

Inspection and Quarantine of PRC, Mr.Wu Jinsheng; the Deputy Director of Division of the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, the Executive Vice-president of China Fruit Circulation Association, Mr.Fu Xiuquan ; the Vice President and Secretary-general of China Fruit Circulation Association,Mr.Lu Fangxiao,


Director of Agriculture Department of Sichuan Province, Mr.Ren Yongchang; Executive Deputy Director of Agriculture Department of Sichuan Province, Mr.Fu Yongkang; Deputy Director of Education Department of Sichuan Province, Mr.He Shaoyong; Deputy Director of Public Health Department of Sichuan Province, Mr.Wang Zhengrong; Vice President of Sichuan Provincial Women's Federation, Ms Ma Xiaoling ; Deputy Inspector of Water Resource Department of Sichuan Province,Mr.Hu Juehua,


As well as other leaders from National Ministry of Agriculture, National Ministry of Environmental Protection, National Ministry of Construction, General Administration of Quality

Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and China Fruit Circulation Association and so on.


And other leaders from the Propaganda Department of CPC Sichuan Committee, Sichuan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Provincial Finance Bureau, Agriculture Department, Education Department, Public Health Department, Civil Affairs Department, Science and Technology Department, Water Resource Department, Communications Department, Construction Department, Land and Resources Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, Tobacco Monopoly Bureau, Tourism Bureau, Electric Power Corporation and the like. 云南省禄劝县、永仁县以及攀枝花市、仁和区、东区、西区、米易县、盐边县的市(县)领导。

Leaders of the neighboring regions and cities are also here.They are from Luquan County and Yongren County of Yunnan Province, as well as Panzhihua City and other regions of Panzhihua City go as follows Renhe District,

East District, West District, Miyi County and Yanbian County.

出席开幕式的领导还有:中共凉山州委……常委、纪委书记张强,州级 个部门领导,16个凉山州兄弟县(市)党政领导。 Among leaders attending here, there are still …the standing committee member of CPC Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Committee, Mr.Zhang Qiang and other leaders of prefectural department, as well as leaders of fraternal counties and cities of Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture.出席开幕式的企业家有:云南铜业总经理杨超,川威集团董事长王劲,浙江温州商会会长余坚等 个企业老总。

The enterprisers at the ceremony are: General Manager of Yunnan Copper Company Limited, Mr.Yang Chao; President of Chuan Wei Group, Mr.Wang Jing; Chamber of Commerce Mr.Yu Jian Wenzhou, and others.

出席开幕式的外国使节和国际友人有:科威特驻华使馆大使费萨尔. 拉希德. 盖斯先生及夫人,莱索托驻华使馆大使蒂贝利先生及夫人,斐济驻华使馆大使何志美爵士及夫人,巴哈马驻华使馆大使艾尔玛. 坎贝尔女士,克罗地亚驻华使馆大使司马安先生,

Diplomatic envoys and international friends attending here are

Ambassador of Kuwait,Mr.Faisal Rashed J.Al-ghais and his wife; Ambassador of Lesotho,Mr.Anthony Rachobokoane Thibeli and his

wife; Ambassador of Fiji,Sir James Michael Ah Koy and his wife; Ambassador of Bahamas,Ms Elma Campbell; Ambassador of Croatia,Mr.Ante Simonic;


Along with The embassy staff of Russia, Canada, Brazil, Turkey, Uruguay, Bulgaria, Peru, Poland, Guinea-Bissau and international friends from the United States ,Macedonian and other countries.


The serving and retied leaders of Huili county’s party, government and military are present at the ceremony, as well as Presidents of the corporations in Huili and friends who care for the development of Huill.


On behalf of CPC Huili county committee, Huili county People ’s Government and Huili people, I ’d like to extend our warm-hearted welcome to you.


The first item: let’s welcome the standing committee member of CPC Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Committee, the Secretary of CPC Huili County Committee, the Director of Standing Committee of Huili People's Congress Mr.Hu Kun to make an opening address.


The second item: Now,let’s invite …to make a speech. 大会进行第三项:请驻华使节团团长XXX 向会理县授予《最值得驻华大使馆向世界推荐的中国石榴第一县》匾牌。请中共凉山州委常委、中共会理县委书记、会理县人大常委会主任胡坤接牌。

The third item: on behalf of the diplomatic envoys group,Mr.Al-ghais will awards Huili with the plaque of The Most Valuable County with B est Pomegranate for Ambassadors to Introduce to the World. The standing committee member of CPC Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture Committee, the Secretary of CPC Huili County Committee, the Director of Standing Committee of Huili People's Congress, Mr.Hu Kun will accept it.


The fourth item: let ’s invite …to declare the opening of the ceremony.






下面,有请加拿大籍著名双语主持人大山先生,四川电视台著名主持人刘倩小姐出场,主持《榴花红》大型文艺演出。 Now,let ’s enjoy the large-scale performance Red Pomegranate Flower hosted by Mr. Da Shan, the famous bilingual host form Canada, and Miss Liu Qian,the famous hostess of Sichuan TV


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