我平凡的父亲 My average father 英语作文

My average father

My father stands quietly in the corner of his graduation photo without any eye-catching charm. Indeed, he is an average man I am most familiar with.

Wearing dark color clothes, having medium height and possessing a protruding belly, he is not distinguished from other middle-aged men. Every morning he muddles with washing his face, grabs a quick bite of breakfast and hurries to work just like most men of his generation who do not care much about trifles in daily life. He would never leave a first impressive impression for he has no distinction with your acquaintances.

Occasionally I imagine I have a father with large amount of wealth and worldwide fame. But soon afterwards I will mock myself for such dumb idea. No doubt I am kissed by fortune to have the average man as my father. He is so lenient that sometimes I wonder whether I could treat my child like him in the future. It is very uncommon for Chinese parents to never beat their children. My father achieves it. Even a few experiences of being scolded blur in my memory.

When I flatter myself as well-behaved girl, my father’s noncommittal facial expression reminds me of my terrible fault as

well as my beautiful recollection of my father. One night I pulled the window which is with sliding track of our kitchen very hard because the track becomes a little deformed. Then a big “bang” came and my brain went blank. Seconds later I figured out the window moved out of the track and fell down to the ground from three floors. My father obstructed my extremely angry mother, stepped down with broom and apologizes to scared neighbors without stop. After cleaning up the mess, he came back and remarked with a peaceful voice that how fortune it is for not hurting anyone. Then he yawned and dragged my mother back to their bedroom in case she yelled at me again. I almost burst into tears not only for regretting my silly mistake but appreciating my father’s lenience.

Sometimes I wonder whether my father pays any attention to my study which I am so concerned with. When I get high marks, he just gives mild comments “not bad”. If I perform badly in exams, he considers that I must slip up without second thought. Gradually I figure it out: as an average person, he does not prefer to put too much pressure on me. All he wants is to offer me an unrestrained childhood and a carefree attitude towards my future life in spite of the more cruel society.

My mother complains my father’s education principle for she regards my father’s lenience as a way of spoiling child. But my father

remains unmoved.

He loves to talk with me cheerfully and humorously, ranging from international current events to the breed of our neighbor’s dog apart from I get 70 or 120 marks in my math tests. It embarrasses my mother, because she can not interrupt us for criticizing my marks. Day after day, my mother compromises on her position and reaches agreement with my father to form an alliance in order to get rid of being isolated by us someday.

He keeps quiet when my mother lists his faults. No doubt he frequently makes mistakes: messing the kitchen after cooking meals, putting clothes at random without any order, leaving socks alone after washing feet and forgetting to make phone calls on time. I had better remain silent to clear off being partial on his side. He was a heavy smoker in his twenties. During my mother’s pregnancy, he deserted the habit of inhaling clouds and exhaling mist. He insists the rejection of smoking up to now. But no matter how hard he tries, he can not part with his close companion—alcohol, which is the main reason for being scolded. My mother complains the alcohol captivates her husband every now and then. Without excuse for defending himself, my father cautiously apologizes and coaxes her with quite a few complimentary remarks. Honestly, he is henpecked. His modest behaviour provokes other women’s widely and high praise, which

satisfies my mother in some degree.

He is a lottery fan. But most people around are. It is an average habit for person who gets fixed salary and seeks for fortune. Not addicted into it, he does not exert himself to rack his brains for choosing numbers. As a routine, he buys family phone numbers. Every time he sneers at his attempts as contributions to charitable work. Fortune always passes him by.

But his friends do not pass him by. They are attracted by his wide interests. He is fond of various fish and delighted to share experience with others. After coming back home, he will check whether the fish which can be compared with passionate love of young couples. Watching the fish wiggle here and there is his most leisure moment. He is into handwriting despite not much significant progress is made. The tranquil mood of practicing handwriting is a major pleasure for him. His friends are delighted in appreciating celebrities’ handwriting works with him because he has rich relevant knowledge. He is also a vigorous person who prefers table tennis. In the evenings, he often appears in the gym for friendly competitions. His sweat comes down like raindrops, which gives him keen enjoyment. People around my father love to stay with the average man to spend marvelous time.

Trouble comes when the average man can not deny the

temptation of drinking alcohol as I mentioned above. One night of a year ago, being drunk, he did not realize that he just stood under the tree in front of our apartment building. So he wondered around until my mother called and found him. Such kind of incidents is not rare. Quite often before my mother flares up, he fells asleep and gets into dream with average snore.

My average father

My father stands quietly in the corner of his graduation photo without any eye-catching charm. Indeed, he is an average man I am most familiar with.

Wearing dark color clothes, having medium height and possessing a protruding belly, he is not distinguished from other middle-aged men. Every morning he muddles with washing his face, grabs a quick bite of breakfast and hurries to work just like most men of his generation who do not care much about trifles in daily life. He would never leave a first impressive impression for he has no distinction with your acquaintances.

Occasionally I imagine I have a father with large amount of wealth and worldwide fame. But soon afterwards I will mock myself for such dumb idea. No doubt I am kissed by fortune to have the average man as my father. He is so lenient that sometimes I wonder whether I could treat my child like him in the future. It is very uncommon for Chinese parents to never beat their children. My father achieves it. Even a few experiences of being scolded blur in my memory.

When I flatter myself as well-behaved girl, my father’s noncommittal facial expression reminds me of my terrible fault as

well as my beautiful recollection of my father. One night I pulled the window which is with sliding track of our kitchen very hard because the track becomes a little deformed. Then a big “bang” came and my brain went blank. Seconds later I figured out the window moved out of the track and fell down to the ground from three floors. My father obstructed my extremely angry mother, stepped down with broom and apologizes to scared neighbors without stop. After cleaning up the mess, he came back and remarked with a peaceful voice that how fortune it is for not hurting anyone. Then he yawned and dragged my mother back to their bedroom in case she yelled at me again. I almost burst into tears not only for regretting my silly mistake but appreciating my father’s lenience.

Sometimes I wonder whether my father pays any attention to my study which I am so concerned with. When I get high marks, he just gives mild comments “not bad”. If I perform badly in exams, he considers that I must slip up without second thought. Gradually I figure it out: as an average person, he does not prefer to put too much pressure on me. All he wants is to offer me an unrestrained childhood and a carefree attitude towards my future life in spite of the more cruel society.

My mother complains my father’s education principle for she regards my father’s lenience as a way of spoiling child. But my father

remains unmoved.

He loves to talk with me cheerfully and humorously, ranging from international current events to the breed of our neighbor’s dog apart from I get 70 or 120 marks in my math tests. It embarrasses my mother, because she can not interrupt us for criticizing my marks. Day after day, my mother compromises on her position and reaches agreement with my father to form an alliance in order to get rid of being isolated by us someday.

He keeps quiet when my mother lists his faults. No doubt he frequently makes mistakes: messing the kitchen after cooking meals, putting clothes at random without any order, leaving socks alone after washing feet and forgetting to make phone calls on time. I had better remain silent to clear off being partial on his side. He was a heavy smoker in his twenties. During my mother’s pregnancy, he deserted the habit of inhaling clouds and exhaling mist. He insists the rejection of smoking up to now. But no matter how hard he tries, he can not part with his close companion—alcohol, which is the main reason for being scolded. My mother complains the alcohol captivates her husband every now and then. Without excuse for defending himself, my father cautiously apologizes and coaxes her with quite a few complimentary remarks. Honestly, he is henpecked. His modest behaviour provokes other women’s widely and high praise, which

satisfies my mother in some degree.

He is a lottery fan. But most people around are. It is an average habit for person who gets fixed salary and seeks for fortune. Not addicted into it, he does not exert himself to rack his brains for choosing numbers. As a routine, he buys family phone numbers. Every time he sneers at his attempts as contributions to charitable work. Fortune always passes him by.

But his friends do not pass him by. They are attracted by his wide interests. He is fond of various fish and delighted to share experience with others. After coming back home, he will check whether the fish which can be compared with passionate love of young couples. Watching the fish wiggle here and there is his most leisure moment. He is into handwriting despite not much significant progress is made. The tranquil mood of practicing handwriting is a major pleasure for him. His friends are delighted in appreciating celebrities’ handwriting works with him because he has rich relevant knowledge. He is also a vigorous person who prefers table tennis. In the evenings, he often appears in the gym for friendly competitions. His sweat comes down like raindrops, which gives him keen enjoyment. People around my father love to stay with the average man to spend marvelous time.

Trouble comes when the average man can not deny the

temptation of drinking alcohol as I mentioned above. One night of a year ago, being drunk, he did not realize that he just stood under the tree in front of our apartment building. So he wondered around until my mother called and found him. Such kind of incidents is not rare. Quite often before my mother flares up, he fells asleep and gets into dream with average snore.


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