
5(A )

1 Song: Two jackets

How many jackets are there?

There two jackets on the chair.

Are there any jackets on the bed?

No, there aren’t any on the bed.

2 Rhyme: Do you like my house

Do you like my house,

Little mouse?

Here ’s the kitchen, there’s my cook.

Here ’s the study, there’s my book.

3 Song: We can sing and dance

You can dance an we can sing.

They can play the violin.

Are you ready?

Let ’s begin. Let’s dance. Let’s sing and play the violin.

4 Rhyme: Halloween

Here are some masks for Halloween,

In black, red, yellow and green.

Please try a dog or a pig,

Or a tiger mask, if you want something big.

5 Song: What are you doing?

The telephone’s ringing.

Who ’s that speaking?

This is Helen speaking.

What are you doing?

I am reading.

What ’s Mike doing?

He ’s sleeping.

6 Rhyme: In the evening

My father is in the kitchen cooking.

My mother is doing some washing.

My brother is in the garden playing.

My sister is doing some cleaning.

I ’m in the study reading.

We are all busy in the evening.

7 Song: What do you have?

We ’re going on a camping trip, a camping trip!

What do you have?

I have a pot.

What dose she have?

She has a coat.

What do you have?

We have some big tents.

What do they have?

They have some fruit.

8 Rhyme: Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high.

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

5(B )

1 Song: Wish you happy every day

We say hello from Sunday to Saturday.

We wish you happy every day.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We say hello from Sunday to Saturday.

We wish you happy every day.

2 Rhyme: I’m ill

What ’s the matter?

I ’ve got a high fever.

Let ’s go to see a doctor.

No, no, I’m feeling better.

I just want my mother.

3 Song: Hobbies

Do you have any hobbies?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

I like taking photos.

Oh, me too. Oh, me too.

Do you have any hobbies>

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

I liking growing flowers.

Oh, me too. Oh, me too.

4 Rhyme: A letter for me

I ’m rowing in the sea.

A bottle is near me.

There ’s a letter for me.

It ’s from my Uncle Lee.

It says, “Let ’s meet at three On the beach under the tree.”

5 Song: Do some exercise with me

If you want to be healthy, do some exercise with me.

Turn left. Turn left.

Turn right. Turn right.

Bend down. Bend down.

Jump, jump. Jump, Jump, jump.

Do pushups. Do pushups.

Do handstands. Do handstands.

If you want to be healthy, do some exercise with me if you HEY!

6 Rhyme: A clock

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Look at the clock.

It ’s very late.

It ’s ten to eight.

Have a shower before dinner.

7 Song: We know

It likes flowers and it’s an insect. What is it?

It ’s a bee, and we know…

A dragonfly flies high, flies high.

A firefly glows at night, at night.

A grasshopper jumps high, jumps high.

And a butterfly likes flowers an flowers.

8 Rhyme: Come here and meet us, please

Come here and meet us, please

Li Fangjing is Chinese.

Yumi is Japanese.

John is American.

Ken is Australian.

France is where Clare is from.

England is the home of Tom..

5(A )

1 Song: Two jackets

How many jackets are there?

There two jackets on the chair.

Are there any jackets on the bed?

No, there aren’t any on the bed.

2 Rhyme: Do you like my house

Do you like my house,

Little mouse?

Here ’s the kitchen, there’s my cook.

Here ’s the study, there’s my book.

3 Song: We can sing and dance

You can dance an we can sing.

They can play the violin.

Are you ready?

Let ’s begin. Let’s dance. Let’s sing and play the violin.

4 Rhyme: Halloween

Here are some masks for Halloween,

In black, red, yellow and green.

Please try a dog or a pig,

Or a tiger mask, if you want something big.

5 Song: What are you doing?

The telephone’s ringing.

Who ’s that speaking?

This is Helen speaking.

What are you doing?

I am reading.

What ’s Mike doing?

He ’s sleeping.

6 Rhyme: In the evening

My father is in the kitchen cooking.

My mother is doing some washing.

My brother is in the garden playing.

My sister is doing some cleaning.

I ’m in the study reading.

We are all busy in the evening.

7 Song: What do you have?

We ’re going on a camping trip, a camping trip!

What do you have?

I have a pot.

What dose she have?

She has a coat.

What do you have?

We have some big tents.

What do they have?

They have some fruit.

8 Rhyme: Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high.

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

5(B )

1 Song: Wish you happy every day

We say hello from Sunday to Saturday.

We wish you happy every day.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We say hello from Sunday to Saturday.

We wish you happy every day.

2 Rhyme: I’m ill

What ’s the matter?

I ’ve got a high fever.

Let ’s go to see a doctor.

No, no, I’m feeling better.

I just want my mother.

3 Song: Hobbies

Do you have any hobbies?

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

I like taking photos.

Oh, me too. Oh, me too.

Do you have any hobbies>

Yes, I do. Yes, I do.

I liking growing flowers.

Oh, me too. Oh, me too.

4 Rhyme: A letter for me

I ’m rowing in the sea.

A bottle is near me.

There ’s a letter for me.

It ’s from my Uncle Lee.

It says, “Let ’s meet at three On the beach under the tree.”

5 Song: Do some exercise with me

If you want to be healthy, do some exercise with me.

Turn left. Turn left.

Turn right. Turn right.

Bend down. Bend down.

Jump, jump. Jump, Jump, jump.

Do pushups. Do pushups.

Do handstands. Do handstands.

If you want to be healthy, do some exercise with me if you HEY!

6 Rhyme: A clock

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Look at the clock.

It ’s very late.

It ’s ten to eight.

Have a shower before dinner.

7 Song: We know

It likes flowers and it’s an insect. What is it?

It ’s a bee, and we know…

A dragonfly flies high, flies high.

A firefly glows at night, at night.

A grasshopper jumps high, jumps high.

And a butterfly likes flowers an flowers.

8 Rhyme: Come here and meet us, please

Come here and meet us, please

Li Fangjing is Chinese.

Yumi is Japanese.

John is American.

Ken is Australian.

France is where Clare is from.

England is the home of Tom..


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