General Vocabulary in Landscape Design
目录Conten 称类 轴线节点类 空间组团类 分析类 其他 Others 查找方法
图纸名称类 Drawing name
景观空间分析图Landscape space analysis 图纸目录Drawing content 封面Cover
设计构思Design conceptualization 总平面Master plan 功能分析Function analysis 景点分析Scenic spots analysis 景观空间分析Landscape space analysis 交通分析Traffic analysis 竖向分析V ertical analysis 车位分析 Parking analysis
主入口平面图Main entrance plan
主入口效果图Main entrance perspective 主入口剖面图一Main entrance section 1 拱券详图Detail plan of arch 湖区平面图Lake area plan
湖区效果图一Lake area perspective 湖区剖面图一Lake area section 1
湖区详图一(廊架)Detail plan of the lake area (pergola) 会所平面图Clubhouse plan 会所效果图Clubhouse perspective 会所剖面一Clubhouse section 会所详图(船)Clubhouse detail (boat) 中心区平面图 central area plan
中心区效果图Central area perspective
中心区剖面图(雕塑的尺度)Central area section (size of the sculpture) 别墅区平面图Villa area plan 别墅区效果图villa area perspective 私家花园一private garden
东入口平面图 Plan of the east entrance 东入口效果图East entry perspective 东入口剖面图East entrance section 南面围墙方案Scheme of the southern fence 植物树平面图Plan of planting and trees 景点布置示意图 Scenic spot layout 交通系统分析图 Traffic system analysis
水系分析 Water system analysis 小品布置图Furniture layout 总平面竖向设计示意图 V ertical design layout of the master plan
主入口平面图 Main entrance plan
主入口效果图(白天)Main entrance perspective (daytime) 主入口立面Elevation of the main entrance 商业街平面图 Commercial street plan
西侧人行入口立面图West pedestrian entrance elevation 宅间平面图 courtyard plan
宅间效果图 courtyard perspective
宅间入口立面图Courtyard entrance elevation
中心公共景观轴平面 Central public landscape axis plan
中心公共景观轴剖立面 Section/elevation of central public landscape axis 中心公共景观轴效果图 Perspective of central public landscape axis 交通广场效果图Circulation plaza perspective
住宅西侧组团公共景观区 West residential cluster, public landscape area
住宅西侧组团公共景观区效果图Perspective of west residential cluster, public landscape area 公共空间景观意向参考图片Reference images for the public space landscape
情景洋房-半公共空间景观意向参考图片Scene foreign style houses--Reference images for the semi-public space landscape
高层区-景观意向参考图片High-rises--reference images
半私密空间景观意向参考图片reference images for the semi-private space landscape 别墅组团平面图Villa cluster plan
入口地拼详图Pavement detail at the entrance
入口水景详图Water feature detain at the entrance
主入口手绘透视图Hand-drawing perspective of the main entrance 宅间中心组团透视图Courtyard central cluster perspective 宅间中心组团剖面 Courtyard central cluster section
围墙剖面Fence section
道路入户关系剖面Section of relationship between access and residential entrance 围栏标准段立面Typical fence elevation d2组团平面图d2 cluster plan
d2组团透视图 d2 cluster perspective d2组团剖面图D2 cluster section
d2组团参考图片 d2 cluster reference images
新城公馆一期继建与二期高层景观概念设计Continual design of Phase 1 and high-rises concept design of Xinchenggongguan
高层区总平面 Master plan of the high-rises 高层区景点布置图 High-rises landscape layout
高层区商业街效果图Perspective of Commercial Street in the high-rises area
高层区商业街剖立面图Section and Elevation of Commercial Street in the high-rises area Commercial street section level Commercial street section level
高层区主入口效果图Main entrance perspective in the high-rises area
高层区主入口剖立面图Section and elevation of the Main entrance in the high-rises area Main entrance section level Main entrance section level 高层区组团效果图High-rises cluster perspective
高层区组团剖立面图. Section and elevation of the high-rises cluster
高层区围墙详图/地库出入口详图Fence detail of the high-rises area / Entrance detail of the underground garage
高层区参考图片一Reference image of the high-rises area
高层区植物参考意向一Reference planting in the high-rises area 别墅区总平面.Villa area mater plan
别墅区景点布置图 V illa area landscape layout
别墅区入口剖立面图Section and elevation of the villa area entrance
别墅区富人岛效果图Perspective of rich man island in villa area
别墅区富人岛剖立面图Section and elevation of the rich man island in the villa area 别墅区标准独栋宅间效果图Perspective of standard independent villa
别墅区标准独栋入户详图Detail of standard residential entrance in the villa area 别墅区联排宅间效果图Perspective of town house residential space in the villa area 别墅区联排宅间详图Detail of town house residential space in the villa area 景点说明Scenic spot explanation
轴线节点类 Landscape axis and node
公共景观节点 Public landscape node 公共景观轴线public landscape axis
组团主要景观节点 Main landscape node of the cluster 组团主要景观轴线Main landscape axis of the cluster 核心外展面景观节点 Core exterior exhibiting landscape node 外展面景观节点Exterior interface exhibiting landscape node 动态水轴 dynamic water axis
组团主景观节点 Main landscape node of the cluster 主要动态绿轴 Main dynamic green axis
宅间休闲景观节点 Residential leisure landscape node 次要动态绿轴 Secondary dynamic green axis 空间联系线 Spatial connecting line 主要景观节点Main landscape node 主景观轴线Main landscape axis
次景观轴线Secondary landscape axis 空间联系线Spatial connecting line
空间组团类 Space and cluster
商业街外围Exterior of Commercial Street
中心组团Central cluster
功能分析图Function analysis 中心组团Central cluster
商业空间(商业,服务,休闲)Commercial space (commercial, service, and leisure)
公共休闲空间(休闲,茶座,运动健身,观景)Public leisure space (resting, exercising, tea, and viewing)
交通空间(主要交通核,出入口)Traffic space (the main traffic core, entrance and exit) 公共集会空间(集会,演出,团体活动)Communal space (gathering, performance, and communal activity) 半私密空间(户外娱乐,交流,休憩)Semi-private space (outdoor entertainment, communication, and resting)
私密空间(私家宅院)Private space (private garden) 组团核心景观区Core landscape zone within the cluster 公共空间public space
主入口广场空间 main entrance plaza 主要交通空间 main circulation space 商业 commercial 学校 school
会所半公共空间 Clubhouse/ semi-private space 住宅入口空间 Residential entrance
组团公共绿地空间Public green space in the cluster
半私密空间(组团院落空间)Semi-private space (cluster and courtyard space) 私密空间(私家花园)Private space (private garden) Private space (private garden)私密空间(私家花园) 儿童活动区 Children’s playground 竹林 Bamboo grove
中心水景 Central water feature
特色混合铺装Feature mix material paving 一层休闲区 First floor leisure area
商业广场入口(开放空间,特色铺装)Commercial plaza entrance (open space, feature paving) 多功能开放草坪Multi-purpose open space(lawn) 网球场 Tennis playground 酒店前广场 Hotel front plaza
商业广场/开放空间Commercial plaza/open space 特色住宅入口Feature residential entrance 主景区广场 Focal area plaza 阴凉休闲区 shaded leisure area 断墙小岛 Island with wall ruins 棋牌区 Chess lounge
商业街 Commercial street
商业区主入口 Main entrance of the commercial area 住宅区特色铺装Feature pavement of the residential area 别墅区雕塑/回车道Villa area sculpture/ turning lane
入口景观 Entrance landscape
私家花园平台 Private garden decks
商业步行街 Commercial pedestrian street 公共绿地 Public green
人行通道 Pedestrian access pathways 停车区 Parking area
入口铺装 Entrance pavement
地下停车入口Entrance of underground garage 休闲区 leisure area 中心花园 Central garden
草地石景花园Grass and rock feature garden 石景花园 Rock feature garden
住宅区入口广场公园Residential entrance plaza garden 浅水湖 lagoon
住宅区特色入口Feature entrance to the residential area 喷泉观景池 Accent pond w/ water jet 分层植物 terraced planting
临时停车顶蓬 Porte-cochere (drop-off canopy) 停车带 parking slots
滨江广场 Riverside plaza
特色绿化区 Feature green area 滨江步道 Riverside pathway 螺旋形阶梯 spiral staircase
服务通道大门 Service access gate 入口铺装 Entrance pavement 岗亭 Guardhouse
休闲广场 Leisure plaza 石景圈Stone feature 景框 view frame
分析类 Analysis
区域分析 Sector analysis 设计说明 Design explanation
设计构思分析 Design conception analysis 景观空间分析 Landscape space analysis 功能分区分析Function zoning analysis 功能分析Function analysis
景观空间分析landscape space analysis 景点布局分析Scenic spots layout analysis 竖向分析 V ertical analysis 交通分析Traffic analysis 室内标高 interior level 完成面标高 finish level 水体标高water level
地面车位分析图Ground parking analysis 原有地面车位Original ground parking 现有地面车位Original ground parking 商业街外围Exterior of Commercial Street 交通traffic
城市主干道Main city road
城市次干道Secondary city road
小区内消防通道EV A in the community 消防登高面Fire station node 小区内车行道V ehicular access in the community 人行道Sidewalk 停车位Parking lots
人防地下室 Bombproof basement 消防车道区 E.V .A 内车行道路 Internal vehicular access 区内人行道路Sidewalk in the community 消防车出入口 Entrance of the fire trucks 车库出入口Entrance and Exit of the garage 车行出入口Entrance and exit for vehicle 人行出入口Entrance and exit for people 灯光分析Lighting analysis
入户关系Residential entrance relation
设计构思分析(景观空间分析)Design concept analysis (space analysis) 功能空间分析Functional space analysis 总平面 Master plan 交通分析Traffic analysis
竖向分析 Level analysis
水帘景墙及观赏植物Feature wall w/ water curtain &accent planting
其他 Others
景观指示牌 Landscape signage board 垃圾桶Garbage bin 太阳伞Parasol
休闲座椅Resting bench 背景音乐background music 信报箱letter box
高秆灯 High pole lamp 庭院灯 Court lantern 射树灯Tree spotlight
水底照射灯Underwater spotlight 宅前壁灯Front house wall lamp 侧壁灯Side wall lamp 乔木春Arbor in spring 乔木夏Arbor in summer 乔木秋Arbor in autumn 乔木冬Arbor in winter
植物树调色板plant palette Planting tree palette 入口跌水Entrance cascade 标志墙Logo wall
天鹅雕塑/水景Swan sculpture/ water feature 木质平台 wooden deck
台地种植 terraced planting 港湾式泊车 drop-off area 会所雕塑 clubhouse sculpture
会所水景/平台Clubhouse water feature/deck 会所跌水Clubhouse cascade 凉亭 pavilion
天鹅湖芭蕾雕塑Swan lake ballet sculpture 拱门 arch
雕塑水景Sculptural water feature 公共绿地 public green 花格架 trellis
入口景亭 entrance pavilion 雕塑 Sculpture 景桥 Feature bridge 水池 pond 景墙 feature wall
小节点(铺装) minor nodes (pavement) 特色券门 Feature arch 岗亭 Guardhouse 大铺装 Grand paving
商业街入口标志Commercial street entrance signage
商业街节点水景Water feature node in the commercial street 骑士雕塑/交通环岛“Caballero” sculpture/rotunda
红鹤雕塑喷嘴 Flamingo water spouts 伞膜Parasol 桥bridge 拱廊Arcade
湖面喷泉 Lake Fountain 散步道 Footpath 花架Trellis 、
Jardinière [.?ɑ:di'nj??]
n. 花瓶, 花架, (陶瓷) 大花盆托 垂钓台 fishing deck 观景台 V iewing deck 凉亭 Pavilion
西班牙式桅帆主题餐厅Galleon thematic restaurant 铁锚雕塑 Anchor sculpture
休闲平台 Resting deck
会所前广场水景及雕塑Front Clubhouse plaza water feature & sculpture 溪流 streams
公牛雕塑 Bull sculpture 景墙 Feature wall 岗亭 Guardhouse 岗亭Guardhouse
入口处跌水 Entrance cascade 景桥 Feature Bridge 玻璃花架 glass trellis
观赏木平台 wooden viewing deck
枯水景Dry water feature
地下停车场台阶Stairway to the underground garage 台阶Steps
雕塑座凳 sculptural seats 伞膜Parasol
可坐的花池,种宿根类花卉Seat planter w/ flowering perennials 雕塑Sculpture
木平台Timber deck 特色拱廊Feature arcade
景墙,带水帘Feature wall with water curtain 镜面池 Pond 草坡 Grass slope 花架 Trellis
柱廊 colonnade
成人泳池 adult swimming pool
儿童泳池 Children’s swimming pool
木平台,带伞膜Wooden deck w/ parasols水池及雕塑 Pond & sculpture 木平台 Timber deck
木栈桥 Wooden bridge
水景及景墙 Water feature and feature wall
人行道/迷你花园Pathway/ mini garden
水池/水景 pond/ water feature
凉亭 Pavilion
木凉亭/木平台timber gazebo/wood deck
特色树木/雕塑Feature tree/ sculpture
特色灯饰 Feature lantern
logo 景墙 logo wall
入口水景 entrance water feature
架空层 Open floor
休闲平台 Resting deck
修剪植物 manicured-plants
花架 Trellis
中心水景 Central water feature
木栈道 Boardwalk
景亭 Feature pavilion
林荫散步道 promenade
非机动车位 Non-vehicular parking lots
幼儿园操场 Kindergarten playground
升旗台 Flag-rising platform
宣传栏 Billboard
花池 Flower pool
影视厅 Film and video hall
酒窖 wine cellar
保姆房 nanny's room
客房guest room
更衣室 changing room
遮阳棚 Sunshade awning
眺望台, 露台, 凉台Gazebo
双拼住宅 semi-detached houses
叠加住宅 Overlapping houses
地形 terrain
天然石材Natural stone
块材 Block material
米白色喷涂饰面 White spray finishes
丘形 mound
裙楼 Annex building
弱电 Light current
给排水 water supply/drain
强电 strong current
防火分区 fire compartment
视觉区Vision area
集水沟Catch basin
蓄水池 Impounding reservoir
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General Vocabulary in Landscape Design
目录Conten 称类 轴线节点类 空间组团类 分析类 其他 Others 查找方法
图纸名称类 Drawing name
景观空间分析图Landscape space analysis 图纸目录Drawing content 封面Cover
设计构思Design conceptualization 总平面Master plan 功能分析Function analysis 景点分析Scenic spots analysis 景观空间分析Landscape space analysis 交通分析Traffic analysis 竖向分析V ertical analysis 车位分析 Parking analysis
主入口平面图Main entrance plan
主入口效果图Main entrance perspective 主入口剖面图一Main entrance section 1 拱券详图Detail plan of arch 湖区平面图Lake area plan
湖区效果图一Lake area perspective 湖区剖面图一Lake area section 1
湖区详图一(廊架)Detail plan of the lake area (pergola) 会所平面图Clubhouse plan 会所效果图Clubhouse perspective 会所剖面一Clubhouse section 会所详图(船)Clubhouse detail (boat) 中心区平面图 central area plan
中心区效果图Central area perspective
中心区剖面图(雕塑的尺度)Central area section (size of the sculpture) 别墅区平面图Villa area plan 别墅区效果图villa area perspective 私家花园一private garden
东入口平面图 Plan of the east entrance 东入口效果图East entry perspective 东入口剖面图East entrance section 南面围墙方案Scheme of the southern fence 植物树平面图Plan of planting and trees 景点布置示意图 Scenic spot layout 交通系统分析图 Traffic system analysis
水系分析 Water system analysis 小品布置图Furniture layout 总平面竖向设计示意图 V ertical design layout of the master plan
主入口平面图 Main entrance plan
主入口效果图(白天)Main entrance perspective (daytime) 主入口立面Elevation of the main entrance 商业街平面图 Commercial street plan
西侧人行入口立面图West pedestrian entrance elevation 宅间平面图 courtyard plan
宅间效果图 courtyard perspective
宅间入口立面图Courtyard entrance elevation
中心公共景观轴平面 Central public landscape axis plan
中心公共景观轴剖立面 Section/elevation of central public landscape axis 中心公共景观轴效果图 Perspective of central public landscape axis 交通广场效果图Circulation plaza perspective
住宅西侧组团公共景观区 West residential cluster, public landscape area
住宅西侧组团公共景观区效果图Perspective of west residential cluster, public landscape area 公共空间景观意向参考图片Reference images for the public space landscape
情景洋房-半公共空间景观意向参考图片Scene foreign style houses--Reference images for the semi-public space landscape
高层区-景观意向参考图片High-rises--reference images
半私密空间景观意向参考图片reference images for the semi-private space landscape 别墅组团平面图Villa cluster plan
入口地拼详图Pavement detail at the entrance
入口水景详图Water feature detain at the entrance
主入口手绘透视图Hand-drawing perspective of the main entrance 宅间中心组团透视图Courtyard central cluster perspective 宅间中心组团剖面 Courtyard central cluster section
围墙剖面Fence section
道路入户关系剖面Section of relationship between access and residential entrance 围栏标准段立面Typical fence elevation d2组团平面图d2 cluster plan
d2组团透视图 d2 cluster perspective d2组团剖面图D2 cluster section
d2组团参考图片 d2 cluster reference images
新城公馆一期继建与二期高层景观概念设计Continual design of Phase 1 and high-rises concept design of Xinchenggongguan
高层区总平面 Master plan of the high-rises 高层区景点布置图 High-rises landscape layout
高层区商业街效果图Perspective of Commercial Street in the high-rises area
高层区商业街剖立面图Section and Elevation of Commercial Street in the high-rises area Commercial street section level Commercial street section level
高层区主入口效果图Main entrance perspective in the high-rises area
高层区主入口剖立面图Section and elevation of the Main entrance in the high-rises area Main entrance section level Main entrance section level 高层区组团效果图High-rises cluster perspective
高层区组团剖立面图. Section and elevation of the high-rises cluster
高层区围墙详图/地库出入口详图Fence detail of the high-rises area / Entrance detail of the underground garage
高层区参考图片一Reference image of the high-rises area
高层区植物参考意向一Reference planting in the high-rises area 别墅区总平面.Villa area mater plan
别墅区景点布置图 V illa area landscape layout
别墅区入口剖立面图Section and elevation of the villa area entrance
别墅区富人岛效果图Perspective of rich man island in villa area
别墅区富人岛剖立面图Section and elevation of the rich man island in the villa area 别墅区标准独栋宅间效果图Perspective of standard independent villa
别墅区标准独栋入户详图Detail of standard residential entrance in the villa area 别墅区联排宅间效果图Perspective of town house residential space in the villa area 别墅区联排宅间详图Detail of town house residential space in the villa area 景点说明Scenic spot explanation
轴线节点类 Landscape axis and node
公共景观节点 Public landscape node 公共景观轴线public landscape axis
组团主要景观节点 Main landscape node of the cluster 组团主要景观轴线Main landscape axis of the cluster 核心外展面景观节点 Core exterior exhibiting landscape node 外展面景观节点Exterior interface exhibiting landscape node 动态水轴 dynamic water axis
组团主景观节点 Main landscape node of the cluster 主要动态绿轴 Main dynamic green axis
宅间休闲景观节点 Residential leisure landscape node 次要动态绿轴 Secondary dynamic green axis 空间联系线 Spatial connecting line 主要景观节点Main landscape node 主景观轴线Main landscape axis
次景观轴线Secondary landscape axis 空间联系线Spatial connecting line
空间组团类 Space and cluster
商业街外围Exterior of Commercial Street
中心组团Central cluster
功能分析图Function analysis 中心组团Central cluster
商业空间(商业,服务,休闲)Commercial space (commercial, service, and leisure)
公共休闲空间(休闲,茶座,运动健身,观景)Public leisure space (resting, exercising, tea, and viewing)
交通空间(主要交通核,出入口)Traffic space (the main traffic core, entrance and exit) 公共集会空间(集会,演出,团体活动)Communal space (gathering, performance, and communal activity) 半私密空间(户外娱乐,交流,休憩)Semi-private space (outdoor entertainment, communication, and resting)
私密空间(私家宅院)Private space (private garden) 组团核心景观区Core landscape zone within the cluster 公共空间public space
主入口广场空间 main entrance plaza 主要交通空间 main circulation space 商业 commercial 学校 school
会所半公共空间 Clubhouse/ semi-private space 住宅入口空间 Residential entrance
组团公共绿地空间Public green space in the cluster
半私密空间(组团院落空间)Semi-private space (cluster and courtyard space) 私密空间(私家花园)Private space (private garden) Private space (private garden)私密空间(私家花园) 儿童活动区 Children’s playground 竹林 Bamboo grove
中心水景 Central water feature
特色混合铺装Feature mix material paving 一层休闲区 First floor leisure area
商业广场入口(开放空间,特色铺装)Commercial plaza entrance (open space, feature paving) 多功能开放草坪Multi-purpose open space(lawn) 网球场 Tennis playground 酒店前广场 Hotel front plaza
商业广场/开放空间Commercial plaza/open space 特色住宅入口Feature residential entrance 主景区广场 Focal area plaza 阴凉休闲区 shaded leisure area 断墙小岛 Island with wall ruins 棋牌区 Chess lounge
商业街 Commercial street
商业区主入口 Main entrance of the commercial area 住宅区特色铺装Feature pavement of the residential area 别墅区雕塑/回车道Villa area sculpture/ turning lane
入口景观 Entrance landscape
私家花园平台 Private garden decks
商业步行街 Commercial pedestrian street 公共绿地 Public green
人行通道 Pedestrian access pathways 停车区 Parking area
入口铺装 Entrance pavement
地下停车入口Entrance of underground garage 休闲区 leisure area 中心花园 Central garden
草地石景花园Grass and rock feature garden 石景花园 Rock feature garden
住宅区入口广场公园Residential entrance plaza garden 浅水湖 lagoon
住宅区特色入口Feature entrance to the residential area 喷泉观景池 Accent pond w/ water jet 分层植物 terraced planting
临时停车顶蓬 Porte-cochere (drop-off canopy) 停车带 parking slots
滨江广场 Riverside plaza
特色绿化区 Feature green area 滨江步道 Riverside pathway 螺旋形阶梯 spiral staircase
服务通道大门 Service access gate 入口铺装 Entrance pavement 岗亭 Guardhouse
休闲广场 Leisure plaza 石景圈Stone feature 景框 view frame
分析类 Analysis
区域分析 Sector analysis 设计说明 Design explanation
设计构思分析 Design conception analysis 景观空间分析 Landscape space analysis 功能分区分析Function zoning analysis 功能分析Function analysis
景观空间分析landscape space analysis 景点布局分析Scenic spots layout analysis 竖向分析 V ertical analysis 交通分析Traffic analysis 室内标高 interior level 完成面标高 finish level 水体标高water level
地面车位分析图Ground parking analysis 原有地面车位Original ground parking 现有地面车位Original ground parking 商业街外围Exterior of Commercial Street 交通traffic
城市主干道Main city road
城市次干道Secondary city road
小区内消防通道EV A in the community 消防登高面Fire station node 小区内车行道V ehicular access in the community 人行道Sidewalk 停车位Parking lots
人防地下室 Bombproof basement 消防车道区 E.V .A 内车行道路 Internal vehicular access 区内人行道路Sidewalk in the community 消防车出入口 Entrance of the fire trucks 车库出入口Entrance and Exit of the garage 车行出入口Entrance and exit for vehicle 人行出入口Entrance and exit for people 灯光分析Lighting analysis
入户关系Residential entrance relation
设计构思分析(景观空间分析)Design concept analysis (space analysis) 功能空间分析Functional space analysis 总平面 Master plan 交通分析Traffic analysis
竖向分析 Level analysis
水帘景墙及观赏植物Feature wall w/ water curtain &accent planting
其他 Others
景观指示牌 Landscape signage board 垃圾桶Garbage bin 太阳伞Parasol
休闲座椅Resting bench 背景音乐background music 信报箱letter box
高秆灯 High pole lamp 庭院灯 Court lantern 射树灯Tree spotlight
水底照射灯Underwater spotlight 宅前壁灯Front house wall lamp 侧壁灯Side wall lamp 乔木春Arbor in spring 乔木夏Arbor in summer 乔木秋Arbor in autumn 乔木冬Arbor in winter
植物树调色板plant palette Planting tree palette 入口跌水Entrance cascade 标志墙Logo wall
天鹅雕塑/水景Swan sculpture/ water feature 木质平台 wooden deck
台地种植 terraced planting 港湾式泊车 drop-off area 会所雕塑 clubhouse sculpture
会所水景/平台Clubhouse water feature/deck 会所跌水Clubhouse cascade 凉亭 pavilion
天鹅湖芭蕾雕塑Swan lake ballet sculpture 拱门 arch
雕塑水景Sculptural water feature 公共绿地 public green 花格架 trellis
入口景亭 entrance pavilion 雕塑 Sculpture 景桥 Feature bridge 水池 pond 景墙 feature wall
小节点(铺装) minor nodes (pavement) 特色券门 Feature arch 岗亭 Guardhouse 大铺装 Grand paving
商业街入口标志Commercial street entrance signage
商业街节点水景Water feature node in the commercial street 骑士雕塑/交通环岛“Caballero” sculpture/rotunda
红鹤雕塑喷嘴 Flamingo water spouts 伞膜Parasol 桥bridge 拱廊Arcade
湖面喷泉 Lake Fountain 散步道 Footpath 花架Trellis 、
Jardinière [.?ɑ:di'nj??]
n. 花瓶, 花架, (陶瓷) 大花盆托 垂钓台 fishing deck 观景台 V iewing deck 凉亭 Pavilion
西班牙式桅帆主题餐厅Galleon thematic restaurant 铁锚雕塑 Anchor sculpture
休闲平台 Resting deck
会所前广场水景及雕塑Front Clubhouse plaza water feature & sculpture 溪流 streams
公牛雕塑 Bull sculpture 景墙 Feature wall 岗亭 Guardhouse 岗亭Guardhouse
入口处跌水 Entrance cascade 景桥 Feature Bridge 玻璃花架 glass trellis
观赏木平台 wooden viewing deck
枯水景Dry water feature
地下停车场台阶Stairway to the underground garage 台阶Steps
雕塑座凳 sculptural seats 伞膜Parasol
可坐的花池,种宿根类花卉Seat planter w/ flowering perennials 雕塑Sculpture
木平台Timber deck 特色拱廊Feature arcade
景墙,带水帘Feature wall with water curtain 镜面池 Pond 草坡 Grass slope 花架 Trellis
柱廊 colonnade
成人泳池 adult swimming pool
儿童泳池 Children’s swimming pool
木平台,带伞膜Wooden deck w/ parasols水池及雕塑 Pond & sculpture 木平台 Timber deck
木栈桥 Wooden bridge
水景及景墙 Water feature and feature wall
人行道/迷你花园Pathway/ mini garden
水池/水景 pond/ water feature
凉亭 Pavilion
木凉亭/木平台timber gazebo/wood deck
特色树木/雕塑Feature tree/ sculpture
特色灯饰 Feature lantern
logo 景墙 logo wall
入口水景 entrance water feature
架空层 Open floor
休闲平台 Resting deck
修剪植物 manicured-plants
花架 Trellis
中心水景 Central water feature
木栈道 Boardwalk
景亭 Feature pavilion
林荫散步道 promenade
非机动车位 Non-vehicular parking lots
幼儿园操场 Kindergarten playground
升旗台 Flag-rising platform
宣传栏 Billboard
花池 Flower pool
影视厅 Film and video hall
酒窖 wine cellar
保姆房 nanny's room
客房guest room
更衣室 changing room
遮阳棚 Sunshade awning
眺望台, 露台, 凉台Gazebo
双拼住宅 semi-detached houses
叠加住宅 Overlapping houses
地形 terrain
天然石材Natural stone
块材 Block material
米白色喷涂饰面 White spray finishes
丘形 mound
裙楼 Annex building
弱电 Light current
给排水 water supply/drain
强电 strong current
防火分区 fire compartment
视觉区Vision area
集水沟Catch basin
蓄水池 Impounding reservoir
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