






关键词:大豆 豆奶 过氧化脂质 豆腥味

大豆长期以来都是作为高营养食品代名词在日本人的饮食文化中具有具足轻重的作用。最近的研究表明,大豆蛋白具有降低胆固醇的作用(爱德森等人,1995),大豆皂苷具有抗癌活性(肯尼迪,1995), 以及大豆异黄酮对乳腺癌和前列腺癌具有一定的抑制作用(彼得森&贝尔内斯,1991; 彼得森G&贝尔内斯S ,1993),以及对于骨质疏松症(土田等人,1999)具有一定的预防作用。根据以上情况可知,由大豆制成的加工食品的价值就是作为人体异黄酮的来源。大豆被用于很多的食品中,包括豆腐,纳豆,味精,酱油,豆浆。豆奶作为一种可利用的饮料,可以广泛应用于果冻,蛋奶布丁等甜品的制作原料。然而,脂肪氧合酶产生的独特的豆腥味对消费者的喜好产生了重大的影响。因此尽可能的减少豆腥味是能够使豆浆脱颖而出并广泛推广的关键性的挑战。

有几种用于激活脂肪氧合酶的方法已经被提出:温水处理研磨的方法(越后等,1991),其中,大豆在70℃热水中浸泡,然后用95℃的热水进行匀浆; 热烫(赛斯&纳特,1988)的方法,用99.3℃的热水进行处理,以及微波加热的方法(王&托莱多,1987)。然而,所有的这些方法都存在加热引起的不溶性蛋白质以及蛋白质提取率的下降(爱德威亚等,1987)的问题。欧姆拉和客市(1990)提出的把去皮黄



对以下大豆品种进行测试生长,筛选,并在福岛县农业试验站风干的大豆品种:东北126(高异黄酮大豆,恩多等人,2003b ),东北135(脂氧合酶缺失大豆,此后,固氮酶缺失大豆),东北139(低过敏源大豆品系,此后,低过敏原大豆),黑豆,青豆(青大豆)和市售大豆(枥木县产,核苷酸酶缺乏大豆)。



试验一:大豆在75℃条件下进行空气干燥10分钟(DK-600T 培养箱,日立公司)用水漂洗,然后通过相同的方法制备豆浆如对照组所述。

实验二:大豆在相对湿度80-90%,温度75℃(MTH-4400恒定温度和湿度室中,三洋)蒸制10分钟之后并用水冲洗。然后通过相同的方法制备豆浆如对照组所述。 实验三:大豆需在20℃水中浸泡膨胀16小时,然后于75℃相对湿度80-90%条件下蒸制10分钟之后用水冲洗,与另外的水(6:1,水含量:大豆含量)通过热挤压法制备豆奶。





测定过氧化脂质的含量为将0.5克32目或者更细的大豆粉末在一个紧凑的铣床(AS One 公司,奇迹搅拌机WB-1), 豆奶或者每豆奶甜品中加入十毫升蒸馏水,并将该混合物用兵冷却均化。将匀浆液静置60分钟到4之后,运用DETBA (1,3 - 二乙基-2 - 硫代巴比妥酸)方法(Suda 等人,1994)对过氧化脂质的含量进行测定。




正常的大豆(黄豆与脂氧合酶的活性)的过氧化脂质含量介于63.5到83.6纳摩尔,取76.2纳摩尔的平均值。大豆品种最低含量的是Shinanokuro 和最高含量的是Suzuyutaka 。对于脂氧合酶缺乏的品种为东北135和lchihime ,其过氧化脂质含量的差异很小为23.6纳摩尔和29.8纳摩尔。这些品种的平均含量为26.7纳摩尔,在正常的大豆中测的含量约35%。



I. 过氧化脂质的含量


8.3纳摩尔)。豆浆制备中含有较高的过氧化脂质含量的是用95℃的热水浸泡肿胀(实验六,13.1纳摩尔),和大豆在相对湿度80-90%,温度75℃条件下蒸制10分钟(实验二,10.5纳摩尔)。这些研究结果表明,热处理在75℃或95℃时大豆过氧化脂质含量下降。由于 L2的活性,产生固氮酶的令人不愉快的气味,通过在70℃的热水中浸泡肿胀是之消除(马托巴等人,1985),在实验中热处理在75℃或95℃能够抑制这种酶的活性。



II. 豆乳含量,蛋白质和固体物质含量



阿萨多等人(1989)发现脂肪氧化酶同功酶中,L2(马托巴等人,1985) 的活性也是产生令人不愉快的气味的重要原因,在70℃的热水中浸泡膨胀几乎可以完全消除。大村和武市(1990)报道,在70℃的热水中加热浸泡膨胀处理去皮的大豆5分钟可以抑制大豆产生的气味,而且豆浆固形物的含量的损失也可降低大约在10%左右。本研究的结果与这些报道一致。这些热水浸泡的方法在小型和中型的工厂中很容易实现,因为它们并不需要专门的设备。因为本研究方法中所涉及的热处理需要在潮湿条件下进行,所以阳离子与蒸汽消毒或隧道式蒸汽加热系统是可以实现的。 用热水(98℃)热烫浸泡肿胀后用水冷却制备的豆浆,对其脂质过氧化物含量、蛋白质和固形物的提取率进行测定。用1克大豆不用开水热烫制备的豆浆的过氧化脂质含量为21.0纳摩尔。但是在热水中烫一下,含量逐渐下降至20s 。对于未经处理的大豆大豆脱皮30秒准备的过氧化脂质含量急剧下降约23。然而,似乎没有进一步的变化。这些研究表明,脱皮的大豆在沸水中浸泡溶胀后的脂肪氧化酶被抑制或阻止。用几乎相同的方法的过氧化脂质含量、蛋白质含量和固体物质的提取率降低。非加热大豆的蛋白质提取率是78.7%,热烫20秒后是75.1%。热烫30秒后是70.2%。同样,非脱皮大豆固体物质的提取率为67.5%,热烫分别为20秒和30秒之后为64.8%和61.0%。








Effect of Heat Treatment on the Lipid Peroxide Content and Aokusami (Beany Flavor) of Soymilk

With the objective of minimizing aokusami (beany flavor), which is an undesirable aspect of soymilk flavor, we studied the effects of heating on lipid peroxide content, a factor contributing to the beany flavor. We also prepared various desserts containing soymilk using this heating process, and evaluated the effects of heating by sensory test. The lipid peroxide content of soymilk prepared from soaked and swollen soybeans steamed at 75'C in a relative humidity of 80-90% for 10 minutes was substantially lower than that in soymilk prepared from soybeans which lacked lipoxygenase and was 14% or less that of non-heat-treated soybeans. Additionally, the lipid peroxide content of soymilk prepared by blanching soaked and swollen soybeans in boiling water for 30 seconds was comparable to that found in soymilk prepared from lipoxygenase-lacking soybeans. The beany flavor of custard pudding, Bavarian cream, and Annin tofu prepared with soymilk obtained from heat-treated soybeans was significantly improved.

Keywords: soy bean, soymilk, Iipid peroxide, beany flavor.

Soybeans have long played a pivotal role in the food culture of Japanese people as a foodstuff with a high nutri- tive value. Recent research has shown that soybean protein has a cholesterol-lowering effect (Anderson et al., 1995), that soybean saponin has anticancer activity (Kennedy, 1995), and that soybean isoflavones have inhibitory effects on breast cancer and prostate cancer (Peterson & Bernes, l 99 1 ; Peterson G & Bernes S, 1 993) as wel] as a preven- tative effect on osteoporosis (Tsuchida et al., 1999). Given the above, processed foods made from soybeans are valued as a source of isoflavones. Soybeans are used in numerous foods, including tofu, natto, miso, soy sauce, and soymilk. Soymilk is consumed as a beverage, and is also used as an ingredient in the making of jellies, custard puddings, and other desserts. However, the distinctive aokusami (beany flavor) produced by lipoxygenase has a major impact on consumer preference. Minimizing the beany flavor is there- fore a key challenge in widening the use of soymilk.

Several methods have been proposed for deactivating lipoxygenase: the hot water-added grinding method (Echigo et al., 1991 ), in which soybeans are soaked in hot water at 70'C and then homogenized in hot water at 95'C; the blanching method in hot water at 99.3'C (Seth & Nath, 1 988); and the microwave heating method (Wang & Toledo, 1987). However, all these methods share the problems of heating-induced insolubilization of protein and an associ- ated decrease in protein extraction rate (Ediriweera et al., 1 987). Omura and Takechi ( 1990) proposed heating soaked and swollen, peeled soybeans in hot water at 70'C for 5 min. However, because the peeling process is associated with detachment of the hypocotyls (Endo et al., 2003a), this process is unsuitable for the preparation of raw mate- rials for high-isoflavone soymilk.

The present research was performed with the objective of minimizing aokusami (beany flavor), which is an unde- sirable aspect of the flavor of soymilk and other soymilk- related drinks. We studied the effects of heating on lipid peroxide content, which contributes to the beany flavor, and we prepared desserts made with soymilk

processed in this manner to investigate its effects on flavor.

Materials and Methods

Test soybeans The following soybean varieties tested were grown, screened, and dried at the Fukushima Prefecture Agricultural Experiment Station: Suzuyutaka, Tohoku 126 (high-isoflavone soybean, Endo et al., 2003b), Tohoku 135 (lipoxygenase-lacking soybean; hereafter, Iipoxygenaselacking soybean), Tohoku 139 (low-allergen soybean strain; hereafter, Iow-allergen soybean), Shinanokuro (black soybean), Aomame 4 (blue soybean), and commercially- available lchihime (Tochigi Prefecture-origin; Iipoxyge- nase-lacking soybean).

Soybean heat-treatment method and soymilk prepara- tion Suzuyutaka was used as the raw material.

Control group: Soybeans were soaked and swollen in water at 20'C for 16 h, and soymilk was then prepared using the heat-squeezing method with the addition of water (6: I , water weight: soybean weight) (Endo et al., 2003a, similarly hereafter).

Test- I : Soybeans were air-dried for 10 min at 75'C (DK- 600T incubator; Hitachi Corp.), rinsed with water, and soymilk was then prepared by the same method as that described for the control group.

Test-2: Soybeans were steamed for 10 min at 75'C in a relative humidity of 80-90% (MTH-4400 constant tem- perature and humidity chamber; Sanyo) and rinsed with water. Soymilk was then prepared by the same method as that described for the control group.

Test-3: Soybeans that had been soaked and swollen in water for 16 h at 20'C were steamed for 10 min at 75'C in a relative humidity of 80-90% and rinsed with water, after which soymilk was prepared using the heat-squeezing method with the addition of water (6:1, water weight soybean weight).

Test-4: Soybeans were heated for 60 min in hot water at 750C and rinsed with water, after which soymilk was prepared using the heat-squeezing method with the addition of water (6: 1, water weight: soybean weight).

Test-5: Soybeans that had been soaked and swollen for 16 h in water at 20'C were blanched for 2 min in hot water (10:1, water weight: soybean weight) at 750C, and then rinsed with water, after which soymilk was prepared using the heat-squeezing method with the addition of water (6: I , water weight : soybean weight).

Test-6: Soymilk was prepared using the same method as that described for the control group, except that the soybeans were homogenized with hot water at 95'C.

The Suzuyutaka variety of soybeans was used for this test. Soybeans that had been soaked and swollen for 16 h at 20*C were blanched in boiling water for l0-40 s, and soymilk was then prepared using the heat-squeezing method with a 6-fold volume of water added.

Measurement of lipid peroxide content To 0.5 g of 32-mesh or finer soybean powder ground in a compact milling machine (AS One Corporation; Wonder Blender WB- I ), soymilk, or each of the soymilk desserts was added 10 mL of distilled water, and the mixture was ice-cooled while being homogenized for I min using a Polytron homog- enizer. The homogenate was allowed to stand for 60 min at 4'C, after which the lipid peroxide content was assayed by the DETBA (1,3-diethyl-2-thiobarbituric acid) method (Suda et al., 1994).

Preparation and sensory evaluation of soymilk desserts Desserts were made using soymilk prepared from Tohoku 126 soybeans, and a sensory evaluation of the beany flavor was undertaken. Using the heat-squeezing method with a 6-fold volume of water added, soymilk was prepared from soybeans blanched in boiling water (1000C) for 30 s after being soaked and swollen in water at 20'C for 16 h. Desserts were prepared using standard recipes, with milk partly replaced with soymilk (Table 1). Pudding was made using pudding mix (Nisshin Foods), Bavarian cream using Bavarian cream mix (Nisshin Foods), and Annin tofu using Annin tofu mix (Heichinsei) (Table 1).

Sensory evaluation was performed using a five-point rating scale (1: Strong; 2: Moderately strong; 3: Weak; 4: Almost none; 5: None whatsoever) to score the beany flavor of soymilk (Furukawa, 1994). Panelists comprised 15 staff members from the Aizu-Wakamatsu Technical Support Center (ages 25=56 years; 12 men and 3 women). Sensory evaluation was repeated twice and the mean scores were determined. Differences between samples were tested for significance using two-way ANOV A (Furukawa, 1994). The extraction rates of protein and solid matter in soymilk were measured according to a previously described method (Endo et al., 2003a).

Results and Discussion

The lipid peroxide content of normal soybeans (soybeans with lipoxygenase activity) ranged from 63.5 to 83.6 nmol, with a mean value of 76.2 nmol. The soybean variety with the lowest content was Shinanokuro and that with the highest content was Suzuyutaka. For lipoxygenase-1acking varieties, there was very little difference in lipid peroxide content; 23.6 nmol and 29.8 nmol for Tohoku 135 and lchihime, respectively. The mean content for these varieties was 26.7 nmol, approximately 35% of the content measured in normal soybeans.

The lipid peroxide content of soymilk showed the dif- ferences of a similar trend as for unprocessed soybeans. The lipid peroxide content of soymilk produced from normal soybeans ranged from 14.4 to 2 1 .3 nmol, with a mean value of 18.4 nmol. The mean lipid peroxide content of soymilk produced from lipoxygenase-1acking soybeans was 4.7 nmol, about 26% of that of normal soybeans. These results are almost identical to those obtained in previous research

(Furuta et al., 1996).

It has been reported that the content of n-hexanal, the major constituent of the beany flavor of soymilk, is directly proportional to that of lipid peroxide (Furuta et al., 1996), and that the beany flavor of soymilk prepared from all lipoxygenase-lacking soybeans is less than that of soymilk made from normal soybeans (Torres-Penaranda et al., 1998). Given these results, it was concluded that a soymilk with minimal beany flavor can be prepared if the lipid peroxide content is approximately 5 nmol/g.

i. Lipid peroxide content

The lipid peroxide content per gram of soymilk in the control group was 21.3 n mol. The lipid peroxide content of heat-treated soybeans was appreciably lower, and differed according to treatment method. Soymilks with the lowest lipid peroxide content were those prepared from soybeans that had been steamed for 10 min at 75'C in a relative humidity of 80-90(~o after being soaked and swollen in water (Test-3, 2.8 n mol), and







关键词:大豆 豆奶 过氧化脂质 豆腥味

大豆长期以来都是作为高营养食品代名词在日本人的饮食文化中具有具足轻重的作用。最近的研究表明,大豆蛋白具有降低胆固醇的作用(爱德森等人,1995),大豆皂苷具有抗癌活性(肯尼迪,1995), 以及大豆异黄酮对乳腺癌和前列腺癌具有一定的抑制作用(彼得森&贝尔内斯,1991; 彼得森G&贝尔内斯S ,1993),以及对于骨质疏松症(土田等人,1999)具有一定的预防作用。根据以上情况可知,由大豆制成的加工食品的价值就是作为人体异黄酮的来源。大豆被用于很多的食品中,包括豆腐,纳豆,味精,酱油,豆浆。豆奶作为一种可利用的饮料,可以广泛应用于果冻,蛋奶布丁等甜品的制作原料。然而,脂肪氧合酶产生的独特的豆腥味对消费者的喜好产生了重大的影响。因此尽可能的减少豆腥味是能够使豆浆脱颖而出并广泛推广的关键性的挑战。

有几种用于激活脂肪氧合酶的方法已经被提出:温水处理研磨的方法(越后等,1991),其中,大豆在70℃热水中浸泡,然后用95℃的热水进行匀浆; 热烫(赛斯&纳特,1988)的方法,用99.3℃的热水进行处理,以及微波加热的方法(王&托莱多,1987)。然而,所有的这些方法都存在加热引起的不溶性蛋白质以及蛋白质提取率的下降(爱德威亚等,1987)的问题。欧姆拉和客市(1990)提出的把去皮黄



对以下大豆品种进行测试生长,筛选,并在福岛县农业试验站风干的大豆品种:东北126(高异黄酮大豆,恩多等人,2003b ),东北135(脂氧合酶缺失大豆,此后,固氮酶缺失大豆),东北139(低过敏源大豆品系,此后,低过敏原大豆),黑豆,青豆(青大豆)和市售大豆(枥木县产,核苷酸酶缺乏大豆)。



试验一:大豆在75℃条件下进行空气干燥10分钟(DK-600T 培养箱,日立公司)用水漂洗,然后通过相同的方法制备豆浆如对照组所述。

实验二:大豆在相对湿度80-90%,温度75℃(MTH-4400恒定温度和湿度室中,三洋)蒸制10分钟之后并用水冲洗。然后通过相同的方法制备豆浆如对照组所述。 实验三:大豆需在20℃水中浸泡膨胀16小时,然后于75℃相对湿度80-90%条件下蒸制10分钟之后用水冲洗,与另外的水(6:1,水含量:大豆含量)通过热挤压法制备豆奶。





测定过氧化脂质的含量为将0.5克32目或者更细的大豆粉末在一个紧凑的铣床(AS One 公司,奇迹搅拌机WB-1), 豆奶或者每豆奶甜品中加入十毫升蒸馏水,并将该混合物用兵冷却均化。将匀浆液静置60分钟到4之后,运用DETBA (1,3 - 二乙基-2 - 硫代巴比妥酸)方法(Suda 等人,1994)对过氧化脂质的含量进行测定。




正常的大豆(黄豆与脂氧合酶的活性)的过氧化脂质含量介于63.5到83.6纳摩尔,取76.2纳摩尔的平均值。大豆品种最低含量的是Shinanokuro 和最高含量的是Suzuyutaka 。对于脂氧合酶缺乏的品种为东北135和lchihime ,其过氧化脂质含量的差异很小为23.6纳摩尔和29.8纳摩尔。这些品种的平均含量为26.7纳摩尔,在正常的大豆中测的含量约35%。



I. 过氧化脂质的含量


8.3纳摩尔)。豆浆制备中含有较高的过氧化脂质含量的是用95℃的热水浸泡肿胀(实验六,13.1纳摩尔),和大豆在相对湿度80-90%,温度75℃条件下蒸制10分钟(实验二,10.5纳摩尔)。这些研究结果表明,热处理在75℃或95℃时大豆过氧化脂质含量下降。由于 L2的活性,产生固氮酶的令人不愉快的气味,通过在70℃的热水中浸泡肿胀是之消除(马托巴等人,1985),在实验中热处理在75℃或95℃能够抑制这种酶的活性。



II. 豆乳含量,蛋白质和固体物质含量



阿萨多等人(1989)发现脂肪氧化酶同功酶中,L2(马托巴等人,1985) 的活性也是产生令人不愉快的气味的重要原因,在70℃的热水中浸泡膨胀几乎可以完全消除。大村和武市(1990)报道,在70℃的热水中加热浸泡膨胀处理去皮的大豆5分钟可以抑制大豆产生的气味,而且豆浆固形物的含量的损失也可降低大约在10%左右。本研究的结果与这些报道一致。这些热水浸泡的方法在小型和中型的工厂中很容易实现,因为它们并不需要专门的设备。因为本研究方法中所涉及的热处理需要在潮湿条件下进行,所以阳离子与蒸汽消毒或隧道式蒸汽加热系统是可以实现的。 用热水(98℃)热烫浸泡肿胀后用水冷却制备的豆浆,对其脂质过氧化物含量、蛋白质和固形物的提取率进行测定。用1克大豆不用开水热烫制备的豆浆的过氧化脂质含量为21.0纳摩尔。但是在热水中烫一下,含量逐渐下降至20s 。对于未经处理的大豆大豆脱皮30秒准备的过氧化脂质含量急剧下降约23。然而,似乎没有进一步的变化。这些研究表明,脱皮的大豆在沸水中浸泡溶胀后的脂肪氧化酶被抑制或阻止。用几乎相同的方法的过氧化脂质含量、蛋白质含量和固体物质的提取率降低。非加热大豆的蛋白质提取率是78.7%,热烫20秒后是75.1%。热烫30秒后是70.2%。同样,非脱皮大豆固体物质的提取率为67.5%,热烫分别为20秒和30秒之后为64.8%和61.0%。








Effect of Heat Treatment on the Lipid Peroxide Content and Aokusami (Beany Flavor) of Soymilk

With the objective of minimizing aokusami (beany flavor), which is an undesirable aspect of soymilk flavor, we studied the effects of heating on lipid peroxide content, a factor contributing to the beany flavor. We also prepared various desserts containing soymilk using this heating process, and evaluated the effects of heating by sensory test. The lipid peroxide content of soymilk prepared from soaked and swollen soybeans steamed at 75'C in a relative humidity of 80-90% for 10 minutes was substantially lower than that in soymilk prepared from soybeans which lacked lipoxygenase and was 14% or less that of non-heat-treated soybeans. Additionally, the lipid peroxide content of soymilk prepared by blanching soaked and swollen soybeans in boiling water for 30 seconds was comparable to that found in soymilk prepared from lipoxygenase-lacking soybeans. The beany flavor of custard pudding, Bavarian cream, and Annin tofu prepared with soymilk obtained from heat-treated soybeans was significantly improved.

Keywords: soy bean, soymilk, Iipid peroxide, beany flavor.

Soybeans have long played a pivotal role in the food culture of Japanese people as a foodstuff with a high nutri- tive value. Recent research has shown that soybean protein has a cholesterol-lowering effect (Anderson et al., 1995), that soybean saponin has anticancer activity (Kennedy, 1995), and that soybean isoflavones have inhibitory effects on breast cancer and prostate cancer (Peterson & Bernes, l 99 1 ; Peterson G & Bernes S, 1 993) as wel] as a preven- tative effect on osteoporosis (Tsuchida et al., 1999). Given the above, processed foods made from soybeans are valued as a source of isoflavones. Soybeans are used in numerous foods, including tofu, natto, miso, soy sauce, and soymilk. Soymilk is consumed as a beverage, and is also used as an ingredient in the making of jellies, custard puddings, and other desserts. However, the distinctive aokusami (beany flavor) produced by lipoxygenase has a major impact on consumer preference. Minimizing the beany flavor is there- fore a key challenge in widening the use of soymilk.

Several methods have been proposed for deactivating lipoxygenase: the hot water-added grinding method (Echigo et al., 1991 ), in which soybeans are soaked in hot water at 70'C and then homogenized in hot water at 95'C; the blanching method in hot water at 99.3'C (Seth & Nath, 1 988); and the microwave heating method (Wang & Toledo, 1987). However, all these methods share the problems of heating-induced insolubilization of protein and an associ- ated decrease in protein extraction rate (Ediriweera et al., 1 987). Omura and Takechi ( 1990) proposed heating soaked and swollen, peeled soybeans in hot water at 70'C for 5 min. However, because the peeling process is associated with detachment of the hypocotyls (Endo et al., 2003a), this process is unsuitable for the preparation of raw mate- rials for high-isoflavone soymilk.

The present research was performed with the objective of minimizing aokusami (beany flavor), which is an unde- sirable aspect of the flavor of soymilk and other soymilk- related drinks. We studied the effects of heating on lipid peroxide content, which contributes to the beany flavor, and we prepared desserts made with soymilk

processed in this manner to investigate its effects on flavor.

Materials and Methods

Test soybeans The following soybean varieties tested were grown, screened, and dried at the Fukushima Prefecture Agricultural Experiment Station: Suzuyutaka, Tohoku 126 (high-isoflavone soybean, Endo et al., 2003b), Tohoku 135 (lipoxygenase-lacking soybean; hereafter, Iipoxygenaselacking soybean), Tohoku 139 (low-allergen soybean strain; hereafter, Iow-allergen soybean), Shinanokuro (black soybean), Aomame 4 (blue soybean), and commercially- available lchihime (Tochigi Prefecture-origin; Iipoxyge- nase-lacking soybean).

Soybean heat-treatment method and soymilk prepara- tion Suzuyutaka was used as the raw material.

Control group: Soybeans were soaked and swollen in water at 20'C for 16 h, and soymilk was then prepared using the heat-squeezing method with the addition of water (6: I , water weight: soybean weight) (Endo et al., 2003a, similarly hereafter).

Test- I : Soybeans were air-dried for 10 min at 75'C (DK- 600T incubator; Hitachi Corp.), rinsed with water, and soymilk was then prepared by the same method as that described for the control group.

Test-2: Soybeans were steamed for 10 min at 75'C in a relative humidity of 80-90% (MTH-4400 constant tem- perature and humidity chamber; Sanyo) and rinsed with water. Soymilk was then prepared by the same method as that described for the control group.

Test-3: Soybeans that had been soaked and swollen in water for 16 h at 20'C were steamed for 10 min at 75'C in a relative humidity of 80-90% and rinsed with water, after which soymilk was prepared using the heat-squeezing method with the addition of water (6:1, water weight soybean weight).

Test-4: Soybeans were heated for 60 min in hot water at 750C and rinsed with water, after which soymilk was prepared using the heat-squeezing method with the addition of water (6: 1, water weight: soybean weight).

Test-5: Soybeans that had been soaked and swollen for 16 h in water at 20'C were blanched for 2 min in hot water (10:1, water weight: soybean weight) at 750C, and then rinsed with water, after which soymilk was prepared using the heat-squeezing method with the addition of water (6: I , water weight : soybean weight).

Test-6: Soymilk was prepared using the same method as that described for the control group, except that the soybeans were homogenized with hot water at 95'C.

The Suzuyutaka variety of soybeans was used for this test. Soybeans that had been soaked and swollen for 16 h at 20*C were blanched in boiling water for l0-40 s, and soymilk was then prepared using the heat-squeezing method with a 6-fold volume of water added.

Measurement of lipid peroxide content To 0.5 g of 32-mesh or finer soybean powder ground in a compact milling machine (AS One Corporation; Wonder Blender WB- I ), soymilk, or each of the soymilk desserts was added 10 mL of distilled water, and the mixture was ice-cooled while being homogenized for I min using a Polytron homog- enizer. The homogenate was allowed to stand for 60 min at 4'C, after which the lipid peroxide content was assayed by the DETBA (1,3-diethyl-2-thiobarbituric acid) method (Suda et al., 1994).

Preparation and sensory evaluation of soymilk desserts Desserts were made using soymilk prepared from Tohoku 126 soybeans, and a sensory evaluation of the beany flavor was undertaken. Using the heat-squeezing method with a 6-fold volume of water added, soymilk was prepared from soybeans blanched in boiling water (1000C) for 30 s after being soaked and swollen in water at 20'C for 16 h. Desserts were prepared using standard recipes, with milk partly replaced with soymilk (Table 1). Pudding was made using pudding mix (Nisshin Foods), Bavarian cream using Bavarian cream mix (Nisshin Foods), and Annin tofu using Annin tofu mix (Heichinsei) (Table 1).

Sensory evaluation was performed using a five-point rating scale (1: Strong; 2: Moderately strong; 3: Weak; 4: Almost none; 5: None whatsoever) to score the beany flavor of soymilk (Furukawa, 1994). Panelists comprised 15 staff members from the Aizu-Wakamatsu Technical Support Center (ages 25=56 years; 12 men and 3 women). Sensory evaluation was repeated twice and the mean scores were determined. Differences between samples were tested for significance using two-way ANOV A (Furukawa, 1994). The extraction rates of protein and solid matter in soymilk were measured according to a previously described method (Endo et al., 2003a).

Results and Discussion

The lipid peroxide content of normal soybeans (soybeans with lipoxygenase activity) ranged from 63.5 to 83.6 nmol, with a mean value of 76.2 nmol. The soybean variety with the lowest content was Shinanokuro and that with the highest content was Suzuyutaka. For lipoxygenase-1acking varieties, there was very little difference in lipid peroxide content; 23.6 nmol and 29.8 nmol for Tohoku 135 and lchihime, respectively. The mean content for these varieties was 26.7 nmol, approximately 35% of the content measured in normal soybeans.

The lipid peroxide content of soymilk showed the dif- ferences of a similar trend as for unprocessed soybeans. The lipid peroxide content of soymilk produced from normal soybeans ranged from 14.4 to 2 1 .3 nmol, with a mean value of 18.4 nmol. The mean lipid peroxide content of soymilk produced from lipoxygenase-1acking soybeans was 4.7 nmol, about 26% of that of normal soybeans. These results are almost identical to those obtained in previous research

(Furuta et al., 1996).

It has been reported that the content of n-hexanal, the major constituent of the beany flavor of soymilk, is directly proportional to that of lipid peroxide (Furuta et al., 1996), and that the beany flavor of soymilk prepared from all lipoxygenase-lacking soybeans is less than that of soymilk made from normal soybeans (Torres-Penaranda et al., 1998). Given these results, it was concluded that a soymilk with minimal beany flavor can be prepared if the lipid peroxide content is approximately 5 nmol/g.

i. Lipid peroxide content

The lipid peroxide content per gram of soymilk in the control group was 21.3 n mol. The lipid peroxide content of heat-treated soybeans was appreciably lower, and differed according to treatment method. Soymilks with the lowest lipid peroxide content were those prepared from soybeans that had been steamed for 10 min at 75'C in a relative humidity of 80-90(~o after being soaked and swollen in water (Test-3, 2.8 n mol), and


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