
描述流程的文章,有一定的规律性叙述要点可以参照查看自己是否写到: 1. 首先说明是做什么工作的过程,目的是什么 2. 准备工作 3. 按时间/过程先后描述 4. 结果 5. 简单总结(可有可无) 描述一个实物/器具的工作过程 文章应分以下几点: 器具的工作过程, 描述一个实物 器具的工作过程,文章应分以下几点: 1. 实物是什么,做什么用的 2. 基本结构 3. 工作过程 4. 简单总结 描述过程,流程常用句子: 描述过程,流程常用句子: the following diagraph shows the structure of…… …… the picture illustrates it mainly consists of…… it works as follows. it always involves following steps. the whole procedure can be divided into…stages 描述流程,过程的常用过渡性词语: 描述流程,过程的常用过渡性词语: Firstly secondly thirdly/finally the first step is to; the next step is to; the last step is to ;in the next stage; in the following stage;in the last stage the first stage involves first of all; to begin with;next;then;later at the same time;simultaneously subsequently;consequently;before this during;after this;in the course of;in order to/in order not to;in order that;so as to/so as not to 【流程图特点之六:一般不需要写总结】 最后再总结一下流程图的特点 特点: 特点 特点一:现在时 特点二:定语从句 特点三:被动语态 特点四:顺序词 特点五:适当添加 特点六:无总结 最新雅思流程图《巧克力的制作》 含范文深度点评) (含范文深度点评 最新雅思流程图《巧克力的制作》 含范文深度点评) ( WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The illustrations above show how chocolate is produced. Summarise the informaiton by selecting and reporting the main features. Write at least 150 words.【高分范文深度点评】 高分范文深度点评】 The diagram shows the stages in the process of making chocolate. 所有的小作文第一句话都 【 要用一般现在时。流程图必备三个词:process:整个过程, stage:阶段,step:步骤】 Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is grown in parts of South America, Africa and Indonesia.【开头不能冲上来就直接介绍 cacao tree,而是通过主题词 chocolate 引出,否则显 得太唐突】 【流程图特点之一:介绍过程要使用一般现在时】 【流程图特点之二:大量使用定 语从句,将有关联的两句话连接。【流程图特点之三:大量使用被动语态】The tree produces 】 large red pods which contain white cocoa beans. Firstly,【流程图特点之四:使用一些表示顺序 的连接词】when the pods are ripe, they are harvested , the beans are removed and they are fermented for several days in large wooden boxes.【三个句子的并列:“句子 A,句子B and 句 子 C”。 】During the fermenting process, the beans turn brown.【流程图特点之五:要适当地添 加个别图中没有交代但能从图片中直接读出来的的一些内容, 否则可能达不到字数要求。 但 是一定要把握尺度,千万不要加上自己的主观观点,否则会扣分】 Next, the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry. They are then put in large sacks and transported by train or lorry. After this, the beans are taken to a chocolate factory where they are roasted in an oven at temperatures of between 250 and 350 degree Celsius. After being roasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed. This part is not needed for making chocolate. Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressed and liquid chocolate is produced.

描述流程的文章,有一定的规律性叙述要点可以参照查看自己是否写到: 1. 首先说明是做什么工作的过程,目的是什么 2. 准备工作 3. 按时间/过程先后描述 4. 结果 5. 简单总结(可有可无) 描述一个实物/器具的工作过程 文章应分以下几点: 器具的工作过程, 描述一个实物 器具的工作过程,文章应分以下几点: 1. 实物是什么,做什么用的 2. 基本结构 3. 工作过程 4. 简单总结 描述过程,流程常用句子: 描述过程,流程常用句子: the following diagraph shows the structure of…… …… the picture illustrates it mainly consists of…… it works as follows. it always involves following steps. the whole procedure can be divided into…stages 描述流程,过程的常用过渡性词语: 描述流程,过程的常用过渡性词语: Firstly secondly thirdly/finally the first step is to; the next step is to; the last step is to ;in the next stage; in the following stage;in the last stage the first stage involves first of all; to begin with;next;then;later at the same time;simultaneously subsequently;consequently;before this during;after this;in the course of;in order to/in order not to;in order that;so as to/so as not to 【流程图特点之六:一般不需要写总结】 最后再总结一下流程图的特点 特点: 特点 特点一:现在时 特点二:定语从句 特点三:被动语态 特点四:顺序词 特点五:适当添加 特点六:无总结 最新雅思流程图《巧克力的制作》 含范文深度点评) (含范文深度点评 最新雅思流程图《巧克力的制作》 含范文深度点评) ( WRITING TASK 1 You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The illustrations above show how chocolate is produced. Summarise the informaiton by selecting and reporting the main features. Write at least 150 words.【高分范文深度点评】 高分范文深度点评】 The diagram shows the stages in the process of making chocolate. 所有的小作文第一句话都 【 要用一般现在时。流程图必备三个词:process:整个过程, stage:阶段,step:步骤】 Chocolate comes from the cacao tree, which is grown in parts of South America, Africa and Indonesia.【开头不能冲上来就直接介绍 cacao tree,而是通过主题词 chocolate 引出,否则显 得太唐突】 【流程图特点之一:介绍过程要使用一般现在时】 【流程图特点之二:大量使用定 语从句,将有关联的两句话连接。【流程图特点之三:大量使用被动语态】The tree produces 】 large red pods which contain white cocoa beans. Firstly,【流程图特点之四:使用一些表示顺序 的连接词】when the pods are ripe, they are harvested , the beans are removed and they are fermented for several days in large wooden boxes.【三个句子的并列:“句子 A,句子B and 句 子 C”。 】During the fermenting process, the beans turn brown.【流程图特点之五:要适当地添 加个别图中没有交代但能从图片中直接读出来的的一些内容, 否则可能达不到字数要求。 但 是一定要把握尺度,千万不要加上自己的主观观点,否则会扣分】 Next, the brown beans are spread in the sun to dry. They are then put in large sacks and transported by train or lorry. After this, the beans are taken to a chocolate factory where they are roasted in an oven at temperatures of between 250 and 350 degree Celsius. After being roasted, the beans are crushed and the outer shell is removed. This part is not needed for making chocolate. Finally, the inner part of the bean is pressed and liquid chocolate is produced.


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