
computing and telecommunication industry计算机和通讯领域

电子商务 e-commerce

双重压力 dual-pressure

global economic slowdown全球经济衰退

资本市场低迷 the sluggish capital market

倒闭 collapse

... tried as far as possible to have very light touch 尽可能减少对……的影响

商业道德环境 the business ethics environment

ICT(Information And Communications Technology) 信息通讯技术

give some incentives 给予激励/采取激励措施

computing and telecommunication industry计算机和通讯领域

电子商务 e-commerce

双重压力 dual-pressure

global economic slowdown全球经济衰退

资本市场低迷 the sluggish capital market

倒闭 collapse

... tried as far as possible to have very light touch 尽可能减少对……的影响

商业道德环境 the business ethics environment

ICT(Information And Communications Technology) 信息通讯技术

give some incentives 给予激励/采取激励措施


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