
土豪之争 王健林取代马云成中国首富(双语) 王健林

Chinese real estate and entertainment billionaire Wang Jianlin has surpassed Jack Ma as the country’s richest man in the aftermath of a dive in e-commence giant Alibaba Group’s shares in New York。


Alibaba plunged 8.8% to close at $89.8, the biggest one-day drop since its September IPO, after the

company announced disappointing results for the quarter ending on December 31. Revenues were up 40% but were lower than expected. Net profit, including one-time charges, fell 28% from the same period last year. The stock plunge sent Jack Ma’s fortune down to $20.7 billion, while Wang’s wealth edged up to $21.4 billion amid successful IPOs recently。


Alibaba’s stock also fell after the Chinese government said company hadn’t done enough to protect customers from sales of fakes on its e-commerce platforms。


Alibaba recorded the world’s largest IPO when it listed in New York. After initially climbing from $68,

however, its shares have tumbled from a peak of $119.2 in November. Even though the company scored record sales during Singles’ Day — China’s largest e-commerce holiday — in November, the success did not satisfy the high expectations from investors today。


Wang, who was overtaken by Ma as China’s No. 1 richest in September, has had a run-up in his wealth this month on a surge in his newly listed domestic movie theatre chain, Wanda Cinema Line, on the Shenzhen Stock

Exchange. His Wanda Group also recently announced $1 billion investment to develop mixed-use real estate property in Sydney’s central business district。


Wang’s other main listedbusinesses include the U.S. cinema chain AMC Entertainment, Hong Kong-listed Wanda Commercial Properties and Wanda Hotels. Last year he set up an e-commerce company with Baidu and Tencent, two of China’s largest Internet businesses。


Wang had an early career in China’s military before becoming a government official in the northern Chinese city of Dalian and later going into the real estate development business。


土豪之争 王健林取代马云成中国首富(双语) 王健林

Chinese real estate and entertainment billionaire Wang Jianlin has surpassed Jack Ma as the country’s richest man in the aftermath of a dive in e-commence giant Alibaba Group’s shares in New York。


Alibaba plunged 8.8% to close at $89.8, the biggest one-day drop since its September IPO, after the

company announced disappointing results for the quarter ending on December 31. Revenues were up 40% but were lower than expected. Net profit, including one-time charges, fell 28% from the same period last year. The stock plunge sent Jack Ma’s fortune down to $20.7 billion, while Wang’s wealth edged up to $21.4 billion amid successful IPOs recently。


Alibaba’s stock also fell after the Chinese government said company hadn’t done enough to protect customers from sales of fakes on its e-commerce platforms。


Alibaba recorded the world’s largest IPO when it listed in New York. After initially climbing from $68,

however, its shares have tumbled from a peak of $119.2 in November. Even though the company scored record sales during Singles’ Day — China’s largest e-commerce holiday — in November, the success did not satisfy the high expectations from investors today。


Wang, who was overtaken by Ma as China’s No. 1 richest in September, has had a run-up in his wealth this month on a surge in his newly listed domestic movie theatre chain, Wanda Cinema Line, on the Shenzhen Stock

Exchange. His Wanda Group also recently announced $1 billion investment to develop mixed-use real estate property in Sydney’s central business district。


Wang’s other main listedbusinesses include the U.S. cinema chain AMC Entertainment, Hong Kong-listed Wanda Commercial Properties and Wanda Hotels. Last year he set up an e-commerce company with Baidu and Tencent, two of China’s largest Internet businesses。


Wang had an early career in China’s military before becoming a government official in the northern Chinese city of Dalian and later going into the real estate development business。



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