英语作文 毕业感言

  毕业感言 英语作文

  the university for four years have zoomed past, flipping through the photos is like looking at his step by step the process of growing up.

  when i was a freshman just entered what they don't understand, though little school with new the scholarship, but in the fierce competition in the english department, and i became overwhelmed the statistical, even once so love english became my burden. no superiority in every day, i only slept little sleep, and full time to study. that lonely, uncertainty day may be every college student will experience, in short, university persevered through recall or faint bitter. may i is a very necessary to depend on the confidence to advance, next semester freshman i attended the party school training, and 31 (in a grade of the english speech contest, i got a second prize of confidence came back gradually, in counselor and friends of the support and encouragement, i truly be blended in university life.

  second-year university in which i do students teaching assistant, although the secretariat on duty are just do something every time the trivial things, but from which i really learned a lot. let me first learned to humble, and this is from the sainted loved by students, the teacher learned professor. always felt they were on the platform is very serious, let's look up to the object, but daily what i saw is humorous, peace of them, from them i saw their future should have quality. do learn help of a year and a half is very tired, every time i have a big test quizzes, work with the end i will immediately rushed to study lounges. looking back now will laugh at yourself childish, learning this is a process of accumulation, must speak the efficiency, not in time out of the pile. at that time every day happy very full, can do a connection between students and teaching link makes me proud. office of the teachers are very, very good, no work when i go to read urged the self-study, together we eat lunch box, the dinner together to work overtime, together chat, once i have acute gastroenteritis, two teachers have inquired about my dorm room number to come to see me, this all the intravenous drip i will never forget a kindness in heart.

  education university of practice is inside another important thing. i and a group of outstanding students went to high school, our group leader huanggang is a capable the senior party member and various kinds of questions are all dealing with very well, the practice that day is the happiest day of university inside one of the early, not only because of a division of joy, but because can in such a collective life and lucky. huanggang teachers and we also has a great relationship with, they give us the myth is also proved in huanggang effort and sweat request. in the future i will also a teacher, i also hope you can be a good teacher loved by students.

  the college has to say what to be proud of, and that is i do a lot of social practice and no impact study. from freshman, i started to do part-time tutor, i served as a school tuiguangyuan mandarin as a student, teacher training course with assistant, once a week and seven job experience. these work first let me in economic independence, and to reduce the burden parents, more let i grew experience, made a lot of friends in society. say not tired is false, but i went out after find your life was once so wonderful. the work study i no relaxation, although part-time professional knowledge, i didn't also vague, professional results have been very good. and as long as the opportunity to participate in the competition i will be professional best, all kinds of speech, translation, interpretation most game can see me figure. xx years to me the most important thing is to participate in the xx student in the examination, based on a lot of the consideration of the graduate student of our school i enter oneself for an examination. even in a tense november i still go to the hubei province new oriental century cup interpretation contest, and picked up the successful first prize. life for me is constantly process, difficult and painful memory also is very beautiful in.

  friends is my university the most important wealth, there are so many spend together happy unhappy, the days of weeping to pig out laughing, so that i can't take the style of botched the good recording, the graduate, a lot of people across the world, may cry, might make, but please everybody all the way walk good!!!!!

  overall, this article is the speech i thank speech, thank so many good teachers, good students, good friends, thank those happy, tired, sad days, thank my university! i believe that we will be good!!!!!!

  毕业感言 英语作文

  the university for four years have zoomed past, flipping through the photos is like looking at his step by step the process of growing up.

  when i was a freshman just entered what they don't understand, though little school with new the scholarship, but in the fierce competition in the english department, and i became overwhelmed the statistical, even once so love english became my burden. no superiority in every day, i only slept little sleep, and full time to study. that lonely, uncertainty day may be every college student will experience, in short, university persevered through recall or faint bitter. may i is a very necessary to depend on the confidence to advance, next semester freshman i attended the party school training, and 31 (in a grade of the english speech contest, i got a second prize of confidence came back gradually, in counselor and friends of the support and encouragement, i truly be blended in university life.

  second-year university in which i do students teaching assistant, although the secretariat on duty are just do something every time the trivial things, but from which i really learned a lot. let me first learned to humble, and this is from the sainted loved by students, the teacher learned professor. always felt they were on the platform is very serious, let's look up to the object, but daily what i saw is humorous, peace of them, from them i saw their future should have quality. do learn help of a year and a half is very tired, every time i have a big test quizzes, work with the end i will immediately rushed to study lounges. looking back now will laugh at yourself childish, learning this is a process of accumulation, must speak the efficiency, not in time out of the pile. at that time every day happy very full, can do a connection between students and teaching link makes me proud. office of the teachers are very, very good, no work when i go to read urged the self-study, together we eat lunch box, the dinner together to work overtime, together chat, once i have acute gastroenteritis, two teachers have inquired about my dorm room number to come to see me, this all the intravenous drip i will never forget a kindness in heart.

  education university of practice is inside another important thing. i and a group of outstanding students went to high school, our group leader huanggang is a capable the senior party member and various kinds of questions are all dealing with very well, the practice that day is the happiest day of university inside one of the early, not only because of a division of joy, but because can in such a collective life and lucky. huanggang teachers and we also has a great relationship with, they give us the myth is also proved in huanggang effort and sweat request. in the future i will also a teacher, i also hope you can be a good teacher loved by students.

  the college has to say what to be proud of, and that is i do a lot of social practice and no impact study. from freshman, i started to do part-time tutor, i served as a school tuiguangyuan mandarin as a student, teacher training course with assistant, once a week and seven job experience. these work first let me in economic independence, and to reduce the burden parents, more let i grew experience, made a lot of friends in society. say not tired is false, but i went out after find your life was once so wonderful. the work study i no relaxation, although part-time professional knowledge, i didn't also vague, professional results have been very good. and as long as the opportunity to participate in the competition i will be professional best, all kinds of speech, translation, interpretation most game can see me figure. xx years to me the most important thing is to participate in the xx student in the examination, based on a lot of the consideration of the graduate student of our school i enter oneself for an examination. even in a tense november i still go to the hubei province new oriental century cup interpretation contest, and picked up the successful first prize. life for me is constantly process, difficult and painful memory also is very beautiful in.

  friends is my university the most important wealth, there are so many spend together happy unhappy, the days of weeping to pig out laughing, so that i can't take the style of botched the good recording, the graduate, a lot of people across the world, may cry, might make, but please everybody all the way walk good!!!!!

  overall, this article is the speech i thank speech, thank so many good teachers, good students, good friends, thank those happy, tired, sad days, thank my university! i believe that we will be good!!!!!!


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