
Module 1 How to learn English




(1) 经常听英文广播和看英文电影。

(2) 多学唱英文歌曲。

(3) 英语课上要总是说英语,尽量多和外国人谈话。

(4) 多读英文报纸和自己喜欢的英语杂志。

(5) 最好交一个英国或美国笔友经常发英文的电子邮件。

Dear classmates,

I‟m very glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you. I think we should often learn to the radio in English and watch English films. When we are free, why not learn to sing more English songs? It‟s good for our listening and speaking. When we are having English class, we should always speak English, and after class, try to speak to foreigners. It‟s also a good idea to read newspapers and magazines in English. We can make a pen friend from England or American and write emails to each other.Wish all of us can improve our English.That’s all. Thank you for listening to me.

Module 2 My hometown and my country


My home town

Wenzhou is a very beautiful city. The weather in Wenzhou is always fun. It‟s always sunny, but it‟s alittle cold now ,so you should pack your warm clothes. The food in Wenzhou is also very delicious, it‟s not spicy.

Wenzhou has many sights, such as Jiangxin Island and Yandang Mountains. It‟s very famous and wonderful. And there are many tourists every year. Traffic in Wenzhou is very busy. If you don‟t want to spend too much money, you can go somewhere by bus, but it‟s usually convenient to take the taxi to the places. People in Wenzhou are very friendly.

If you have some problems, you can ask them for help. Near the train station, there are many hotels. It„s comfortable, though sometimes it‟s a little expensive. At last, I hope that you have a good tripe in Wenzhou.

Module 3 Sports


My favourite sport

My favourite sport is basketball. Basketball is popular among teenagers. As a girl, I like it very much. I play basketball with my friends and my classmates at weekends or on holidays. Some people think playing basketball is more dangerous than some other sports. I agree. Sometimes I hurt my legs or arms. But it‟s an exciting sport. I think nothing is more exciting than playing basketball. Playing basketball makes me strong, healthy and bright.

Module 4 Planes, ships and trains



Han Di enjoys travelling. He‟s going to visit Lanzhou next Monday. There are several ways of going to Lanzhou from his home town. He can take the coach, the train or go by air.

Han Di wants to take the plane, because it‟s the quickest and the most comfortable, but it‟s the most expensive. He wants to take the coach, because it‟s the most interesting but it‟s the slowest and the least comfortable. At last he decides to take by train because it‟s quicker than taking a coach and cheaper than taking a plane.

Module 6 Animals in danger


当今许多动物的生存环境遭到人类的破坏,它们濒临灭绝,所以我们应采取措施来保护野生动物。请根据以下提示,以“We should protect wild animals”为题,写一篇英语短文。70词左右。

We should protect wild animals

Many animals are in danger in the world today, such as tigers and pandas and so on. When people cut down trees, tigers have no place to live or hunt for food. Some people kill tigers for their fur. Also, there are fewer and fewer places for pandas to live.

We are not alone in the world. We could not live without plants and animals around us. So it‟s very important to protect them. And we must stop people from killing animals. If each of us can love animals, the world will be more beautiful.

Module 10 The weather



Dear Jim,

I‟m very glad that you will come to visit China. You asked me about the weather in China. There are four seasons- spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is the hottest season of the year. It often rains. And winter is the coldest. Sometimes it snows, especially in the north of China. If you like snow, you can come at this time of year. But I think the best time to visit China is in spring or autumn because the weather is not cold or hot. It‟s very pleasant to visit many places of interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the West Lake and Mount Tai. I hope you can come soon.

Li Hua

Module 11 Way of life

The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. In the past, people usually put up Spring Festival couplets, hung red lanterns, made dumplings and visited friends to celebrate it.

And now people have not only the traditions but also some new ways to celebrate the Spring Festival. People send e-cards and flowers to their friends during the Spring Festival. And more and more people go out to travel to celebrate the Spring Festival.

Module 1 How to learn English




(1) 经常听英文广播和看英文电影。

(2) 多学唱英文歌曲。

(3) 英语课上要总是说英语,尽量多和外国人谈话。

(4) 多读英文报纸和自己喜欢的英语杂志。

(5) 最好交一个英国或美国笔友经常发英文的电子邮件。

Dear classmates,

I‟m very glad to share my ideas on how to learn English well with you. I think we should often learn to the radio in English and watch English films. When we are free, why not learn to sing more English songs? It‟s good for our listening and speaking. When we are having English class, we should always speak English, and after class, try to speak to foreigners. It‟s also a good idea to read newspapers and magazines in English. We can make a pen friend from England or American and write emails to each other.Wish all of us can improve our English.That’s all. Thank you for listening to me.

Module 2 My hometown and my country


My home town

Wenzhou is a very beautiful city. The weather in Wenzhou is always fun. It‟s always sunny, but it‟s alittle cold now ,so you should pack your warm clothes. The food in Wenzhou is also very delicious, it‟s not spicy.

Wenzhou has many sights, such as Jiangxin Island and Yandang Mountains. It‟s very famous and wonderful. And there are many tourists every year. Traffic in Wenzhou is very busy. If you don‟t want to spend too much money, you can go somewhere by bus, but it‟s usually convenient to take the taxi to the places. People in Wenzhou are very friendly.

If you have some problems, you can ask them for help. Near the train station, there are many hotels. It„s comfortable, though sometimes it‟s a little expensive. At last, I hope that you have a good tripe in Wenzhou.

Module 3 Sports


My favourite sport

My favourite sport is basketball. Basketball is popular among teenagers. As a girl, I like it very much. I play basketball with my friends and my classmates at weekends or on holidays. Some people think playing basketball is more dangerous than some other sports. I agree. Sometimes I hurt my legs or arms. But it‟s an exciting sport. I think nothing is more exciting than playing basketball. Playing basketball makes me strong, healthy and bright.

Module 4 Planes, ships and trains



Han Di enjoys travelling. He‟s going to visit Lanzhou next Monday. There are several ways of going to Lanzhou from his home town. He can take the coach, the train or go by air.

Han Di wants to take the plane, because it‟s the quickest and the most comfortable, but it‟s the most expensive. He wants to take the coach, because it‟s the most interesting but it‟s the slowest and the least comfortable. At last he decides to take by train because it‟s quicker than taking a coach and cheaper than taking a plane.

Module 6 Animals in danger


当今许多动物的生存环境遭到人类的破坏,它们濒临灭绝,所以我们应采取措施来保护野生动物。请根据以下提示,以“We should protect wild animals”为题,写一篇英语短文。70词左右。

We should protect wild animals

Many animals are in danger in the world today, such as tigers and pandas and so on. When people cut down trees, tigers have no place to live or hunt for food. Some people kill tigers for their fur. Also, there are fewer and fewer places for pandas to live.

We are not alone in the world. We could not live without plants and animals around us. So it‟s very important to protect them. And we must stop people from killing animals. If each of us can love animals, the world will be more beautiful.

Module 10 The weather



Dear Jim,

I‟m very glad that you will come to visit China. You asked me about the weather in China. There are four seasons- spring, summer, autumn and winter. Summer is the hottest season of the year. It often rains. And winter is the coldest. Sometimes it snows, especially in the north of China. If you like snow, you can come at this time of year. But I think the best time to visit China is in spring or autumn because the weather is not cold or hot. It‟s very pleasant to visit many places of interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the West Lake and Mount Tai. I hope you can come soon.

Li Hua

Module 11 Way of life

The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. In the past, people usually put up Spring Festival couplets, hung red lanterns, made dumplings and visited friends to celebrate it.

And now people have not only the traditions but also some new ways to celebrate the Spring Festival. People send e-cards and flowers to their friends during the Spring Festival. And more and more people go out to travel to celebrate the Spring Festival.


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