
七年级上册期末复习 重点短语和句型


Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你 middle school 中学 excuse me 打扰一下

first name 名字 last name/ family name 姓氏

I see 我知道了 have a good time 玩得很开心 in the first photo 在第一张照片中 in the next picture 在下一张照片中 what about...? ...怎么样?

Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙 thank you/ thanks for ... 因...而感谢 Telephone number/phone number 电话号码 an ID card 一张身份证 play computer games玩电脑游戏 in the school library 在学校图书馆

Ask the teacher for it . 去问老师要 call me 打电话给我

Some keys 一些钥匙 I must find it . 我必须找到它

call sb.at 347-2365 给某人打347-2365 lost and found 失物招领

a set of keys 一串钥匙 in English 用英语 an eraser 一块铅笔擦 a photo of your family 你家人的照片 on the sofa 在沙发上 under the chair 在椅子下 in your schoolbag 在你的书包你

between the desk and the bookcase 在桌子和书柜之间

Tape player 录音机 model plane 飞机模型 soccer ball 英式足球

Come on 快点儿 I think 我认为 I don‟t know 我不知道

Let‟s go! 我们走吧 let‟s = let us后接动词原形 let sb do sth 让某人做某事

We‟re late! 我们迟到了! Bill has it. 比尔有 let me get it 让我去拿它

Let „s play . 让我们去玩吧 play sth with sb 和某人玩某事

I‟m tidy. 我很整洁 play basketball打篮球(在球类前不用the,在乐器前要用the) play ping-pong /table tennis 打乒乓球 play volleyball 打排球

play soccer/football 踢足球 let‟s play basketball. 让我们去打篮球吧

that sounds good 那听起来真不错 go to the same school 上同一所学校

I love sports 我热爱运动 It‟s easy for me 对我来说很容易

play baseball 打棒球 play tennis 打网球tennis racket 网球拍 every day 每天 play/do sports做运动 watch TV 看电视 next week 下周

Like to do sth / like doing sth 喜欢做某事 think about 考虑

I like bananas.(喜欢的东西是可数名词要用复数) how about..? ...怎么样?

Eat well 吃得好 one last question 最后一个问题 want to do sth 想要做某事

watch sth. on TV 在电视上观看… Ice-cream 冰淇淋 some tomatoes 几个西红柿 Some photos 一些/几张相片 lots of = a lot of 许多,大量 healthy food健康食品。 Have/eat chicken 吃鸡肉have/eat breakfast 吃早饭 have/eat lunch 吃午饭 have/eat dinner(supper) 吃晚饭how much 多少钱 Here you are 给你

you're welcome 不客气 have a look at 看一看… bag for sports运动包

two dollars 两美元 seven yuan 七元(人民币) what color 什么颜色

at a good price价格合适 birthday party 生日聚会

speech contest 演讲比赛 a pair of 一双 happy birthday 生日快乐

See you 再见 father‟s birthday 爸爸的生日 basketball game 篮球比赛

school trip郊游, 校游 school day 作息日,校日 this term这学期

basketball game 篮球赛 Art Festival 艺术节how old 几岁 fifteen years old 5岁 favorite subject 最喜欢的科目 that‟s for sure 的确如此

English teacher 英语老师 after that 那以后 from...to..从...到...

want to do sth 想要做某事

七年级上册重点句型 Unit 1. My name’s Gina

句型:1, What‟s your name? My name‟s Jenny. / I‟m Jenny. / Jenny.

What‟s his/her name? His/Her name‟s Tony/Gina.

2, I‟m Tony Brown. What‟s your full name? My full name/ It is Tony Brown.

My first name is Tony. My last name/family name is Brown.

3, What‟s your/his/her telephone/phone number?

It‟s 555-3539.

语法:1,形容词性物主代词:my(我的) your(你的) his/her/its(他/她/它的)

our(我们的) your(你们的)their(他们的)


My book is here. This is‟t your book..

2, 主格: I you he/she/ it

we you they

在句中做主语,一般放句首,后面紧跟 am/is/are 及动词。

I‟m a student. We are students. She looks great.

Unit 2 Is this your pencil?

句型:1, Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. 2, Is this my pen? No, it isn‟t.

3, Is that his book? Yes, it is.

4, How do you spell it? = Can you spell it, please? = Spell it, please.

5, Call Alan at 495-3539. Call me/him/her/them. 给我/他/她/他们打电话.

Call 4953539 拨打4953539。 Call sb. at + 电话号码 拨打……找某人 6, Is that your computer game in the lost and found case?

7, a set of keys a set of + 名词复数

语法;1,句中含be(am, is, are)一般疑问句的变法: 把be提前,如果句中有my变your,I 变you,其他的照抄不变。肯定回答 yes, 主语+am/is/are 否定回答 No,主语+am not/aren‟t/isn‟t. 注意:回答时主语如果是物品单数或者this/that的话,用it替代主语,如果是复数人和物品用they替代。

2, be动词的用法口诀;I am, you are, is 他/她/它(he/she/it),单数is 复数are. Be动词跟随主语的变化而变化。

Unit 3. This is my sister.

句型:1,Is this your sister? No, it isn‟t. /Yes, it is.

Is she your sister? No, she isn‟t./ Yes, she is.

2,This is my friend. These are my friends.

That is my brother Those are my brothers.

3, Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo.

photo of your family = your family photo

语法:可数名词单数变复数:一般情况下加s, book-books;以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加es, watch-watches ; 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y改为i再加es : boy- boys, family-families ; 以o结尾的有生命的加es, 无生命的加s, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, hero-heroes, Negro-Negroes, zoo-zoos, photo-photos

Unit 4. Where’s my backpack?

句型:Where‟s the baseball? It‟s in the backpack.

Where‟s my computer game? It‟s under the bed.

Where are his keys? They‟re on the dresser.

Where are your books? They‟re on the chair.

Where are her keys? They‟re on the table.

Where are you? I‟m at school.

Is it on the dresser? No, it isn‟t.

Please take these things to your sister. Can you bring some things to school? The book is on the floor.

语法: 1,询问人或物品在哪里,我们用Where, 结构为 where+is/are+人/物品名称? “……在哪里” 回答用 主语+is/are +in/at/under/on/near +地点 注意:表示“在……地方”地点前要用定冠词the 或者形容词性物主代词my/your/his/their修饰,但是两者不能同时出现,我们可以说in the room, in my room 但是绝对不可以in the my room.

词语用法:1, take v.带走 把人或物品带到别的地方去,take … to… 把…带到.去

bring v.带来,把人或物品从别的地方带到说话的地方来 bring…to… 把……带到…来 2,please 后接动词用原形。Please come in.

Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball?

句型: Do you have a TV? Yes, I do/No, I don‟t.

Do they have a computer? Yes, they do./No, they don‟t.

Does he have a tennis racket? Yes, he does./No, he doesn‟t.

Does she have a soccer ball? Yes, she does./No, she doesn‟t.

Does your brother have a ping-pang ball? Yes, he does./No, he doesn‟t.

Let‟s play soccer. That sounds good. Let me help you.

I like ping-pong. It‟s easy for me. I don‟t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does.

语法:1,句中不含be(am,is,are)动词的 一般疑问句的变法。 也就是说句中谓语动词是实义动词时,要变为一般疑问句,在句首加do/does(当主语是第三人称单数的时候用does),第一人称变第二人称,动词变原形其他的语序不变。I have a computer. – Do you have a computer? She likes playing ping-pang.- Does she like playing ping-pang.肯定回答用yes, 主语+do/does.否定回答用No,主语+don‟t/doesn‟t.

2一般句子中当主语是第三人称单数的时候,谓语动词要起变化。具体的变化为:一般情况加s, know-knows, 以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的加es, teach-teaches, go-goes, 以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i, 再加es study-studies

3,do/does 叫做助动词(语法需要加上去翻译不出来的动词)时,后面接动词原形, Does he like reading? She doesn‟t like reading. She doesn‟t do her homework但是如果做实义动词(能翻译出来意思的动词),遇到主语第三人称单数就要起变化。 She does her homework every day. /Does she do her homework every day. 4,have的第三人称单数为 has.

5, let sb do sth 让某人做某事 (sb代表人,如果是代词用宾格,do代表动词原形) 6,play+球类 表示“踢,打,玩......” play football

play+the+乐器 表示“弹奏……乐器” play the piano

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

句型:Do you like salad? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.

Do they like tomatoes? Yes, they do./No, they don‟t.

Does she like strawberries? Yes,she does./No she doesn‟t.

Does he like pears? Yes, he does./No, he doesn‟t.

I like oranges. I don‟t like bananas.

We like rice. We don‟t like hamburgers.

He likes ice-cream. He doesn‟t like vegetables.

Sports star eats lots of healthy food./I don‟t want to be fat.

What do you like for breakfast?

For breakfast/lunch/dinner, I like…and…,but I don‟t like…or…

He/She likes…and…, but he/she doesn‟t like…or...

语法: 句中谓语动词是实义动词的陈述句,变否定形式在实义动词前加don‟t\doesn‟t(主语是第三人称单数时用doesn‟t‟).

like doing sth/like to do sth 喜欢做某事

I like swimming. She likes to eat hamburgers.

want to do sth 想要做某事

I want to study hard. He doesn‟t want to be a teacher.

Unit7 How much are these pants?

句型:How much is the red sweater? It‟s eight dollars.

What‟s the price of the red sweater? It‟s eight dollars.

How much are these black pants? They‟re ten dollars.

What‟s the price of these black pants? They‟re ten dollars.

Can I help you?=What can I do for you?

Yes, please. I want / need a sweater for school.

What color do you want ? Blue.

How/What about this one? It looks nice. I‟ll take it.

How much is it? Twenty dollars.

Here you are. / Thank you. /You‟re welcome.

Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.

We have sweaters in all colors at a very good price.

You can buy socks for only $1 each.

The girl in red is my friend.

The green shorts are on sale for $25.

结构: 询问价格 How much + is/are + 物品名称?

What‟s the price of+ 物品名称? ……多少钱? 回答:It‟s/They‟re + 价格

Unit 8 When is your birthday?

句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is on November 11th.

When is Liu Ping‟s birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.

When is his birthday? It‟s on March 21st.

Happy birthday ﹗ Thank you.

Do you want to come my birthday party?

Sure. When is it? At three this afternoon.

See you﹗

How old are you? I am twelve.

How old is he/ she? He/ She is eleven.

When is Sally’s birthday party? /It’s on October 5th.

Next month,we will have an art festival.

Have a good time﹗


In年、月、/on 日期/at 表时刻

如:in 2012 / in December /in spring/ in the day /in the morning/afternoon evening

// on May 1st/ on Children‟s Day/ on one‟s birthday/on the morning of April

1st/on a cold moring// at six in the moring/at two this afternoon

Unit 9 What’s your favorite subject?

句型 What‟s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science. What‟s his favorite subject ? His favorite subject is art. What‟s her favorite subject? Her favorite subject is P.E. What subject do you like best? I like math best.

Why do you like math? Because it‟s interesting. Why does he like art? Because it‟s fun.

I have science. It is difficult but interesting.

Who is your art teacher ? Our art teacher is Mrs. Jones. I‟m really busy doing my homework.

She is busy with her work.

结构:1, favorite=like…best 最喜爱……/my favorite subject

2, be busy doing sth 忙于做 be busy with sth 忙于某事 3, have P.E 上体育课 4. the next day 第二天

5.think of 认为 6. after that 从那以后

7.from…to…. 从…到…. 8.on Friday afternoon

七年级上册期末复习 重点短语和句型


Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你 middle school 中学 excuse me 打扰一下

first name 名字 last name/ family name 姓氏

I see 我知道了 have a good time 玩得很开心 in the first photo 在第一张照片中 in the next picture 在下一张照片中 what about...? ...怎么样?

Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮忙 thank you/ thanks for ... 因...而感谢 Telephone number/phone number 电话号码 an ID card 一张身份证 play computer games玩电脑游戏 in the school library 在学校图书馆

Ask the teacher for it . 去问老师要 call me 打电话给我

Some keys 一些钥匙 I must find it . 我必须找到它

call sb.at 347-2365 给某人打347-2365 lost and found 失物招领

a set of keys 一串钥匙 in English 用英语 an eraser 一块铅笔擦 a photo of your family 你家人的照片 on the sofa 在沙发上 under the chair 在椅子下 in your schoolbag 在你的书包你

between the desk and the bookcase 在桌子和书柜之间

Tape player 录音机 model plane 飞机模型 soccer ball 英式足球

Come on 快点儿 I think 我认为 I don‟t know 我不知道

Let‟s go! 我们走吧 let‟s = let us后接动词原形 let sb do sth 让某人做某事

We‟re late! 我们迟到了! Bill has it. 比尔有 let me get it 让我去拿它

Let „s play . 让我们去玩吧 play sth with sb 和某人玩某事

I‟m tidy. 我很整洁 play basketball打篮球(在球类前不用the,在乐器前要用the) play ping-pong /table tennis 打乒乓球 play volleyball 打排球

play soccer/football 踢足球 let‟s play basketball. 让我们去打篮球吧

that sounds good 那听起来真不错 go to the same school 上同一所学校

I love sports 我热爱运动 It‟s easy for me 对我来说很容易

play baseball 打棒球 play tennis 打网球tennis racket 网球拍 every day 每天 play/do sports做运动 watch TV 看电视 next week 下周

Like to do sth / like doing sth 喜欢做某事 think about 考虑

I like bananas.(喜欢的东西是可数名词要用复数) how about..? ...怎么样?

Eat well 吃得好 one last question 最后一个问题 want to do sth 想要做某事

watch sth. on TV 在电视上观看… Ice-cream 冰淇淋 some tomatoes 几个西红柿 Some photos 一些/几张相片 lots of = a lot of 许多,大量 healthy food健康食品。 Have/eat chicken 吃鸡肉have/eat breakfast 吃早饭 have/eat lunch 吃午饭 have/eat dinner(supper) 吃晚饭how much 多少钱 Here you are 给你

you're welcome 不客气 have a look at 看一看… bag for sports运动包

two dollars 两美元 seven yuan 七元(人民币) what color 什么颜色

at a good price价格合适 birthday party 生日聚会

speech contest 演讲比赛 a pair of 一双 happy birthday 生日快乐

See you 再见 father‟s birthday 爸爸的生日 basketball game 篮球比赛

school trip郊游, 校游 school day 作息日,校日 this term这学期

basketball game 篮球赛 Art Festival 艺术节how old 几岁 fifteen years old 5岁 favorite subject 最喜欢的科目 that‟s for sure 的确如此

English teacher 英语老师 after that 那以后 from...to..从...到...

want to do sth 想要做某事

七年级上册重点句型 Unit 1. My name’s Gina

句型:1, What‟s your name? My name‟s Jenny. / I‟m Jenny. / Jenny.

What‟s his/her name? His/Her name‟s Tony/Gina.

2, I‟m Tony Brown. What‟s your full name? My full name/ It is Tony Brown.

My first name is Tony. My last name/family name is Brown.

3, What‟s your/his/her telephone/phone number?

It‟s 555-3539.

语法:1,形容词性物主代词:my(我的) your(你的) his/her/its(他/她/它的)

our(我们的) your(你们的)their(他们的)


My book is here. This is‟t your book..

2, 主格: I you he/she/ it

we you they

在句中做主语,一般放句首,后面紧跟 am/is/are 及动词。

I‟m a student. We are students. She looks great.

Unit 2 Is this your pencil?

句型:1, Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. 2, Is this my pen? No, it isn‟t.

3, Is that his book? Yes, it is.

4, How do you spell it? = Can you spell it, please? = Spell it, please.

5, Call Alan at 495-3539. Call me/him/her/them. 给我/他/她/他们打电话.

Call 4953539 拨打4953539。 Call sb. at + 电话号码 拨打……找某人 6, Is that your computer game in the lost and found case?

7, a set of keys a set of + 名词复数

语法;1,句中含be(am, is, are)一般疑问句的变法: 把be提前,如果句中有my变your,I 变you,其他的照抄不变。肯定回答 yes, 主语+am/is/are 否定回答 No,主语+am not/aren‟t/isn‟t. 注意:回答时主语如果是物品单数或者this/that的话,用it替代主语,如果是复数人和物品用they替代。

2, be动词的用法口诀;I am, you are, is 他/她/它(he/she/it),单数is 复数are. Be动词跟随主语的变化而变化。

Unit 3. This is my sister.

句型:1,Is this your sister? No, it isn‟t. /Yes, it is.

Is she your sister? No, she isn‟t./ Yes, she is.

2,This is my friend. These are my friends.

That is my brother Those are my brothers.

3, Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo.

photo of your family = your family photo

语法:可数名词单数变复数:一般情况下加s, book-books;以s, x, sh, ch结尾的加es, watch-watches ; 以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y改为i再加es : boy- boys, family-families ; 以o结尾的有生命的加es, 无生命的加s, tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, hero-heroes, Negro-Negroes, zoo-zoos, photo-photos

Unit 4. Where’s my backpack?

句型:Where‟s the baseball? It‟s in the backpack.

Where‟s my computer game? It‟s under the bed.

Where are his keys? They‟re on the dresser.

Where are your books? They‟re on the chair.

Where are her keys? They‟re on the table.

Where are you? I‟m at school.

Is it on the dresser? No, it isn‟t.

Please take these things to your sister. Can you bring some things to school? The book is on the floor.

语法: 1,询问人或物品在哪里,我们用Where, 结构为 where+is/are+人/物品名称? “……在哪里” 回答用 主语+is/are +in/at/under/on/near +地点 注意:表示“在……地方”地点前要用定冠词the 或者形容词性物主代词my/your/his/their修饰,但是两者不能同时出现,我们可以说in the room, in my room 但是绝对不可以in the my room.

词语用法:1, take v.带走 把人或物品带到别的地方去,take … to… 把…带到.去

bring v.带来,把人或物品从别的地方带到说话的地方来 bring…to… 把……带到…来 2,please 后接动词用原形。Please come in.

Unit 5. Do you have a soccer ball?

句型: Do you have a TV? Yes, I do/No, I don‟t.

Do they have a computer? Yes, they do./No, they don‟t.

Does he have a tennis racket? Yes, he does./No, he doesn‟t.

Does she have a soccer ball? Yes, she does./No, she doesn‟t.

Does your brother have a ping-pang ball? Yes, he does./No, he doesn‟t.

Let‟s play soccer. That sounds good. Let me help you.

I like ping-pong. It‟s easy for me. I don‟t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does.

语法:1,句中不含be(am,is,are)动词的 一般疑问句的变法。 也就是说句中谓语动词是实义动词时,要变为一般疑问句,在句首加do/does(当主语是第三人称单数的时候用does),第一人称变第二人称,动词变原形其他的语序不变。I have a computer. – Do you have a computer? She likes playing ping-pang.- Does she like playing ping-pang.肯定回答用yes, 主语+do/does.否定回答用No,主语+don‟t/doesn‟t.

2一般句子中当主语是第三人称单数的时候,谓语动词要起变化。具体的变化为:一般情况加s, know-knows, 以s,x,ch,sh,o结尾的加es, teach-teaches, go-goes, 以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改为i, 再加es study-studies

3,do/does 叫做助动词(语法需要加上去翻译不出来的动词)时,后面接动词原形, Does he like reading? She doesn‟t like reading. She doesn‟t do her homework但是如果做实义动词(能翻译出来意思的动词),遇到主语第三人称单数就要起变化。 She does her homework every day. /Does she do her homework every day. 4,have的第三人称单数为 has.

5, let sb do sth 让某人做某事 (sb代表人,如果是代词用宾格,do代表动词原形) 6,play+球类 表示“踢,打,玩......” play football

play+the+乐器 表示“弹奏……乐器” play the piano

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

句型:Do you like salad? Yes, I do./No, I don‟t.

Do they like tomatoes? Yes, they do./No, they don‟t.

Does she like strawberries? Yes,she does./No she doesn‟t.

Does he like pears? Yes, he does./No, he doesn‟t.

I like oranges. I don‟t like bananas.

We like rice. We don‟t like hamburgers.

He likes ice-cream. He doesn‟t like vegetables.

Sports star eats lots of healthy food./I don‟t want to be fat.

What do you like for breakfast?

For breakfast/lunch/dinner, I like…and…,but I don‟t like…or…

He/She likes…and…, but he/she doesn‟t like…or...

语法: 句中谓语动词是实义动词的陈述句,变否定形式在实义动词前加don‟t\doesn‟t(主语是第三人称单数时用doesn‟t‟).

like doing sth/like to do sth 喜欢做某事

I like swimming. She likes to eat hamburgers.

want to do sth 想要做某事

I want to study hard. He doesn‟t want to be a teacher.

Unit7 How much are these pants?

句型:How much is the red sweater? It‟s eight dollars.

What‟s the price of the red sweater? It‟s eight dollars.

How much are these black pants? They‟re ten dollars.

What‟s the price of these black pants? They‟re ten dollars.

Can I help you?=What can I do for you?

Yes, please. I want / need a sweater for school.

What color do you want ? Blue.

How/What about this one? It looks nice. I‟ll take it.

How much is it? Twenty dollars.

Here you are. / Thank you. /You‟re welcome.

Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store.

We have sweaters in all colors at a very good price.

You can buy socks for only $1 each.

The girl in red is my friend.

The green shorts are on sale for $25.

结构: 询问价格 How much + is/are + 物品名称?

What‟s the price of+ 物品名称? ……多少钱? 回答:It‟s/They‟re + 价格

Unit 8 When is your birthday?

句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is on November 11th.

When is Liu Ping‟s birthday? Her birthday is on September 5th.

When is his birthday? It‟s on March 21st.

Happy birthday ﹗ Thank you.

Do you want to come my birthday party?

Sure. When is it? At three this afternoon.

See you﹗

How old are you? I am twelve.

How old is he/ she? He/ She is eleven.

When is Sally’s birthday party? /It’s on October 5th.

Next month,we will have an art festival.

Have a good time﹗


In年、月、/on 日期/at 表时刻

如:in 2012 / in December /in spring/ in the day /in the morning/afternoon evening

// on May 1st/ on Children‟s Day/ on one‟s birthday/on the morning of April

1st/on a cold moring// at six in the moring/at two this afternoon

Unit 9 What’s your favorite subject?

句型 What‟s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science. What‟s his favorite subject ? His favorite subject is art. What‟s her favorite subject? Her favorite subject is P.E. What subject do you like best? I like math best.

Why do you like math? Because it‟s interesting. Why does he like art? Because it‟s fun.

I have science. It is difficult but interesting.

Who is your art teacher ? Our art teacher is Mrs. Jones. I‟m really busy doing my homework.

She is busy with her work.

结构:1, favorite=like…best 最喜爱……/my favorite subject

2, be busy doing sth 忙于做 be busy with sth 忙于某事 3, have P.E 上体育课 4. the next day 第二天

5.think of 认为 6. after that 从那以后

7.from…to…. 从…到…. 8.on Friday afternoon


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