2013北京市高考英语听力词汇 (修订)



“词汇DIY ”旨在帮助学生自己归纳常见听力话题词汇。学生可以在做完练习后,根据自己的实际情况,列出自己尚需进一步夯实掌握的词汇,并适时记忆。

一. 如何听、做数字题 (1)常见场景:

时间:10:45a.m.,9:20p.m.,15:30;a quarter to eight; half past six 地址、房间号:CA508 Hill Street;Room307;

航班号、车牌号 :Flight HM7186, Platform 3, Gate 11, Terminal 2 年龄:13;30

电话号码: 55007498(double five, double “o”, seven four nine, eight) 数字与各种单位(前加大于1的数字时需用复数): a) dollar ;cent ;pound ;penny (复数为pence ) b) kilometer ; meter ;centimeter ,mile ,feet ,inch c) kilogram ;gram ;pound ;ton d) square meter; acre e) litre f) degree

另外,还可能涉及的数字情况有:postcode ,insurance number,passport number,student ID,customer number等。 (2)涉及计算的词汇

增加:10% increase in…,1/3 climb in…,twice ,double ,times (倍) 下降:23% fall in…,5.5% decrease in…,

减价:20% off = at a 80% discount,special offer,sale 原价:regular price,normal price



1. teacher / professor / lecturer (讲师) / tutor/ assistant (助教) & student

requirement ;elective course;quiz ;research paper;presentation ;registration 2. friends/classmates/roommates

band ;holiday/weekend;jazz ; Students' Union;Student Center;football ;borrow 3. librarian & book borrower

magazine ;journal ;reference book;author ;catalogue ;renew ;due ;check out 4. waiter/waitress/shop assistant/salesperson/receptionist & customer/customer confirm one's flight;safety belts;landing ;international line;luggage ;visa 5. driver / criminal & policeman

license ;fine (罚款);police ;speeding (超速);traffic light;ticket ;jam ;block 6. husband & wife

7. mother/father/parents & son/daughter/children 8. colleagues 9. lawyer& client

10. travel agent / guide& tourist

11. doctor/dentist/ surgeon/physician/nurse & patient 12. secretary/clerk/employee & boss/employer 13. interviewer & interviewee

—————————————————————————————————— 三、如何听、做地点判断题。


school ,restaurant ,cinema ,theatre ,museum ,airport ,railway station,hotel ,subway/ underground ,hospital/ clinic/ dentist’s,post office,stadium ,gym ,shopping mall/department store,supermarket ,am usement/ theme park, barber’s/hairdresser’s,library, bookstore,workshop


1.________:①order ,serve ,change (Keep the change!), tip ,treat (This is my treat! ),go Dutch (Let’s go fifty—fifty. ) ,snack bar,dining hall,coffee shop, restaurant ,cafeteria ,canteen ,buffet ,menu ,bill ,order ,fully booked ②hamburger ,coke ,French fries,steak ,cheese ,sandwich ,bacon ,soup ,doughnut ,appetizer ,dessert ,dish , beer ,soft drink

2.________:send/post/deliver,stamp ,envelope ,package/parcel,overweight ,postage , express mail,airmail ,surface mail,stamp

3.________:library card,borrow ,lend ,keep ,renew ,bookshelf ,novel ,science fiction ,magazine ,pay a fine

4.________: ①treatment ,take medicine/pills/tablets,heart attack,cold/flu,have/catch a cold,pain ,headache ,stomach-ache ,backache ,sore-throat ,cough ,fever ,take one's temperature/blood pressure,emergence room,waiting room ②I am not feeling well./I feel terrible/horrible/awful./I am not myself these days. 5.________:①make a reservation,reception desk,check in/out,single/double room,elevator/lift

②Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?) ③All the room are occupied. ④Smoking or no smoking? ⑤Meals included.

6.________:store ,size ,color ,price ,expensive ,cheap ,bargain ,popular/fashionable,out of fashion,brand ,counter ,pay in cash/check/credit card,shop assistant,on sale,discount

7._______:flight ,Welcome aboard,bound for,check in,security counter, take off ,land ,be delayed/cancelled,luggage ,China Airline,information desk,boarding , customs office,departure time,arrival ,see sb. off, luggage, customs office, seat belt, Terminal 2

8.________:land phone, cell phone, monthly pre-paid home phone plan (提前月扣款家庭电话套餐), the billing cycle 付费周期 ①hold on /Hold the line, please. ②Hello! This is … speaking. Who’s speaking? / Who is this? ③ I’ll call back later / again. =I’ll ring him / her up again. ④ Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

9._________:client ,teller ,deposit ,withdraw ,loan ,currency ,interest ,credit card ,open an account,interest, balance

10.________:overcast/ thunder/ strong(high) wind/ storm/ typhoon/ tornado/ blizzard/ it rains cats and dogs/ downpour/ the rain is pouring/ shower/ foggy/ freezing/ mild/ temperature/ Centigrade/ Fahrenheit

四、 如何听、做说话目的题


greetings , introduction ,to express gratitude/congratulations, ask for permission, making an appointment, ask the way, remind sb, to express concern


W: Ah, good morning. It’s Mr. Robinson, isn’t it? M: Yes.

W: OK. I’ve got your letter of application. Now, as you know, when you apply for a post with our company, we need to find out a few things about both your background and recent work experience. M: Sure.

W: First of all, A-levels?

M: Yes, I’ve gotW: Geography, maths and physics. OK. And what about your degree?

M: I went to Manchester University and got an degree with water-management as my specialization. W: Uh-uh, I see.

M: And as for work experience, I started it out after graduating in 1996 in India, W: That sounds fascinating. How did you organize that? You say, it wasn’t a British company then.

M: No, I know. My university had links with an Indian engineering university. So it was organized that level. W: And after that?

M: Then I came back, moved to Sheffield and have been working with Latimer Engineering since then.

W: And what exactly are you doing for Latimer?

M: Ah, I’m working in water irrigation again, thisW: Great. I’ve got your details. Now, let’s move on to a more general discussion about what we are looking for here. Key:

1. Academic 2. geography 3. engineer

练习1:请写出下列数字的英文表达 1) 1,000,000,000 ________ 2)1,000,000 _____________ 3)1,000 _________ 4)90 ________; 5)第九 _________ 6)第五

7)40 ________ 8)3/4 9)0.7 10)75.8%



3200719 () 3219()

练习4:听写(星期) 1. What day is it today? It ’2. What day is it today? It ’3. What day is it today? It ’4. What day is it today? It ’5. What day is it today? It ’6. What day is it today? It ’7. What day is it today? It ’答案: 1. Sunday/ Sun. 2. Monday/ Mon. 3. Tuesday/ Tue. 4. Wednesday/Wed. 5. Thursday/ Thur. 6. Friday/ Fri. 7. Sunday/ Sun.


1. What ’s the date today? It ’2. What ’s the date today? It ’3. What ’s the date today? It ’4. What ’s the date today? It ’5. What ’s the date today? It ’6. What ’s the date today? It ’7. What ’s the date today? It ’8. What ’s the date today? It ’9. What ’s the date today? It ’10. What ’s the date today? It ’11. What ’s the date today? It ’12. What ’s the date today? It ’答案 1. January 1/Jan. 2. February 22/Feb. 22 3. March 3/Mar. 3 4. April 4/ Apr. 4 5. May 5 6 . June 6 7. July 7 8. August 8/Aug. 8 9. September 9/ Sept. 9 10. October 10/ Oct. 10 11. November 11/Nov. 11 12. December 12/Dec. 12



“词汇DIY ”旨在帮助学生自己归纳常见听力话题词汇。学生可以在做完练习后,根据自己的实际情况,列出自己尚需进一步夯实掌握的词汇,并适时记忆。

一. 如何听、做数字题 (1)常见场景:

时间:10:45a.m.,9:20p.m.,15:30;a quarter to eight; half past six 地址、房间号:CA508 Hill Street;Room307;

航班号、车牌号 :Flight HM7186, Platform 3, Gate 11, Terminal 2 年龄:13;30

电话号码: 55007498(double five, double “o”, seven four nine, eight) 数字与各种单位(前加大于1的数字时需用复数): a) dollar ;cent ;pound ;penny (复数为pence ) b) kilometer ; meter ;centimeter ,mile ,feet ,inch c) kilogram ;gram ;pound ;ton d) square meter; acre e) litre f) degree

另外,还可能涉及的数字情况有:postcode ,insurance number,passport number,student ID,customer number等。 (2)涉及计算的词汇

增加:10% increase in…,1/3 climb in…,twice ,double ,times (倍) 下降:23% fall in…,5.5% decrease in…,

减价:20% off = at a 80% discount,special offer,sale 原价:regular price,normal price



1. teacher / professor / lecturer (讲师) / tutor/ assistant (助教) & student

requirement ;elective course;quiz ;research paper;presentation ;registration 2. friends/classmates/roommates

band ;holiday/weekend;jazz ; Students' Union;Student Center;football ;borrow 3. librarian & book borrower

magazine ;journal ;reference book;author ;catalogue ;renew ;due ;check out 4. waiter/waitress/shop assistant/salesperson/receptionist & customer/customer confirm one's flight;safety belts;landing ;international line;luggage ;visa 5. driver / criminal & policeman

license ;fine (罚款);police ;speeding (超速);traffic light;ticket ;jam ;block 6. husband & wife

7. mother/father/parents & son/daughter/children 8. colleagues 9. lawyer& client

10. travel agent / guide& tourist

11. doctor/dentist/ surgeon/physician/nurse & patient 12. secretary/clerk/employee & boss/employer 13. interviewer & interviewee

—————————————————————————————————— 三、如何听、做地点判断题。


school ,restaurant ,cinema ,theatre ,museum ,airport ,railway station,hotel ,subway/ underground ,hospital/ clinic/ dentist’s,post office,stadium ,gym ,shopping mall/department store,supermarket ,am usement/ theme park, barber’s/hairdresser’s,library, bookstore,workshop


1.________:①order ,serve ,change (Keep the change!), tip ,treat (This is my treat! ),go Dutch (Let’s go fifty—fifty. ) ,snack bar,dining hall,coffee shop, restaurant ,cafeteria ,canteen ,buffet ,menu ,bill ,order ,fully booked ②hamburger ,coke ,French fries,steak ,cheese ,sandwich ,bacon ,soup ,doughnut ,appetizer ,dessert ,dish , beer ,soft drink

2.________:send/post/deliver,stamp ,envelope ,package/parcel,overweight ,postage , express mail,airmail ,surface mail,stamp

3.________:library card,borrow ,lend ,keep ,renew ,bookshelf ,novel ,science fiction ,magazine ,pay a fine

4.________: ①treatment ,take medicine/pills/tablets,heart attack,cold/flu,have/catch a cold,pain ,headache ,stomach-ache ,backache ,sore-throat ,cough ,fever ,take one's temperature/blood pressure,emergence room,waiting room ②I am not feeling well./I feel terrible/horrible/awful./I am not myself these days. 5.________:①make a reservation,reception desk,check in/out,single/double room,elevator/lift

②Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?) ③All the room are occupied. ④Smoking or no smoking? ⑤Meals included.

6.________:store ,size ,color ,price ,expensive ,cheap ,bargain ,popular/fashionable,out of fashion,brand ,counter ,pay in cash/check/credit card,shop assistant,on sale,discount

7._______:flight ,Welcome aboard,bound for,check in,security counter, take off ,land ,be delayed/cancelled,luggage ,China Airline,information desk,boarding , customs office,departure time,arrival ,see sb. off, luggage, customs office, seat belt, Terminal 2

8.________:land phone, cell phone, monthly pre-paid home phone plan (提前月扣款家庭电话套餐), the billing cycle 付费周期 ①hold on /Hold the line, please. ②Hello! This is … speaking. Who’s speaking? / Who is this? ③ I’ll call back later / again. =I’ll ring him / her up again. ④ Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number.

9._________:client ,teller ,deposit ,withdraw ,loan ,currency ,interest ,credit card ,open an account,interest, balance

10.________:overcast/ thunder/ strong(high) wind/ storm/ typhoon/ tornado/ blizzard/ it rains cats and dogs/ downpour/ the rain is pouring/ shower/ foggy/ freezing/ mild/ temperature/ Centigrade/ Fahrenheit

四、 如何听、做说话目的题


greetings , introduction ,to express gratitude/congratulations, ask for permission, making an appointment, ask the way, remind sb, to express concern


W: Ah, good morning. It’s Mr. Robinson, isn’t it? M: Yes.

W: OK. I’ve got your letter of application. Now, as you know, when you apply for a post with our company, we need to find out a few things about both your background and recent work experience. M: Sure.

W: First of all, A-levels?

M: Yes, I’ve gotW: Geography, maths and physics. OK. And what about your degree?

M: I went to Manchester University and got an degree with water-management as my specialization. W: Uh-uh, I see.

M: And as for work experience, I started it out after graduating in 1996 in India, W: That sounds fascinating. How did you organize that? You say, it wasn’t a British company then.

M: No, I know. My university had links with an Indian engineering university. So it was organized that level. W: And after that?

M: Then I came back, moved to Sheffield and have been working with Latimer Engineering since then.

W: And what exactly are you doing for Latimer?

M: Ah, I’m working in water irrigation again, thisW: Great. I’ve got your details. Now, let’s move on to a more general discussion about what we are looking for here. Key:

1. Academic 2. geography 3. engineer

练习1:请写出下列数字的英文表达 1) 1,000,000,000 ________ 2)1,000,000 _____________ 3)1,000 _________ 4)90 ________; 5)第九 _________ 6)第五

7)40 ________ 8)3/4 9)0.7 10)75.8%



3200719 () 3219()

练习4:听写(星期) 1. What day is it today? It ’2. What day is it today? It ’3. What day is it today? It ’4. What day is it today? It ’5. What day is it today? It ’6. What day is it today? It ’7. What day is it today? It ’答案: 1. Sunday/ Sun. 2. Monday/ Mon. 3. Tuesday/ Tue. 4. Wednesday/Wed. 5. Thursday/ Thur. 6. Friday/ Fri. 7. Sunday/ Sun.


1. What ’s the date today? It ’2. What ’s the date today? It ’3. What ’s the date today? It ’4. What ’s the date today? It ’5. What ’s the date today? It ’6. What ’s the date today? It ’7. What ’s the date today? It ’8. What ’s the date today? It ’9. What ’s the date today? It ’10. What ’s the date today? It ’11. What ’s the date today? It ’12. What ’s the date today? It ’答案 1. January 1/Jan. 2. February 22/Feb. 22 3. March 3/Mar. 3 4. April 4/ Apr. 4 5. May 5 6 . June 6 7. July 7 8. August 8/Aug. 8 9. September 9/ Sept. 9 10. October 10/ Oct. 10 11. November 11/Nov. 11 12. December 12/Dec. 12


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