求职申请表 星巴克伙伴资源部 Job Application Form Partner Resources
申请职位 Position Applied : 申请日期 Date Applied :
(□全职 □学生兼职)
□招聘网站 □星巴克主页 □门店招聘窗贴 □门店招募海报 □报纸广告 □公司伙伴介绍,伙伴姓名_______________ □其他途径,请指明 ____________
3. 职业经历 Employment History
您是否曾受雇于星巴克公司? 有 无 Have you been worked in Starbucks Coffee Company? Yes No
如果有,请具体说明:If yes, please specify:
4. 您是否曾因违犯法例而被捕或被检控? 有 无 Have you been under arrest or indicted because of lawbreaking? Yes No 如果有,请具体说明:If yes, please specify:
(学生兼职申请者适用) 请填写您的可工作时间段。(比如7:00 – 14:00/全天)
本人现谨声明, 此申请表内所填写之资料全部属实, 并同意如任何一项经查失实,贵公司有权解除本人日后可能受聘之职务.
I declare that the particulars given in this application are true and correct. I hereby agree that to verify the above statements, and understand that if any of the particulars supplied by me are proved untrue, the Company shall be entitled to terminated any engagement that may have been offered to me.
申请人签名: _________________________ 日期: ________________________ Signature of Applicant: Date:
求职申请表 星巴克伙伴资源部 Job Application Form Partner Resources
申请职位 Position Applied : 申请日期 Date Applied :
(□全职 □学生兼职)
□招聘网站 □星巴克主页 □门店招聘窗贴 □门店招募海报 □报纸广告 □公司伙伴介绍,伙伴姓名_______________ □其他途径,请指明 ____________
3. 职业经历 Employment History
您是否曾受雇于星巴克公司? 有 无 Have you been worked in Starbucks Coffee Company? Yes No
如果有,请具体说明:If yes, please specify:
4. 您是否曾因违犯法例而被捕或被检控? 有 无 Have you been under arrest or indicted because of lawbreaking? Yes No 如果有,请具体说明:If yes, please specify:
(学生兼职申请者适用) 请填写您的可工作时间段。(比如7:00 – 14:00/全天)
本人现谨声明, 此申请表内所填写之资料全部属实, 并同意如任何一项经查失实,贵公司有权解除本人日后可能受聘之职务.
I declare that the particulars given in this application are true and correct. I hereby agree that to verify the above statements, and understand that if any of the particulars supplied by me are proved untrue, the Company shall be entitled to terminated any engagement that may have been offered to me.
申请人签名: _________________________ 日期: ________________________ Signature of Applicant: Date: