


Development of intelligent instrument

Measurement and control technology and instrument specialty is the acquisition and processing of information, as well as to the related theory and technology factor model control.with the continuous development of computer technology and microelectronics technology, has now been mature application in measurement and control system, the typical representative of intelligent instrument is the application.

Intelligent instrument is a measuring instrument with microcomputer ormicro processor ,has small volume, strong function, low power consumption.In 80 the microprocessor is applied to together, instrument front panel began to develop in the direction of the keyboard, the measurement system is often connected by a bus.In intelligent instrument outstanding performance in the following areas: advances in microelectronics and more profound impact on instrument design; the DSP chip is published, the instrument digital signal processing functions greatly enhanced; the development of the microcomputer, the instrument has the stronger ability of data processing; image processing function is increasing common VXI bus is widely used.The emergence of intelligent instrument to improve the measuring precision of the instruments, which greatly facilitates the maintenance of equipment.In recent years, digital self-tuning regulator development of intelligent measurement and control instrumentation such as American rapidly American production company FOXBORO, which combines expert system technologies,can be like control engineer experienced that, according to the scene quickly tuning parameters.This control system is especially suitable for the regulator object changes frequently or nonlinear. Because of this regulator can automatically tuning control parameters, which can make the whole system to always maintain the best state in the process of production.

With the continuous development of computer technology and microelectronics technology, intelligent instrument in future will be towards miniaturization, multifunction, artificial intelligence, networking. Artificial intelligence is a new field of computer application, using computer to simulate human intelligence, for each robot, medical diagnosis, expert system, reasoning and proof.The further development of intelligent instrument will contain a certain artificial intelligence, namely, to replace part of mental labor, which has certain ability in the visual, hearing, thinking and so on. Thus, the intelligent instrument without human intervention and independently to complete the detection or control function.The further development of intelligent instrument will contain a certain artificial intelligence, namely, to replace part of mental labor, which has certain ability in the visual, hearing, thinking and so on.

In future, virtual instrument is a new stage of the development of intelligent instrument. 测控1601 35



Development of intelligent instrument

Measurement and control technology and instrument specialty is the acquisition and processing of information, as well as to the related theory and technology factor model control.with the continuous development of computer technology and microelectronics technology, has now been mature application in measurement and control system, the typical representative of intelligent instrument is the application.

Intelligent instrument is a measuring instrument with microcomputer ormicro processor ,has small volume, strong function, low power consumption.In 80 the microprocessor is applied to together, instrument front panel began to develop in the direction of the keyboard, the measurement system is often connected by a bus.In intelligent instrument outstanding performance in the following areas: advances in microelectronics and more profound impact on instrument design; the DSP chip is published, the instrument digital signal processing functions greatly enhanced; the development of the microcomputer, the instrument has the stronger ability of data processing; image processing function is increasing common VXI bus is widely used.The emergence of intelligent instrument to improve the measuring precision of the instruments, which greatly facilitates the maintenance of equipment.In recent years, digital self-tuning regulator development of intelligent measurement and control instrumentation such as American rapidly American production company FOXBORO, which combines expert system technologies,can be like control engineer experienced that, according to the scene quickly tuning parameters.This control system is especially suitable for the regulator object changes frequently or nonlinear. Because of this regulator can automatically tuning control parameters, which can make the whole system to always maintain the best state in the process of production.

With the continuous development of computer technology and microelectronics technology, intelligent instrument in future will be towards miniaturization, multifunction, artificial intelligence, networking. Artificial intelligence is a new field of computer application, using computer to simulate human intelligence, for each robot, medical diagnosis, expert system, reasoning and proof.The further development of intelligent instrument will contain a certain artificial intelligence, namely, to replace part of mental labor, which has certain ability in the visual, hearing, thinking and so on. Thus, the intelligent instrument without human intervention and independently to complete the detection or control function.The further development of intelligent instrument will contain a certain artificial intelligence, namely, to replace part of mental labor, which has certain ability in the visual, hearing, thinking and so on.

In future, virtual instrument is a new stage of the development of intelligent instrument. 测控1601 35


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