

Unit 1 Learning a Foreign Language

Unit 2 Making Introductions

Unit 3 Jobs and Responsibilities

Unit 4 Time Management

Unit 5 Starting a Business

Test 1 (Unit 1-5)

Unit 6 Office Equipment

Unit 7 Work Environment

Unit 8 Job Satisfaction

Unit 9 Business Contact

Unit 10 Business Advertising

Test 2 (Unit 6-10)



Uint 1 Meeting and Seeing People off at the Airport Uint 2 Checking in at a Hotel

Uint 3 At a Dinner Party

Uint 4 Job and Culture

Uint 5 Paying a Busi-ness Visit

Uint 6 Making a Tele-phone Call

Uint 7 Making and Cancelling an Appointment Uint 8 Being a Shop-ping Guide

Uint 9 Enjoying a Performance at a theatre Uint 10 Serving as a Tour Guide

Uint 11 Helping to See a Doctor

Uint 12 Farewell Party

Glossary 1

Glossary 2


Unit 1 Airport

Unit 2 Hotel Service

Unit 3 Making a Speech

Unit 4 Job and Culture

Unit 5 Company Introduction

Test 1 (Unit 1-5)

Unit 6 Phone Etiquette

Unit 7 Business Meeting

Unit 8 Shopping

Unit 9 Tourist Guide

Unit 10 Leaving a Job

Test 2 (Unit 6-10)


世纪商务英语综合教程3 Unit 1 Companies

Unit 2 Human Resources

Unit 3 Running Business

Unit 4 Corporate Responsibility Unit 5 Marketing

Unit 6 Products

Unit 7 Finance

Unit 8 Business Environment Unit 9 Intercultural

Unit 10 New Business Types 世纪商务英语综合教程4 Unit 1 Import and Export Unit 2 Negotiation

Unit 3 Contract

Unit 4 Customs Clearance and Unit 5 Banking and Payment Test 1 (Unit 1-5)

Unit 6 Transportation and Shipment Unit 7 Insurance

Unit 8 Complaints and Arbitration Unit 9 International Agency Unit 10 International Retailing Test 2 (Unit 6-10)



Unit 1 Learning a Foreign Language

Unit 2 Making Introductions

Unit 3 Jobs and Responsibilities

Unit 4 Time Management

Unit 5 Starting a Business

Test 1 (Unit 1-5)

Unit 6 Office Equipment

Unit 7 Work Environment

Unit 8 Job Satisfaction

Unit 9 Business Contact

Unit 10 Business Advertising

Test 2 (Unit 6-10)



Uint 1 Meeting and Seeing People off at the Airport Uint 2 Checking in at a Hotel

Uint 3 At a Dinner Party

Uint 4 Job and Culture

Uint 5 Paying a Busi-ness Visit

Uint 6 Making a Tele-phone Call

Uint 7 Making and Cancelling an Appointment Uint 8 Being a Shop-ping Guide

Uint 9 Enjoying a Performance at a theatre Uint 10 Serving as a Tour Guide

Uint 11 Helping to See a Doctor

Uint 12 Farewell Party

Glossary 1

Glossary 2


Unit 1 Airport

Unit 2 Hotel Service

Unit 3 Making a Speech

Unit 4 Job and Culture

Unit 5 Company Introduction

Test 1 (Unit 1-5)

Unit 6 Phone Etiquette

Unit 7 Business Meeting

Unit 8 Shopping

Unit 9 Tourist Guide

Unit 10 Leaving a Job

Test 2 (Unit 6-10)


世纪商务英语综合教程3 Unit 1 Companies

Unit 2 Human Resources

Unit 3 Running Business

Unit 4 Corporate Responsibility Unit 5 Marketing

Unit 6 Products

Unit 7 Finance

Unit 8 Business Environment Unit 9 Intercultural

Unit 10 New Business Types 世纪商务英语综合教程4 Unit 1 Import and Export Unit 2 Negotiation

Unit 3 Contract

Unit 4 Customs Clearance and Unit 5 Banking and Payment Test 1 (Unit 1-5)

Unit 6 Transportation and Shipment Unit 7 Insurance

Unit 8 Complaints and Arbitration Unit 9 International Agency Unit 10 International Retailing Test 2 (Unit 6-10)



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