

1 not only can wen … but also wen can….

例:Not only can a beautiful smile make our happy ,but aslo it enables others to feel delighted。

2 It is suggest that we smile as much as possible…

3 In order to cope with problem ,we need to…

4 It is very important for us to … we need to do our best …

5 It is indeed the most memorable event of my life

6 Is accustomed to …. Is necessary to….

7 It is our duty to …

8 Only in this way can wen ….

9 The meeting , which will take place next week ,is in memory of ancestor’s arrival.in the village one hundred years ago.

10 It goes without saying ….毫无疑问说….

11 From my point of view ,we should take the following measures to cope with the problem shown in the picture

12 表顺序的 First of all; Besides this; Furthermore/What’s more; Last but not least.

13 As far as I’m concerned...

14 5% of students communicate with….

15 It is no exaggeration to say that ….毫无夸大的说…..

16 发言稿的开头:It is my great honor to be here to say something about

the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it


1 When in Rome, do as the Romans do 入乡随俗 2 Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母 3 There are two sides to every coin.事物具有两面性


1 not only can wen … but also wen can….

例:Not only can a beautiful smile make our happy ,but aslo it enables others to feel delighted。

2 It is suggest that we smile as much as possible…

3 In order to cope with problem ,we need to…

4 It is very important for us to … we need to do our best …

5 It is indeed the most memorable event of my life

6 Is accustomed to …. Is necessary to….

7 It is our duty to …

8 Only in this way can wen ….

9 The meeting , which will take place next week ,is in memory of ancestor’s arrival.in the village one hundred years ago.

10 It goes without saying ….毫无疑问说….

11 From my point of view ,we should take the following measures to cope with the problem shown in the picture

12 表顺序的 First of all; Besides this; Furthermore/What’s more; Last but not least.

13 As far as I’m concerned...

14 5% of students communicate with….

15 It is no exaggeration to say that ….毫无夸大的说…..

16 发言稿的开头:It is my great honor to be here to say something about

the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it


1 When in Rome, do as the Romans do 入乡随俗 2 Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母 3 There are two sides to every coin.事物具有两面性


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