

i am zhuzian, i attended school held the social practice activity, and aunt have kids, i get face-to-face communication is very much experience.
i found that although we stay at home every day or studying in the classroom, even more than those in the class draw many knowledge, but when we needed to communicate with others, will still shy, still will shrink.
in the social practice, i learned many of us should observe life, but i get more exercise in the practice of my own ability, in practice, enrich self learning oral expression ability, strengthen the communication with people, really out of the classroom,. to help others, let the obligation to enjoy their achievements, others make intoxicated in joy, sometimes very tired, but i was feeling more, i grow in meaningfully growth.
in the process of practice, we also showed a lack of experience, handling problems immature, book knowledge and the actual problems with close enough. after we get back to school to learn more in time, the treasure to learn more knowledge, and further to practice, inspection of their knowledge, exercise their abilities as better service the society and lay a solid foundation.


i am zhuzian, i attended school held the social practice activity, and aunt have kids, i get face-to-face communication is very much experience.
i found that although we stay at home every day or studying in the classroom, even more than those in the class draw many knowledge, but when we needed to communicate with others, will still shy, still will shrink.
in the social practice, i learned many of us should observe life, but i get more exercise in the practice of my own ability, in practice, enrich self learning oral expression ability, strengthen the communication with people, really out of the classroom,. to help others, let the obligation to enjoy their achievements, others make intoxicated in joy, sometimes very tired, but i was feeling more, i grow in meaningfully growth.
in the process of practice, we also showed a lack of experience, handling problems immature, book knowledge and the actual problems with close enough. after we get back to school to learn more in time, the treasure to learn more knowledge, and further to practice, inspection of their knowledge, exercise their abilities as better service the society and lay a solid foundation.


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