


1.Eyes,eyes,open your eyes.oh shua,oh shua,oh shua shua shua Ears,ears,pull your ears.oh a,oh a,oh a a a

Nose,nose,touch your nose.oh en,oh en.oh en en en

Hand,hand,clap your hands.oh pia,oh pia,oh pia pia pia

2.eyes,eyes,shua shua shua.ears,ears,a a a

Nose nose,en en en,mouth,mouth,bo bo bo

3.Two big eyes,shua shua shua.one little nose,en en en Two big ears,a a a .one big mouth,bo bo bo

4.Oh rabbit,oh rabbit,red red eyes.

Oh shua,oh shua,oh shua shua shua

Oh rabbit,oh rabbit,long long ears.oh a,oh a,oh a a a Oh rabbit,oh rabbit,short short tails.

Oh pia,oh pia,oh pia pia pia

5.Up up clap clap down down clap clap.

Up clap down clap,up down clap.

6.Follow follow follow me,hands up,hands down

Follow follow follow me,shoulders up,shoulders down Follow follow follow me,hips up,hips down

Follow follow follow me,let’s sing a song

Xi shua shua,xi shua shua,beng cha cha,beng cha cha

Yi ya ya,yi ya ya,everybody come on.

7.Wiggle wiggle wiggle,shake shake shake

Roll roll roll,figers run away

8.One,clap hands twice.two,biu,biu.three,stomp foot twice.

9. Hello,hello,your name please,your name please

I’m sam,I’m sam.nice to see you,nice to see you Nice to meet you,nice to meet you.

Nice to see you,nice to see you

10.Ba ba,black sheep.have you any wool?

Yes sir,yes sir.three bags full

One for my master,one for my dame

One for the little boy crys in the lane

11.Stand up,sit down,run run run.(teddy bear)

Stand up,sit down,jump jump jump.

Stand up,sit down,turn around.

Stand up,sit down,touch the ground.

12.Apple round,apple red,apple juice,apple sweet

Apple apple,I love you,apple sweet,I love to eat.

13.One figer,one figer,turn turn turn,turn to a brush,shua Two figers,figers,turn turn turn,turn to a cissors,ka Three figers,three figers,turn turn turn,turn to a cat,miao

14.Stand up,sit down,up up up,down down,down

15.Walking walking walking walking.

Jump jump jump,jump jump jump.

Running running running,running running running

Now,let ’s stop.now,let’s stop.

16.Hello hello,how are you?fine fine,fine thank you Hello hello,how are you?no no,just so so

17.Nod your head,nod nod nod

Wave your arms,wave wave wave

Shake your body,shake shake shake

18.Open shut,open shut.clap clap clap

Open shut,open shut,hug hug hug

Open shut,open shut,kiss kiss kiss, m a ~

19.Little bee,little bee,round round round

Little bee,litle bee,sound sound sound.bi~

20.hug game


1.goodbye teacher,goodbye teacher,goodbye teacher so along See you again,see you again,see you again tomoeeow

2.say goodbye,say goodbye,to you,to you,and to you Say goodbye,say goodbye,to you and to you

3. See you,see you,see you,see you

See you next time,see you next time

Goodbye goodbye goodbye,goodbye goodbye goodbye See you next time,see you next time

4.Daddy mommy,I love you.pia pia

Daddy mommy,I love you.pia pia

Daddy mommy,I love you everyday

Daddy mommy,I love you.(kiss,clap the hip)



1.Eyes,eyes,open your eyes.oh shua,oh shua,oh shua shua shua Ears,ears,pull your ears.oh a,oh a,oh a a a

Nose,nose,touch your nose.oh en,oh en.oh en en en

Hand,hand,clap your hands.oh pia,oh pia,oh pia pia pia

2.eyes,eyes,shua shua shua.ears,ears,a a a

Nose nose,en en en,mouth,mouth,bo bo bo

3.Two big eyes,shua shua shua.one little nose,en en en Two big ears,a a a .one big mouth,bo bo bo

4.Oh rabbit,oh rabbit,red red eyes.

Oh shua,oh shua,oh shua shua shua

Oh rabbit,oh rabbit,long long ears.oh a,oh a,oh a a a Oh rabbit,oh rabbit,short short tails.

Oh pia,oh pia,oh pia pia pia

5.Up up clap clap down down clap clap.

Up clap down clap,up down clap.

6.Follow follow follow me,hands up,hands down

Follow follow follow me,shoulders up,shoulders down Follow follow follow me,hips up,hips down

Follow follow follow me,let’s sing a song

Xi shua shua,xi shua shua,beng cha cha,beng cha cha

Yi ya ya,yi ya ya,everybody come on.

7.Wiggle wiggle wiggle,shake shake shake

Roll roll roll,figers run away

8.One,clap hands twice.two,biu,biu.three,stomp foot twice.

9. Hello,hello,your name please,your name please

I’m sam,I’m sam.nice to see you,nice to see you Nice to meet you,nice to meet you.

Nice to see you,nice to see you

10.Ba ba,black sheep.have you any wool?

Yes sir,yes sir.three bags full

One for my master,one for my dame

One for the little boy crys in the lane

11.Stand up,sit down,run run run.(teddy bear)

Stand up,sit down,jump jump jump.

Stand up,sit down,turn around.

Stand up,sit down,touch the ground.

12.Apple round,apple red,apple juice,apple sweet

Apple apple,I love you,apple sweet,I love to eat.

13.One figer,one figer,turn turn turn,turn to a brush,shua Two figers,figers,turn turn turn,turn to a cissors,ka Three figers,three figers,turn turn turn,turn to a cat,miao

14.Stand up,sit down,up up up,down down,down

15.Walking walking walking walking.

Jump jump jump,jump jump jump.

Running running running,running running running

Now,let ’s stop.now,let’s stop.

16.Hello hello,how are you?fine fine,fine thank you Hello hello,how are you?no no,just so so

17.Nod your head,nod nod nod

Wave your arms,wave wave wave

Shake your body,shake shake shake

18.Open shut,open shut.clap clap clap

Open shut,open shut,hug hug hug

Open shut,open shut,kiss kiss kiss, m a ~

19.Little bee,little bee,round round round

Little bee,litle bee,sound sound sound.bi~

20.hug game


1.goodbye teacher,goodbye teacher,goodbye teacher so along See you again,see you again,see you again tomoeeow

2.say goodbye,say goodbye,to you,to you,and to you Say goodbye,say goodbye,to you and to you

3. See you,see you,see you,see you

See you next time,see you next time

Goodbye goodbye goodbye,goodbye goodbye goodbye See you next time,see you next time

4.Daddy mommy,I love you.pia pia

Daddy mommy,I love you.pia pia

Daddy mommy,I love you everyday

Daddy mommy,I love you.(kiss,clap the hip)


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